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08-19 投稿


adjudicator 发音

英:[??d?u?d?ke?t?r]  美:[??d?u?d?ke?t?(r)]

英:  美:

adjudicator 中文意思翻译



adjudicator 词性/词形变化,adjudicator变形


adjudicator 短语词组

1、abstemious as an adjudicator ─── 作为裁判有节制

adjudicator 相似词语短语

1、adjudicates ─── vi.裁定;宣判;vt.裁定;宣判

2、adjudications ─── n.裁定;判决;破产之宣告

3、adjudication ─── n.裁定;判决;破产之宣告

4、adjudicatory ─── 审判的;宣告的;裁决的

5、adjudicated ─── v.裁决(争执等);(比赛中)担任裁判;(从司法角度)宣判(adjudicate的过去式及过去分词)

6、judicator ─── n.行事如法官的人

7、adjudicators ─── n.评判员;裁定者

8、adjudicate ─── vi.裁定;宣判;vt.裁定;宣判

9、adjudicating ─── v.判决,宣判,裁定;裁判,评判(adjudicate的现在分词)

adjudicator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、21 Bias will not affect an adjudicator's assessment (objective) or evaluation (subjective) of a debate. ─── 评委不应被偏见所左右。

2、Guinness adjudicator said, "This event was amazing and well-organized and made possible because of the people who came and participated. ─── 吉尼斯世界纪录裁判说:"这次活动太棒了,组织也非常有序,才能让这么多人同时潜水成为可能。"

3、a judge; an adjudicator; a juror ─── 评判员

4、Function as an adjudicator on any issues arising from the implementation of this procedure. ─── 作为一个裁定者,对任何执行该程序中出现的问题行使其职权。

5、Function as an adjudicator on any issues arising from the implementation of this procedure. ─── 作为一个裁定者,对任何执行该程序中出现的问题行使其职权。

6、If the adjudicator's decision includes assessment of additional cost or delay caused to the contractor, he makes his assessment in the same way as a compensation event is assessed. ─── 若裁决人的决定包含对承包商额外费用计价或工期延误的计算,其方法应与补偿事件计价方法相同。

7、Judge is selected through the procedure, and the one who has the title of a technical post above the assistant adjudicator before does not certainly have the status of judge. ─── 法官通过遴选程序产生,原来具有助理审判员以上职称的人并不当然具有法官身份。

8、The adjudicator have to decide impartially between the two parties. ─── 判决者必须在双方当事人中作公正的裁决。

9、The Chief Justice shall give notice in the Gazette of any appointment by him under subsection (2); and any removal of the name of an adjudicator by him under subsection (6). ─── 首席按察司须就下列事项在宪报发出公告根据第(2)款委出任何审裁员;及根据第(6)款删除任何审裁员名字。

10、In the last CengYi can be eliminated in the declaration thanked the scene, said "I adjudicator hate packet teacher". ─── 曾轶可在最后的淘汰宣言中表示感谢现场的评委老师,并称“我不恨包老师”。

11、The name of any adjudicator may be removed from the panel of adjudicators by the Chief Justice by notice in writing ─── 首席按察司可发出书面通知,将其名字从审裁员小组名单中删除。

12、independent adjudicator ─── 自主的评判员

13、But where jurors are neither native speakers of English nor indigenous to the American judicial culture, courts need to try harder to help Joe Juror play his role as citizen adjudicator. ─── 但在陪审员的母语不是英语、也并非在美国司法文化中长大的情况下,法庭就需要花更大的力气,帮助陪审员担负起公民陪审员的职责。

14、For example, an adjudicator who has become personally familiar with the evidence by serving in an adversary capacity as an investigator or advocate is disqualified from participating in the decision. ─── 例如,因以对立方的身份做过调查员或律师、因而本人已熟悉证据的裁决人即无资格参与裁定。

15、32 As with Matter &Manner personal bias must not be allowed to influence an adjudicator's assessment of Method. ─── 评判辩论方法时,评委不得受个人偏见的影响。

16、2 If the adjudicator resigns or is unable to act, the parties choose a new adjudicator jointly. ─── 2若裁决人辞职或不能工作,当事双方应共同选择新裁决人。

17、Graham, London and Scottish Critic Adjudicator, Choral Conductor. ─── 格雷厄姆,伦敦和孙格兰乐评家,合唱指挥。

18、The adjudicator have to decide impartially between the two parties. ─── 判决者必须在双方当事人中作公正的裁决。

19、Contestants must not begin recalling their pack until the adjudicator has announced that the 5-minute memorization period is complete. ─── 参赛者只有在裁判员5分钟记忆时间结束之后方能摆牌。

20、All submissions will be adjudicated by Toyxcapacity Forum and guest adjudicator. ─── 参赛作品将直接由沙巴论坛及嘉宾评审全权负责今次的作品评审工作。

21、Any further information from a party to be considered by the adjudicator is provided within four weeks from the submission. ─── 某一当事方应在此后四周内提供供裁决人考虑的进一步的资料。

22、with an eye to the disjoint of law and practice , chapter 1 demonstrates that the adjudicative power shall belong to adjudicator de jure. ─── 第一章着眼于法律的规定与现实的脱节,论证裁判权应当归法定的裁判者。

23、The four week periods in this clause may be extended if requested by the adjudicator in view of the nature of the dispute and agreed by the parties. ─── 裁决人可视争端性质并经当事双方同意,要求延长本条中规定的两个四周期限。

24、May I use your adjudicator? ─── 我能借你的尺子用一下吗?

25、3 Each debating team must be accompanied by an adjudicator. ─── 每支辩论队均须配备一名指导老师,指导老师在比赛过程中须担当评委。

26、Advent Adjudicator range increased from 9,000 to 12,000. ─── 降临审裁范围的比例从9000到12000 。

27、Though the legend of the Hades,adjudicator and ghost is unreal,the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people. ─── 虽阎王判官小鬼只为传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人们所称道。

28、Logbooks are to be submitted to the Adjudicator before 5pm for recording checking. Results of the Count will be announced at the results announcement party in the same evening. ─── 各队须在下午5时前把观鱼日志交给裁判,方便检查记录,结果将于当天傍晚举行的晚餐聚会上公布。

29、She is a registered teacher/ adjudicator and examiner and a member of An Coimisiun Le Rinci Gaelacha. ─── 玛莉不仅是专业舞蹈教师,也是舞蹈裁判和主考官,更是爱尔兰舞蹈协会的成员之一。

30、Irrespective, of whether you have a right of appeal before an immigration adjudicator you still have the ability to ask the HSMP casework team to review an adverse decision. ─── 不能你是否向移民判决者上诉,你仍然可以要求。

31、In all, 510 dishes were set in front of the crowd Tuesday. Each one had to be certified distinct by a Guinness World Record adjudicator. ─── 周二,总计510道自助菜肴摆在蜂拥的人群面前,每道菜都经过吉尼斯机构仔细核定。

32、I can officially confirm that we have a new record for the largest nail mosaic of eight square metres," Guinness World Records adjudicator Scott Christie said late on Monday. ─── 阿尔巴尼亚艺术家塞梅·特拉提耗时24天、用数万颗在一张木板上创作出了一幅达芬奇肖像画,该画成为世界上最大的钉子镶嵌画。

33、The major influence on an adjudicator must be: ‘Is the speaker’s and team’s Method EFFECTIVE in advancing the case? ─── 他们看问题不能简单化;不能人云亦云,随大流,瞎起哄;不能只知其一,不知其二;

34、I had been adjudicator for singing contest for many years, but seldom gave any candidate full marks. ─── 自己当歌唱比赛评判多年,绝少给参赛者满分。

35、the courts and judges will change their role from an active and initiative adjudicator in inquisitional system to a passive and neutral arbitrator; ─── 改变最大的将是法院和法官,由职权制下的积极主动的审判者角色,转变为消极、中立的仲裁人身份;

36、In it Ian Craig, the schools adjudicator, describes those who game the system as “thieves” whose actions deprive the more deserving of places of their own. ─── 学校审裁员-伊恩克雷格(IanCraig)形容这些玩弄系统的贼,他们的行为剥夺了他们自己应得的更多的名额。

37、An adjudicator in an industrial dispute ─── 劳资纠纷的裁决人

38、Have you ever been an adjudicator of HKSDF before? ─── 你是否曾担任香港学校戏剧节评判工作?

39、An adjudicator from Guinness had flown in from London, especially to measure the cupcake and announced the record to a crowd of hundreds at the motor show. ─── 来自吉尼斯世界纪录的一名评审员特地从伦敦飞往底特律为这块杯蛋糕进行测量,并向前来参加车展的数百民众公布了这一记录。

40、Appointed by the Secretary for Security on 1 Oct 2007 as an adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal for 2 years; ─── 2007 年 10 月 1 日保安局局长委任为入境事务审裁处成员,为期 2 年;

41、the judge or the adjudicator should not there for take into account information derived from other sources. ─── 法官或裁判者不能考虑采用从其他的渠道得到的证据。

42、the sole member of the "DAB" (or "adjudicator") and, where this is the case, all references to the "Other Members" do not apply, ─── “争端裁决委员会”的唯一成员(或称“裁决人”),并且在这种情况下,所有提及的“其他成员”之处都不再适用,或者

43、The adjudicator's powers include the power to review and revise any action or inaction of the project manager or supervisor related to the dispute. ─── 裁决人的权利包括对与争端有关的项目经理或监理工程师的任何行为或不作为的审查和修正。

44、No appeal will be accepted. The final decision of the Chief Adjudicator will be final. ─── 大会不设上诉,一切赛果以总裁判的最后判决为准。

45、final decision of the Chief Adjudicator will be final. ─── 大会不设上诉,以总裁判的最后判决为准。

46、The change, they said, had been forced on them by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator, set up in 1998 to police admissions. ─── 他们之所以作出如此改变是迫于学校调解委员会(OfficeoftheSchoolsAdjudicator)的压力,该委员会于1998年用于警察录取而成立。

47、IDSF expects every adjudicator to take personal responsibility for complying with the Code and acting in a manner consistent with IDSF and IOC values and principles. ─── IDSF期望每一位裁判者能负起个人的责任以遵守章程并坚持以IDSF及IOC的价值及信条为行动准则。

48、No appeals will be accepted. The decision of the Chief Adjudicator shall be final. ─── 大会不设上诉,以总裁判的最终判决为准。

49、You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator. ─── 你可以向独立裁判投诉。

50、The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties. ─── 判决者必须在双方当事人中做公正的裁决。

51、In all, 510 dishes were set in front of the crowd Tuesday. Each one had to be certified distinct by a Guinness World Record adjudicator. ─── 周二,总计510道自助菜肴摆在蜂拥的人群面前,每道菜都经过吉尼斯机构仔细核定。

52、A world record adjudicator measuring a 221m long line of freshly cooked pizzas on Norton Street in Leichhardt, Sydney, on June 8, 2008. ─── 六月八日,一位世界纪录评判员在雪梨莱卡尔特的诺顿街上,测量刚烘烤出炉的比萨;这一长排比萨总长两百二十一公尺。

53、1 The adjudicator settles the dispute as independent adjudicator and not as arbitrator. ─── 1裁决人作为独立裁决人而非仲裁人来解决争端。

54、You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator. ─── 你可以向独立裁判投诉。

55、She is also appointed as an Adjudicator by the HKSAR Government to sit on the Registration of Persons Tribunal. ─── 罗女士早年曾经在伦敦一家律师事务所担任实习律师。

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