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08-19 投稿


artlessly 中文意思翻译



artlessly 词性/词形变化,artlessly变形

副词: artlessly |名词: artlessness |

artlessly 反义词


artlessly 同义词

childlike | sincere | earthy | naive | guileless | trickery | without | aboveboard | innocent | without art | art | simple | uncontrived | uncultivated | ingenuous | unsophisticated | uncultured | pure |natural | ignorant | open | straightforward | unworldly | unskilled

artlessly 相似词语短语

1、aimlessly ─── adv.漫无目的地,无目标地

2、witlessly ─── 无知地;愚蠢地

3、tactlessly ─── adv.不机智地;不得体地;不圆滑地

4、harmlessly ─── adv.无害地;无恶意地

5、carelessly ─── adv.粗心地;不注意地;无忧无虑地

6、hurtlessly ─── adv.无害地;没受伤地

7、agelessly ─── 永恒的

8、artless ─── adj.天真的;朴实的;无虚饰的

9、heartlessly ─── adv.无情地;冷酷地

artlessly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、4)THE young of we, perhaps because naive poetic interpretation of a number of absurd and artless. ─── 4.年少的我们,或许因为幼稚的诗意,演绎出多少荒唐的烂漫.

2、as artless as a child of five ─── 像五岁孩子那样天真烂漫

3、You can't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days ─── 你今后不再会有这种自然和朴实无华的红润脸色。

4、an artless innocent young girl (especially as portrayed on the stage) ─── 朴实天真(尤其像舞台上描绘的那样)的年轻女孩

5、Dost in these lines their artless tale relate; ─── 用笨拙的言辞在墓碑上述讲,

6、an artless translation ─── 拙劣的译文

7、artless adj. ─── 朴质的;

8、artless grace ─── 不做作的优雅

9、She is an artless, vivacious girl. ─── 她是一个天真活泼的女孩。

10、There he shows himself the same kind, artless, good-humored, excursive, sensible, whimsical, intelligent being that he appears in his writings. ─── 他自己就是他作品中所描写的那个仁慈、朴实、快活、散漫、明智、充满奇想和聪明的人。

11、NA: In thinking of historical and cultural antecedents for the personality you have groomed, artfully or artlessly, for the public and media, I keep going back to a wonderful figure in literature. ─── 安:想到你为公众和媒体,艺术或非艺术地美化过的历史和文化先人,我总能想到一个很棒的文学形象。

12、The naturally exposed wooden structure on the wall, demonstrating the alternate beauty of the structure, gives a kind of pure and artless interest. ─── 墙面上自然暴露木结构,显出其结构穿插之美,另有一种单纯天真的趣味。

13、He humiliated England in that game, not with the Hand of God, but with the second goal, the dazzling run past half of the team that made the Fenwicks and Butchers of the English defense look like the artless shit kickers they were. ─── 在那场比赛中,马拉多纳羞辱了英格兰,不是靠上帝之恩赐,而是靠第二个进球,靠令人眼花缭乱地绕过半数的队员,使英格兰的后卫芬威克斯和布切尔看上去像毫无球艺的饭桶。

14、The cottage garden is designed to appear artless, rather than contrived or pretentious. ─── 村舍花园的设计是为了体现质朴,而不是做作或者虚夸。

15、Artless stresses absence of plan or purpose, as to mislead, and suggests a lack of concern for or awareness of the reaction produced in others ─── Artless强调无计划或目的,引起误导,并有对别人的反应缺乏关心或意识的意思

16、an artless manner; artless elegance. ─── 朴实的方式;朴实的高雅。

17、Museum from "Liyuan cluster Kam", "Lau-fong, Qu Shu", "wonderful work and artless," composed of three branch. ─── 博物馆由“梨园簇锦”、“蜀曲流芳”、“奇葩烂漫”三个分馆组成。

18、"She was a single-minded, artless girl." ─── 她是一个诚实天真的女孩子。

19、There are artlessly truth , the truth of nature distinguishing with genuine . ─── 真有天真、任真和真诚的区分。

20、" Victoria Bergsman's artless, aloof vocals balance out the album's hyperactive sonics and are the main link to the band's old sound. ─── 想想他们的三张专辑,一张比一张精彩,实在是不容易。加油啊,期待着新专辑的惊喜。

21、the government's artless drift ─── 政府漫无目的的施政

22、She laughed her mellow, easy laugh, that was either very artless or very comprehending, one never quite knew which ─── 她大声笑起来,笑声圆润而自在,这种笑法,要不是非常天真朴实,就是非常世故,人们搞不清究竟是那一种。

23、The bamboo shoot, after showing its tip, unfolds the thinking, catching the sunlight, artlessly and vivaciously grows up and up, talks with the blue sky in its fresh and tender heart language. ─── 初露头角的幼竹,舒展心思,抓住阳光,天真活泼地引领向上,用鲜嫩的心语与蔚蓝的天空交谈。

24、Free of guile; artless. ─── 单纯的,无邪的毫不狡诈的;天真无邪的

25、Her countenance and a few artless words fully conveyed all her gratitude and delight ─── 她的表情和寥寥几句质朴无华的语言已充分表达了她的感激与高兴。

26、We make decisions artlessly based on what we apprehendd from other people, which may or may not be right. ─── 我们只是基于别人的话来做决定,还不必定准确。

27、Betraying or suggesting no deception or guile;artless. ─── 天真的表现出诚实无欺的;天真的

28、He drew rude caricatures, such as are designed by ingenious youths, in which the Major's wig, his nose, his tie, etc, were represented with artless exaggeration. ─── 他还象聪明的孩子爱干的那样,画了不少简单的漫画,把少校的假发、鼻子和领结等等夸大得不成样子。

29、We don't know how much they hide for us : how watchful they are when they seem most artless and confidential; ─── 我们从来不知道她们心里藏着多少秘密。她们表面上天真烂漫的跟你谈体已话儿,其实是步步留心的提防着你。

30、Being innocent and artless, she is loved by all. ─── 她如此天真烂熳,真是谁见谁爱!

31、One who is artless, credulous, or uncritical. ─── 天真的人,易轻信的人,无批判力的人

32、I love to look up at treetops to watch tiny buds with their tender yellowish green tinged with an artless pink. ─── 我喜欢抬头看树梢尖尖的小芽,极嫩的黄绿色里透着一派天真的粉红。

33、He laughed within himself at this artless story ─── 他听了这些天真的话,心里暗笑。

34、Betraying or suggesting no deception or guile; artless. ─── 天真的表现出诚实无欺的;天真的。

35、Serverl things after, I just wonder, Am I a murderer? Happiness is so artless, that it breaks so easily. ─── 快乐太单纯,所以容易破碎。

36、Furthermore. I'm angry with myself. Why am I so restrained and artless in my speech? ─── 我并且生气我自己:怎么我只会那样拘束,不调皮的在应对?

37、There are artlessly truth , the truth of nature distinguishing with genuine . ─── 真有天真、任真和真诚的区分。

38、The peaceful countryside, the simple and artless companions of his boyhood, and the pure air did him much good. ─── 和平的村庄,少年时代简朴的同伴,还有纯洁的空气都对他有很大好处。

39、" At last he must be attending to those things -- and she said artlessly that she would be "around" when school let out. ─── 到后来他非走不可了,可她仍是糊里糊涂,还说什么她会来“等他”。

40、I love my morning stuffed rice balls, soy milk, egg pancakes;but most of all I love the artless, kind feelings from the good people all around. ─── 唯有台湾使我有归家之感,也有归家身心喜悦之情,我真爱吃饭团、豆浆、疍饼,更爱不含艺术的人情。

41、From then on, I began my love journey.He was an outspoken, artless boy. ─── 也许也是上天的安排,让我从此开始了漫长的爱情苦旅。

42、In Robinson Crusoe,Defore traces the growth of Robinson from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man,tempered by numerous trials in his eventfull life. ─── 在这部小说中,笛福描写了鲁宾逊整个成长经历,从一个天真无邪的少年到一个精明而饱经沧桑的成年,受到了无数次坎坷的磨练。

43、an artless, vivacious girl ─── 天真活泼的女孩子

44、Along the way Shanhua artless, glens aspect, the Chingchuankang Benyong, Niaoyuhuaxiang. ─── 沿途山花烂漫、幽谷纵横、清泉奔涌、鸟语花香。

45、The young lady her-self had never received kindness except from this old spin-ster, and her brother and father: and she repaid MissCrawley's engoument by artless sweetness and friendship. ─── 吉恩小姐呢,也是向来没人疼顾的,关心她的除了父亲和哥哥之外,再就是这老小姐了。克劳莱小姐对她一片痴情,她也掏出真心来和老小姐交朋友。

46、Time flies Riyuerusuo, artless innocence era, Vagrant Boogie's cardamom Love is all in the deadwood. ─── 光阴似箭日月如梭,烂漫的童真时代、放浪不羁的豆蔻年华都已成昨日黄花。

47、Ingenue n. An artless girl; an actress who plays such parts ─── 天真的姑娘;扮演天真姑娘的女演员

48、"Ask him; you have not asked him," said Pen's artless uncle ─── “你对他说呀,你还没对他说过呢,”小潘这位直率的叔父敦促道。

49、My artless comment was mistakenfor rudeness. ─── 我直言不讳的评论被误会为粗暴无礼。

50、a woman of artless grace and simple goodness. ─── 淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子

51、He was no longer the artless Pen of old days, so brave, so artless, so impetuous, and tender ─── 他不再是过去那个天真纯朴的潘,那么勇敢、那么坦率、那么鲁莽、又那么温柔的潘。

52、Every turn of spring and summer season, Shanhua artless, Zhengqidouyan, into the mountains-Yan Lin trees and rhododendrons such as Yunxia; ─── 每到春夏交替时节,山花烂漫,争奇斗艳,成片的高山大树和杜鹃林艳如云霞;

53、However, the Irish airline in order to compete in many respects, Ryan had to imitate the model of artless. ─── 但爱尔兰航空公司为了竞争在很多方面不得不模仿瑞安无虚饰的模式。

54、The International Children's Day is coming, the innocent and artless children will enjoy their festival in the warm sunshine in summer again. ─── 六一儿童节翩翩而至,天真烂漫的儿童在夏日的灿烂阳光下享受他们的节日。成人虽然已经过了享受节日的年龄,但在这一天,全世界的主题只有一个:快乐!

55、Her grief was so truly artless ─── 她的悲哀是这样真诚,没有做作。

56、She was pleased with the girl's artless looks, and gay innocent manner. ─── 女孩子那天真未凿的神情,那快乐纯洁的举止,都使她感到满意。

57、Natural(or native; stark; unadorned; artless)Beauty; ─── 天然美

58、The article talks about the artless cognizance based on denotation and conception reinforcing management of student communist party members. ─── 本文结合工作实践,就加强校外公寓大学生党员管理的意义及做法谈些粗浅的认识。

59、the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play. ─── 戏剧中天真朴实的年轻女性角色。

60、It was simple and artless, but spiritual and sincere. ─── 是一种即使风餐露宿也会相濡以沫的生活。

61、The winding banks, the emerald wheat, snowy mountains, low hills and patterned headcloths-all these plus the artless folk song with its exquisite modulation combined to make her somewhat dizzy. ─── 在这弯曲的湟水河滩、绿绿的青麦、雪山、浅山和花头巾,还有这抑扬有致的纯朴民歌中,她觉得微微有些晕眩。

62、she answered the judge's questions artlessly . ─── 她坦率地回答了法官的问题。

63、Wenxiu palace that is still under the age of 14 years, innocent and artless or a girl. ─── 文绣进宫那年尚不满14岁,还是一个天真烂漫的少女。

64、My artless comment was mistaken for rudeness. ─── 我直言不讳的评论被误会为粗暴无礼.

65、She was a maiden artless and innocent as the brief life she had led among the flowers ─── 她纯洁无瑕,如她在百花丛间度过的短促的一生。

66、Li Bai heads for artlessly with good wine and light . ─── 李白在美酒与明月中,走向天真。

67、Prairie Lvyin such as blankets, flowers and artless, yurts little bit, like the green sea Bai Fan. ─── 交通: 去呼伦贝尔大草原,先到海拉尔市,从北京、哈尔滨、呼和浩特、包头都有到达海拉尔的火车;

68、I am is a career woman and I was brave,hotheaded and artless, always to do something only I like it. ─── 我喜欢旅行,偶尔跑去莫名其妙的地方呆很长时间,朋友们通常会搞不清楚我到底在哪里;

69、When I love someone with all my heart. she will be everything to me.Yes.I'm artless and childish. despite what the love may be losing. if I missed someone. another will come... ─── 当我爱的人我所有的心.她将一切给我.是的.我是天真和孩子气.尽管爱什么可失去.如果我错过了某人.另一个将...

70、"Ask him; you have not asked him," said Pen's artless uncle. ─── “你对他说呀,你还没对他说过呢,”小潘这位直率的叔父敦促道。

71、She is an artless girl. ─── 她是个天真烂漫的女孩。

72、Could you expect that the... young lady should be pleased? And yet she said she was, like an artless forgiving creature ─── 你想她会高兴吗?亏得这位年轻的小姐生来不工心计,器量也大,表示她瞧着很喜欢。

73、"I thought you knowed everything, father," said the artless boy. ─── “我以为你什么都知道呢,爸爸,”天真的孩子说。

74、The thesis attempts to have a thorough study of the style transition in BiFeiyu's novel creation from the aspect of its "artless realism". ─── 本文力图从毕飞宇小说中“朴素的‘现实主义’”内容出发,从一个全新的角度,完整的对毕飞宇小说创作流变进行研究。

75、an artless innocent young girl (especially as portrayed on the stage). ─── 朴实天真(尤其像舞台上描绘的那样)的年轻女孩。

76、Now the view that girls are artless, in fact, very real essence. ─── 现在的女孩子表明上看都很烂漫,其实骨子里都很现实。

77、artless comment ─── 直言不讳的评论

78、an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl. ─── 专门演朴实天真年青少女的女演员。

79、Rather,you would have adorn your window with one of your own,whether it's goady or artless. ─── 宁可自己也挂上一个,华丽的也好,朴素的也好。

80、Beneath the surface realism of the novel, its apparently artless transcription of life's flow, lurks a complicated plan. ─── 事情的背后是真实的,在表面天真浪漫的日常生活之下,潜伏著复杂缜密的计划。

81、The artless injured-wife tone made the President laugh, and laughter swept the table ─── 作妻子的这种不加掩饰的受委屈的语气使总统笑了起来,笑声响遍了全桌。

82、He smiled as artless as a child of 5. ─── 他笑得像个5岁的孩子那样天真烂漫。

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