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08-19 投稿


assignable 发音

英:[??sa?n?bl]  美:[??sa?n?bl]

英:  美:

assignable 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 可分配的


assignable 短语词组

1、assignable interest ─── [法] 可转让的权益

2、assignable contract ─── [法] 可转让的契约

3、assignable credit ─── [经] 可转让的信用证

4、assignable claim ─── 可转让的索赔

5、assignable cause ─── [计] 指明原因 ─── [经] 可以指出理由的诉讼

6、assignable lease ─── 可转让租赁

7、assignable of authority ─── [经] 权力可委托, 权力可转让, 权力委托

8、assignable debt ─── 可转让债务

9、assignable letter of credit ─── 可转让信用证

10、non-assignable duty ─── [法] 不可转让的, 义务

11、non-assignable ─── [法] 不可转让的, 不可让与的, 不可移转的

12、assignable instrument ─── [经] 可过户证券, 可转让票据

13、assignable instruments ─── 可分配的仪器

14、assignable variation ─── 可指定变差

15、assignable reminder ─── 可分配提醒

16、assignable output ─── 可分配输出

17、assignable indirect charges ─── [经] 可分配间接费用

18、assignable to ─── 可归因于, ─── 可认定 ─── 可分给 ─── 可归于

assignable 相似词语短语

1、signable ─── adj.可签名的

2、fashionable ─── adj.流行的;时髦的;上流社会的

3、assignably ─── 可转让的

4、unassignable ─── adj.未赋值的;不得转让的;无法分配的

5、designable ─── adj.可被区分的;可被识别的

6、fissionable ─── adj.可分裂的;可作核裂变的;n.可裂变物质

7、consignable ─── adj.可委托的;可交付的

8、nonassignable ─── 不可转让

9、assimilable ─── adj.可同化的;可吸收的

assignable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How can I assign a value to a variables and fetch its value? ─── 如何分配变量置并取取其值呢?

2、When you create a. Pst file, you can assign a password to the file. ─── 创建.pst文件时,可以向该文件分配密码。

3、Could you assign us a new dumping area? ─── 你可以指定我们一个新的放油区吗?

4、It is often useful or necessary to be able to assign. ─── 分配给程序集通常是有用或必需的。

5、Assign the password of your choice to the new user. ─── 分配你的选择的口令[字]给新的使用者。

6、Assign to each man the specific things he is to carry. ─── 他们所抬的器具,你们要按名指定。

7、He may not assign his interest in the agreement. ─── 他不得转让协议规定的权利。

8、How do you assign contracts? ─── 你们怎么分配合同?

9、The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause. ─── 在似乎无因可查的事件中末知和不可预测的成分。

10、A student should be able to assign events to their places in history. ─── 学生应该能指出历史事件发生的地点。

11、Simply declare the property as an attribute and assign it a value. ─── 只要将该属性声明为特性并为其分配一个值即可。

12、A type T might be Cloneable even though it is not Assignable or Copy Constructible. ─── 一个类型T即使不是可赋值或可复制构造的,也可以是可克隆的。

13、You can assign a drive letter or drive path to this volume. ─── 可以给该卷指派驱动器号或驱动器路径。

14、A job control statement used in cataloged or in-stream procedures. It can be used to assign default values for symbolic parameters contained in a procedure. For in-stream procedures, it is used to mark the beginning of the procedure. ─── 在编目或流内过程中使用的一种作业控制语句,可用来对包含在过程中的符号参数赋予系统设定值。对流内过程,用来标志过程的开始。

15、It is possible to assign several role groups to the same template. ─── 可以为同一模板分配多个角色组。

16、Setf is used to assign a value to a variable. ─── setf用于给变量赋值。

17、To assign handicaps or a handicap to(a contestant). ─── 加上障碍给(一名选手)设置一项让步或多项让步

18、Are we allowed to assign the trade-mark to another company? ─── 允许我们将商标转让给另外一个公司吗?

19、Assign a name and protocol for the client. ─── 为客户端指派一个名称和协议。

20、Assign a starting value and an interval value for renumbering. ─── 为重新编号指定起始值和间隔值。

21、On the Task tab, in the Manage Task group, click Assign Task. ─── 在“任务”选项卡上,在“管理任务”组中,单击“分配任务”。

22、Use the Name parameter to assign a name to the IP site link. ─── 使用Name参数可以为IP站点链接分配名称。

23、Terms such as "divisible," "fractionable," "assignable," and "transmissible" do not render the Credit transferable. ─── 使用诸如:“可分割”、“可分开”、“可让渡”和“可转移”之类措词,并不能使信用证成为可以转让的信用证。

24、Assign a 1-day length of reconnaissance to any of your formations. ─── 分配侦察1天的时间长短到任何的你的编队。

25、You can assign one or more arrays. ─── 你可以指派一个或多个数组。

26、Listing 12 Processing assignable task instance. ─── 清单12处理可分配任务实例。

27、This Agreement will be assignable in part or whole. ─── 本协议将是全部或部分的可转让的。

28、Assign items one at a time to categories as you create each item. ─── 在创建每个项目时将项目逐一归入各个类别。

29、He confessed that he do not read the assign book. ─── 他承认他没有读指定的书。

30、This guarantee is personal to you and is not transferable and assignable. ─── 这是保证你的个人,不可转让和转让。

31、Assign each group its own set of Physical Disk resources. ─── 为每组分配各自的物理磁盘资源集。

32、Assignable (assign when needed by trusted authority after properly authenticated request). ─── 可分配(在经过适当的鉴别请求后可通过被信任的权利进行分配)

33、The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause. ─── 偶然性在似乎无因可查的事件中末知和不可预测的成分

34、To assign main routines and subroutines to storage. ─── 为主程序或子程序分配存储器。

35、They will assign the books during class. ─── 他们将在课上派发那些书籍。

36、Can be used for types that are neither Assignable nor Copy Constructible. ─── 可用于既不可赋值也不可复制构造的类型。

37、He insisted Brenda assign his case back to herself. ─── 他坚持要布兰达把他的案子重亲分配给她自己。

38、He is assign the job of checking the sale figures. ─── 分配他去做核对销售额的工作。

39、Target is not the same type as the first parameter of the dynamic method, and is not assignable to that type. ─── target的类型与动态方法的第一个参数的类型不同,不能赋值给该类型。

40、Three detective have is assign to the case. ─── 分配3个侦探办该案。

41、It's difficult to assign any reason for the failure. ─── 失败的原因很难确定。

42、To assign(a player) to a minor-league team. ─── 分派将(一名队员)分派到小联合会俱乐部队

43、It is impossible to assign any reason for his failure. ─── 他的失败不可能说得出原因。

44、"You" statements that assign blame stifle it. ─── “你”的立场充满了令人窒息的责备。

45、The doctors were unable assign a cause for her illness . ─── 大夫们不能确定她的病因。

46、To assign(authority or duties) to another; delegate. ─── 委派,委托(把权力或职责)委派给别人;委派

47、The Vendor shall assign as Beneficial Owner. ─── 卖主是以实益拥有人身份转让的人。

48、Assign a password to your account. ─── 为您的帐户指定一个密码。

49、The student completed the task assign by his teacher. ─── 学生完成了老师布置的作业。

50、The doctor was unable to assign a cause for her illness. ─── 医生无法说出她的病因。

51、To divide and assign according to a plan; allot. ─── 分配,分摊根据计划分配;分派

52、Can you assign an exact time for our meeting? ─── 你能具体指定我们开会的时间吗?

53、Assign a password to this account. ─── 为该帐户指定一个密码。

54、Can you assign a technician for us? ─── 你们可以派个技术员过来吗?

55、Enables you to assign a new password or change an existing password. ─── 允许你指定一个新的口令或改变一个已存在的口令。

56、You are obliged to assign to me your firm by the contract. ─── 你必须按照合同把你的商行转让给我。

57、You can report billable or assignable time to SAP directly from the Notes mail or calendar. ─── 您可以直接从 Notes 邮件和日历向 SAP 报告可支付或可分配的时间。


59、To complete the other tasks that BPA group leader assign. ─── 完成BPA工段长交给的其他工作;

60、The doctors were unable to assign a cause for her illness. ─── 大夫们不能确定她起病的原因。

61、Don't immediately assign multiplicities to associations. ─── 不要立刻给关联指定多重度。

62、The rights granted hereunder to IB are not assignable , and shall not be assigned, to any other party. ─── 以下授予代理的权力是不可转让的,不应转让给任何其它方。

63、Assign variables to objects in the template. ─── 分配的对象变量在模板中。

64、Use the Cost parameter to assign a cost to the connector. ─── 使用Cost参数可以为连接器指定开销。

65、Assign 2 hours to shipowner to control the vessel when on trial. ─── 在试航过程中,须分配两小时给船东作自作操控。

66、To assign(a performer) repeatedly to the same kind of part. ─── 不断让(一个演员)扮演同一类型的角色

67、When you assign objects, however, things change. ─── 但在为对象“赋值”的时候,情况却发生了变化。

68、The contract is between the company and the buyer and shall not be assignable without the express written consent of the company. ─── 合约由公司和买方共同订立,未经公司明确书面同意不得转让。

69、Assign permissions to a role for tables. ─── 为表分配一个许可的角色.

70、A type playing the role of assignable-type in the Assignable concept. ─── 在可赋值概念中担任可赋值类型角色的类型。

71、To assign to a particular category; classify. ─── 分类归入某一特定范畴;归类

72、For example, you might assign each order a unique order number. ─── 例如,可能会为每个订单分配一个唯一的订单号。

73、The doctors were unable to assign a cause for the failure. ─── 医生们对于失败的原因很难确定。

74、This Guarantee is transferable, assignable and divisible without notification of our bank and free of the payment of any transfer fee. ─── 本项保证转让,转让,分割没有通知我们的银行和支付任何转会费免费。

75、Because I was in debt to Paul I had to assign my house to him. ─── 因为我欠保罗的债,不得已将房子转让给了他。

76、You can assign a drive letter or drive path to a partition. ─── 可以给磁盘分区指派驱动器号或驱动器路径。

77、Why can't you ask your company to assign you here permanently? ─── 你为什么不能要求你的公司将你永久派驻在这里呢?

78、They preferred to have is assign to work in the country. ─── 他们宁愿被分配到农村工作。

79、To declare and assign a constant value. ─── 声明常数值和给常数赋值。

80、Assign a resource to a task Updated! ─── 为任务分配资源!

81、Do you hope to be assign to work in country? ─── 你希望分配到农村工作吗?

82、Works with moderator to select inspectors and assign roles. ─── 与评审负责人一起选择检查者,并分配角色。

83、No. We assign only one RN number per company. ─── 不可以。一家公司只可以有一个RN代码。

84、Assign 1 week for the research and gathering of data. ─── 分配一周的时间用于研究和数据收集。

85、Membership card is the sole ownership of the member. It is not transferable and assignable. ─── 会员证仅供会员本人使用,不得转让或授权他人使用。

86、Assign Ownership: Each link has a user who "owns" the link. ─── 分配所有权:每个链接有一个用户,这个用户"拥有"链接。

87、Url Assign the URL for a Web page. ─── url为网页指定URL。

88、Do not assign instances of mutable types to read-only fields. ─── 不要将可变类型的实例指定给只读字段。

89、List, select the job category you want to assign to the job. ─── 列表中,选择要分配给作业的作业类别。

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