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08-19 投稿


insure 发音

英:[?n???r]  美:[?n????(r)]

英:  美:

insure 中文意思翻译




insure 网络释义

vt. 确保,保证;给…保险vi. 确保;投保

insure 短语词组

1、assure insure ensure ─── 保证, ─── 保证

2、insure ensure assure ─── 确保 ─── 确保 ─── 确保

3、assure insure ─── 保证 ─── 保险

4、under-insure n. ─── 保险价值过低

5、self-insure vi. ─── 实行自我保险, 自保

6、insure against risks ─── 投保风险

7、insure against marriage ─── 婚姻保险

8、insure oneself for ─── 为自己投保

9、insure sb against sth ─── 为某人投保

10、insure against ─── 给...保险

11、insure oneself against sth ─── 为自己投保

12、insure against fire ─── 火灾保险

13、ensure insure assure ─── 确保保险保证

14、over-insure ─── 超值保险

15、insure and ensure ─── 投保并确保

16、insure against rain ─── 防雨保险

17、insure against accident ─── 事故保险

18、insure against sth ─── 为某事投保

19、insure against for ─── 为…投保

insure 词性/词形变化,insure变形


insure 常用词组

insure against ─── v. 给……保险以防

insure 相似词语短语

1、insured ─── adj.已投保的;被保险的;n.被保险人,受保人;v.给……保险,投保(insure的过去式和过去分词)

2、unsure ─── adj.不确定的;不肯定的;没有自信的

3、insureds ─── 被保险人(insured的复数)

4、insurers ─── n.[保险]保险公司;承保人(insurer的复数形式)

5、insurer ─── n.保险公司;承保人

6、insures ─── 保险

7、incisure ─── n.切迹

8、ensure ─── vt.保证,确保;使安全

9、coinsure ─── v.共同保险;共同担保

insure 习惯用语

1、insure against ─── 投保...险; 使免受

insure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such damage may occur in the course of transt, therefore we have to insure goods against the risk of breakage. ─── 在运输途中可能发生这种损伤,因此我们必须为货物投保破损险。

2、Laurie: Oh, I see. Please insure it for fifty dollars. ─── 劳丽:哦,我明白了。请保五十元吧。

3、Application Developer will insure that this SQLJ file is transformed into a Java file. ─── Application Developer将保证SQLJ文件被转换成一个Java文件。

4、We insure that the unqualified product in quality can be exchanged. ─── 我们保换质量不合格的产品。

5、Insure flue effect accordantly. ─── 与各种生产线接驳,不需另外的接驳设备。

6、What coverage are you going to insure for our order? ─── 你为我们的订货保什么险别?

7、We must finally be brought to terms in order to insure a safe passage. ─── 我们必须被迫就范,才能保证有一条安全通道。

8、Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage. ─── 一定要给你的照相机投保,以防丢失或损坏。

9、Generally speaking, we insure W.P.A on CIF sales. ─── 一般来讲,如果是以CIF价成交的话,我们投保水渍险。

10、For safetys sake, I reckon youll have to insure it beforehand. ─── 为了安全起见,我认为您应该预先保价为好。

11、Insure it, please, for twenty-five dollars. ─── 加保险吧,按25美元算。

12、Illinois, Tennessee and Pennsylvania have pledged to insure all children. ─── 伊利诺斯州,田纳西州和宾夕法尼亚州也保证为所有的儿童上保。

13、The purpose of this index is to insure the health and dietary safety of public. ─── 为保障民众健康和饮食安全,特提出中药与食品可通用的目录。

14、Parts with top-ranking quality to insure high reliability of the products. ─── 国际一流品牌的零部件配备确保产品的高可靠性。

15、TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost in transmission. ─── 传输控制协议利用再传输策略保证数据不会在传送中丢失。

16、Their support will insure me success. ─── 他们的支持会保证我成功。

17、Well, that's a relief.We'll still need to insure them though. ─── 太好了,那样我就放心了。不过我们仍然需要上保险。

18、To protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure. ─── 保护;保障以免发生破坏、损失或受伤而进行的保护;保障

19、Insure that drives are installed starting at slots A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 etc. ─── 保证安装的驱动器是在插槽 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 等开始的。

20、The recovery cancels the document, to insure the usefulness of the document. ─── 回收作废文件,以确保文件的有效性.

21、Insure that your ignition cap is securely mounted? ─── 定,您的?火?帽安全地安?

22、You'd better insure your car. ─── 你最好给你的汽车买份保险。

23、company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window locks. ─── 保险公司可以拒绝为没有窗锁的房产提供保险。

24、Yes, I'd like to insure it for 20 dollars. How much shall I pay altogether? ─── 是的,我想为它买20美元的保险。我总共要付多少钱?

25、We wish you to insure the goods for the invoice value plus 10%. ─── 我们希望你方按发票金额加10%投保。

26、More care will insure you against make so many mistake. ─── 多加注意就能保证你不犯这麽多的错误了。

27、His talent and dedication will insure his success . ─── 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。

28、We shall request you to have the ship insure for us $1600,and the cargo for us $1900,against all risk. ─── 恳请为该轮投保1600美元,为该批货物投保1900美元之全险。

29、Also, the Bank can insure loans in return for a small premium. ─── 世界银行还可为贷款提供保险获得一笔小额保险费。

30、The wife shall be inferior to the husband; that is the only way to insure equality between to two. ─── 妻子是应该劣于丈夫的,这才是保证两人之间平等的唯一途径。

31、Should you so desire, we shall insure these goods at your cost. ─── 假如贵公司希望如此,我方将对货物投保,费用由你方负责。

32、The company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window locks. ─── 保险公司可以拒绝为没有窗锁的房产提供保险。

33、In a CDS, one party agrees to insure the other in the event of a bond default, in return for a fee (the equivalent of an insurance premium). ─── 在CDS中,一方向另一方提供债券违约保险,代价是收取一笔费用(相当于保费)。

34、Insure that your spark plug is in good condition and is secured correctly? ─── 定,您的火星塞是在好情?和正?地?

35、You should insure against loss of heat by having double glazing. ─── 你应装双层玻璃以免散热。

36、Which firm do you usually insure with? ─── 你通常向哪家公司投保?

37、The Contractor shall also, if the Purchaser so requires, insure the Plant. ─── 如果买方要求,承包方也应为设备进行投保。

38、Carlo: Is the parcel safe? Mail Clerk: I think so. But we're not liable for it unless you insure it. ─── 卡洛:包裹安全吗?邮局办事员:我想是的。不过除非你给它上保险,否则我们不负责任。

39、You can be sure that we will have the goods insure as soon as they are shipped . ─── 你可以放心,货物一装运我们就会给它们投保。

40、You should insure your packages against loss and damage. ─── 你的邮包应保险以免遗失或损坏。

41、We cannot insure your life because of your sick parents. ─── “你父母体弱多病,我们不能给你做人寿保险。”

42、They concentrated a superior force to insure against defeat. ─── 他们为保证不致失败,集中了优势兵力。

43、Shall we insure our house against theft and fire? ─── 我们是该给房子保盗窃险和火险呢?

44、He asked if I wanted to insure my luggage or not. ─── 他问我是否要给行李保险。

45、The goggles mirror slice is clear to have no color, tenacity good not easy broken up, to insure the sight of the car hand uninfluenced. ─── 风镜镜片清晰无色,韧性好不易破碎,以确保车手的视力不受影响。

46、To insure the death of any live pest. ─── 以确保所有活的害虫都被杀死。

47、An insurancecompany will insure your house against fire. ─── 保险公司愿为你的房屋保火险。

48、The State encourages units and individuals to insure against earthquake disasters. ─── 国家鼓励单位和个人参加地震灾害保险。

49、He asked whether or not I wanted to insure my luggage. ─── 他问我要不要给行李保险。

50、"Do you want to insure your luggage or not?" he asked. ─── 他问:“你的行李要不要保险?”

51、We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. ─── 我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。

52、I never thought in the past to insure house. ─── 我从来也没想到过去给房子投保。

53、We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. ─── 我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。

54、Of course. How much would you want to insure these books for? ─── 当然,您想为这些书投保多少?

55、Checkout of line sag is an important means to insure safety operation of transmission lines. ─── 弧垂检测是保证架空输电线路安全运行的重要措施。

56、How much would you want to insure these books for. ─── 您想这些书投保多少。

57、A check made on input data to insure that it does not exceed a maximum figure. ─── 对输入数据的一种检查,以确保不超过最大界限。

58、Don't forget to check your work to insure its accuracy. ─── 别忘了检查你的工作,以确保准确无误。

59、Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage. ─── 一定要给你的照相机投保,以防丢失或损坏。

60、He took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia. ─── 他采取措施保证克罗地亚的领土完整。

61、Your degree will insure you a job. ─── 你的学位会担保你找到工作.

62、We are going to insure the crockery with the PICC. ─── 我们正打算向PICC保险这批陶器呢。

63、Where two or more persons mutually agree to insure each other against marine losses there is said to be a mutual insurance. ─── 两人或两人以上彼此同意互相承保海上损失,称为相互保险。

64、Good knowledge of Customs, SAFE, bank, insure and taxation. ─── 具备良好的海关、外管、银行、保险和税务相关知识。

65、Buddy, can you insure a loan? ─── 哥们儿,你能担保贷款吗?

66、We generally insure WPA,FPA and All Risk. ─── 我们一般投保的是水渍险、平安险和一切险。

67、Oh, I see. Please insure it for fifty dollars. ─── 哦,我明白了。请保五十元吧。

68、We insure all our food without any man made antiseptic. ─── 我们生产的所有食品保证不含人造防腐剂。

69、More care will insure you against making so many mistake. ─── 多加注意就能保证你不犯这么多的错误了。

70、To insure their scam was successful, they claimed that the weak-minded and stupid could not see the suit. ─── 为了保证他们的欺骗成功,他们声称:意志薄弱的人和愚蠢的人看不见这套衣服。

71、High quality silicon loop and good airproof function insure the goods not to deteriorate. ─── 优质硅胶圈,密封性能好,确保存物不变质;

72、Lovely! The quality and variety of your products are very attractive indeed. How do you insure quality control. ─── 很漂亮。你们产品的质量和花式品种的确很吸引人。你们是如何保证质量监督的?

73、After all his car accidents the company refused to insure him again. ─── 他的汽车出了那么多事故后,保险公司不愿再给他保险了。

74、It is usually the bank's duty to insure that receipts and payments of foreign currency are generated by valid legal transactions. ─── 保证外汇收支的合法交易是中国人民银行的职责。

75、Establish your policies, constantly monitor prices and operating costs to insure profit. ─── 制定各项政策,不断密切注意各项价格和经营成本以确保利润。

76、Which company do you prefer to insure with? ─── 你更愿意向哪家公司投保?

77、Do you insure yourself with anything? ─── 你有没有投某种保险?

78、We should insure the freight for the long transport. ─── 我们应该为长途运输的货物投保。

79、Measures must be taken to insure traffic safety. ─── 必须采取措施保证交通安全。

80、The reason they want to pay is because they want more clients to insure. ─── 他们之所以愿意支付,是因为他们希望有更多的客户投保。

81、Install cables into the cable bracket and insure retainers are seated in the bracket. ─── 将钢缆安装到钢缆支架且支架中的扣件务必啮合。

82、They endeavor to insure also that as little as possible shall be known on the subject in a decent way. ─── 他们也力图确保尽量减少通过正当途径了解这方面情况的可能性。

83、You cant insure it for more than the declared value. ─── 你不能投保超出申报价值的险。

84、At what rate can you insure against F. P. A.? ─── 你们按什么保险费率承保平安险?

85、Our goods are very valuable, so I want insure against all risks. ─── 我们的货物非常贵重,所以我想保全险。

86、To insure fastest delivery,you are requested to forward the above order by air freight. ─── 为保证最快交货,我方要求对上述订单用航空货运。

87、On top of that, whoever stepped up to acquire or insure the super-senior risk had to be brave enough to step into an unfamiliar world. ─── 在这种情况下,任何想要购买超高级风险打包产品或为其提供保险的人都必须有足够的勇气踏入这个完全陌生的领域。

88、So Don Tommasino appointed himself the parent of the bridegroom to insure the presence of his own bodyguards. ─── 因此,托马辛诺老头子就自命为新郎的父亲,从而保证了他的保镖能够有出场的机会。

89、B: We generally insure W.P. (W.P.A) on a C.I.F. offer. ─── 一般来讲,我们在到岸价里投保了水渍险。

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