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08-19 投稿


Apollonian 发音

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Apollonian 中文意思翻译



Apollonian 短语词组

1、Apollonian and Dionysian ─── 阿波罗和狄俄尼昂

2、apollonian illusion ─── 阿波罗幻觉

3、apollonian gasket ─── 阿波罗垫圈

4、apollonian perfection ─── 阿波罗式完美

5、apollonian reason ─── 阿波罗理性

6、apollonian reason dionysian ─── 阿波罗理性酒神

7、apollonian circle ─── 阿波罗圈

8、apollonian dionysian ─── 阿波罗酒神

Apollonian 相似词语短语

1、Solonian ─── 索洛尼亚人

2、apologia ─── n.辩解书;辩解文;辩解

3、Jagellonian ─── 贾格洛尼亚

4、Scillonian ─── n.锡利群岛人;adj.锡利群岛的

5、Polonian ─── 波兰人

6、apollonicons ─── 阿波罗式

7、apollonicon ─── 阿波罗尼康

8、apologias ─── n.辩解书;辩解文;辩解

9、Apollonian ─── adj.阿波罗神的;高尚的

Apollonian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Apollonian mindset creates mountains of waste. ─── 阿波罗的看法创造了大量的废料。

2、Apollonian reason ─── 阿波罗理性

3、He says that we have separated two important aspects of ourselves: The "Dionysian" (celebratory and unconscious) and the "Apollonian" (conscious and rational). ─── 他说我们自身被分成两个重要的部分:“酒神的”(狂欢和无意识)和“日神的”(有意识的和理性的)。

4、Apollonian spirit ─── 日神精神

5、In relation to the problem of Apollonian packing, the Apollonian network is introduced. ─── 摘要提出了一个具有老化机制的阿波罗网络模型。

6、Both derive from an artistic realm that lies beyond the Apollonian. ─── 两者都溯源于梦境领域之外的一个艺术领域;

7、Passing Boreen Point, home to the historic Apollonian Hotel, famed for its Sunday spit roast, we see stingrays and stonefish in waist-deep Lake Cootharaba. ─── 经过波伦点久负盛名的阿波罗旅店 这里的周日叉烤相当有名。 我们看到黄貂鱼和石头鱼在齐腰深的考塔拉巴湖水中游曳。

8、Apollonian Isometries and M?bius Transformations ─── Apollonian等距与M?bius变换

9、On the one hand, we have an Apollonian perspective, which is very crisp and premeditated and intellectualized and perfect. ─── 一方面,我们有阿波罗的看法,非常清楚而且规定好的并且是理智的而且是完美的。

10、Apollonian metric and hyperbolic metric on disk ─── 圆上的Apollonian度量与双曲度量

11、The Apollonian Songs of Order ─── 日神之歌

12、Cultural personality of the Chinese is very much like the "Apollonian" in classical world, while cultural personality of western people is close to the "Faust" in modern world. ─── 中国人的文化性格颇似于古典世界的阿波罗式,而西方人的文化性格则类同于现在世界的浮士德式.

13、and then let us imagine how the Apollonian artist with his thin, monotonous harp music have sounded beside the demoniac chant of the multitude! ─── 那么,让我们想象一下:同这着了魔似的民歌相比,拨响着幽灵似的竖琴、唱着赞美诗的日神艺术家能有什么意义!

14、The Apollonian, by contrast, represents the power to deal with the powerful surge of vital energy, to harness destructive powers, and to transmute these into creative act. ─── 相反的,太阳神代表的是一种能够处理高涨活力的力量,利用有破坏性的力量并把它们转换为有创造力的行动。

15、The Model of Apollonian Networks with Aging Mechanism ─── 具有老化机制的阿波罗网络模型

16、Usually, "Apollonian Vision" includes three moments: 1), It is defined from "Will" (Wille); ─── 阿波罗式的视觉主要包括这么几个因素:1,它是从意志的角度得到定义的;

17、This is the Apollonian effect of painting. ─── 这就是图画具有阳光令人目眩的效果。

18、In tragedy,Apollonian image is only the means of expressing the Dionysian impulse. ─── 二、在悲剧中,日神形象仅是表达酒神冲动的手段;

19、The most Apollonian? ─── 哪部最具阿波罗风格?

20、As a matter of fact, Zarathustra embodies an integration/reconciliation of Apollonian and Dionysian perspectives, that is, the op-posites within the self. ─── 事实上查拉图斯特也就是尼采的阿波罗及戴奥尼修斯二观点的重新整合,也就是对自我内在冲突的重新统合。

21、He says that we have separated two important aspects of ourselves: the "Dionysian" and the "Apollonian". ─── 他说我们自身被分成两个重要的部分:“酒神的”和“日神的”。

22、"Apollonian" and "Dionysian" are adjectives. What nouns can they be used to modify? ─── “阿波罗的”和“酒神的”都是形容词。它们用来修饰什么名词?

23、Apollonian metric ─── Apollonian度量

24、Apollonian boundary condition ─── Apollonian边界条件

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