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08-19 投稿


sarcastic 发音

英:[sɑ?r?k?st?k]  美:[sɑ??k?st?k]

英:  美:

sarcastic 中文意思翻译



sarcastic 词性/词形变化,sarcastic变形

比较级--more sarcastic;最高级--most sarcastic。

sarcastic 短语词组

1、sarcastic sounds remix ─── 讽刺声音混音

2、sarcastic tone ─── 讽刺语气

3、more sarcastic sarcastic( ─── 讥讽的,讽刺的,挖苦的)的比较级形式

4、sarcastic sound ─── 讽刺的声音

5、humorously sarcastic or mocking ─── 幽默地讽刺或嘲弄

6、most sarcastic sarcastic( ─── 讥讽的,讽刺的,挖苦的)的最高级形式

7、sarcastic comment ─── 讽刺的话语

8、sarcastic comments ─── 冷言 ─── 冷语

9、sarcastic sounds ─── 讽刺的声音

10、humorously sarcastic crossword ─── 幽默讽刺纵横填字游戏

sarcastic 相似词语短语

1、sarcastically ─── adv.讽刺地;挖苦地

2、sarcasticness ─── 讽刺

3、aplastic ─── adj.[基医]发育不全的;无形的;不能再生组织的

4、shagtastic ─── 粗壮的

5、archaistic ─── adj.古风的;仿古的

6、synclastic ─── adj.(曲面)同方向的

7、stochastic ─── adj.[数]随机的;猜测的

8、sarcoptic ─── 疥螨的

9、narcistic ─── 麻醉的

sarcastic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up," said the sarcastic teacher. After a long silence, one freshman rose to his feet. ─── "如果教师里有白痴,那么请他们站起来。”讽刺的老师说道。一阵长时间的沉默后,一个大一新生站了起来。

2、"Tell me," he said, a sarcastic smirk on his face. ─── “告诉我,”他说,脸上浮现出不屑一顾的笑容。

3、Make sarcastic comments against successful people because of jealousy. ─── 出于嫉妒的心理冷言冷语讽刺别人(特别是做出了成绩的人)。

4、"Bonaparte said so," observed Prince Andrey with a sarcastic smile. ─── “这是波拿巴说的话”安德烈公爵冷冷一笑,说道。

5、If players say GG too early it is a sarcastic way of saying you have lost and the game is over. ─── 在初期可以拿来嘲弄对方,说对方输定了。

6、His expression goes by gravely, ask a student with sarcastic note: "You this magical pen, the plan is drawn with it? ─── 他神情严厉地走过去,用讽刺的口吻问学生:“您这支神奇的笔,打算用它来画什么呢?”

7、He studied English literature at Princeton University, where he was apparently nicknamed "Stinky" because of his sarcastic attitude towards his friends. ─── 他在普林斯顿大学主修英国文学,由于他言辞犀利讥讽,当时在朋友们中间获得了“臭臭”的绰号。

8、Tanis was pointing to the thin, sarcastic young woman. ─── 坦尼斯指指那个瘦瘦的、神情讥刺的年青女人。

9、His laugh had a hoarse sarcastic edge. ─── 他笑起来声音沙哑,自有一种冷峭尖刻的味道。

10、He cast me a sarcastic smile which made me really uncomfortable. ─── 他颇带讽刺地冲我笑了一下,这使我真的很不舒服。

11、He turned to me with a superior and sarcastic smile. ─── 他向我转过身来,脸上露出一种傲慢的、嘲讽的微笑。

12、She growled a sarcastic reply. ─── 她以讥讽的口吻咬牙切齿地作了回答。

13、I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment. ─── 她冷嘲热讽把我噎得一句话都说不出来。

14、Since better men than you are dead, and you step into their shoes, said Mr Osborne, in that sarcastic tone which he sometimes was pleased to assume. ─── 奥斯本往往喜欢挖苦别人,他很尖酸地说道,比你强的人死了,你就乘势儿上去了。

15、She avoided answering her husband's sarcastic questions. ─── 她对她丈夫那尖酸刻薄的问题避而不答。

16、The only waitress willing to stand up to his sarcastic tirades is Carol Connelly, a single mother struggling to raise her chronically asthmatic son. ─── 作为一个作家,猫屎最喜欢鸡蛋里挑骨头,亦对看不顺眼的人加以整蛊,难怪他身边没几个朋友,说实在,他根本没朋友!

17、The sign, so farm removed from reality, actually attracted many people's sarcastic exclamation, “look! ─── 和现实距离太远的这个牌子,竟然吸引了很多人在此留念,”看看!

18、Destiny stands by sarcastic with our dramatis person folded in her hand. ─── 命运之神把我们的剧中人握在她的手里,正冷眼旁观呢。

19、EXAMPLE: When tough, experienced managers tested the newer , younger manager with difficult, sometimes sarcastic questions, he had plenty of pushback , and earned their respect. ─── 严厉而老到的经理们为了考验这位晚来的年青经理,提出了一些难以回答、有时甚至是挖苦的问题,但他从容应对,赢得了他们的尊重。

20、There's also a sarcastic situation in this country that Chinese people now can accept western wedding dress which is in the color of white! ─── 也有讽刺的情况,在这个国家,中国人现在能接受西方的婚纱,这是中色白!

21、Ace laughed. She was in a sarcastic mood thinking she was Lauren Bacall. That was all right, just so she kept funny. ─── 埃斯笑了。她现在是挖苦人的心情,把自己当作罗林·巴考尔。这样很好,只要她能保持玩笑的心态。

22、Derisive with sarcastic be like the arise suddenly like storm, let Xiao Tinghai feel be at a loss. ─── 嘲笑与讥讽就如风暴般突如其来,让肖廷海感到不知所措。

23、Being jealous of Miss Li's excellent performance, Miss Zhou spread sarcastic gossip about her everywhere. ─── 周小姐看见李小姐的工作出色,就到处说风凉话。

24、He uses every opportunity to make sarcastic comments. ─── 他专门找空子说风凉话。

25、I can see from her expression that his sarcastic comment had hit home . ─── 从她的表情中我可以看出他那些挖苦人的话已经触及她的痛处。

26、His remarks were extremely sarcastic. ─── 他的话很有讽刺性。

27、When someone wishes someone else "good luck" in the manner as you did, it is usually a sarcastic thing. ─── 你这种祝别人“好运的”方式实际上是在挖苦别人。

28、By making fun of my English accent, he used some sarcastic words in an exaggerated fashion. ─── 他取笑我的英语口音,并以夸张的形式使用嘲笑的字眼。

29、Since better men than you are dead, and you step into their shoes, said Mr. Osborne, in that sarcastic tone which he sometimes was pleased to assume. ─── 奥斯本以他经常使用的尖酸口气说,比你强的人死了,你就乘势儿上去了。

30、If a fellow slips up, criticize him, but why be so sarcastic? ─── 人家犯了点错误,批评好了,干吗要讽刺?

31、You're known for your sarcastic style on the air, and even being a little cranky. ─── 众所周知,你的播报带有讽刺的风格,甚至有点脾气暴躁。

32、If such a clever person becomes arrogant or sarcastic, however, their words can hurt you. ─── 但是,如果这样一个人变得傲慢或讽刺,他们的言语便会伤害到你。

33、He is not usually sarcastic, but this is a pretty strange remark. ─── 他通常不太挖苦人,但这是一个特别奇怪的评论。

34、They resented his bantering remarks because they thought he was being sarcastic. ─── 他们对他的开玩笑很不满意,他们认为他在挖苦人。

35、He studied English literature at Princeton University, where he was apparently nicknamed "Stinky" because of his sarcastic attitude towards his friends.Charming! ─── 他是温特沃斯.米勒三世,而他父亲是温特沃斯.米勒二世,所以也不用猜米帅将来的子嗣会起个什么名儿了。

36、He not only ignored the criticism of his comrades but went so far as to be sarcastic. ─── 他对同志们的批评置若罔闻, 甚至反唇相讥。

37、People who prefer purple desire to be unique and are usually artistic and creative, but they may become sarcastic if misunderstood. ─── 喜欢紫色的人渴望独特,而且通常有艺术感和创造力,但是他们假如他们遭到误解可能变得讽刺人。

38、Albert: That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman. ─── 艾尔伯特:那种讽刺轻蔑的语气,好像因为你是男人就什么都知道,而我是女人就什么都不知道。

39、She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks. ─── 她用挖苦的话来取笑别人的缺点。

40、It's begging for a big phat sarcastic bitch slap. ─── 俚语太多,不太理解,似乎是说这局值得鼓掌鼓励一下,但话挺糙)

41、He needled her with his sarcastic remarks. ─── 他使用讽刺的评论刺激她。

42、"Your call, Commander," Joe replied, putting a sarcastic emphasis on the title. ─── / "你的呼叫,指挥官",乔答覆,把讽刺的强调放在名称。

43、In the Fuzhou dialect,there is a sarcastic saying “ Yi shun ge zhu di” which means “cheap”,“manipulative” and “unsuccessful”. ─── 在福州方言中“贻顺哥烛蒂”是一句挖苦人的话,混合了“吝啬、算计、到头一场空”等多种含义。

44、There is also a newspaper reporters of the class to pick Tanner gill, all kinds of ironic dig at all sarcastic but incisive penetrating. ─── 另外还有一个校报的记者不断给丹拿的课挑刺,各种挖苦讽刺尖酸刻薄但都无不鞭辟入里入木三分。

45、He was always passing sarcastic remarks. ─── 他老爱说些讽刺话。

46、A witty or sarcastic remark. ─── 俏皮话,挖苦话

47、Yevlenko was standing with both hands on the desk, grating out sarcastic words. ─── 叶甫连柯站在那里,双手放在桌面上,粗声粗气地讲了这些挖苦人的话。

48、He can't help making sarcastic comments. ─── 他忍不住发表讽刺的评论。

49、His words are never ironic or sarcastic. ─── 他的话从来都不是讥讽或挖苦的。

50、Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. ─── 人生是由呜咽、抽泣和微笑组成的,而在三者之中,抽泣处于支配地位。

51、Intentionally or unintentionally students around talking about those sarcastic comments to make me even more irrepressible, crying out of control. ─── 周围的同学有意无意说起的那些风凉话,使我更加抑制不住,哭得一发不可收拾。

52、Music is thelanguage in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. ─── (John Erskine, American educator)音乐是唯一不能用及表达卑鄙的或讽刺的事物的语言。

53、He could feel their sarcastic tone about his poor work. ─── 他能感觉到他们对他拙劣作品的讽刺语调。

54、He chopped in with a sarcastic remark. ─── 他突然插进一句讽刺的话。

55、The man had the effrontery to be sarcastic. ─── 那个男人有冷嘲热讽的放肆劲。

56、She reacted strongly to the sarcastic tone of the memorandum. ─── 她对于备忘录所使用的讽刺性口吻而作出强烈反应。

57、Ex.:Being jealous of Miss Li's excellent performance, Miss Zhou spread sarcastic gossip about her everywhere. ─── 例:周小姐看见李小姐的工作出色,就到处说风凉话。

58、A pretty sarcastic catchword said at the early phase of Internet "On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog" exactly illustrates the completely equal speech right on the Internet. ─── 互联网早期流传一句话:“上网吧,没有人知道你是一条狗。”这 句颇具调侃意味的流行语说明了在互联网上,人们说话的权利是完全平等的。

59、His prose contains sarcastic humor, sometimes bitterness and grief. ─── 其散文的幽默许多是带有讽刺性的,有时则包含着苦涩和心酸。

60、he enquired in a furiously sarcastic e-mail that was so long it must have taken half the day to tap out on his BlackBerry. ─── 这封邮件如此之长,想必他肯定花了半天的时间,不停地敲打自己的黑莓。

61、It was an indocile, a scornful and a sarcastic face-the face of a man difficult to lead and impossible to drive. ─── 这是一张倔强的、倨傲的,又爱好挖苦的脸,一张属于一个难以领导的,也难于驱使的人的脸。

62、Mr. Henderson is awful sarcastic in a speech and he'll make fun of her saying she didn't wake up. ─── 亨德森先生说话爱挖苦人,还取笑她说她当时没有醒过来。

63、When he came,he was silent and moody,and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away. ─── 他来时默默无言,郁郁不乐,冷嘲热讽一通之后就走了。

64、You wanna be sarcastic,do it to your monkey friends! ─── 你要想挖苦人,挖苦你那帮狐朋狗友去吧!

65、I like sass, and I am sarcastic, if you don't like it find another guy. ─── 口头禅/座佑铬 I like trying new things, having adventures and challenging the norm.

66、Miss Ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification and repressed vexation, and the sarcastic curl of the lip, as he spoke. ─── 奥菲丽亚小姐用锐利的目光扫了他一眼,立刻就看出:他说话时,脸上流露出羞耻的红晕,内心抑制着恼怒的感情,嘴角微微翘起,含着讽刺的意味。

67、Don't get sarcastic with him. ─── 不要跟他说挖苦话。

68、He is a bit dim about her sarcastic remarks. ─── 他不太领会她的挖苦话。

69、His sarcastic comment bruised her feelings. ─── 他的挖苦话伤了她的感情。

70、Liu graduated from Stuyvesant High School in 1986 and enrolled in New York University; discouraged by the "dark and sarcastic" atmosphere of NYU, however, she transferred to the University of Michigan after her freshman year. ─── 刘文森高中毕业,1986年就读于纽约大学;失意的"黑暗、讽刺"纽约大学的气氛,不过,她转往密歇根大学后她大一.

71、Q. He was being sort of sarcastic about hard work, that you're an overnight sensation by working hard. ─── 他曾经嘲讽过很努力的训练,打球,而你是因为自己的努力而一夜成名的。

72、Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke. ─── 可是艾姆斯说话的口气没有丝毫的嘲讽或傲慢的味道。

73、Over the table, he shouted at his mother, in what today he describes as 'utter, total sarcastic, smart-ass kid rudeness. ─── 在餐桌上,盖茨冲着母亲大吵大嚷,他现在将其描述为“极其不敬,带有狂妄自大的孩子般的粗鲁”。

74、He felt that the young foreigner was making a convenient bow to property, but he had more respect for the sarcastic smile on the lips of Ferrand's heart. ─── 他觉得这个外国青年正在因利就便地对财富折腰,可是他对费朗德从心底发出来的,挂在嘴上的讥笑却更加敬佩。

75、"I am really, really happy that Mascherano must go to Egypt to play a friendly," a sarcastic Benitez said. ─── “我真的非常、非常高兴马斯切拉诺必须去埃及打一场友谊赛”贝尼特斯不无讽刺的说。

76、We have to be careful when using sarcasm, however, because if the person inviting me really wanted me to go to the opera, and I made such a sarcastic comment, he might be extremely offended. ─── 但是,在应用一些讽刺的说话时,我们要非常小心,如果邀请我去看歌剧的人是认真地想我赴约,而我给予这种讽刺的回答,便会得罪了朋友。

77、She can be very sarcastic. ─── 她有时很会挖苦人。

78、Baldrick: [sarcastic] Why don't you take the flipping tree? ─── 为什么你不拿这讨厌之极的树?

79、Her sarcastic tone irked him. ─── 她挖苦的语气使他很生气。

80、Well, well, God grant it,"he added, not noticing his visitor's sarcastic smile. ─── 也罢,愿上帝保佑。”他补充一句,并不注意女客嘲讽的微笑。

81、Don't get sarcastic with him; he can pay you back in kind. ─── 不要跟他说挖苦话,他会照样回敬你的。

82、She growled a sarcastic reply. ─── 她以讥讽的口吻咬牙切齿地作了回答。

83、But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, cynical, frustrated, and over-bearing. ─── 但过于冲动者、郁郁寡欢者、冷酷无情者、尖酸刻薄者、愤世嫉俗者、怨天尤人者、以及自以为是、居高临下者却定要排除在外。

84、She has a sarcastic tongue. ─── 她喜欢挖苦人。

85、"No need to be sarcastic, Dorothy. ─── “用不着说风凉话,多罗西。”

86、"Since you ask, it makes me ache. I have lupus, they tell me. A mild form, whatever that means." Her grimace he took to be sarcastic. ─── “既然你问了,就告诉你:它让我疼痛。他们说我长了狼疮。轻度的狼疮,管它那是什么意思呢。”他觉得她说这番话时做的那个鬼脸是在讥讽他。

87、"Hi, " one of the men called, his tone both confident and a bit sarcastic. ─── “嗨,”其中一个男人打了声招呼,他的语调满含自信,也隐约有些嘲讽的意味。

88、It's entirely groundless that you put on the sarcastic stop. ─── 你发出讽刺的调子是毫无根据的。

89、He said it with a sarcastic twist. ─── 他说这话时带上一点讽嘲的意味。



音标[rai] 读音


a. 扭歪的, 歪曲的, 歪斜的

vt. 扭曲, 扭歪

vi. 扭曲, 扭歪


make a wry face词型变化:名词:wryness 副词:wryly 形容词比较级:wrier,wryer 最高级:wriest,wryest 英语解释:形容词 wry:humorously sarcastic or mocking同义词:dry, ironic, ironicalbent to one side

例句:Made a wry face.摆出不悦的面孔Gradually a wry smile settled on his face.一丝苦笑浮现在他脸上。

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