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08-19 投稿


arguer 发音


英:  美:

arguer 中文意思翻译



arguer 词性/词形变化,arguer变形

动词第三人称单数: argues |名词: arguer |动词过去分词: argued |动词现在分词: arguing |动词过去式: argued |

arguer 相似词语短语

1、argles ─── 阿格尔斯

2、argued ─── 争论

3、Breuer ─── 布罗伊尔;n.(Breuer)人名;(德、西、捷、匈)布罗伊尔;(英)布鲁尔

4、argue ─── vi.争论,辩论;提出理由;vt.辩论,争论;证明;说服;n.(Argue)人名;(英、法)阿格

5、argues ─── n.(Argues)人名;(土)阿尔古埃斯

6、argufier ─── 阿古菲尔

7、argle ─── 阿格尔

8、argled ─── 争论

9、arguses ─── n.百眼巨人(希腊神话中的一个形象)

arguer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In conclusion, the arguer fails to cite adequate and scientific evidence to justify the study about the catching cold and social activities ties. ─── 首先强调我是新手。我看了好久别人的习作和修改,还是很没状态。

2、Sample Essay In this argument, the arguer cites a study showing that North Americans suffer from an amazingly higher rate of chronic fatigue and chronic depression than people living in Asia. ─── 范文正文 在本段论述中,论述者援引了一项研究来证明,北美洲人患慢性疲倦和慢性忧郁症的比例要比居住在亚洲的人令人惊讶地高。

3、The arguer commits a fallacy of oversimplification. ─── 这段论述犯了过于简单化的谬误。

4、Additionally, the arguer begins his or her argument by stating that "as people grow older", PEP breaks down the neuropeptide chemicals involved in learning and memory. ─── 进一步而言,论述者在其论述的开始陈述道,"随着人们渐趋衰老",PEP会将学习和记忆过程中所涉及的神经肽化学物进行分解。

5、First of all, the arguer states that because only two percent of customers have complained, the other ninety-eight percent must be happy. ─── 首先,论证者说因为只有百分之二的顾客有不满之辞,所以其余百分之九十八的人肯定是满意的。

6、The arguer's conclusion that the first set of respondents misrepresented their reading habits is critically weakened by this possibility. ─── 论述者关于第一组受访对象没有如实表述其阅读习惯的结论,由于这一可能性而遭到致命的削弱。

7、In conclusion, the arguer's assertion deserves merit that how a society responses to the extremes of human behavior does influence the stability greatly. ─── [总的来说,这篇文章相当奇怪,看了半天感觉就是一两句话地不断重复,段落也不像段落,分论点也不知道藏在哪里。

8、Secondly, the reason that competing news-magazines have significantly decreased the number of cover stories that they devoted to international news lends little support to the arguer's suggestion. ─── 这一段论述的不太清晰,起码我觉得写的是不明不白了啊。

9、Because the arguer does not address these other causes, the argument here also fails to convince. ─── 由于论述者没有涉及这些其他的原因,故所持论点在这里再次无法令人信服。

10、In a word, it is too hastily and too arbitrarily for the arguer to draw this conlusion. ─── 总体而言,我觉得你的逻辑还是不错,但正文第三段还需要加强。

11、Additionally, the arguer begins his or her argument by stating that as people grow older, PEP breaks down the neuropeptide chemicals involved in learning and memory. ─── 进一步而言,论述者在其论述的开始陈述道,随着人们渐趋衰老,PEP会将学习和记忆过程中所涉及的神经肽化学物进行分解。

12、From the fallacies have been discussed above, it is clear that the arguer should provide more and stronger evidences to sustantiate his claim. ─── 这个题目相对来说明显的逻辑漏洞不容易找,毛毛虫论述展开得还不错。

13、In sum, the argument suffers from a series of logcial problems. The arguer should provide better and further eividence to support this conclusion. ─── 语言比较清晰的,不过攻击的点还可以分得细一点,逻辑感就会比较强,也可以多写一点。感觉是字数是稍微少了点,每个分论点再展开一下可能会好的。

14、To sustain his conclusion the arguer gives three reasons for it but each reason(of them) commits its flaw and not cogent. ─── 好像不太正,有跳跃。如你所述的话,那增加的岗位给谁了?黄瓜你怎么想的?

15、The arguer attempts to extract a general principle that only exercise causes longevity and to propose a one-for-all solution to doctors. ─── 它过于笼统地概括锻炼似乎是长寿的唯一原因,且建议医生应采取的措施也过于简单。

16、To solidify his recommendation, the arguer should give more concrete information to show that the experiment is strictly controlled. ─── 不过第二段太长了,“没有提供两个实验组中的病人情况”和“两个医师的不同经验也会影响实验的结果”可以分两段来写。

17、To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would demonstrate that the superior quality of Adams' agents and the relatively lower charge comparable to Fitch's. ─── 许多模式句型充斥,结尾老套,不值得学习借鉴。

18、But critics of online relationships arguer that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace. ─── 但是网络恋情的批评者认为没有人能够真正在网络空间认识一个人。

19、Once there is something wrong with one genetic segment in these large mammals, the consequence would be as dreadful as what the arguer has cited in the argument. ─── 也就是人家说的为什么混血儿比较聪明漂亮的原因阿。我以为大家都知道这个,就没有细说。还是在修改的时候再啰嗦几句好了。

20、First, the arguer unfairly establsih a realtion between the income and the will of purchasing high-priced houses. ─── 首先,工资上涨并不意味着人们追求在房子的欲望上涨。

21、To sum up, the arguer is too cursory to make the suggestion. ─── (文章写得很好,思路很清晰,只是第一段我没太看懂,期待与你讨论。

22、The arguer asserts that if we take even one step onto the "slippery slope," we will end up sliding all the way to the bottom; ─── 再看结论,到底需要什么样的证据来支持,你时候能够提出这样的证据。

23、In this argument, the arguer cites a study showing that North Americans suffer from an amazingly higher rate of chronic fatigue and chronic depression than people living in Asia. ─── 在本段论述中,论述者援引了一项研究来证明,北美洲人患慢性疲倦和慢性忧郁症的比例要比居住在亚洲的人令人惊讶地高。

24、To sum up, the arguer show(shows) us an argument with several doubtful points. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence in detail. ─── 结尾段太简单了。尽管结尾段不重要,最好能够稍微总结一下需要证实的东西,或是需要跟多信息的话题,或是要排除的可能性等等。举一到两个就可以了,也不用写太多。

25、people wll buy T-bill and gov bond of US, not those of china. nothing to argu, don't fret. ─── 就允许美国大量印美钞,就不允许中国大量印人民币?

26、This appears to be nothing more than a random “fact” thrown in and adopted to suit the arguer’s purposes, but it does nothing to advance the argument. ─── 这似乎只是被论述者抛进来的一个不着边际的“事实”,用来满足其自身的目的,但却不起任何作用来推进该项论述。

27、To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. ─── 这个结论是缺少可信度的,因为这段分析里所引用的证据并不能强有力的支持作者的主张。

28、Additionally, the arguer fails to account for the obvious health benefits generated by the light weightlifting program. ─── 此外,该论述者也没能说清楚轻微的举重计划所产生的明显健康作用。

29、I‘m a arguer in the debate ground, no one could convince me, if you point out my mistake. ─── 我是辩论场上的辩手,容不得别人说服我,要是你说我的不是,一次。

30、In conclusion, the arguer failed to support that sleep apnea is really result of snore and will cause tired and lack of exercise. ─── 这句什么意思?如果累因为打鼾,那么锻炼就不会对阻止打鼾有效,甚至更严重。使这个意思吗?如果使的话,此文是据打鼾易长胖,所以要少吃多锻炼防长胖。

31、In addition, the arguer commits a fallacy of thoroughly equaling the situations in Omni and Tria. As a matter of fact, no evidence about the waters? ─── 水域的证据?应该是水域情况一样的证据吧?

32、actual argu ment ─── 实自变量

33、Moreover, to strengthen it the arguer also supplies the evidence about astudy of high school students. ─── 尽管我们公司去年在杂志上做了大量广告,我们家居用品的销量还是下降了。

34、Additionally, the arguer mentions neuropeptide chemicals that are broken down by PEP.What the researchers have found is a compound that prevents neuropeptides from breaking apart. ─── 这是两种不同性质的物理作用:神经肽化学物的分解有别于神经肽自身的分裂。

35、Even though the assumption merely happened, the arguer neglects a critical premise that whether the melatonin can cause shyness during their babyhood. ─── 论者没有提供任何对某素的科学研究,以说明某素的功能或是作用是什么。

36、In sum, the arguer can not conclude for(from) the mere facts which may not contribute to the assumption(s) but should sustain the conclusion with more facts as illustrated above. ─── 很明显是模考,拼写错误和结尾不充实。重大漏洞全都挑出来了,而且按倒序攻击原文,很新颖。各段之间连接也很出色。

37、To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to the arguer’s claim. ─── 结论:论者没有调查清楚人们对于园艺的兴趣是什么,又引用了一份不合适的调查来支持他的观点,得出的结论必然是错误的。

38、In the second place, the arguer oversimplifies the issue of Promoting Professor Thomas to Department Chairperson. ─── 在过去两年中都超过了她的年薪,而不是对他的研究成果给与奖励。

39、In sum, the evidences cited by the arguer are too weak to lend strong support to his conclusion.I will suspend my judgment about the credibility of his conclusion until further evidence provided. ─── 你的文章基本上是可以的,但是我觉得要强调一下,前三个论据推出利润下降,而利润下降再推出结论建议的逻辑链。

40、It was a sorely needed lesson because I had been an inveterate arguer. ─── 这是个独一无二的重要的教训,我原来是个固执,拗强的人。

41、By failing to address the likely contributions of the light weightlifting program, the arguer has failed to convey a convincing argument. ─── 由于没能探讨轻微的举重训练计划有可能带来的裨益,该论述者便没能传递出一个令人信服的论点。

42、But the audience may feel like the issue of teachers and students agreeing is important and be distracted from the fact that the arguer has not given any evidence as to why a curve would be fair. ─── 论者没有给我们任何理由,说明安乐死是可以接受的,相反地,她就像是重复两遍问题,“为什么你认为安乐死可以接受呢?”

43、When an arguer argues dispassionately he thinks only of the argument. ─── 当一个辩论者不动感情于争辩,他只是为争辩而辩。

44、First of all, the arguer states that as people grow older, PEP breaks down the neuropeptide chemicals that are involved in learning and memory. ─── 首先,论述者称,随着人们渐趋衰老,PEP 会分解学习和记忆过程中所涉及的神经肽化学物。

45、For support, the arguer claims that there is no evidence that the humans had any significant contact with the animals. ─── 为了提供依据,论述者宣称,没有任何证据可证明人类曾与动物有过重大的接触。

46、Furthermore, the arguer implies that because this salamander's eggs have no protective shells, they must be vulnerable to UV radiation. ─── 此外,论述者暗示,由于这种蝾螈的卵没有任何保护壳,它们肯定易于受到紫外线的毁损。

47、Thirdly, the arguer ignores the probability that diet alone is not the sole reason behind the increased rates of fatigue and depression for North Americans as opposed to Asians. ─── 第三,论述者忽视了这样一种可能性,即饮食本身并不是造成北美人相对于亚洲人疲倦与忧郁症比例上升的唯一原因。

48、To begin with, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. ─── 这个错误是草率推广吗?

49、To sum up, the argument is not well reasoning and lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lead to strong support to what the arguer maintains. ─── 下半年结识一些朋友,于我是很有意义的。还有一些小花絮或是很找乐的事就不在这里说了。说白了,总结都是给别人看的。

50、1, The arguer may be right about....,but he seems to neglect to take into account the fact that.... ─── 争辩者也许关于。。。的论述是正确的,但是他似乎忽视考虑这样一个事实。。。

51、In summary, the arguer fails to convince with the argument as presented. ─── 总而言之,论述者没能用其提出的论据来说服我们。

52、By failing to address the likely contributions of the light weightlifting program, the arguer has failed to convey a convincing argument. ─── 由于没能探讨轻微的举重训练计划有可能带来的裨益,该论述者便没能传递出一个令人信服的论点。

53、Finally, if it is the case we referred to above, the arguer should provide us more specific detail about the soon-to-be-published book and investigate the market of the video games of the books. ─── 提一个意见,我觉得你过于注重句式了,有一点点同一个意思用不同句式再说一遍的感觉,反而是批判的不是太深刻。

54、In summary, the arguer fails to convince with the argument as presented. ─── 总而言之,论述者没能用其提出的论据来说服我们。

55、Meanwhile, the arguer should use more specific evidence which could validate this prediction. ─── 与此同时,论者应该使用更具体的证据来使他的论点有效。

56、By failing to address these possibilities, the arguer has presented an unconvincing argument. ─── 由于没有探究这些可能性,论述者所摆出的这段论述便失去了说服力。

57、In sum, the argument is unpersuasive as it stands. It would be necessary for the arguer to rule out all the above-mentioned possibilities before we could better assess the argument. ─── 小小总结一下,我觉得你文笔很好,一点不像第一次写的。就是逻辑,思路上再注意一些就好了。第二段的质疑写的很好,值得学习,我就没想到这一点。

58、To sum up, this arguer fails to attest its prediction that salicylates can steady decline in number of individuals suffered from headache. ─── 不过时态和句子搭配上稍微可能需要一点注意。

59、a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer to a straight question. ─── 他真是一个狡猾的辩手,一直拒绝对一个直接的问题给予直截了当的回答。

60、Tip : To avoid the post hoc fallacy, the arguer would need to give us some explanation of the process by which the tax increase is supposed to have produced higher crime rates. ─── 技巧:检查事情是否真是象你说的那样,只有二选一的可能,或者还有其它你没有提到的选择?如果还有其它可能,不要忽略它,说明为什么必须排除它。

61、In this argument, the arguer states that researchers have found compounds that keep an enzyme known as PEP from breaking neuropeptides apart, which are known to be involved in learning and memory. ─── 在本段论述中,论述者指出,研究人员已发现了某些化合物,可以阻止一种被称为PEP的酶的物质将神经肽予以分解,而神经肽则是学习和记忆过程中所需涉及到的物质。

62、In sum, the arguer shows no convincing evidence to prove that only by antibiotics treatment could heal quickly the patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain. ─── 这段可以再写深入一些。作者所提的关于用抗生素的提议是不合理的,因为还有一些其它的手段来作为治疗手段。

63、To sum up, the arguer fails to substantiate his claim that ___, because the evidence in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the author maintains. ─── 总的来说,作者失败的证实他的声明___,因为分析中的证据无法对作者的主张提供强有力的支持。

64、The arguer does not provide any information about the subscribers of Cheese of the World, thus they may not be representative of United States consumers. ─── 2国产的奶酪在新的店里销售得好并不能推出所有店的顾客对国产奶酪的偏爱,

65、To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have toprovide us more evidence. ─── 只是在论述中有时还是比较绕,直接一点可能会更好。

66、All in all, we can not come to the conclusion that the arguer asserts in the argument. In order to give us more information ─── 应该是为了证明他的结论他要给我们更多信息

67、the arguer would have to provide evidence concerning the relationship between the advertising and the sales to logicize the whole argument. ─── "logicize" 我查了一下没有这个词,最后这句可以改一下:to make the whole argument logically acceptable.

68、The arguer's conclusion that the first set of respondents misrepresented their reading habits is critically weakened by this possibility. ─── 论述者关于第一组受访对象没有如实表述其阅读习惯的结论,由于这一可能性而遭到致命的削弱。

69、To strengthen the argument, the arguer must show a direct link between the breaking apart of neuropeptides and loss of memory and learning ability. ─── 若要使其论述在逻辑上成立,论述者必须在神经肽的分裂与记忆能力和学习能力的缺失之间证明某种直接的联系。

70、Without such direct causal evidence, the study itself does not support the arguer's premise. ─── 没有这种直接的因果证据,该项研究无法来支持论述者的命题。

71、The arguer then concludes his or her argument by stating that North Americans should consider regularly eating soy as a means of battling fatigue and depression. ─── 论述者在其论述的结束处陈述首,北美人应考虑经常性地吃些大豆,以此作为一种抗疲劳和抗忧郁的方法。

72、Often, the arguer never returns to the original issue. ─── 通常论者不会再回到原来的问题。

73、Banze had arguer that the authorities should have ensure the plumbing was safe during the refurbishment. ─── 班兹坚称当局在装修期间应确保水管设备的安全。

74、At the end of the argument, the arguer advocates extending the compounds that prevent PEP from breaking neuropeptides apart to students who have poor memory and difficulty in concentrating. ─── 在论述的结尾之处,论述者倡导将那些可阻止PEP致使神经肽分裂的化合物推广至那些记忆力和专注力差的学生身上。

75、For all the reasons given above, the conclusion advocated by the arguer will not be supported if there are no more sufficient evidence and thorough comparison between EZ Disposal and ABC Waste. ─── 结尾:作者需要提供更加具体并且具有说服力的证据,否则题目中的结论不能成立。

76、To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to the arguer maintains. ─── 文章措辞比较专业,语言较为流畅,结尾处扣题扣得很好,将前面论述批驳的东西都扣上。

77、The arguer also states that ultraviolet radiation is known to be damaging to delicate tissues and that salamander eggs have no protective shells. ─── 此外,论述者暗示,由于这种蝾螈的卵没有任何保护壳,它们肯定易于受到紫外线的毁损。

78、Furthermore, the arguer fails to assume? ─── 未能假设?

79、In sum, the argument is unfounded and insufficient on conclusion from study above. The arguer should provide more detailed study and make whole survey on ulcer. ─── 第二段的论证好像有点问题,三段的衔接感觉不是很紧,尤其是首句,没有起到统领的作用,也许可以在这里下点功夫。

80、We can believe that one sample lunch that the arguer happened to taste was indeed delicious, but based on this slim information, we can never evaluate the overall performance of Discount. ─── 而如果我们想在出国的道路上成为佼佼者,那么在保持传统强项的同时是否应该特别加强一下我们的口语和写作能力呢?

81、In the final analysis, the arguer's view that the scent in lavender flowers is effective to cure insomnia is untenable. ─── [看得出来,学长很有想法,你的风格,我估计找不到类似的。

82、ArgU gene ─── argU基因

83、To sum up, lacking enough evidence and reasonable analysis, the arguer's conclusion is not convincing. ─── 作者的词汇使用功底深厚,只是有时候不要总是写长句子,适当的写些短句,突出一下重点。

84、Without more effective support, the arguer's point of view is unconvincing and not well reasoned. ─── 看看精华区里面有没有能给出一些关于论证的灵感的帖子吧。

85、In the argument, the arguer concludes that Xanadu College (XC) should develop an extensive computer-based long-distance learning program in order to enhance the reputation of XC. ─── ( 概括不够全面,还说了 increase income from student tuition) A careful examination of this argument would reveals that there are at least the following fallacies.

86、the arguer assumed that what is true of a group as a whole is necessarily true of each member of that group... ─── 辨论者活门可能假定一个团体内中什么是真,那么一定那个团体里的每一个成员都是真的.

argue 同根词?

argue来自词根 arg, 白,同 Argentine, 阿根廷,白银之国。争吵以辩白。


argumentative 好辩的;辩论的;争辩的

arguable 可论证的;可议的;可疑的

arguably 可论证地;可争辩地;正如可提出证据加以证明的那样地

argumentatively 激辩地

argument 论证;论据;争吵;内容提要

arguing 争吵

argumentation 论证;争论;辩论

arguer 争辩者;辩论者

arguing 争吵(argue的ing形式);争辩

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