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08-19 投稿


constipation 发音

英:[?kɑ?nst??pe??n]  美:[?k?nst??pe??n]

英:  美:

constipation 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 便秘


constipation 词性/词形变化,constipation变形

动词第三人称单数: constipates |动词现在分词: constipating |动词过去式: constipated |动词过去分词: constipated |

constipation 短语词组

1、bananas constipation ─── 香蕉便秘

2、soluble vs insoluble fiber constipation ─── 可溶性与不溶性纤维便秘

3、heat constipation ─── 热便秘

4、bismutal for constipation ─── 铋剂治疗便秘

5、constipation in cats ─── 猫便秘

6、constipation due to heat ─── 热便秘

7、constipation due to cold ─── 感冒便秘

8、atonic constipation ─── [医] 无力性便秘

9、gastrojejunal constipation ─── [医] 胃空肠性便泌

10、constipation causes ─── 便秘原因

11、proctogenous constipation ─── [医] 直肠性便秘

12、constipation disease ─── 便秘疾病

13、meconium constipation ─── 胎粪性便秘

14、constipation iron ─── 便秘铁

15、spastic constipation ─── [医] 痉挛性便秘

16、constipation remedies ─── 便秘治疗

17、constipation definition ─── 便秘定义

18、bedridden and constipation ─── 卧床便秘

19、constipation due to wind ─── 风便秘

constipation 反义词


constipation 同义词

constipation 相似词语短语

1、conspiration ─── n.合谋

2、consolidation ─── n.巩固;合并;团结

3、constatation ─── n.证实;论断;确认

4、constupration ─── 便秘

5、constuprations ─── 施工

6、constitution ─── n.宪法;章程;构造;组成;体格

7、obstipation ─── n.顽强便秘

8、constipating ─── vt.使迟钝;使便秘;vi.便秘;呆滞

9、conspirations ─── 阴谋

constipation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Acute constipation occurs suddenly and may be due to appendicitis or to an intestinal obstruction. ─── 急性便秘突然发生,可起因于阑尾炎或肠梗阻。收藏指正

2、Among them banana, Chinese flowering quince, tomato, sugar cane, Liu Chen, the most effective to untangle constipation. ─── 其中香蕉、木瓜、西红柿、甘蔗、柳橙,对排解便秘最有效。

3、Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation. ─── 丰富得维生素可以滋养身体,防止便秘。

4、Insoluable fibre plays an important role in faecal bulking and prevention of constipation. ─── 不可溶性纤维在增加粪便体积与预防便秘中起着重要作用。

5、The pathogenesy of functional constipation(FC) is unknown.Some studies have shown that it correlates with many factors. ─── 功能性便秘(FC)发病机制目前尚不清楚,有研究显示其与多种因素相关。

6、Promote stomach to wriggle , improve constipation condition efficiently. ─── 促进肠胃蠕动,有效改善便秘情况。

7、The routine constipation patient takes the senna leaf for a long time, will have the dependence. ─── 习惯性便秘患者长期服用番泻叶,会产生依赖性。

8、The patient often has the feeling that emerges at the head on blood, actuation, mood inquietude, heart nest ministry is unwell, constipation. ─── 患者经常有血上涌于头部的感觉,冲动,心绪不宁,心窝部不适,便秘。

9、Help digest, only diarrhea, constipation, anti-virus infection, treatment of insomnia, muscle pain. ─── 助消化,止腹泻、便秘、抗病毒感染,治疗失眠、肌肉痛。

10、Our lifestyle is very much to blame for constipation. ─── 我们的不良生活习惯是出现便秘的罪魁祸首。

11、He was bothered with constipation. ─── 他害便秘。

12、Treatment for numb limbs and arthritis, rheumatism, constipation, prostate and bladder inflammation. ─── 四肢麻木关节风湿痛。水土不服肠胃痛,前列腺膀胱淡涨。

13、Do not blame the pathetic earth because of your constipation. ─── 不要因为拉不出屎而去责怪地球没有吸引力。

14、Coffee, sugar, poor quality fats, fried food, lack of good fibre source, constipation, alcohol, lack of exercise. ─── 咖啡,糖份,低营养,高油脂食物,油炸食物,缺乏良好的纤维来源,便秘,酒精,缺乏运动.

15、Sore throat results from dry weather, relief and prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. ─── 减轻由天气乾燥而引起之咽喉痛,预防便秘,痔疮和疥癣。

16、Constipation ah. How to treat A. ─── 便秘了啊。怎样治疗阿。

17、This law can take precautions against and cure an effect to diseases such as nervosism, cacochylia, constipation, enterogastritis. ─── 此定律对神经衰弱、消化不良、便秘、肠胃炎等疾病有预防和治疗作用。

18、Surgical intervention is only indicated in a small group of patients with intractable constipation failed to conservative treatment. ─── 只有少数经保守治疗无效的顽固性便秘患者需要手术治疗。

19、Unexplained blood and mucus in stool, or alternate of diarrhea and constipation, and unexplained hematuria. ─── 原因不明大便带血及粘液或腹泻,便秘交替,原因不明的血尿。

20、Experiment results approved the effectivenesss of the system for functional constipation caused by anal convulsion. ─── 实验结果证实,该治疗系统对于“肛门痉挛”引起的出口梗阻性便秘具有较好的疗效。

21、The understanding of splenic constipation in all dynasties. ─── 历代对“脾约”的认识有:脾阴虚;

22、And if anyone's ever had severe constipation, and you don't understand how much of an impact that has on your life, yes that was a pun. ─── 所以,如果有人有过严重的便秘,并且你不知道这会给你的生活带来什么样的影响,是的,那是一个双关语。

23、Water also counteracts constipation. ─── 喝水也能消除便秘。

24、The doctor told Charles to drink a large glass of prune juice every day to help his constipation. ─── 医生告诉查尔斯每天喝一大杯酸梅汁能改善便秘。

25、If constipation is a problem for you, your doctor may prescribe a stool softener. ─── 如果便秘对你造成困扰,医生可能会给你开一付大便软化剂。

26、Acute constipation occurs suddenly and may be due to appendicitis or to an intestinal obstruction. ─── 急性便秘突然发生,可起因于阑尾炎或肠梗阻。

27、When a constipation suggestion retired old person goes to the bathroom, faints suddenly in the place. ─── 便秘诱发型一离休老人如厕时,突然晕倒在地。

28、Constipation : Constipation increases the tendency to reflux by raising pressure inside the stomach cavity. ─── 便秘:便秘增加胃腔内的压力使返流的可能性增加。

29、Slow transit constipation s (STC) etiopathogenisis is not clearly. ─── 慢传输型便秘(STC)病因未明,多因素与其发病相关。

30、The effective rate of improving habitual constipation was 100% in patients taken 5g DFG, 3 times daily (equal to 10 fiber). ─── 患者每日服用5g×3次DFG(相当于10g纤维素),可缓解习惯性便秘,有效率为100%;

31、Tantor: That's it! I've had enough of your emotional constipation! Tarzan needs us, and we're gonna help him! ─── 丹托:就是啊!我已经受够了你的冷漠!泰山需要我们,我们现在就去帮助他吧!

32、Cold drink ginger tea, Constipation preferred turnip soup, Every night before going to bed feet, Trouble-free live. ─── 受寒喝点姜糖茶;便秘首选萝卜汤;每日睡前泡泡脚;无病无灾活到老。

33、How early on in pregnancy does constipation start? ─── 怀孕多长时间就会便秘?

34、How is constipation, halitosis treated? Save save me! ─── 便秘、口臭怎么治?救救我啊!

35、If you say you have no problems such as constipation, because the heart is the best way to hint, you can eat more fruit moisture content. ─── 如果你说自己有便秘之类的毛病也没有关系,因为心里暗示是最好的方法,你可以多吃水果水分含量多的东西。

36、Constipation is brought about long funny, with what method best? ─── 便秘导致长逗逗,用什么办法最好?

37、It can relieve constipation of teenager in 7 days. ─── 对青少年便秘在7天之内有快速的改善作用。

38、There were less CNS side effects than TCAs, but still some slight anticholinergic effects as dry mouth and constipation. ─── 但有部分患者出现口干、便秘。提示曲唑酮是值得推荐的抗抑郁药。

39、In adults, constipation is a more common symptom than diarrhoea. ─── 在成年病者身上,便秘比肚泻更常见。

40、Difficulty in breathing, weakness of other muscles, abdominal distension and constipation may also be common symptoms. ─── 呼吸困难,乏力,肌肉疼痛,腹胀,便秘也可常见的症状。

41、She denied chest pain, abdomianl pain, constipation, diarrhea. Poor appeptite was also complained. ─── 她否认有胸痛、腹痛、便秘、及腹泻。但她表示也无食欲。

42、They increase intestinal and fecal bulk, which lowers intestinal transit time and helps prevent constipation. ─── 它们增加肠和盲肠的填充量,降低肠转送时间,防止便秘。

43、Suffering from constipation. ─── 受便秘之苦的

44、you suffer from constipation? ─── 你便秘吗?

45、It also summarized the nursing care of patients with constipation from aspects of lavement, abdominal massage, and Shenque acupoint applying. ─── 从灌肠及腹部按摩、神厥穴贴敷等方面综述了便秘的护理。

46、If already produced constipation, do not see have a bowel movement forcibly, can take a few aperient step beforehand. ─── 如果已发生便秘,则不要强行解大便,可事先采取一些通便措施。

47、Xerostomia, constipation, dyspepsia, dry eyes, blurred vision, urinary retention. ─── 可能引起口乾、便秘、消化不良、乾眼症、視力模糊、尿滯留等。

48、In fact, this is only for constipation is quite serious and difficult defecation talents to use. ─── 其实这只是针对便秘相当严重,而且排便困难的人才使用的。

49、Constipation can be prevented by maintenance of a high fluid intake and a diet high in bulk and roughage. ─── 便秘可以通过饮食纤维含量高的食物或粗粮得以预防。

50、What kind of honey conduces to remedial constipation? ─── 什么样的蜂蜜有助于治疗便秘?

51、To free(the bowels) from constipation. ─── 使(肠)通畅使(肠)便秘变得通畅

52、Constipation a sluggish bowel is often the result of disturbed intestinal bacteria: you don't have enough good gut bugs. ─── 便秘通常是由肠道细菌紊乱造成的:你没有足够的肠道有益菌。

53、The VSI in the patients with constipation was significantly higher compared with the controls (P

54、There was no fever/chills,chest tightness , shortness of breath , diarrhea , constipation , tarry stool noted . ─── 也没有发烧/发冷,胸闷,喘,腹泻,便秘或者沥青便的现象

55、Points: Abdominal pain, colicky and/or continuous nausea and vomiting, constipation. ─── 先予以保守治疗, 维持内环境稳定.

56、He complained of intermittent diarrhea alternating with constipation. ─── 他诉说间歇性腹泻与便秘交替发生。

57、Symptoms of chronic idiopathic constipation are abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating, straining, and hard stools. ─── 慢性原发性便秘症状是下腹部疼痛和不舒服、胃胀、排便困难。

58、Transaminase of occurrence constipation of a few patient, disgusting, one serum crossing a gender is elevatory wait. ─── 少数病人出现便秘、恶心、一过性血清转氨酶升高等。

59、You belong to hepatic toxin to do not have eduction, constipation is a culprit. Solve constipation, can have bad consequence otherwise. ─── 你属于肝脏毒素没排出去,便秘是罪魁祸首。解决便秘,不然会有不好的后果。

60、Major treatment of lumbar, cervical, nerve failure, constipation, three high, and other products. ─── 主要销售治疗腰椎,颈椎,神经衰月,便秘,三高,等产品。

61、The side effects included dizziness,nausea,vomiting,somnolence,constipation and diffcult urination.ConclusionDuro... ─── 不良反应多见为头晕、恶心、呕吐、嗜睡、便秘及排尿困难。

62、Chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, pregnancy, and portal hypertension enhance hemorrhoid formation. ─── 慢性便秘、慢性腹泻、怀孕和门静脉高压均能刺激痔形成。

63、The root helps to stimulate the flow of bile from the liver and as bile is nature's laxative, it eases constipation and helps the liver detoxify. ─── 它的根能促进肝脏所分泌胆汁的流动,而胆汁是天然的泻药,能缓解便秘并有助于肝脏的解毒功能。

64、Bats may actually be a coward, until the beginning of the war, constipation faceless, hiding in the side match. ─── 可实际上蝙蝠是个胆小鬼,等到战争开始,便秘不露面,躲在一旁观战。

65、The side-effects included dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lethargy and constipation etc. ─── 主要不良反应有头晕、恶心、呕吐、嗜睡和便秘等。

66、Is total colectomy the right choice in intractable slow-transit constipation? ─── 全结肠切除术是治疗顽固性慢传输性便秘的正确选择吗?

67、"Wenpi Runchang Decoction" is quite effective for slow transit constipation. ─── 中药温脾润肠汤治疗慢传输性便秘临床疗效满意。

68、For example, antispasmodic drugs that treat abdominal pain by relaxing the intestine tend to cause constipation. ─── 例如,用来减轻小肠肌肉抽筋而得以治疗腹痛的止痉挛药能导致便秘。

69、Do you have trouble with constipation. ─── 你有便秘的困扰吗?

70、Rare side effect including nausea,vomitting,constipation and lethargy was found. ─── 不良反应是恶心呕吐、便秘、头晕和嗜睡等,但其发生率较低。

71、Dioscorides, a Greek historian, recommended Aloe Vera as a treatment for burns, kidney ailments and constipation. ─── 一位古希腊的名医和历史学家。

72、How to treat effectively reach stubborn sex constipation chronically? ─── 如何有效治疗习惯性及顽固性便秘?

73、E. Second trimester education. Discomforts include backache, round ligament pain, constipation, and indigestion. ─── 中孕教育。不适感包括背痛,圆韧带疼痛,便秘及消化不良。

74、How to treat constipation? Eliminate constellation? ─── 怎样治疗便秘?排除宿便?

75、Relieves constipation, helps improve indigestion, prevent colon cancer and neutralizes the acidity of the body. ─── 凤梨醋能有效消炎,治疗便秘,帮助消化,改善肠蠕动,润喉与治疗喉咙痛,预防结石,预防膀胱与尿道发炎.

76、D:Do you have constipation often? ─── 您经常便秘吗?

77、But the food itself was barely digestible, and many team members suffered from diarrhoea or constipation. ─── 但食物本身难以消化,许多队员患了腹泻或便秘。

78、I have lung trouble [indigestion, loose bowels, constipation , cold fits, nervous trouble]. ─── 我有肺病[消化不良,拉肚子,便秘,一阵阵发冷,神经衰弱]。

79、What medicine can treat constipation, the fastest! ─── 什么药可以治便秘,最快的!

80、He had constipation for few days but still had flatus passage todays. ─── 他有少许日子是便秘的,但是今天仍然有排气。

81、A high-fibre diet is more important than laxatives in correcting simple intestinal constipation. ─── 在纠正单纯性便秘方面,高纤维膳食的重要性高于轻泻药。

82、The constipation in the single exception was not a specific presentation, which may have delayed the diagnosis. ─── 合并有异位的黏膜存在的比例为25%,四个病人当中有三个胃复制畸形。

83、The common adverse reactions are nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, dizziness, constipation, anorexia, fatigue, sleepiness and so on. ─── 常见不良反应为:恶心、口干、失眠、头晕、便秘、食欲减退、乏力及嗜睡等。

84、Morice, who added that the most common side effects were constipation (40 percent) and drowsiness (25 percent). ─── 他补充了最常见的副作用是便秘(40%)和困倦(25%)。

85、It was a new kindof beverage fit for the patients having gastroenteritis, hypertension, diabetes and constipation, etc. ─── 产品符合卫生标准,是一种新型饮料,适于高血压,糖尿病及便秘等患者饮用。

86、Effect of constipation of what thing treatment is good? Do not go to again dead lira abdomen ah? ─── 什么东西治疗便秘效果好?又不往死里拉肚子啊?

87、Treatment for numb limbs and arthritis rheumatism constipation prostate and bladder inflammation. ─── 四肢麻木关节风湿痛。水土不服肠胃痛前列腺膀胱淡涨。

88、"Capsule of aloe of Niu Sibao pollen " to treating constipation, disappear fruit how? ─── “纽斯葆花粉芦荟胶囊”对于治疗便秘,消果怎么样?

89、Transmit chronically model with what method is constipation treated? ─── 慢性传输型便秘用什么方法治疗?

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