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08-19 投稿


cobwebby 发音


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cobwebby 中文意思翻译



cobwebby 网络释义

adj. 蛛网密布的;蛛网似的;布满蜘蛛网的

cobwebby 短语词组

1、cobwebby lace ─── 蛛网花边

cobwebby 词性/词形变化,cobwebby变形

动词过去式: cobwebbed |动词现在分词: cobwebbing |动词过去分词: cobwebbed |形容词: cobwebby |动词第三人称单数: cobwebs |

cobwebby 相似词语短语

1、cobby ─── adj.如小马的

2、cobwebs ─── n.蜘蛛网;蛛丝;圈套;vt.使布满蛛网;使混乱

3、blebby ─── adj.气泡状的

4、cobwebbery ─── 蜘蛛网

5、webby ─── adj.丝网的;有蹼的;网状的

6、cobwebbing ─── n.蛛网;裂痕;v.使布满蛛网;使混乱(cobweb的ing形式)

7、hobnobby ─── 霍布诺比

8、cobweb ─── n.蜘蛛网;蛛丝;圈套;vt.使布满蛛网;使混乱

9、cobwebbed ─── adj.布满蜘蛛网的;v.使布满蛛网(cobweb的过去式)

cobwebby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A piece of amber bearing the world's oldest cobweb, some110 millions years old, The piece, which also held an Evaniidae's family wasp, and a mosquito. ─── 带著世界上最老的蜘蛛网的一块琥珀,约有11亿年历史,这一块,它内还保有一只瘦蜂科的黄蜂和一只蚊子。

2、The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catch flies. ─── 蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇.

3、Covered with or consisting of thin, soft, entangled hairs or fibers resembling those of a cobweb or spider's web. ─── 蛛丝状的,具有蛛丝状毛的由细、软、缠绕在一起的类似蛛网或蜘蛛结的网的毛发纤维质覆盖或组成的

4、My face tickles all over with cobweb sensation, but I ignore it. ─── 我的脸像粘上蜘蛛网一样发痒,但是我不予理会。

5、The whole suit is as light as a cobweb; ─── 他每天每个钟头要换一套新衣服。

6、cobweb instabilities ─── 蛛网式波动

7、The largest genus in th Agaricales; rusty-spored agarics having prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils). ─── 在伞菌属里的最大的模式属;长有明显的丝膜,带有锈孢子的伞菌。

8、A day, the housetop of old temple collapses, fortunately, two spiders did not get hurt, they still braid a cobweb busily on their domain. ─── 一天,旧庙的屋顶塌掉了,幸运的是,两只蜘蛛没有受伤,他们依然在自己的地盘上忙碌地编织起蜘蛛网。

9、"A tropical blanket, to keep off the flies," and all week Sally dreamed of a cobweb blanket hanging on a palm tree. ─── “是热带地区用的毯子,挡苍蝇用的。” 整整一个星期,莎丽都在梦想着这条蜘蛛网一般的、挂在棕榈树上的毯子。

10、cobweb throat ─── 想喝酒口渴

11、He felt like a fly entangled in cobweb filaments, watching the desirable freedom of the air with pitiful eyes. ─── 他觉得自己就象陷在蛛丝网里的一只苍蝇一样,一双发愁的眼睛在望着空中可欣羡的自由。

12、Water distribution rules, seemed Cobweb, a city surrounded a semicircle. ─── 水道分布规则,状似蛛网,将城市一层一层围成半圆形。

13、A Kind of Nonlinear and Disequilibrium Cobweb Model and Its Dynamic Analysis ─── 一类非线性非均衡蛛网模型的动态分析

14、"Go away, you bold bad spider! Leaving ends of cobweb all over my nice clean house!" ─── “走开,你这只厚颜无耻的坏蜘蛛!留了一大堆蜘蛛网残馀在我美好乾净的家。”

15、En[4]=''Friends tie their purses with a cobweb thread.'' ─── ''朋友之间,不应扎紧钱袋.''

16、Cobweb models on times scales are established and discussed. ─── 提出时标下的蛛网模型,讨论模型的几种特殊珠情况。

17、Babushka: In pedestrian Yu Conglin, cobweb is constant some, pester babushka on the hair, meeting feeling is better. ─── 头巾:徒步于丛林中,蜘蛛网是常有的,把头巾缠在头发上,会感觉好些。

18、He brushed a cobweb out of his hair. ─── 他拂去了头发上的蜘蛛丝。

19、Chapter two Explaining the reason why the government gets involved in agricultural risk management, Expounding the cobweb theory, theory of information bug, theory of system innovation. ─── 第二章 在理论上阐述政府为什么要介入农业风险管理。 主要从蛛网理论、信息缺陷理论、制度创新理论等角度,阐释政府介入的必要性。

20、Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb. ─── 有时,一束月光穿过冷雨簌簌帕打在窗棂格栅,掸散丝丝蛛网。

21、NISSEN Something to keep in mind the next time you see a spider in the bathtub or a cobweb in the corner. ─── 尼森这是你下次在浴缸里或是在屋角上见到蜘蛛时,应想到的。

22、cobweb coating ─── 网纹涂料拉丝涂料

23、Cobweb (v.): cover with or as with the web spun by a spider ─── 使布满蛛网(或蛛网状物)

24、Areas such as township roads Micronesia cobweb, cement road, asphalt road leads to every village, rain or shine, extending in all directions. ─── 区内的乡镇公路密如蛛网,水泥路、沥青路通到每个村庄,风雨无阻,四通八达。

25、I spun beneath it like a top until the lines fanned open into a symmetrical, sunlit cobweb. ─── 我在下面像个陀螺一样也跟着旋转着,直到那些绳索呈扇形张开,最后化作一张对称的,阳光普照着的蛛网。

26、1.a spider web; 2.a cobweb ─── 蛛网

27、Clustering algorithm based on rough set and Cobweb ─── 一种结合粗糙集和Cobweb的聚类器

28、In the past twenty years the institution waves in a convergence way of a cobweb. ─── 二十多年来家庭承包经营制制度创新呈收敛型蛛网波动且具有长期性。

29、cobweb cotton ─── 蛛网棉

30、Laws are like cobweb which may catch small flies, but let wasp and hornet break through . ─── 法律如蛛网,苍蝇粘得住,黄蜂穿网过。

31、Stability Analysis of a Kind of Linear and Dynamic and Disequilibrium Cobweb Model ─── 一类线性动态非均衡蛛网模型的稳定性分析

32、had a cobweb in the throat ─── v. 口渴

33、The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches files. ─── 蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇。

34、Your sister is right, you need a break to get the cobweb out of your head. ─── 你妹妹说得对,你该好好休息让脑子清醒一下。

35、"Irregular appearance " it is the characteristic with these halfback the largest lamps and lanterns, some chimney resemble " add close " cobweb (aluminous silk) , and " net " it is bulbiform; ─── “不规则的外形”是这些前卫灯具最大的特点,有的灯罩像“加密”的蜘蛛网(铝丝),而“网”又是球状的;

36、Let 's go for a walk and blow the cobweb away . ─── 咱们去散散步,清醒一下头脑。

37、have a cobweb in the throat ─── vi. 口渴

38、Friends tie their purses with a cobweb thread. ─── 朋友之间,不应扎紧钱袋。

39、BOTTOM Mounsieur Cobweb;good mounsieur, get you your weapons in your hand and kill me a red-hipp'd humble-bee on the top of a thistle; ─── 波顿:蛛网先生,好先生,把您的刀拿好,替咱把那蓟草叶尖上的红屁股的野蜂儿杀了;

40、cvered with or consisting of thin,soft,entangled hairs or fibers resembling those of a cobweb or spider's web ─── 蛛丝状的,具有蛛丝状毛的,由细、软、缠绕在一起的类似蛛网或蜘蛛结的网的毛发纤维质覆盖或组成的

41、The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies . ─── 蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇。

42、cobweb theorem ─── 蛛网定理

43、All this he brushed aside as though it were a cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him. ─── 他对这一切毫不在意,把它们当做蛛丝一样轻轻抹去,只是在万分必要时才给予答复。

44、The experiments also suggest that CCU directed COBWEB is superior to COP-COBWEB when clustering noisy data. ─── 在有噪声的情况下 ,基于CCU的 COBWEB算法明显优于 COP- COBWEB算法

45、This paper gives an overview of the studies and uses on spiders in recent years and the medicinal ualue was introduced in whole spider,spidertoxin,and cobweb three aspects. ─── 综述了近年来蜘蛛在医药学上的研究与应用,分别从蜘蛛整体、蜘蛛毒液和蛛丝三方面介绍了蜘蛛的药用价值。

46、Keywords coal futures market;cobweb model;standardized futures contract; ─── 煤炭期货市场;蛛网模型;标准化期货合约;

47、have cobweb in the throat ─── 口渴

48、Wisest man preaches no doctrines; he has no scheme; he sees no rafter, not even a cobweb, against the heaven. It is clear sky. ─── 最大的智者不鼓吹任何学说,没有任何体系。遥望天空,他眼中没有橼木,甚至没有蛛网。那是一片澄明的天宇。

49、David entered the dark, cobwebby house. ─── 大卫走进了黑暗、蜘蛛网密布的房子。

50、cobweb model ─── 蛛网模型

51、Theridiidae; cobweb weaver ─── 球腹蛛科

52、It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached. ─── 它的确精致无比,丝质、手工缝制,周围还有一圈网状蕾丝花边。价签都尚未拆去,上面的数字高得惊人。

53、How can house designers for households not consider, "cobweb" How to live? ─── 可房子的设计者怎么就不为住户考虑一下,“蜘蛛网”怎么住?

54、With the assistance of the application of brief cobweb model, this article analyzes improving orientation and optimizing method so as to provide necessary referenced suggestions for decision-makers. ─── 并借助简要的蛛网模型分析风险项目运营过程中的改进方向和优化方法,为投资决策提供必要的参考建议。

55、161The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies. ─── 蛛网好象要捉露点,却捉住了苍蝇。

56、Elasticity of Timbering and Cobweb and Policy-making for Joint of Forest Industry and Paper Industry ─── 林纸结合的木材弹性、蛛网特征和政策制定

57、Your sister is right, you need a break to get the cobweb out of your head . ─── 你妹妹说得对,你该好好休息让脑子清醒一下。

58、blow the cobweb away ─── 扫除陈腐; 焕然一新散步; 恢复精神

59、Lover 's purse is tied with cobweb . ─── 情人钱袋蛛丝系。

60、is a large room with peeling wallpaper, threadbare carpet, gas lamps, and a serpent-shaped, cobwebby candleabra. ─── 是一个巨大的房间,墙上贴着剥落的墙纸,破旧的地毯,煤气灯和一个大蛇形状的蛛网状枝形吊灯和枝形烛台。

61、Seeds pale grayish white tomentellous, margin often with longer cobwebby hairs. ─── 种子浅灰色白色被短绒毛,边缘通常具长毛。

62、Establishment and Proof for the Cobweb Theorem under Unitary Elasticity ─── 单元弹性下蛛网理论模型的建立与证明

63、Would you rather pore over the intricate patterns of a magic scroll, the strands of a cobweb or the gears of a clock tower? ─── 你更愿意仔细观察复杂的魔法图案,蜘蛛网的细线,还是钟楼的齿轮?你是否特别喜欢猜谜?

64、The cobweb pretend to catch dewdrops and catch flies. ─── 蛛网假装捕捉露珠,却捕捉苍蝇.

65、The cobweb model that basically debated price wave motion respectively in the light of different situation, differential kinetic model and difference distribute equation model. ─── 主要针对不同情况分别讨论了价格波动的蛛网模型、微分动力学模型及差分方程模型。

66、Let's go for a walk and blow the cobweb away. ─── 咱们去散散步,清醒一下头脑。

67、If it is not for the swine flu, could I explain price fluctuations by cobweb model? ─── 如果没有猪流感,我能用蛛网模型解释价格变动吗?

68、Manna in cobweb lusters with lightness, ─── 蛛网上的甘露光彩轻盈,

69、One or two thin coats of NXT Tech Wax will eliminate a majority of fine swirls and cobweb scratches. ─── 1到2款水晶蜡王将去除主要的划痕和蜘蛛网划痕。

70、It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. ─── 它很精致、丝质、手工缝制,周围有一圈密密的花边。

71、Comparison and Selection of Two Mathematical Modelsbetween Elasticity Theory and Cobweb Theory ─── 弹性理论和蛛网理论两种数学模型的比较与选择

72、It was exquisite, silk, handmade World Of Warcraft Goldand trimmed with a cobweb of lace. The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached. ─── 它的确精致无比,丝质、全手工缝制,周围还有一圈网状蕾丝花边。价签都尚未拆去,上面的数字高得惊人。"

73、All this he brushed aside as though it were cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him. ─── 而马克思则把这一切当做蜘蛛网一样抹到一边,毫不理会; 只在万分必要时才被迫予以回击。

74、I have a cobweb in the throat. ─── 我口渴得很厉害。

75、The method of finishing of the cobweb cracked effect leather in the condition high temperature was studied. ─── 系统地研究了高温蜘蛛网龟裂效应革涂饰方法。

76、A cobweb fell across her forehead and seemed to try to restrain her ─── 一张蜘蛛网粘到她的前额上,像要阻拦她前进。

77、"cobweb theorem" ─── “蛛网原理”

78、I sweep your cobweb projects from my path ─── 我要把你在我的道路上所结下的蜘蛛网计划都扫掉。

79、cobweb lawn ─── 薄麻纱

80、cobweb whisker ─── 蛛丝状晶须

81、All this he brushed aside as though it were cobweb,ignoring it,answering only when extreme necessity compelled him. ─── 而马克思则把这一切当做蜘蛛网一样抹到一边,毫不理会;只在万分必要时才被迫予以回击。

82、The Diffuse Cobweb and the Containment on it ─── “发散的蛛网”及其遏制

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