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08-19 投稿


snakelike 发音

英:[?sne?kla?k]  美:[?sne?kla?k]

英:  美:

snakelike 中文意思翻译



snakelike 短语词组

1、snakelike clue ─── 蛇形线索

2、snakelike fish ─── 蛇形鱼

3、snakelike game ─── 蛇形游戏

4、snakelike synonym ─── 蛇形同义词

5、snakelike fishes crossword ─── 蛇形鱼纵横填字游戏

6、snakelike bridge ─── 蛇形桥

7、snakelike fishes clue ─── 蛇形鱼

snakelike 相似词语短语

1、slatelike ─── 板岩状

2、snaglike ─── 重要

3、shalelike ─── 页岩

4、snaillike ─── adj.像蜗牛的

5、snipelike ─── 雪

6、scalelike ─── adj.鳞状的

7、snakewise ─── 蛇形的

8、snakebite ─── n.[医]蛇咬伤,毒蛇咬伤

9、smokelike ─── 像烟一样

snakelike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2. His snakelike staff actually seemed to wriggle in sympathy. ─── 他那根蛇状拐杖看上去似乎在扭动以示赞同。

2、snakelike micro-bending optical fiber sensor ─── 蛇形微弯光纤传感器

3、This species is ornamental for its snakelike bark and the autumn coloration of its leaves. ─── 本种用于观赏其蛇形的树皮和秋天叶子的颜色。

4、"Put it on the bed. " Suchultz's expression, snakelike and livid, did not change. ─── “放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。

5、His snakelike staff actually seemed to wriggle in sympathy. ─── 他那根蛇状拐杖看上去似乎在扭动以示赞同。

6、"Snakelike and inhuman. ─── " “不象人,象蛇。

7、Snakelike this kind of car that car France makes, automobile body is 24 meters chief, can take 200 people, travel time advances 4 times zigzag, if the snake is creeping. ─── 蛇形汽车 法国制造的这种汽车,车身长24米,可乘坐200人,行驶时分4节曲折前进,如蛇爬行一样。

8、voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins ─── 任一种蛇形的淡水鱼,体表光滑无鳞,有连续的垂直背鳍,缺少腹鳍

9、Keywords loop heat pipe reactor;snakelike loop heat pipe;heat transfer;methyl-tert-butyl ether; ─── 回路热管反应器;蛇形回路热管;传热;甲基叔丁基醚;

10、Outside the ramparts, a snakelike convoy of brightly coloured lorries waits to unload fuel hauled from Pakistan and Central Asia. ─── 外,色彩明亮的卡车车队排成了一条长蛇,等待着卸下从巴基斯坦和中亚运来的燃料。

11、2. As they drew nearer, however, his face shone through the gloom, hairless, snakelike, with slits for nostrils and gleaming red eyes whose pupils were vertical. ─── 两人走近了几步,终于看清了他那张在黑暗中发光的脸,那是一张没有头发,像蛇一样的脸,他的鼻孔是一条细线,猩红色眼睛中瞳孔也成为一条细线。收藏指正

12、voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins. ─── 任一种蛇形的淡水鱼,体表光滑无鳞,有连续的垂直背鳍,缺少腹鳍。

13、It uses its pectoral-fin spines as anchors to prevent jackknifing as its body musculature produces snakelike movements. ─── 步行以胸鳍棘为锚,在身体产生蛇形动作时防止弯折。

14、A new-type snakelike robot of shape memory alloy driving ─── 用形状记忆合金驱动的一种新型蛇形机器人

15、snakelike lizard of Europe Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail ─── 欧洲、亚洲和北美洲象蛇一样的蜥蜴,后肢退化,长而易断的尾巴有再生能力

16、snakelike robot ─── 蛇形机器人

17、But I wasn't inert or motionless.I seemed to be all movement, wild, stiff, snakelike movement that never left me, except in sleep. ─── 但我并不是没有活动的能力,除了睡觉,我似乎总是在做着各种动作,不停地做着一些没有规则的、僵硬的、像蛇一样扭来扭去的动作。

18、At night, the straw bales are dried by the hot air through the snakelike air duct. ─── 夜间通过蛇形风管,用热风干燥草捆。

19、This species is ornamental for its snakelike bark and the autumn coloration of its leaves. ─── 本种用于观赏其蛇形的树皮和秋天叶子的颜色。

20、As they drew nearer, however, his face shone through the gloom, hairless, snakelike, with slits for nostrils and gleaming red eyes whose pupils were vertical. ─── 两人走近了几步,终于看清了他那张在黑暗中发光的脸,那是一张没有头发,像蛇一样的脸,他的鼻孔是一条细线,猩红色眼睛中瞳孔也成为一条细线。

21、"Put it on the bed." Suchultz's expression, snakelike and livid , did not change. ─── “放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。

22、snakelike lizard of Europe Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail. ─── 欧洲、亚洲和北美洲象蛇一样的蜥蜴,后肢退化,长而易断的尾巴有再生能力。

23、Application of snakelike circuit heat pipe in MTBE reactor ─── 蛇形回路热管在MTBE预反应器中的应用

24、Keywords rock mechanics;rock deformation;simulation experiment;snakelike optical fiber sensor; ─── 岩石力学;岩体变形;模拟实验;蛇形光纤传感器;

25、Some are covered with overlapping chitinous plates; some have smooth hides or snakelike eye tentacles; some have crustacean joints. ─── 有的身体覆盖着厚骨板,有的外表光滑,有的眼梗像蛇一样,有的由甲壳拼接而成。

26、Outside the ramparts, a snakelike convoy of brightly coloured lorries waits to unload fuel hauled from Pakistan and Central Asia. ─── 在防御墙外,色彩明亮的卡车车队排成了一条长蛇,等待着卸下从巴基斯坦和中亚运来的燃料。

27、The Hunter burst into a cloud of snakelike parts that wetly spattered upon the floor. ─── 猎人燃烧成扭动的云,潮湿的部分泼撒在地面上。

28、This model duration is longer, disappear naturally slow also, if have reappearance rash,can show constantly snakelike, annulus much shape, more annular. ─── 本型持续时间较长,自然消失也缓慢,如有再发疹时常可呈蛇形、轮状、多环形。

29、Some are covered with overlapping chitinous plates; some have smooth hides or snakelike eye tentacles; some have crustacean joints. ─── 有的身体覆盖着厚骨板,有的外表光滑,有的眼梗像蛇一样,有的由甲壳拼接而成。

30、Put it on the bed. "Suchultz's expression snakelike and livid did not change." ─── 放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。

31、These insects are masters of disguise, acquiring false eyespots in their larva stage to give them a snakelike look. ─── 这些昆虫是伪装大师,在幼虫阶段就获得假眼点,使得它们看起来像蛇。

32、These insects are masters of disguise, acquiring false eyespots in their larva stage to give them a snakelike look. ─── 这些昆虫是伪装大师,在幼虫阶段就获得假眼点,使得它们看起来像蛇。

33、Witnesses describe the killer as a fat, bright-red, snakelike animal measuring 2 to 4 feet in length and weighing more than 20 pounds. ─── 目击者称那个家伙是一个肥肥的,大红色的,类似蛇形的动物,约2至4英尺长,重量超过二十磅。

34、squirm : To twist about in a wriggling, snakelike motion;writhe. ─── 蠕动,如同蛇一样弯弯曲曲地蠕动;

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