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acetone 发音

英:['?s?t??n]  美:['?s?ton]

英:  美:

acetone 中文意思翻译



acetone 网络释义

n. [有化] 丙酮

acetone 词性/词形变化,acetone变形

形容词: acetonic |

acetone 短语词组

1、acetone extraction ─── [机] 丙酮提取

2、acetone alcohol ─── [化] 丙酮醇

3、acetone boby ─── [机] 酮体

4、acetone fermentation ─── [化] 丙酮发酵

5、acetone bodies ─── [医] 酮体

6、acetone dichloride ─── [化] 二氯代丙酮; 2,2-二氯丙烷

7、acetone chloroform ─── [化] 丙酮氯仿; 偕三氯叔丁醇; 氯丁醇 ─── [医] 三氯叔丁醇, 氯丁醇

8、acetone glycerol ─── [化] 丙酮甘油; 亚异丙基甘油

9、acetone compounds ─── [医] 丙酮化合物

10、acetone monochloride ─── [化] 一氯代丙酮

11、acetone cyanohydrin ─── [化] 丙酮氰醇; 丙酮合氰化氢; 2-甲基-2-羟基丙腈

12、acetone extract ─── [化] 丙酮抽出物

13、acetone number ─── [化] 酮值

14、acetone amine ─── [化] 丙酮胺

15、acetone colllodion ─── [医] 丙酮火棉胶

16、acetone glucose ─── [化] 丙酮糖

17、acetone diethyl-sulfone ─── [医] 丙酮缩二乙砜, 二乙眠砜

18、acetone acid ─── [机] 醋酮酸

19、acetone body ─── [化] 酮体

acetone 相似词语短语

1、acetonic ─── [有化]丙酮的

2、acetate ─── n.[有化]醋酸盐;醋酸纤维素及其制成的产品

3、acetins ─── n.[食品]醋精;[生化]乙酸甘油酯;甘油醋酸酯

4、acetous ─── adj.酸的;醋的

5、aceto- ─── 乙川;n.(Aceto)人名;(意)阿切托

6、icestone ─── 冰石

7、acetose ─── adj.醋一样酸的;制造醋的;醋酸的

8、acetoin ─── n.[有化]乙偶姻(等于3-hydroxy-2-butanone)

9、acetin ─── n.[食品]醋精;[生化]乙酸甘油酯;甘油醋酸酯

acetone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experiments were performed to evaluate the micro-scale flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of acetone flowing through triangular silicon microchannels. ─── 摘要以丙酮为工质,在三角形截面的硅基微通道内进行了微尺度沸腾传热实验研究。

2、The separation of acetone from the acetone and nitrogen mixture using microporous silica membranes was simulated by molecular dynamics (MD) method. ─── 利用分子模拟手段,研究了氮气/丙酮混合气体透过二氧化硅陶瓷膜的渗透过程。

3、Before all the acetone has evaporated, the still-plastic filament is stretched slightly to align the long molecules and develop the inherent strength. ─── 在丙酮被完全蒸发掉之前,依然呈塑性的长丝被轻轻地拉伸,目的是使长分子顺直,增加固有强度。

4、And the acetone is the solvent. ─── 而丙酮是溶剂。

5、Same for acetone. ─── 对丙酮是一样的。

6、Antibacterial peptides were extracted from healthy Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) tissues including skins, gills, liver, kidney by methanol and acetone extraction. ─── 摘要以新鲜的牙鲆为试验材料,用100%丙酮和90%甲醇配制的提取液,从牙鲆的鳃、皮肤、肝、肾组织中提取抗菌肽,并对牙鲆抗菌肽粗提物进行部分性质检测。

7、The near near-infrared spectra of tolune, acetone and heptane mixtures were studied in conjunction with the method of principalcomponent analysis . ─── 应用主成分分析法研究厂甲苯、丙酮和庚烷混合体系的近近红外光谱。

8、Crystallization of aqueous glycin solution with acetone as the anti-solvent is studied to examine the effects of ultrasound on crystal size and habit. ─── 摘要以甘氨酸水溶液的丙酮溶析结晶为对象,探讨了超声波对结晶过程的影响。


10、Its major use is in the production of acetic acid and its derivative acetone and various acetates, and of numerous other organic chemicals. ─── 它主要用于生产醋酸及其衍生物和各种醋酸酯,以及生产许多其他有机化学品。

11、The acetone was than allowed to vaporize until a concentrated syrup-like nitrocellulose lacquer formed. ─── 丙酮比允许是汽化直到被集中糖浆象硝化纤维素亮漆形成了。

12、A small bit of un-nitrated cotton was than removed, and the rest of the acetone was allowed to dry. ─── 小位联合国被硝化处理的棉花比被去除是, 并且丙酮的剩余让烘干。

13、However, other solvents, such as acetone and trichlorotrifluoroethane, were not and the procedure was adequate for recovering a known inoculum of spores. ─── 不过其他溶剂(如丙酮和三氯三氟乙烷)就不会,操作适用于回收孢子接种物。

14、Methods The eyeballs of rat were fixed in the improved fixative solution mixed with paraform,glacial acetic acid and acetone. ─── 方法将大鼠眼球投入到由多聚甲醛、冰醋酸和丙酮组成的改良固定液中固定后制成石蜡切片,经HE染色后在显微镜下观察。

15、Acetone (or dimethyl ketone): Simplest and most important ketone (CH3COCH3). ─── 丙酮:亦称二甲基酮:分子式为CH3COCH3,最简单和最重要的酮。

16、N-Maleoyl L-glutamic acid was synthesized by reaction of L-glutamic acid monosodium salt with maleic anhydride in aqueous acetone. ─── 摘要以马来酸酐和味精为原料,在丙酮水溶液中反应得到N-马来酰-L-谷氨酸。

17、A gas phase mass transfer process was experimentally studied, in which the chlorine and acetone react in a short paralled flow wetted wall tube reactor. ─── 利用短的湿壁管并结合双膜模型研究了氯气与丙酮并流氯化反应过程的传质系数 ,考察了丙酮流量VL、氯气流量 QG及湿壁管长 l对该气液反应传质的影响。

18、By using ultrasonic waves to break the cell of strain B. 9, and with acetone as the abstracting liquid, more carotene would be abstracted. ─── 用丙酮作提取液,以超声波破碎菌体的方法类胡萝卜素得量较高;

19、An industrial process of acetone distillation has been analyzed and a new process withhigher efficiency of removing aldehyde has been developed. ─── 分析了燕化公司化工二厂丙酮精制装置的工艺操作状况,提出提高该系统脱醛率的新工艺流程。

20、The separation of acetone,ethanol,benzene,chloroform,toluene was performed on a 10% PEG-20M Chromosorb-W-AW-DMCS column. ─── 对样品中残留丙酮、乙醇、苯、氯仿、甲苯的分离选用10%PEG-20M chromosorb-W-AW-DMCS公谱柱。

21、Do not clean PC sheets with benzene, gasoline, acetone, or tetra chloromethane. ─── 勿用苯、汽油、丙酮或四氯化碳清;

22、Acetone is charged into the cylinder and completely fills the pores of the filler material. Acetone is the solvent which will dissolve the acetylene gas charged into the cylinder. ─── 丙酮被充入钢瓶,彻底填满填充物材料的孔道。它是溶剂,能够溶解充入钢瓶的乙炔气体。

23、Innovatation of physical chemistry experiment and some considerations were discussed combining with improvement of acetone iodination experiment. ─── 摘要结合丙酮碘化实验的改进谈物理化学实验的改革与感想。

24、It is recommended to crash damaged or unnecessary LCD into pieces and wash off liquid crystal by using solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should be burned up later. ─── 建议将损坏或无用的LCD模块打成碎片并将液晶用乙醇和丙醇清洗干净,之后需将其烧掉。

25、There were plenty of auxochromic groups and chromophoric groups in the acetone extractives of silver chain. ─── [结论]羟基、羧基等助色基团在预处理条件下氧化成羰基、酯基等发色基团,使木材的颜色加深;

26、Bioflocculant JT06 was extracted from dewatered sludge by ultrasonication,acetone precipitation and freezing desiccation. ─── 城市垃圾和污水脱水污泥、排水管污泥已成为现代城市污染的主要问题。

27、Characteristics: a white or yellowish crystalline powder, slightly soluble inwater, in acetone in alcohol and in methylene chloride, very slightly soluble in ether. ─── 性状:白色或微黄色结晶状粉末,微溶于水、丙酮、三氯甲烷,极微溶于乙醚。

28、Acetylene can be safely stored and used in cylinders filled with a porous material and containing a solvent (acetone) into which the acetylene has been dissolved. ─── 乙炔可以安全地在钢瓶里储存和使用。钢瓶里充满了含有已经溶解了乙炔的溶剂(丙酮)的多孔渗水材料。

29、The Daidzin was obtained with a purity of 90% using acetone circumfluence extraction and the hybrid extraction of acetone and ethyl acetate. ─── 利用丙酮回流萃取,然后丙酮、乙酸乙酯组合萃取可以得到90%纯度的Daidzin产品;

30、A new kind of bismaleimide resin which could be dissolved in acetone was prepared by bismaleimide,diamine,modifier A. ─── 在二胺改性双马来酰亚胺树脂中加入少量改性剂A可制得1种能溶于丙酮的双马来酰亚胺树脂。

31、The mixture reagent of hexane and acetone that brings good side-glowing luminance is used to treat the optical fibers' surface. ─── 其中光纤表面采用侧发光处理效果较好的正己烷与丙酮混合试剂处理。

32、The process flow was designed and experimentally studied for separation of acetone,tetrahydrofuran(THF) ,triethylamine and water mixture. ─── 对丙酮、四氢呋喃、三乙胺、水混合物的分离进行了工艺流程设计和实验研究。

33、In addition, the acetone in the product was verified by IR and the photocurrent was also found. ─── 文中对六钨酸四丁基铵盐的催化反应机理进行了讨论。

34、The herbal material samples were smashed,pyrolyzed,extracted with acetone and ethanol mix solution and determined by GC/MS. ─── 中药材样品经粉碎,离线高温裂解,丙酮乙醇混合液萃取后,利用气相色谱-质谱联用法进行测定。

35、After the device is decapped, it is dipped into acetone and clean with ultrasonic washer for5 minutes. ─── 开封结束后,将器件浸在丙酮中超声清洗5分钟。

36、The solvents we used were acetone,methyl ethyl ketone,methyl isobutyl ketone,ethyl acetate and vinyl acetate. ─── 对丙酮、甲苯、丁酮、甲基异丁基酮、乙酸乙酯、醋酸乙烯酯等溶剂进行了评选。

37、METHODS:TCS was obtained by the fractional precipitate with acetone from the homogenate of the root or the calli. ─── 方法:采用丙酮沉淀方法,获得栝楼叶片愈伤和块根的蛋白提取物。

38、The applied potential of the acetone sensor was -2.15 V (vs.Ag/AgCl) in 0.1M sodium tartrate. ─── 将丙酮还原为醇类,进而产生电流变化而得到感测讯号。

39、Best solvent system and qantity of modified acetone are determined by experiments. ─── 实验确定了最佳溶剂体系及改性丙酮加入量。

40、The different morphologies of HMX crystals are obtained from recrystallization with various solvents such as acetonitrile, acetone, butyrolacetone and cyclohexacetone. ─── 摘要以乙腈、丙酮、丁内酯和环己酮等作为溶剂对HMX进行重结晶获得不同形貌的结晶颗粒。

41、Appearance: Red crystal. Easily deliquescent in wet air, soluble in water, alcohol and acetone, it becomes light-blue powder after losing the crystal water. ─── 性状:红色结晶;在湿空气中易潮湿,易溶于水,也溶于乙醇、醚和丙酮;脱水后呈浅兰色粉末。

42、Carbon tetrabromide was prepared from acetone and sodium hypobromite by adding tetrabutylammonium bromide.The yield and purity were very satisfactory. ─── 向次溴酸钠溶液中滴加适量的丙酮,在四丁基溴化铵催化下,高产率得到四溴化碳。

43、Always store and use acetylene cylinders in an upright position to prevent loss of acetone which reduces the cylinder's ability to hold dissolved acetylene. ─── 总是在垂直地储存和使用钢瓶,以防止丙酮的损失,导致钢瓶容纳溶解的乙炔的能力下降。

44、Protein quantitative and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis results showed that TCA-acetone method was the best for extracting tea callus proteins. ─── 通过对蛋白得率和SDS-PAGE单向电泳图谱的比较,发现TCA-丙酮法最适合茶树愈伤组织中蛋白质的提取;

45、Is water repellent, insoluble in alcohol or acetone. ─── 圈内切片或细胞可用醛类,乙醇或丙酮固定。

46、Soluble in water and methyl alcohol,slightly soluble in ethanol,insoluble in acetone and aether. ─── 在水、甲醇中溶解;在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮和乙醚中几乎不溶。

47、We are the professional agents for storage and manage to imports and domestic produced organic chemical solvent 2-butanone (MEK), methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK), acetone(DMK). ─── 公司专业代理.储运.经营进口和国产有机化工溶剂丁酮(MEK),甲基异丁基甲酮(MIBK),丙酮(DMK)。

48、Do not use abrasive cleaning agents, scourers, acetone, alcohol etc. to clean the appliance. ─── 不要使用研磨剂、擦洗器、丙酮、酒精等清洁榨汁机。

49、The transformation rate of citral was more than 99% and the yield was 95% in the reaction of citral with acetone. ─── 并缩合反应中,柠檬醛的转化率为99%以上,产品得率95%;

50、The antioxidant of Terminalia chebula Rotz are distilled by the ultrasonic extraction method with acetone, ethyl acetate and 85% ethanol. ─── 摘要以丙酮、乙酸乙酯、85%乙醇作溶剂,用超声法提取诃子中的抗氧化成分。

51、A small bit of un- nitrated cotton was than removed, and the rest of the acetone was allowed to dry. ─── 小位联合国被硝化处理的棉花比被去除是,并且丙酮的剩余让烘干。

52、After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity. ─── 解决了最初的一些问题后,成功地生产出了大量丙酮。

53、I used solvents such as water, acetone, and denatured alcohol to push the crayon dust around as if it were paint. ─── 我用一些溶剂涂抹粉笔,让画面效果看起来像是用颜料处理过的。

54、After the device is decapped, it is dipped into acetone and clean with ultrasonic washer for 5 minutes. ─── 开封结束后,将器件浸在丙酮中超声清洗5分钟。

55、However, in the process of burning fat in the blood, "acetone" and to stimulate increased urination. ─── 不过,在燃烧脂肪的过程中,血液中的“丙酮”量增加及刺激排尿。

56、HPMC can not dissolve in grain alcohol, aether and acetone without water in themand can dissolve into clear or slight feculent colloidal solution. ─── HPMC在无水乙醇、乙醚、丙酮中几乎不溶,在冷水中溶解成澄清或微浑浊的胶体溶液。

57、The process for renovating acetone stripper system is described. ─── 介绍了丙酮汽提塔系统的工艺改造过程。

58、Ever used nitrocellulose acetone glue to make adhesive in the past, defect is film of easy shift, glue fragile, do not be able to bear or endure bend. ─── 早先曾使用硝化纤维丙酮胶作粘合剂,缺点是轻易移位、胶膜脆、不耐弯曲。

59、Therefore, the diabetic patient has a higher acetone concentration in their expiration gas, blood, or spittle than that of a nondiabetic people. ─── 因此糖尿病患者的血液、尿液及呼出的气体内含丙酮的量较一般健康的人高。

60、Method: To extract lecithin from egg yolk with acetone and ethanol. ─── 方法:用丙酮、乙醇提取蛋黄中的卵磷脂。

61、The best process was as follows: capsanthin was first extracted with acetone for 2 h at pH10. ─── 主要研究复合溶剂法提取辣椒红素的工艺。

62、In the two eluants, the ratio of ethyl acetate or acetone to benzene depended on the elution order. ─── 在两种洗脱剂系统中,乙酸乙酯或丙酮对苯的比例根据试验的洗脱顺序而定。

63、The allowable charged amount of acetylene and acetone controlled and balanced by Mollier diagram can make them in safe equilibrium condition. ─── 利用莫勒图法平衡和控制乙炔、丙酮的允许充装量,能令二者处于安全的平衡状态。

64、Washing NRM tubes using acetone first, then use double distill water to wash a couple times. ─── 先把管子加满硝酸,泡几天,然后每根管子用大概几百毫升双蒸水洗(用一种专门清洗核磁管的装置)。

65、It dissolves in alcohol, acetone, especially in benzene, chloroform, aether, carbon tetrachloride, carbon bisulfide, amyl acetate, toluene and etc., and only a little in water. ─── 微溶于冷水,溶于酒精、丙酮,易溶于苯、氯仿、乙醚、四氯化碳、二硫化碳、醋酸戊酯和甲苯等。

66、The spinning solution is made by dissolving cellulose acetate in acetone containing a small amount of water (up to 10 percent). ─── 将醋酯纤维素溶解于丙酮中(丙酮中含有少量的水,最大含水量为丙酮重量的10%)而形成纺丝液。

67、The minimum acetone concentration for phase transition is 46%, 48% and 52% for AAm-NaMA hydrogel characterized by yCo=3%, 5%, 8%, respectively. ─── 当共聚单体含量为3%、5%和8%时,不连续相变所需丙酮的最低浓度分别为46%、48%及52%。

68、METHODS 3-hydroxyestrogen reacted with dimethylsulfate in acetone in the presence of potassium carbonate. ─── 方法以含3-酚羟基的雌激素类化合物为原料,丙酮为溶剂,在碳酸钾存在下与硫酸二甲醋反应。

69、Easily deliquescent in wet air, soluble in water, alcohol and acetone, it becomes light-blue powder after losing the crystal water. ─── 性能:在湿空气中易潮湿,易溶于水,也溶于乙醇、乙醚和丙酮;脱水后呈浅兰色粉末。

70、Acetone (or dimethyl ketone): Simplest and most important ketone (CH3COCH3). ─── 丙酮:亦称二甲基酮:分子式为CH3COCH3,最简单和最重要的酮。

71、After renovation, the acetone stripper raises its efficiency, which was rather low in the original acetic acid recovery system for removing acetone. ─── 摘要原醋酸回收系统中丙酮汽提塔脱丙酮的效率很低,损失大量己烷。

72、A headspace GC method for determination of residual ethanol, acetone and hexane in cefuroxime sodium was established. ─── 建立了测定头孢呋辛钠中有机溶剂乙醇、丙酮及正己烷残留量的顶空气相色谱方法。

73、Acetone is mainly used as solvent, and for production of acetone cyanohydrin, MMA and bisphenol A secondly. ─── 丙酮主要用做溶剂,其次是生产丙酮氰醇、MMA和双酚A。

74、Then acetone is used as a decolorant to make the raw gutta percha into pure rubber.Alcohol cannot solve gu... ─── 提取液经蒸馏适量回收溶剂后,再以乙醇为沉淀剂,丙酮为脱色剂制得白色富有弹性的杜仲精胶。

75、Meanwhile, acetone was a polymerization inhibitor in preventing the self-polymerization of p-methoxybenzyl chloride, and 11. ─── 同时探索了甲氧基苄氯自聚的阻聚剂,初选的阻聚剂丙酮可使甲氧基苄氯粗品的收率提高11.2%。

76、DOT regulations control the amount of acetone and acetylene allowed in each size cylinder. ─── dot的规范控制了允许充入每种尺寸钢瓶的丙酮和乙炔的数量。

77、As the jets of cellulose acetate solution emerge they meet a stream of warm air which evaporates the acetone, leaving the solid cellulose acetate in the form of fine filaments. ─── 在醋酯纤维素的射流束出现时,会遇到一股热流,丙酮被蒸发,剩下的则是细丝状的醋酯纤维纱。

78、In the first step, the body water and soluble fats are dissolved from the body by placing it into a solvent bath (e. g. , an acetone bath). ─── 第一步,通过将尸体放入溶剂缸槽(比如丙酮),去除身体的水份和可溶性脂肪。

79、After filtration,the filtrate was added with acetone. ─── 加入丙酮使芒果苷单钠沉淀结晶析出。

80、The process flow was designed and experimentally studied for separation of acetone, tetrahydrofuran( THF), triethylamine and water mixture. ─── 对丙酮、氢呋喃、乙胺、混合物的分离进行了工艺流程设计和实验研究。

81、Abstract: The antioxidant of Terminalia chebula Rotz are distilled by the ultrasonic extraction method with acetone, ethyl acetate and 85% ethanol. ─── 摘 要: 以丙酮、乙酸乙酯、85%乙醇作溶剂,用超声法提取诃子中的抗氧化成分。

82、Used Sansevieria trifasciata Prain as raw material,pigment was extracted by the diffusion solvent such as water,Alcohol,Ether,Acetone and so on. ─── 以虎皮兰为原料,对虎皮兰色素用水、乙醇、乙醚和丙酮等作为浸提剂进行了筛选,并对虎皮兰色素提取条件进行了研究。

83、The compound reinforcer agent YDS can activate swift the carbonyl groups of furfural and acetone molecules.The product solidifica with epoxy resin. ─── YDS复合增强剂能迅速活化糠醛、丙酮分子中的碳基,其活化产物能参与环氧树脂的固化反应。

84、Dropped hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to acetone oxime,solid hydroxylamine could get. ─── 在所得的丙酮肟中,滴加浓硫酸或浓盐酸,可以分别得到固体的硫酸羟胺或盐酸羟胺。

85、Bisphenol-A(BPA) is a white, solid chemical produced by recombining phenol and acetone catalyzed by hydrochloric acid. ─── 我们是第一手从国外进口,具有很大的价格优势.

86、Acetylene is a flammable gas stored in cylinders as a dissolved gas. The cylinders are filled with a porous material saturated with a solvent, usually acetone. ─── 乙炔是易燃的,作为溶解气体储存在钢瓶里。钢瓶内填充着充满了浸透了溶剂,通常是丙酮的多孔渗水材料。

87、One might expect azomethane to have a Y structure similar to that of acetone(CH3)2CO. ─── 可以预期偶氮甲烷分子具有和丙酮(CH3)2CO分子相似的丫形结构。

88、The adhesion properties of nanostructures with the substrates were qualitatively compared by ultrasonic agitation in acetone bath. ─── 并利用超音波丙酮浴之震盪来比较其附著特性。

89、As the rubber droplets lose the acetone solvent , they become tacky and agglomerate. ─── 当橡胶滴失去丙酮溶液后,变成粘的,聚集态的。

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