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08-19 投稿


cooling 发音

英:[?ku?l??]  美:[?ku?l??]

英:  美:

cooling 中文意思翻译




cooling 词性/词形变化,cooling变形

现在分词:cooling 原型:cool

cooling 短语词组

1、adiabatic cooling ─── [机] 绝对冷却

2、air-water cooling ─── [化] 空气-水冷却

3、aqueous cooling solutions ─── [机] 冷却水溶液

4、agitation cooling crystallizer ─── [化] 搅拌冷却结晶器

5、artificial cooling ─── [机] 人工冷却

6、air-cooling ─── [医] 空气冷却

7、air cooling ─── [机] 气冷

8、active cooling surface ─── [化] 有效冷却面

9、area of cooling surface ─── [机] 冷却面积

10、alternate heating and cooling ─── [化] 交替加热及冷却

11、adiabatic cooling curve ─── [化] 绝热冷却曲线

12、ammonia-cooling type ─── [化] 氨冷式; 氨冷型

13、air-cooling fin ─── [机] 散热片, 气冷片

14、cooling crack ─── [机] 冷裂, 缩裂

15、air cooling system ─── [机] 气冷系统

16、accelerated cooling ─── [化] 加速冷却

17、ash cooling ─── [机] 灰冷

18、adiabatic cooling line ─── [机] 绝对冷却线

19、air blast cooling ─── [电] 风冷

20、air cooling machine ─── [机] 空气冷却机

cooling 相似词语短语

1、crooling ─── vi.发咕咕声

2、booling ─── n.(苏格兰)弯曲件;保龄球;弹珠;vi.玩地滚球游戏;玩保龄球游戏;n.(Bool)(俄)博尔(人名)

3、cooking ─── n.烹饪;adj.烹调的;v.烹调;筹划(cook的ing形式)

4、cooping ─── v.禁闭;将(家禽)关在笼子里(coop的现在分词)

5、coiling ─── n.卷绕,成卷;螺旋

6、fooling ─── n.开玩笑的言行;戏谑;v.愚弄(fool的ing形式)

7、coaling ─── n.装煤;加煤;v.加煤;上煤(coal的ing形式)

8、pooling ─── n.联营,合并;池化;v.积水成池;淤积;集中资源(或材料等);共享;告密(pool的现在分词)

9、cooing ─── n.喔啊声;轻柔低语;鸽子咕咕叫;v.鸽子咕咕叫;温声细语(coo的ing形式)

cooling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cool autumn wind clarified my mind. ─── 凉爽的秋风使我的头脑清醒过来。

2、You look cool in this new jacket. ─── 你穿这件新茄克帅极了。

3、"It has a strong, minty, cooling odour and taste. ─── 具有强烈的薄荷清凉气味。

4、China Sichuan HSQ Cooling Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 四川华盛强制冷设备有限责任公司。

5、Dan won a cool thousand dollars. ─── 丹赢了整整一千元。

6、It's a distinct advantage around here to keep a cool head when things begin to go wrong. ─── 事情开始出差错时,保持清醒的头脑是这里的一个显著的优点。

7、He kept cool in the face of danger. ─── 他在危险面前保持镇定。

8、Keep cool: it will be all one a hundred years hence. ─── 保持冷静吧,自今起百年之后,全都一样啦。

9、On these dry days, you soon thirst for a cool drink. ─── 在那些干旱的日子里,你不久就会渴望喝点清凉的东西。

10、Cooling pumps were left off for more than an hour. ─── 冷却泵关了一个多小时。

11、He managed to remain cool by swimming occasionally. ─── 他不时地游泳来使自己保持凉快。

12、It is cool in summer and warm in winter. ─── 冬暖夏凉。

13、Cool breezes ventilated the house. ─── 凉风令屋子通气。

14、Here, cooling time is defined as holding time. ─── 在这里,冷却时间定义为保压时间。

15、Analysis and calculation of the heat transfer in the adsorber is one of important fundamental tasks in the adsorption cooling study field. ─── 吸附床内传热过程的分析和计算是吸附式制冷研究的重要基础内容之一。

16、These days it may keep you from losing your cool. ─── 今天,它可能会使你保持冷静。

17、Nights are cooling off, and autumn is on the way. ─── 夜凉了,秋天快要来了。

18、Could you do with some cooling drinks? ─── 你们来点冷饮怎么样?

19、Tepco said the water would have to be drained before work to restart the internal cooling systems could be carried out. ─── 东电公司称,在重启内部冷却系统的工作得以开始之前,必须将积水排净。

20、His cool response suggested that he didn't like the idea. ─── 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意。

21、Don't lose your cool, man. You're a gentleman, remember? ─── 别沉不住气,老兄。你是个绅士,还记得吗?

22、This coefficient was used to solve the heat transfer between the melt and cooling water, namely the heat transfer capacity of the mold. ─── 该系数用于解决金属和冷却水之间的传热,即反映结晶器的传热能力。

23、It accumulates in the cooling water of nuclear reactors and is often vented in small amounts to the environment. Its half-life is 12 years. ─── 氚聚集在核反应堆的冷却水中,通常以微量排放到环境中,其半衰期为12年。

24、You're very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really come to life. ─── 你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起倒很活跃。

25、Solidification by cooling or freezing. ─── 凝胶化作用通过煮或冷冻使其变硬

26、He remained cool before the enemy. ─── 在敌人面前他保持镇静。

27、a seven-day cooling-off period between a strike ballot and industrial action. ─── 罢工投票表决和采取罢工行动之间应有七天的冷却期。

28、He felt a breath of cool air on his face. ─── 他觉得有一股冷风扑向自己的脸上。

29、You may keep your breath to cool your porridge. ─── 你别多管人家闲事好了。

30、There is a rainbow in its cooling vapours. ─── 在它的逐渐冷却的水汽中出现一条彩虹。

31、Storage: Keep in dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight. ─── 保存方法:宜放于干爽,阴凉地方。避免光直接照射。

32、A cool breeze; a cool blouse. ─── 凉爽的微风; 凉爽的女衬衣

33、The cooling unit hasn't come on yet. ─── 冷却装置还未工作。

34、A device for cooling a fluid between successive heating stages. ─── 中间冷却器用于多级热层间冷却流体的装置

35、A rest in the shade will cool you down. ─── 在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。

36、Closed power until completely cooling equipment. ─── 关闭电源,直到设备完全冷却。

37、An agent that produces cooling, especially a fluid that draws off heat by circulating through an engine or by bathing a mechanical part. ─── 冷却剂一种用来冷却的制剂,尤指通过在发动机中流动或通过冲洗某个机械部件从而带走热量的液体

38、No matter how agitated and upset other people get, Gill just plays it cool and gets on with her work. ─── 不管其他人怎样焦虑不安、心烦意乱,吉尔只是若无其事地干自己的工作。

39、One of Hal's great strengths is the ability to keep cool when things start to go wrong. ─── 哈尔最大的优点之一就是出问题时,他能保持沉着、冷静。

40、I feel a little cool in the autumnal night. ─── 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

41、Can Global Warming Cause Cooling? ─── 全球变暖会导致冷却吗?

42、Not requiring water, as a cooling system. ─── 不需水的,如一冷却系统

43、They bathed in a cool mountain stream. ─── 他们在清凉的山间溪流中游泳。

44、They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception. ─── 他们很冷淡地接待了这位首相。

45、He burst out of the house into the cool night. ─── 他冲出房间,进入寒冷的黑夜中。

46、A sheltered place, especially a greenhouse, used for the cultivation of orange trees in cool climates. ─── 培桔暖棚用于在较凉天气下培植桔树的有遮掩物的地方,尤指暖棚

47、WCS-3000 Radiator Cooling System Cleaner1. ─── WCS-3000冷却系统免拆清洗机:1. 利用气动双隔膜泵原理。

48、His father earns a cool thousand dollars a month. ─── 他父亲每月能挣足足一千美元。

49、Cool or cold enough to cause shivering. ─── 凉或寒冷得令人打寒战的

50、Affect the melt flow rate and the cooling speed. ─── 会影响熔体的流动性和冷却速度。

51、How do you remain so cool in such hot weather? ─── 你是怎样在这样热的天气下保持凉快的?

52、Scientists warned that emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur. ─── 科学家们警告说紧急冷却系统可能失灵,核反应堆的堆芯熔毁可能会发生。

53、A vacuum flask keeps cool drinks cool and hot drinks hot. ─── 保温瓶使冷饮保冷,使热饮保温。

54、Last time we went to see him, he gave us a cool reception; today we're going to pay him back in the same coin. ─── 上次我们去看他时,他待我们很冷淡,今天我们要以其人之道还治其人之身。

55、Let your tea cool a little before you drink it . ─── 喝茶之前,让你的茶先变凉些。

56、He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down. ─── 他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。

57、Reasonable duct design to the glass tube and rapid cooling, easy to use continuous exposure, can greatly increase the work efficiency. ─── 合理的风道设计使灯管及玻璃快速冷却,方便连续曝光使用,能大大提高工作效率。

58、A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating. ─── 在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。

59、To harden(a metallic surface) by rapid cooling. ─── 冷铸,冷淬通过急冷处理使(金属表面)变硬

60、He enjoys the pleasantly cool autumn days. ─── 他非常喜欢凉爽的秋天。

61、The cooling system can, of course, freeze up in very cold weather. ─── 冷却系统在很冷的天气,当然可能冻结起来。

62、Don't get excited about the exam; keep cool. ─── 不要对考试太激动,沉着点。

63、A cooling drink is welcome on a hot day. ─── 在热天清凉饮料很受欢迎。

64、Let your tea cool a little before you drink it. ─── 先让茶凉一凉再喝。

65、Keep cool! ─── 保持冷静!

66、On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy. ─── 大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。

67、D. cooling system suitable for hot-tropic area. ─── D.冷却系统适合热热带地区。

68、Even when you argue, you should try to keep cool. ─── 即使在争辩时,你也要尽力保持冷静。

69、Instead, a dog has to pant to keep cool. ─── 一只狗必须通过气喘来保持凉块。

70、One boy is rowing while the other boy in the boat is dangling around his legs in the cool water of the lake. ─── 一个男孩正在划船,而船里的另一个男孩则把腿悬垂在凉爽的湖水中。

71、The cooling water temperature is high. ─── 冷却水温度高。

72、The occasion calls for a cool head. ─── 在这样情况下需要有冷静的头脑。

73、A cooling off period would work in your favor. ─── 一段冷处理期能为你你带来有利的结果。

74、As it was a hot day she wore a cool dress. ─── 因为天气热,她穿了一件凉快的衣服。

75、He was always cool in the face of danger. ─── 他在危险面前总是镇静自若。

76、Even when you argue you should try and keep cool. ─── 即使在争论的时候,你也要尽量保持冷静。

77、He has a cool head at all times. ─── 他不论什么时候都有清醒的头脑。

78、I had to cool my heels for nearly an hour before the manager would see me. ─── 在经理见我之前,我只得久等了将近一个小时。

79、But a few scientists are beginning to quietly raise the possibility of cooling the planet's fever directly through geo engineering. ─── 但是一些科学家开始冷静地思考直接给地球降温的方法——地球工程。

80、the fuel and cooling systems are the most common causes of breakdown. ─── 的是,燃料和冷却系统是故障的最常见原因。

81、Keep a cool head when thing go wrong. ─── 出问题时要保持冷静的头脑。

82、Add cooling water passage outside. ─── 外部增加冷却水管路。

83、Let's go and have icecream to cool off. ─── 咱们去吃点冰淇淋凉快凉快吧。

84、I should advise you to play it cool it you wish to make any progress in the negotiation. ─── 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。

85、You just feel like do nothing but take a shower and cooling off. ─── 你简直什么也不想干,只想洗个淋浴凉快凉快。

86、But the cooling effect from sulfur is short-lived. ─── 但是硫起到的降温作用是暂时的。

87、He is cool toward her. ─── 他对她冷淡。

88、It took her a long time to cool down after the argument. ─── 争论过后好久,她才得以平静下来。

89、They are cooling themselves under the trees. ─── 他们正在树下乘凉。



wind where I came from。




Air is set in motion by the Pressure Gradient Force (PGF)(气压梯度力). This, as you well know, is a flow from high pressure to low pressure. In nature, regions of excess move toward regions of deficit. This comes from the second law of thermodynamics(热力学) that states higher energy states move toward lower energy states. Nature is always trying to balance. The result of trying to balance and equalize pressure results in wind. The pressure gradient force acts on a horizontal plane.

What causes the pressure changes in the atmosphere? The primary reason is through the warming and cooling of air. The pressure exerted by a gas changes as it becomes denser or less. Since a cold air mass is denser and has a lower thickness than warm air, pressure decreases more rapidly with height in cold air than in warm air. When cold dense air is placed next to warm less dense air, wind results by nature trying to balance the pressure differences at each level in the atmosphere between the two air masses. This can occur on all scales of motion. Examples: On the planetary scale, temperature gradients create the polar jet stream(急流); on the synoptic scale it creates jet streaks; on the mesoscale(中尺度) it creates sea breeze circulations and the low level jet; on the microscale it creates lake breezes.

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