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08-19 投稿


debasement 发音

英:[d??be?sm?nt]  美:[d??be?sm?nt]

英:  美:

debasement 中文意思翻译



debasement 同义词

run | stretch | debauch | vitiate | abase | defile | profane | shame | tarnish | humble | soil | corrupt | impute | dishonour | humiliate | misdirect | discredit | alloy | subvert | lower | demean | load | demoralise | run down | impair | taint | dishonor | demote | down | sully | dilute | demoralize | adulterate | disgrace | deprave |degrade | pervert

debasement 短语词组

1、debasement definition ─── 贬损定义

2、debasement freud ─── 贬低弗洛伊德

3、debasement syn ─── 综合征

4、debasement of currency ─── 货币贬值

5、debasement mean ─── 贬低平均数

6、debasement mcmi ─── 贬低mcmi

7、debasement fear ─── 贬低恐惧

8、debasement of coinage ─── 钱币的耗损硬币贬值

debasement 反义词


debasement 词性/词形变化,debasement变形

动词过去式: debased |动词过去分词: debased |动词第三人称单数: debases |动词现在分词: debasing |名词: debasement |

debasement 相似词语短语

1、debatements ─── 辩论

2、defacement ─── n.损坏外表;乱涂;损毁物

3、debasements ─── n.降低;贬质

4、basement ─── n.地下室;地窖

5、delassement ─── 延迟

6、abasement ─── n.身分低微;屈尊;降低

7、easement ─── n.地役权;缓和;减轻

8、debarment ─── n.排除,阻止

9、debatement ─── 辩论

debasement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I can promise there will be not debasement of quality. ─── 我可以保证将不会贬低的质量。

2、It is at this point that the special connection between politics and the debasement of language becomes clear. ─── 在这一点上,政治与语言的变低陋的特殊联系变得清晰了。

3、What I want to tackle today is the coming supply wreck that is likely to occur in this decade as the demand for precious metals investments increase as a result of monetary debasement. ─── 我今天要讲的是即将到来的未来十年由于货币贬值而导致的对于贵金属需求增加而产生的供应不足。

4、Thus the debasement of the currencies will continue making Gold more and more attractive as a hedge against the dwindling purchasing power and the loss of faith and confidence in paper currencies. ─── 因此,堕落的货币将继续使越来越多的黄金的吸引力作为规避购买力的减少和丧失了信心和信任的纸货币。

5、mailles debas ─── 梅勒德巴哔叽

6、These changes are characterized by the decadence of natural economy, the debasement of traditional political structure and the refreshment of peoples' ideas. ─── 工矿业的开发使西北社会发生了深刻的变化,主要体现在自给自足的自然经济开始瓦解,传统的政治结构开始动摇,人们的思想观念开始发生变化。

7、lowest point of debasement man can reach. ─── 除了能证明人类究竟可以卑劣到何种程度。

8、93.Our products are always good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be no debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品和寄的样品一样好,我保证它们不会有任何的质量问题。

9、Nietzsche argues that Christian guilt operates nominative expectations that they have been stolen by his partion for self debasement. ─── 尼采争辩到基督罪责运作,提名的期望,期望他们因,自我贬损部分而被偷。

10、The primary issue is and has been the debasement of the currency and its effects on the financial and monetary systems. ─── 首要的问题是,持续贬值的货币及其对金融和货币体系的影响力。

11、Thus, we are in the early stages of a massive global currency debasement which will see tangibles, and most particularly gold, rise significantly in price. ─── 这样看来,我们正处于全球货币贬值的早期阶段,今后将会看到有形资产,特别是黄金的价格大幅上升。

12、The primary drivers of this new bull market in commodities are monetary debasement and supply and demand fundamentals. ─── 这轮商品市场牛市的主要驱动力是货币的贬值和供求的基础关系。

13、Thus, our creditors' nervousness about the eventual debasement of the U.S. dollar has some increasing validity. ─── 因此,我们的债主对于美元最终贬值的担心越发不无道理。

14、One of the most serious events of his reign was the beginning of the debasement of Byzantine coins. ─── 他统治期间最为严重的事情之一是开始降低拜占庭货币的成色。

15、Exploring of Debasement Inner Dispend Rate of Minitype Power Station ─── 小型电厂降低厂用电率探讨

16、Just consider the diverse economic backdrops that have caused its price to spike over the years: stagflation, financial panic, speculative mania and currency debasement. ─── 只须想想多年来导致金价飙升的种种经济背景:滞涨、金融恐慌、疯狂投机,以及货币贬值。

17、Our products are always good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be not debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品一直如我们发给你的样品那样好,我能保证将不会降低质量。

18、The estimation of noise debasement effecting; ─── 噪声降低效果的评价;

19、For the ordinary investor/saver, the real question is how are you going to go about insuring your wealth against currency debasement. ─── 对于普通投资者或储户来说,真正的问题是你如何去规避你的财富免受货币贬值的风险。

20、Most , if not all , of the higher price of oil can be explained by the expansion of the money supply or the debasement of the dollar . ─── 高油价的诸多现象(如果不是全部的话)可以用货币供应急剧膨胀或是美元贬值来解释。

21、In that case, it will result in unwanted control on the jam, debasement of internet transmission rate and sharp decline in transmission performance of internet. ─── 这使得网络传输速率降低,导致网络传输性能的大幅下降。

22、Le Monde wrote of a "double debasement: of the authority of Nicolas Sarkozy and of the image of France in Europe and in the world." ─── 法国世界报提出“双重贬值”一说,“萨科齐的权威贬值和法国在欧洲和世界的形象贬值。”

23、In contrast with type B in the analysis, in mood type A has the meaning of despises, debasement and elimination etc. ─── 式与B式进行对比分析中,A式在语气上表示看不起、贬低、排除等义。

24、The Uncertainty of Chinese Automobile Trade Barrier Debasement After the Entry Into WTO ─── 加入WTO后中国汽车贸易壁垒降低方式的不确定性

25、I'm glad to hear that. Our products are always as good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be no debasement of quality. ─── 我们高兴听您这么说。我们的产品一定和我们送出去的样品一样好。我保证品质绝对不会降低。

26、B: That's fair. Our products are always as good as the samples we send. I can promise there will be no debasement of quality. ─── 这很合理。我们的产品一定和送出去的样品一样好。我保证品质绝对不会降低。

27、3. Our products are always as good as the samples we send. I can promise there will not be debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品和我们寄去的样品一样好。我可以保证在质量上不会差。

28、To debase oneself is not humility but stupidity. To accept debasement for small reward is coward. ─── 2贬低自己不是谦虚,而是愚蠢;为掉价的报酬而接受贬低,是懦弱,是胆小。

29、8. There will be no debasement of quality. ─── 质量绝对不会降低。

30、Our products are always as good as the samples we send .I can promise there will be not debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品一定和送给你们的样品一样好,我保证品质绝对不会降低。

31、These taxes actually tax monetary debasement. ─── 这些税收事实上是在对货币贬值征税。

32、Thus, our creditors' nervousness about the eventual debasement of the U. S. dollar has some increasing validity. ─── 因此,我们的债主对于美元最终贬值的担心越发不无道理。

33、Exploring of Debasement Inner Despend rate of Plant's Large-scale Heat-engine Plant Unit ─── 降低大型火力发电机组厂用电率的探讨

34、The dynamic stress-strain and welding residual stress during welding are the significant factors which lead to welded cracking and debasement of the joint properties. ─── 在焊接过程中产生的动态应力应变及随后形成的残余应力,是导致焊接裂纹和接头性能下降的重要因素。

35、But something more poisonous than alcohol drove him to that level of debasement. ─── 然而除了酗酒以外,还有一股更恶毒的力量把他逼到那种丧心病狂的境地。

36、Just because American wheat farmers gain a definite advantage from currency debasement doesn't mean it is a good idea. ─── 只是因为美国麦农从货币贬值那里获得一点好处并不意味就是个好主意。

37、The image of Confucius had been become indistinguish in different voice of praise and debasement. ─── 孔子的形象也在毁誉褒贬的不同声音中变得扑朔迷离、真假难辨。

38、the United Kingdom and the culture of the Han culture "no degree of self-debasement, " as a false sense of inferiority , And mean another. ─── 而英文化人把汉文化人的“否定自贬”看成是自卑虚伪,言不由衷。

39、Products are always good as the samples we send; I can promise there will be not debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品一向同样品一样优质,我保证质量绝对不会降低。

40、The effect few talk about regarding the mammoth nationalization and bailouts underway is the powerful jump in price inflation, along with currency debasement. ─── 却很少谈论巨大的国有化和救助引发的大的上升价格上涨,加上货币贬值的影响。

41、“The burqa is not a religious sign,” Mr Sarkozy said last year, but rather a “sign of subservience, a sign of debasement” of women. ─── 原因之一是他们历时百年的非宗教传统强烈地反对信仰和国家的分离,并且传统使得大多数法国人对显眼的宗教感到不安。

42、they use debasement and dialect to make their humor native and public. ─── 运用降格手法以及方言但语,使幽默具有本土化和大众性特点。

43、Associating with people like Li Mei-t'ing and Ku Er-chien was such a shameful debasement ─── 与李梅亭顾尔谦等为伍,就是可耻的堕落。

44、93. Our products are always as good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be no debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品一定和送给你们的样品一样好,我保证质量绝对不会降低。

45、You will achieve strong ability service. We will help you design ratepaying, reasonable tax mitigation, debasement of money ullage, which display our work efficiency. ─── 优势之四:用荣天,您将获得以高智能的服务,帮助客户进行纳税筹划,合理避税,合法降低资金损耗,高效、及时、顺畅的工作效率。

46、and spiritual element as represented in moral debasement and vacancy of faith. ─── 而道德的低下与信仰的空白则为其精神因素。

47、“Investors are turning to gold because of fears of long-term inflation and major currency debasement due to fiscal deficits, government debt issuance and quantitative easing. ─── “投资者转向黄金是由于对长期通货膨胀,主要货币因财政赤字而贬值,政府发债和量化宽松的担忧。

48、93.Our products are always good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be not debasement of quality. ─── 我们的产品一直如我们发给你的样品那样好,我能保证将不会降低质量。

49、Michael and Carolyn recognized that coming forth with the story might result in tawdry gossip and unkind debasement of whatever memories people have of Richard and Francesca Johnson. ─── 迈可和卡洛琳承认,把故事讲出来很可能引起一些粗俗的闲言碎语,并且使理查德与弗朗西丝卡. 约翰逊夫妇在人们心目中留下的印象遭到无情的贬低。

50、As America's Founding Fathers well knew, the only thing that will prevent debasement of a currency is to base it on gold and/or silver which are incapable of being produced at a politician's whim. ─── 两个人的爱情在多哈霍启刚高调赞美郭晶晶以及两个人的“阿拉伯情侣照”后大白于天下!

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