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anaesthesia 发音

英:[,?n?s'θi?z??]  美:[,?n?s'θiz??]

英:  美:

anaesthesia 中文意思翻译



anaesthesia 短语词组

1、general anaesthesia ─── [医]全身麻醉

2、para-anaesthesia ─── [医] 下身感觉缺失

3、caudal anaesthesia ─── 硬膜外麻醉

4、anaesthesia sexualis ─── [法] 性欲缺乏症

5、acupuncture anaesthesia ─── [医]针刺麻醉;针麻

6、anaesthesia life ─── 麻醉寿命

7、nerve block anaesthesia ─── [网络] 作用於阻断麻醉

8、anaesthesia nhs ─── 麻醉nhs

9、epidural anaesthesia ─── 硬膜外麻醉

10、saddle block anaesthesia ─── [网络] 马鞍块麻醉

11、anaesthesia ppt ─── 麻醉ppt

12、carbon dioxide anaesthesia ─── 二氧化碳麻醉

13、local anaesthesia ─── 局部麻醉

14、spinal anaesthesia ─── 脊髓麻醉

15、anaesthesia definition ─── 麻醉定义

16、topical anaesthesia ─── [医]局部麻醉

17、block anaesthesia ─── [医]阻滞麻醉

18、conduction anaesthesia ─── [医]传导麻醉

19、regional anaesthesia ─── [网络] 局部麻醉;椎管内神经阻滞

anaesthesia 相似词语短语

1、anesthesia ─── n.麻醉;麻木(等于anaesthesia)

2、baraesthesia ─── n.压觉;重觉

3、panaesthesia ─── 泛感觉

4、synaesthesia ─── n.牵连感觉;共同感觉

5、paraesthesia ─── n.感觉异常;触觉异常

6、anaesthesis ─── 麻醉

7、kinaesthesia ─── n.运动感觉

8、acmesthesia ─── n.针刺感觉

9、acmaesthesia ─── 尖锐感觉

anaesthesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Diazepam-ketamine-fentanyl-isoflurane-pavolon composited anaesthesia seemed to be quite safe and effective. ─── 各种药物用量则根据病情酌情掌握,扬长避短。

2、In this study,experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of anaesthesia III in different period with Ketamine-HCl(150 mg/kg) on oocytes, pre-implantation embryos in Kunming mice. ─── 主要研究排卵不同阶段氯胺酮III期麻醉深度对昆明小鼠卵母细胞和早期胚胎的影响。

3、Milne SE,Kenny GN,Schraag S.Propofol sparing effect of remifentanil using closed-loop anaesthesia[J].Br J Anaesth,2003,90:623-629. ─── 张云龙,孙黎,昌曾娜.异丙酚伍用不同剂量芬太尼在人工流产手术麻醉中的应用[J].中国误诊学杂志,2003,3(12):1833.

4、A new anaesthesia way for children eye injuries ─── 儿童眼外伤的麻醉新法

5、It tends to occur in states of reduced consciousness such as general anaesthesia, drunks, and when gastric lavage (for drug overdose) has been performed inexpertly. ─── 意识模糊时易于发生,例如全麻、醉酒,以及由不熟练者洗胃(因药物过量)时均易发生。

6、general (local, spinal) anaesthesia ─── 全身(局部、脊髓)麻醉

7、Keywords adsorber;general anaesthesia;recovery; ─── 吸附器;全身麻醉;苏醒;

8、Unlike deep brain stimulation, however, our gene therapy approach is much simpler, can be carried out entirely under local anaesthesia, and avoids leaving any devices in the body," he said. ─── 然而与后者不同的是我们的基因疗法更加简单,仅在局部麻醉的情况下即可施行,而且不会在患者体内植入任何器件。”

9、The doctor gave him a general anaesthesia. ─── 医生给他做全身麻醉.

10、A New Method to Play an Anaesthesia Pipe into the Epidural or Intrathecal Space of Rabbits,Dogs and Monkeys[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈嘉勤,潘建义,罗卓敏,刘景诗,余正湘,梁宋平.

11、There was no difference in either study in times to induction of anaesthesia between immediate pre-treatment with ondansetron or placebo. ─── 有没有研究,无论是在不同时代的眼前利益预恩丹西酮或安慰剂治疗的麻醉诱导。

12、In the nineteenth century, developments in antisepsis, blood transfusion and anaesthesia made plastic surgery safer and less painful. ─── 到了十九世纪,消毒、输血和麻醉技术的发展让美容整形手术更加安全,也更少疼痛。

13、Clinical trials of monitoring in anaesthesia, critical care and acute ward care: a review. ─── 有关麻醉、重症监护室和急诊病房的检测技术进展的综述。

14、It surpassed antibiotics, the discovery of DNA, and anaesthesia, which were among the top five milestones in the poll. ─── 它在5大公卫成就中,排名超越抗生素、发现DNA和麻醉。

15、Method:Retrieving and reviewing the pertinent literatures of using acupuncture anaesthesia in nasal part operation. ─── 方法:检索在鼻部手术中使用针刺麻醉的相关文献报道,并进行综述。

16、Nursing in operation of neck with local anaesthesia ─── 局麻下颈部手术的护理

17、CraveroJ,Surgenolor S,Whalen K.Emergence agitation in paediatr patients after sevoflurane anaesthesia and no surgery:A comparison with halothane[J].Paediatr Anaesth,2000,10(4):419-424. ─── 吴新民叶铁虎岳云许幸易杰田芳玲.国产注射用盐酸瑞芬太尼有效性和安全性的评价[J].中华麻醉学杂志,:.

18、Sedation during spinal anaesthesia in infants. ─── 椎管内麻醉对婴儿的镇静作用。

19、Ventilators are not only the efficacious methods for anaesthesia and the first aid,but also the significant treatment in the respiration support for critical patients. ─── 呼吸机不仅作为麻醉及急救的有效手段,而且是危重患者呼吸支持的一种常用的治疗手段。

20、We should explore the cause of peribulbar anaesthesia causing amaurosis fugax. ─── 我们应探究引起麻醉性富马的球周麻醉的原因。

21、Research progress on animal anaesthesia monitoring ─── 动物麻醉监测的研究进展

22、The anaesthesia which injection of katamine hydrochloride and pentobarbitital sodium into muscle is a better method in the process of change dressings. ─── 在换药的麻醉中,氯胺酮加戊巴比妥组肌注是较好的麻醉方法。

23、If need local anaesthesia only,perform an operation, but do I think general anesthesia can ask? ─── 动手术如果只需要局部麻醉,但我想全身麻醉可以要求吗?

24、It was suggested that isopropylphenol plus phentanyl anaesthesia could alleviate the p erioperational and postoperational pain and the incidence of induced abortion sy ndrome in induced abortion. ─── 提示应用异丙酚与芬太尼静脉麻醉行人工流产术可减轻术中、术后疼痛,减少人流综合征发生率。

25、To be equipped for conflict, according to Phillips, requires "self-anaesthesia" , which he sees as a dominant motif in postwar British life. ─── 根据菲利普斯所说,为了应对战争需要“自我麻痹”。他认为这是战后英国生活的主要基调。

26、Objective To explore clinic effect and influence factors of clinic observation of modified frontal muscle flap suspension surgery in general anaesthesia for severe congenital ptosis in children. ─── 摘要目的观察探讨全麻下改良额肌瓣悬吊术治疗小儿重度先天性上睑下垂的临床疗效及影响疗效的因素。

27、Times to analgesia and anaesthesia at the L2 dermatome were significantly decreased in Group I patients by 2.5 and 6.6 minutes,respectively. ─── 在第I组中的病人在腰2皮段的止痛和麻醉时间明显地减少2.5和6.6分钟。

28、Agitation of patients with general anaesthesia during analepsia period is very dangerous,of which inhalation anesthesia maybe its main cause among many causative factors. ─── 全麻术后苏醒期患者躁动的危害性极大,其诱发因素很多,其中吸入麻醉可能是主要原因。

29、These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT, respectively. ─── 两组患者分别在硫喷妥钠和丙泊酚复合琥珀胆碱静脉麻醉下实施电抽搐治疗。

30、This article introduced the application of intelligence simulated human in the medical teaching such as the first aid, anaesthesia or other medical treatment. ─── 本文将介绍使用智能模拟人作为急救、麻醉或其他医护教学领域的应用,并探讨智能模拟人人在其他方面的应用。

31、The team, led by Hamburg veterinarian Jens Linek, put Heini under anaesthesia -- itself a dangerous procedure for a rhino. ─── 手术开始了。由汉堡兽医莱克领导的医疗小组将海尼麻醉后放倒在手术台上,尽管麻醉过程对犀牛的身体健康是有害的。

32、Anaesthesia She woke me up at night ─── 她在深夜叫醒我

33、Plourde Ct.Boylan JF.The auditory steady state response during sufentanyil anaesthesia. ─── 李文志、赵嘉训等.麻醉学基础.人民卫生出版社,2004.佘守章.临床监测学.科学技术出版社,1997.

34、The anaesthesia machine has such functions as anaesthesia,respiration,parametric safety alarm and the display of tidal volume and inspiration/expiration ratio. ─── 具有麻醉和呼吸功能,以及各项参数安全报警功能,并能够显示潮气量与呼吸比,主要用于医院各类外科手术麻醉。

35、Have favorable local anaesthesia effect, use as anodyne. ─── 有良好的局部麻醉作用,用作镇痛剂。

36、It may have neural protective effects, and thus may be a suitable anaesthetic adjuvant to neurosurgical anaesthesia. ─── 它可能有神经保护作用,所以可以成为神经外科手术的合适辅助用药。

37、Objective To approach the anaesthesia efficacy and safety of remifentanil combined with propofol in old patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP). ─── 摘要目的探讨瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚用于老年内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)的麻醉效果及安全性。

38、One group underwent haemorrhoidectomy under general anaesthesia, while the second group had topical anaesthetic cream (containing lignocaine and prilocaine) applied followed by local anaesthetic infiltration for surgical anaesthesia. ─── 一组在全麻醉下进行痔切除术,而第二组在局部侵润麻醉后再涂以麻醉的霜剂(包括利多卡因和丙胺卡因)下进行。

39、Anaesthesia of Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery ─── 妇科内镜手术的麻醉

40、'Aidan's Hickman got infected after a month and a half, it had to be removed immediately without time to schedule anaesthesia. ─── ‘艾登的西克曼一个半月后就感染了,它必须立即被移除,甚至没有时间来麻醉。’

41、Methods:105 cases with low-degree and middle-degree frontotemporal cutis laxa were performed under local anaesthesia by the fascia suspending associated with the embedding of a string of beads. ─── 方法:采用局部麻醉的方法,对105例额颞部轻、中度皮肤松弛患者行微切口筋膜悬吊+串珠线埋藏方法行除皱术。

42、Objective: To investigate the role that the nursing intervention play on the old ideosynchysis patients after general anaesthesia. ─── 摘要目的:探讨护理干预对老年全麻术后谵妄患者治疗中的作用。

43、You will not feel pain as you will be under local anaesthesia. ─── 我们要进行局部麻醉,您不会痛的。

44、In some surgical operations, acupuncture anaesthesia may be used instead of medicinal anaesthetics. ─── 有些外科手术可用针麻代替药麻。

45、When becoming an operation, does the person have may wake from inside anaesthesia? ─── 做手术时,人有没可能从麻醉中醒过来?

46、Methods Five severe PAP patients underwent large-volume whole lung lavage under general anaesthesia using a double lumen endotracheal tube. ─── 方法采用全身麻醉下双腔气管插管,大容量分次肺泡灌洗,负压回收灌洗液并记录出入量,计算回收率。

47、After local anaesthesia and disinfection of the abnormal eyes,a dilator was used to dilate the lacrimal puncta and lacrimal ducts were lavaged. ─── 患眼局部麻醉后,清洗消毒,泪点扩张器扩张泪小点并冲洗泪道。

48、The doses used for surgical anaesthesia vary between 2 and 10mg/kg. ─── 外科手术麻醉药的用量从每公斤2 毫克到10 毫克不等。

49、He asks to so that see operation process can soberly,do local anaesthesia only, he sees the doctor is when the operation, one knife leaves here, one knife leaves there, desultorily. ─── 他要求只做局部麻醉以便能清醒地看到手术过程,他看到医生在手术时,这儿开一刀,那儿开一刀,杂乱无章。

50、Topical anaesthetic and local anaesthesia can be used effectively for haemorrhoidectomy and provide an alternative to general anaesthesia. ─── 对于痔切除术,局部麻醉剂和局部麻醉法均能被有效地使用,是全麻醉以外的又一可选择的方法。

51、Girls generally undergo the rite before the age of 10,often without anaesthesia and in unsanitary conditions where they are exposed to dangerous infections including HIV. ─── 女孩通常在10岁前接受这项仪式,而且经常在没有麻醉而不卫生的情况下进行,使她们暴露在遭到危险感染的威胁,包括爱滋病毒。

52、Method: On 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, surface anaesthesia and subarachnoid anaesthesia were conducted in rabbits and 76 cases of surgical patients receiving epidureal anaesthesia were observed in therapy effect. ─── 方法 :上午 8:0 0时和晚上 2 0 :0 0时分别用药 ,对家兔进行表面麻醉和椎管麻醉试验 ; 对临床上行硬膜外麻醉的手术患者 76例进行疗效观察。

53、In the field the no smoking, drinks with contains the alcoholic beverage, and uses each kind of anaesthesia excited drugs. ─── 极限场内禁止吸烟,饮用含酒精饮料,及施用各类麻醉兴奋药品.

54、Arthroscopy of the knee under local anaesthesia ─── 局部麻醉下的膝关节镜术

55、Executing animal and taking material: weighting animal, abdominal anaesthesia by pentobarbital natrium, perfusion by heparin and physiological saline. ─── 动物处死及取材:动物称重,戊巴比妥钠腹腔麻醉。肝素生理盐水灌流。

56、Some substances may affect the central nervous system and brain to produce narcosis and/or anaesthesia. ─── 有些物质可可以影响中枢神经系统和大脑产生麻醉和/或麻醉。

57、Fortunately, these times are overcritical anaesthesia and at the same time perform TOE. ─── 幸好,这些时代是批评过多的感觉丧失并且同时执行脚趾。

58、We concluded that magnesium sulphate has anaesthetic, analgesic and muscle relaxation effects and significantly reduces the drug requirements of propofol, rocuronium and fentanyl during anaesthesia. ─── 我们得出的结论是硫酸镁有麻醉、镇痛和肌松作用,能显著降低麻醉中异丙酚、罗库溴铵和芬太尼的药量。

59、Or omit general anaesthesia trachea intubatton and redu... ─── 或可省却气管插管全身麻醉和减少治疗费用,而疗效不减。

60、Abstract: Being in the the absence of anaesthetist, there usually are some phenomena about inadequacy of the local anaesthesia in the out - patient clinic operation . ─── 摘 要: 门诊手术没有麻醉师的介入,容易存在局部麻醉不彻底的情况。

61、Doc gave him a general anaesthesia. ─── 医生给做他全身麻醉。

62、clinical signs are hypoglycemia, ketonemia, ketonuria, disperse, anorexia, ataxia, anaesthesia and final death. ─── 临床主要表现为低血糖、酮血、酮尿、离群、厌食、运动失调、麻木、最后死亡。

63、His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anaesthesia in brain surgery. ─── 他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。

64、Sanitation oted top medical adance But doctors backed anaesthesia. ─── 卫生设施被选为最佳医学进步,但医生们支持麻醉为最佳。

65、The team, led by Hamburg veterinarian Jens Linek, put Heini under anaesthesia-- itself a dangerous procedure for a rhino. ─── 手术开始了。由汉堡兽医莱克领导的医疗小组将海尼麻醉后放倒在手术台上,尽管麻醉过程对犀牛的身体健康是有害的。

66、How is a whole-body gamma knife surgery performed? Preoperation preparation: No need of special preparation and anaesthesia. ─── 术前准备:体部伽玛刀的治疗一般无需特殊准备,无需麻醉。

67、Methods Animal model was produced by ligation of the left coronary artery through left thoracotomy, after anaesthesia and oral trachea cannula. ─── 方法大鼠麻醉后,经口腔插管连通动物呼吸机,开胸结扎其冠状动脉。

68、Methods The clinical data of 25 patients with traumatic rupture of diaphragm(TRD)was collected and its clinical feature,wound causes,diagnosis,treatment,anaesthesia and operation style were analyzed. ─── 方法采集本院25例创伤性膈肌破裂(TRD)患者的临床资料,对其发病特点、致伤原因、诊断及治疗、麻醉及手术途径进行分析。

69、Methods 43 cases children were operated with basic anaesthesia associating with sacral anesthesia. ─── 方法对43例小儿腹部手术进行基础麻醉+骶管麻醉,对麻醉效果进行评价。

70、The use of anaesthesia in operations is to give patients relief from pain. ─── 手术中麻醉的作用是减轻病人的痛苦。

71、Advances in regional anaesthesia to date have made it one of the safest modalities for surgical anaesthesia and pain management. ─── 区域麻醉进展迄今已使其中一个最安全的方式,手术麻醉和疼痛管理。

72、Methods To carry out "no pain" keeping catheter after anaesthesia to patients of gynecology in the operating room. ─── 方法:在手术室为妇科手术患者实施麻醉后的“无痛”保留导尿。

73、Keywords midazolam;regional block;anaesthesia; ─── 咪达唑仑;区域阻滞;麻醉;

74、Progress in Ventilator and Anaesthesia Monitoring ─── 呼吸麻醉监护的进展

75、Methods Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation were performed under topical anaesthesia in 486 eyes of 398 cases. ─── 方法对398例486眼白内障在表面麻醉下行晶状体乳化及人工晶状体植入术。

76、Some succumbed to injury, infection and even complications from anaesthesia. ─── 有些死于受伤、感染甚至麻醉并发症。

77、International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia ─── 国际产科麻醉杂志

78、Previous research had shown that gingers were more resistant to the effects of local anaesthesia than people with other hair colours. ─── 先前的研究表明,在实施局部麻醉时,红棕色或黄棕色头发的人比其他颜色头发的人更有抗药作用。

79、colonoscopy anaesthesia painlessly ─── 无痛性结肠镜

80、Effects of 5 MPa Heliox Pressure Anaesthesia on Dopaminergic Pathway: An In Vivo Neurochemical and Receptor Study. ─── 5MPa的氦氧混合气压力麻醉对多巴胺能神经传导的影响:活体中影响神经系统的化学物质研究、及受体研究。

81、This article introduced the application of intelligence simulated human in the medical teaching such as the first aid,anaesthesia or other medical treatment. ─── 本文将介绍使用智能模拟人作为急救、麻醉或其他医护教学领域的应用,并探讨智能模拟人人在其他方面的应用。

82、He was monitored in the recovery room for approximately 30 minutes following the anaesthesia. ─── 麻醉后,他在观察病房中待了大约30分钟。

83、It may have neural protective effects, and thus may be a suitable anaesthetic adjuvant to neurosurgical anaesthesia. ─── 它可能有神经保护作用,所以可以成为神经外科手术的合适辅助用药。

84、Revill S I, Robinson J O, Rosen M,et al. The reliability of pain simple analogue for evaluating pain[J]. Anaesthesia,1976,31: 1191. ─── 李莪,翁梨驹.盐酸二氢埃托啡及曲马多产时应用镇痛对新生儿血气的影响[J].中华妇产科杂志,1995,30(6):345.

85、However, during positive pressure ventilation and balanced anaesthesia, there was no evidence of different effects caused by the two anaesthetics. ─── 然而,处于正压通气及平衡麻醉时,这两种麻醉药效果没有差异。

86、Methods Continuous epidural anesthesia was conducted in 122 cases of peritoneoscope surgeries,anaesthesia effect was recorded. ─── 方法选择腹腔镜手术患者122例,实行连续硬膜外麻醉,记录麻醉效果。

87、Conclusion: The method of cerumen's being taken out by nerve block anaesthesia is simple, easy to master and is of positive efficacy. ─── 结论:神经阻滞麻醉控制耵聍取出的方法简便,操作易掌握,疗效肯定。

88、apply an anaesthetic; administer anaesthesia ─── 上麻药

89、clinic anaesthesia information system (CAIS) ─── 临床麻醉信息系统

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