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08-18 投稿


radiate 发音

英:[?re?die?t]  美:[?re?die?t]

英:  美:

radiate 中文意思翻译





radiate 网络释义

vt. 辐射;传播;流露;发射;广播vi. 辐射;流露;发光;从中心向各方伸展adj. 辐射状的,有射线的

radiate 常用词组

radiate from ─── 从……发出

radiate 同义词

ecstatic | beaming | sunny | refulgent | ablaze | healthy | resplendent |glowing | shiny | happy | burning | illustrious | blooming | luminous | lustrous | beamy | bright | gleaming | joyful | dazzling | brilliant | optimistic | effulgent | shining

radiate 反义词


radiate 短语词组

1、radiate part ─── 辐射状零件

2、radiate out ─── 辐射,向週围扩张

3、radiate aperture ─── 辐射光圈

4、spinous-radiate ─── [医]有刺环的

5、radiate from sth ─── 辐射, 散发, 表现

6、radiate ligament ─── 放射韧带

7、radiate fibers ─── 辐射纤维

8、radiate layer ─── 辐射层

9、radiate fibrous ─── 辐射纤维状

10、radiate with joy ─── 喜形于色

11、radiate from ─── 从…辐射

12、radiate ray ─── 辐射线

13、radiate liaments of rid ─── [医] 肋小头辐状韧带

14、radiate heat ─── 辐射热

radiate 词性/词形变化,radiate变形


radiate 相似词语短语

1、radicate ─── vt.确立;使生根;vi.生根;adj.生根的

2、radiata ─── n.[古生]放射虫纲;辐射动物

3、eradiates ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

4、radiated ─── adj.辐射的;放射状的;有辐射棱线的;v.辐射;放出光芒;伸展(radiate的过去分词)

5、eradiated ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

6、radiates ─── vt.辐射;传播;流露;发射;广播;vi.辐射;流露;发光;从中心向各方伸展;adj.辐射状的,有射线的

7、irradiate ─── vt.照耀;使灿烂;启发;放射;使某物生辉;vi.照射;adj.发光的

8、radiale ─── n.桡腕骨

9、eradiate ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

radiate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Twelve roads radiate from the Triumphal Arch. ─── 十二条大街从凯旋门向外伸展出去。

2、In 2003,Beijin filiale was founded, meanwhile business began to radiate all expansive China. ─── 2003年北京分公司成立,公司的业务开始辐射广阔的大中国地区。

3、Eight roads radiate from the square. ─── 八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。

4、Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads. ─── 产自得克萨斯州的一年生草本植物,叶子呈羽状半裂;栽培以供观赏其艳丽的、呈辐射状的黄色头状花序。

5、(of radiate animals) located on the surface or end opposite to that on which the mouth is situated. ─── (用于放射状生物体的)位于口腔所在部位的表面或末端的。

6、Radiate fear and revulsion, and are a steady drain on the morale of nearby enemy units. ─── 幅射恐惧和剧变,而且是在附近敌人单位的士气上的一个稳定的排流。

7、Small transformers have enough tank surface to radiate all the heat caused by their losses without exceeding the permissible temperature rise. ─── 小型变压器具有足够的油箱表面积来散发所有由损耗引起的热而使之不超过允许的温升。

8、At the same time companion has a breast to bilge painful or ache, individual patient is returned to alar reach upper limbs to radiate. ─── 同时伴有乳房胀痛或酸痛,个别病人还向腋下及上肢放射。

9、Next time he can radiate his awareness into compassion. ─── 下一世他能将他的觉知带到慈悲中。

10、Being carefully when you used this radiate material. ─── 你们使用这些放射性物质的时候一定要非常小心。

11、Is often facing computer cross-eye eyeball and cutaneous radiate very big? What teaches good precautionary measures? ─── 经常面对着电脑对眼睛和皮肤的辐射是不是很大?有什么教好的预防措施?

12、Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. ─── 在巴黎,街道以凯旋门为中心向四方伸展。

13、Light and heat radiate from the sun. ─── 光和热发自太阳。

14、Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope. ─── 圣武士借神的权能打击敌人,激发增强附近战友的勇气,闪耀希望犹如不灭的灯塔。

15、At the start of cell division, fibrils appear to radiate from the centrioles, forming starlike ASTERS. ─── 在细胞分裂开始时,从中心粒发出星状的纤维,即星体。

16、It might have been thought that the culture of the university would radiate out and transform the lives of the workers . ─── 人们原以为,大学的文化会扩散开来从而改变工人的生活。

17、Highways radiate in all directions. ─── 公路四通八达。

18、No less than seven paths radiate from this spot. ─── 从这个地点出发,辐射出至少七条路径。

19、Sit before computer every day, be very big to cutaneous radiate? ─── 天天坐在电脑前,对皮肤的辐射是不是很大?

20、This infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast at low magnification appears to radiate from a central area of desmoplasia. ─── 低倍放大的乳腺浸润性导管癌显示自中央区呈放射状发出的纤维组织。

21、Set among them, when indoor floor area is more than or be equal to 80 square metre, appropriate uses means of heating of microtherm ground radiate. ─── 其中规定,户内建筑面积大于或等于80平方米时,宜采用低温地面辐射供暖方式。

22、Any of various aquatic protozoans of the order Heliozoa, having numerous spindlelike pseudopods that radiate from a central cell mass. ─── 太阳虫目动物太阳虫目中的任何一种水生原生动物,长有无数纺锤状的假足,由一个中心细胞团向四周扩散

23、In winter, winds carry this heat to higher latitudes where it can radiate to space. ─── 冬天,风把热送到高纬度,再辐射到太空;

24、If black holes radiate away their mass over time, as Hawking showed, then they should evaporate before they even form, Krauss says. ─── 如果黑洞会像霍金说的那样超越时间释放物质,那么它们在产生之前就应该已经蒸发掉了,克劳斯如是说。

25、Anciently the sun was commonly emblematized by a starry or radiate figure. ─── 在古老时候,太阳一般是以星形或是放射状的图形来作为象徵。

26、Rare is the athlete who can radiate Olympian calm at a modern-day Olympic games. ─── 在当代奥运会上,身上还能散发出奥林匹亚那份平静的运动员少之又少。

27、Five roads radiate from the square. ─── 五条道路由广场向四处延伸。

28、Senecio glabellus, native to the eastern United States and having pinnately divided leaves and bright yellow, radiate flower heads. ─── 千里光属植物一种一年或两年生的多汁植物(美洲千里光千里光属),产于美国东部,生有羽状裂叶和亮黄色辐射状花冠

29、In the eastern Tibetan Plateau, the orientations of P axes radiate to-ward outside from the plateau, and the T axes mostly parallel to arc structures. ─── 在青藏高原东部地区,主压应力方向从青藏高原内部向外成放射状展布,张应力方向大多与该地区的弧形构造平行。

30、As suddenly as she may have crashed, she will automatically rise up and again radiate love in her relationships. ─── 但当她处在低点时,若感觉到爱与支持,就会马上变好,她会自动上升,在关系中再度散发爱。

31、So efficient is the blade, that it does not radiate heat unless it comes into contact with something. ─── 剑刃的效率很高,在没有接触到物体的时候不会散发出热量。

32、The dipole does not radiate energy in the direction of its axis. ─── 偶极子在它的轴的方向上不发射能量。

33、How to reduce computer radiate to be harmed to cutaneous? ─── 怎么减少电脑辐射对皮肤的伤害?

34、Low-grayed voxels were regarded as a kind of material which did not radiate but do induce attenuation of sampling lights. ─── 将数据场中低灰度体素点看为一种不发光但会导致采样光线衰减的物质;

35、And joy seemed to radiate from his whole person. ─── 好象他的谈笑会带来满座春风。

36、Big Dipper located in the constellation of the Great Bear, the stars are seen as the embodiment of the Great Ones who radiate Divine Will to humanity. ─── 北斗七星:位于大熊星座,星星们被视为向人类传送神性意志的大一们的象征。

37、When people are most likely to see defeat, you must radiate hope, confidence, and possibility. ─── 当人们大多要放弃的时候,你必须放射出希望、信心与可能。

38、In a fresh and glossy as Momo, such as green tea, under the Nongyin is a column field honor roll, photos, where the success of smiles radiate joy. ─── 在一抹抹如绿茶般清新亮泽的浓阴下,是一栏栏光荣榜,相片里的笑容放射出成功的喜悦。

39、Even if the person that likes it again, also can adorn large space of little corner, radiate only with it. ─── 即使是再喜欢它的人,也只会用它来点缀小角落、辐射大空间。

40、Of, relating to, or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found. ─── 口侧的呈放射状对称动物之触角向外伸展的部位的,与这一部位有关的,位于这一部位的或口腔所在部位的

41、Photograph by George GrallBrushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Peru's Manu River. ─── 在秘鲁的摩奴河附近,一条身上长著刷子似的吸管的刺毛虫正盘踞在一片叶子上。

42、Most light sources do not radiate equally in all directions. ─── 大多数光源并非在所有各方面都等量地辐射。

43、Do every day in the office. What eyesight drops is very fierce. What method can prevent the radiate of computer? ─── 天天做在办公室里。视力下降的非常厉害。有什么办法可以防止电脑的辐射吗?

44、They're not falling-down stupid;they radiate the subtler variety of idiocy that can be mistaken for charm, decency or even brilliance. ─── 他们并不是很蠢,他们难以捉摸的各种愚蠢被当做迷人正派甚至有才华。

45、When we were discussing the index of refraction, we saw that an incoming beam of light will make the atoms radiate again. ─── 在讨论折射率时,我们曾看到入射光束使原子再辐射。

46、Five roads radiate from the square. ─── 五条道路由广场向外延伸。

47、So I guess when we go fast into the beyond, we can radiate some Light also, and also we can hear the Sound. ─── 当我们快速地进入超世界时,我们也会放射一些光,听到一些声音。

48、Her gestures and facial expressions, radiate with toughness and sincerity. ─── 她的姿势和充满了坚强与忠诚的面部表情。

49、When in an energized state, the enclosed plasma can readily radiate, absorb or reflect electromagnetic waves. ─── 密闭管中的电浆在激发态时很容易发射、吸收和反射电磁波。

50、The central practice is to radiate kindness in all directions and at all times. ─── 其中最重要的练习就是学会时时刻刻向四周散发你的慈爱之心。

51、Therefore, sound waves can radiate with the loudspeaker cabinet having hardly any influence on them at all. ─── 如此,声波就得以很自由的放射出来,不会受到箱体的影响。

52、When the weave of earthquake spreads out in the earth, it can radiate the infrasound. ─── 地震波在地球内部四处传播,向大气辐射次声波,称为地震次声波。

53、A central vein runs through the middle of the lobe and is surrounded by cords of liver cells that radiate out in all directions. ─── 小叶的中央由中央静脉穿过,周围被向四周呈放射状排列的肝细胞索包围。

54、One day follows computer one case, giddy now, limply. Say to be concerned with computer radiate really? ─── 一天就跟电脑一起,现在头晕,四肢无力.难道说真的跟电脑辐射有关吗?

55、Clouds radiate sunlight back into space and also trap heat on earth. ─── 云将阳光反射回太空并限制阳光对地球的热量。

56、Of,relating to,or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found. ─── 口侧的呈放射状对称动物之触角向外伸展的部位的,与这一部位有关的,位于这一部位的或口腔所在部位的。

57、Advance pasturage industrialization process energetically, the radiate that strengthens pasturage bibcock business drives capacity. ─── 大力推进畜牧产业化进程 ,增强畜牧龙头企业的辐射带动能力。

58、The old city of Casablanca is conveniently located -- just off the main town square from where all avenues radiate, and near the sea. ─── 卡萨布兰卡的旧城区位置便利——刚好远离所有扩散在道路两旁的主要城镇,离大海很近。

59、As more people learn to hold and radiate more light, it will be possible for many others to reach their full potential in this lifetime. ─── 当更多人学习持有并放射更多的光,其它人也能够将此生的潜能完全发挥。

60、Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals. ─── 卡拉汉假定化学元素放射电磁信号。

61、The U. S. actions will radiate out in the global economy, Rogoff said. "Europe might be forced to do similar measures. " ─── 美国的行动还将对全球经济产生辐射影响,Rogoff说,“欧洲或许将被迫采取类似举动。”

62、How to prevent computer radiate to be harmed to cutaneous? ─── 如何防止电脑辐射对皮肤的伤害?

63、Like precession, mountains produce some quadrupole asymmetry, so they will radiate. ─── 山脉也可以像进动那样产生四极不对称,因此它们也将辐射引力波。

64、The Angel revealed that she had followed a beacon of light that seemed to radiate from within the storm, and had found Adelaide. ─── 据天使所言,她是跟随一道从风暴中央直射而出的光标,并在那里发现了艾德里得。

65、On the role of optical sclerosis agents, this wax makes cars radiate brilliant crystal color, whose persistence is outstanding. ─── 凭借光硬化剂的作用,上蜡后使车身焕发晶体色调的光辉,其光泽的持久性出类拔萃。

66、I'll radiate the heat that I have absorbed from the sun. I'll burn myself to ashes t provide this human world with a little warmth. ─── 我愿意把我从太阳那里受到的热放散出来,我愿意把自己烧得粉身碎骨给人间添一点点温暖。

67、The buildings radiate a new spirit for condominium living within a vibrant mixed-use development. ─── 建筑物为这个多用途的开发区里的公寓式生活赋予新的精神。

68、But UTP cabling does work as well and does not have to radiate, and avoids the potential for power line loops and is likely least expensive. ─── UTP线也能工作得一样好,而且没有辐射,避免了电源线回路的可能性,这是最便宜的方法。

69、Leaf venation primarily palmate or radiate; sepals greenish, not petaloid; ovary semi-inferior or inferior; seeds arillate. ─── 叶脉主要的掌状的或辐射状;萼片带绿色,不瓣状;子房半下位或下位;种子具假种皮(2

70、For basis, AED makes airiness industry radiate to America, Europe, Oceania and Asia. ─── 以此为基础,AED的产业辐射至美洲、欧洲、大洋洲和亚洲。

71、Their mother's deep sockets suddenly radiate gentle eyes, silent mother patted me on the shoulder and said: "You want to try it? ─── 妈妈那深陷的眼窝里突然放射出温柔的目光,沉默不语的妈妈拍拍我的肩膀说:“你想去试一试吗?”

72、By Compton scattering of virtual photon with relativistic electron,the virtual photon can be transformed into real photon to radiate out. ─── 当虚光子与作沟道运动的电子发生康普顿散射时,虚光子就会转化为实光子辐射出去。

73、Serious person can radiate sorely to axillary the ministry that reach a shoulder, can affectMorpheus. ─── 严重者疼痛可放射至腋窝及肩部,可影响睡眠。

74、At the center of the cloud, a hot, dense sphere of Hydrogen gas held together by gravitation began to radiate. ─── 在云彩的中心,氢气热,密集的球形由万有引力相连开始放热。

75、The more think people about money, the more coarse vibrations they radiate. ─── 人们对钱想得越多,他们粗糙的振动辐射就越多。

76、Do not have any expectations about how things might change, simply focus on the issue and radiate your soul's love to it. ─── 不要对事情可能如何改变有任何的期待,只要将焦点放在这事件上,放射你的灵魂之爱。

77、Because of the way the a sunray can catch your hair or lighten your eyes, making you radiate, so I can always find my way back to you... ─── “全都是因为那束一直照耀着你亮丽的秀发,点亮你明亮的双眼的光芒,让你总是那么耀眼,也让我总是能够找到回到你身边的路...”

78、Four avenues radiate from the square. ─── 四条林荫大道从那广场向四方延伸。

79、Reducing electromagnetism radiate is likely to the harm of human body, the key depends on him whether be being caused take seriously. ─── 减少电磁辐射对人体的损害是可能的,要害在于自己是否引起重视。

80、Also called the medusa worm, the spaghetti worm has tentacles that radiate out from its tube center to capture particles of food. ─── 也叫水母蠕虫,意大利式细面条的蠕虫有触须呈放射状向外从它的管中心捕获食物的微粒。

81、At night, as there is no incoming solar energy and the ground continues to radiate away heat, its temperature falls. ─── 在晚间,由于没有太阳照射,而地面又不断散发热能,因此地面温度下降。

82、Birds sing and flowers radiate their fragrance. ─── 居民大都以种果树、做板模或一些小零工维持生计。

83、"Electromagnetism radiate is endangering the mankind and the health that take the place of ever since " view, had not been. ─── “电磁辐射正在危害人类及其后代的健康”说法,并不为过。

84、Many kinds of woodland can be seen on the various walks which radiate from the Heritage Centre. ─── 从遗产中心向外伸展的各条走道上可以看到多种林地。

85、Additional, stick film to also can reduce capacity of sunshade of the sun radiate heat, window outside rising effectively to glass. ─── 另外,给玻璃贴膜也可有效地减少太阳辐射热、提高外窗遮阳能力。

86、Being as a society unit, school is in favor of promoting EE, and also can radiate it's influence to community environment. ─── 学校作为一个社会单元,有利于开展环境教育,也有利于向社区环境辐射。

87、B ultrasound or X radiate revealed residnal calculus in 6 patients, the diameters were less than 0.6cm. ─── 40例术后2个月~1年内复查B超或X线,6例残留小结石,直径均

88、He seemed to radiate an atmosphere which suffused her being. ─── 他身上似乎散发出一种氛围,渗透到她全身心。

89、Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triumphed in Paris . ─── 在巴黎,街道以凯旋门为中心向四方伸展。

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