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08-19 投稿


athleticism 发音


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athleticism 中文意思翻译



athleticism 网络释义

n. 崇尚运动,竞技热;运动竞赛

athleticism 短语词组

1、athleticism syn ─── 运动综合征

2、athleticism define ─── 运动定义

3、athleticism defined ─── 运动定义

4、athleticism definition ─── 运动定义

5、athleticism mean ─── 运动意味着

6、definition of athleticism ─── 田径运动的定义

athleticism 相似词语短语

1、aestheticism ─── n.唯美主义

2、apoliticism ─── 非政治主义

3、mathematicism ─── 数学家

4、athletic ─── adj.运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的

5、athletic shoe ─── 运动鞋

6、asceticism ─── n.禁欲主义;苦行主义;苦行生活

7、antisepticism ─── n.抗菌法

8、athletics ─── n.竞技;体育运动;田径运动

9、estheticism ─── n.唯美主义

athleticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Strength, athleticism, technique, strategy, every element of one's ability is rigorously calibrated, benchmarked, improved. ─── 力量,运动竞赛,技术,策略,一种能力的每种元素严厉的被校正,基点刻度,改良。

2、The second round of the rookie Joey - more than the West have good athleticism and jumping ability, which his defense in short, the faster the center, Yao Ming can give help. ─── 而第二轮新秀乔伊-多西拥有不错的运动天赋和弹跳力、这让他在防守矮个、速度更快的中锋时,可以给予姚明帮助。

3、Known for his swiftness and athleticism, Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing. ─── 赫密士以速度和运动闻名,他又发明了竞走鞋和拳击。

4、They've got vet at the point, and Bryant who will not let them lose, a couple of 7 footers, athleticism on the wings, killer at bench and a hall of fame coach with 9 rings. ─── 他们拥有老兵控位、不许失败先生科比、几个7尺长人、运动型两翼、一群板凳杀手,以及执教生涯获得9枚总冠军戒指的名人堂教练。

5、A taller Ben Wallace-type player, with perhaps a bit more athleticism, and offense to his game. ─── 一个本华莱士类型的球员,在他的比赛里也许还有那么点崇尚运动的热情以及进攻的能力。

6、Anyone wanting to throw away their mobile phone can do it in style and may even win a medal -- at the Mobile Phone Throwing World Championship, Finland's latest contribution to offbeat athleticism. ─── 扔手机比赛,芬兰人夺冠任何想扔掉自己手机的人都可以用一种时髦的方式去做,而且说不定还能在“扔手机世界杯赛”上赢得奖牌呢。

7、As a player, Brooks made up for his lack of size and athleticism with hustle and smarts. ─── 作为球员,Brooks用勤奋和智慧弥补了自己身高和运动能力上的不足。

8、(2) Ginga is the word used by Brasilians to explain what makes their athleticism and movement so different from any other nation. ─── Ginga是巴西的地方性术语,意为巴西的运动艺术,有着与其他国家截然不同的内涵。

9、Has the athleticism to hang with Denver's jets, as well. ─── 他的运动天赋也足以跟得上掘金的速度。

10、He has great size for his position, has excellent athleticism and can really shoot the basketball. ─── 在他司职的位置上,他拥有大号的身体、卓越的运动能力并且能够投篮得分。

11、With the recent additions of Salmons and the combined efforts of Brad Miller, Tyrus Thomas's athleticism and Noah's defensive consistent effort they could make things tough on KG & Perkins down low. ─── 再加上球队最近新增了萨尔蒙斯和米勒的努力,托马斯的运动力和罗恩的防守延续性努力,他们会在低位给加内特和帕金斯造成不小的冲击。

12、The vertical leap is a good example of a test of gross athleticism. ─── 纵跳是测试一般运动能力的较好方法。

13、Since Jamison doesn't rely heavily on his speed or athleticism, his continued journey into the land of the mid-thirties shouldn't coincide with the kind of decline that it does for many other players. ─── 由于贾米森并不是那种非常依赖速度和超强运动能力的球员,所以在他步入30多岁这段期间仍然能够持续保持良好的竞技状态,而不像很多球员在步入30之后就状态就急速下滑。

14、Obviously, the demands on a modern day athlet are not confines to hust hours, your personal life must compliment commitment in the pitch. ─── 很显然,对现代球员的要求已经不仅仅是赛场上的那几个小时了,你的个人生活方式也在约束着球场上的你。

15、Still, he has a freakish level of athleticism and a propensity for making exhilarating plays. ─── 尽管如此,他还是有著变态级的运动天赋和打出激情比赛的倾向。

16、Think about it...LeBron averages more points because he gets to the rim with ease;using speed, athleticism, and freakish strength. ─── 想想吧,勒布朗场均分更高,是因为他能靠着他的速度、身体素质和超常的力量轻松冲到禁区。

17、He does not have the same athleticism as Essien but it does not make them any less as a team. ─── 虽然没有和埃辛一样的身体条件,但同样是球队不可缺少的。”

18、Duncan was just as good on defense, and his 7'0 " frame and athleticism made him a natural rebounder on both ends of the court. " ─── 邓肯防守也相当不错。7尺的身高让他在攻防两端都能够统治篮板。

19、We need his athleticism to mix up the game instead of just waiting at the line and jacking up 3's. ─── 我们在比赛中需要他的运动能力,而不是只会站在三分线上定点远投。

20、Basics, athleticism, everything is way better then the southern players. ─── 包括基础,场上表现,身体素质,等等。。。。

21、Satochi: An olympic athlet! Hammer thrower (and then he acts like he would throw it away). ─── 奥林匹克选手!链球运动员(还表演了一记)

22、Look for a different kind of orbital athleticism today when two spacewalkers help mount a 17.5-ton addition to the station's skeletal backbone. ─── 今天两位太空漫步的宇航员尝试的另一种太空轨道体育项目,他们协助将17.5吨的物体衔接在空间站的框架上。

23、I had never seen a combination of athleticism, innovation and showmanship like Carter put on that night. ─── 此前我从未见过如此交融的运动力、创造力和表现力,直到卡特那晚登场亮相。

24、Unifying athleticism and amusement should be a key of the winter sports teaching reformation ─── 竞技化与娱乐化的统一应是冬季体育教改的一个侧重点

25、They've got a vet at the point,Bryant who'll not let them lose,a couple of seven-footers,athleticism on the wings,a killer bench,and a hall of fame coach with nine rings. ─── 他们现在在控卫位置上有老将出马,还拥有不会容许球队失败的布赖恩特,几个7尺长人,充满运动力的两翼(得分后卫和小前锋),一位只有一只手指戴不上上戒指的名人堂教练。

26、The earlier your child begins sports, the easier it is to learn. Providing an exercise-friendly environment can help promote athleticism. ─── 运动越早开始就越容易学会,只要给孩子一个运动环境,就可以创造一个有运动神经的孩子。

27、However, LeBron has made huge strides on that end this year, as he's now one of the best help-side perimeter defenders in the league due to his length and athleticism. ─── 然而,本赛季勒布朗-詹姆斯在防守上有了很大的进步,由于他的高度和运动能力,他现在是联盟中中距离补防最出色的防守者之一。

28、Her athleticism and weight of shot remain extraordinary, as she proved by defeating five seeded players at the Open. ─── 她在这次公开赛打败五名种子球员,证明她依然具有超级运动员的体能,挥击力道十足。

29、Here's what else they have: inside power, rebounding dominance, great length, crazy athleticism, mach speed and the motivation to prove to Kobe that he underestimated them. ─── 列一下他们的清单:内线支撑,篮板优势,巨大长度,疯狂运动精神,极快的速度和不熄的动力,这些都让科比知道不能再低估他的伙计们。

30、Tools: His breathtaking speed and athleticism is what sets him apart from other good fighters. ─── 兵器:他那令人吃惊的速度和运动家风范,足以使他鹤立鸡群。

31、He's got great athleticism, he's quick. ─── 他是一位伟大的球员,他有非常快的速度。

32、"Not that the more spectacular athleticism is the be all and end all of free skating. Spins . . . and intricate step sequences are also important" (Howard Bass) ─── “更惊人的动作并非花样滑冰的精髓。旋转以及一系列复杂的步伐同样重要”(霍华德·巴斯)

33、His natural athleticism is fading very slowly, but his basketball IQ is as high as ever. ─── 他的体能正在慢慢退化,但是他的篮球智商比以前都高。

34、Weaknesses: Lack of bulk and strength are concerns. Athleticism seems decent but little more. Not a great shooter. ─── 缺点:缺乏身体的强度和力量。身体很好,但还不够,不是一个很好的投手。

35、Discussion about the Effects of Athleticism Towards School Physical Education ─── 竞技运动对学校体育的作用

36、By contrast, a winning football team needs not just athleticism but also a spark of creativity and style that cannot be manufactured by sport's central planners. ─── 与此形成鲜明对比的是,一支冠军球队,需要的不仅仅是竞赛能力,还需要有一点点创造力的火花,以及形成自己的风格,这些都不可能被体育官员所创造出来。

37、He couldn't handle the ball, and he lacked the quickness and athleticism needed to keep up with the quicker guards in the league. ─── 他不能控制好球,也缺乏跟上联盟更快后卫的速度和激情。

38、This means that your athleticism will improve, so you’ll perform better in physical activities and also enjoy them more. ─── 这就意味着你的运动技能有所提高,所以你会在体育活动中有更完美的表现,同时也会玩得更开心。

39、Most LeBron fans would say he is better than Kobe because of his domination on the stats sheet, his leadership skills, and his freakish athleticism at such a young age. ─── 大部分詹姆斯球迷会说詹姆斯比科比更伟大因为他在得分榜上的统治力,他的领袖能力,以及他那年轻的魔鬼体质。

40、Its athleticism means it needs more than average amounts of exercise ─── 比其他的狗需要更多的运动量

41、His hulking frame and sheer athleticism makes him a force to be reckoned with in the air, and he is just the type of player I can see Johan Djourou forming a formidable partnership with. ─── 他强壮的身体,和十足的干劲儿让他在空中较量的时候勇猛无比,同时他还是那种能和久若一起组成一条令人生畏的防线好搭档。

42、This means that your athleticism will improve, so you'll perform better in physical activities and also enjoy them more. ─── 这就意味着你的运动技能有所提高,所以你会在体育活动中有更完美的表现,同时也会玩得更开心。

43、As is often the case with players, there were several questions surrounding Landry upon his arrival in Orlando.The most notable of these concerns centered around his height and athleticism. ─── 这是作为一个球员常有的事,但是一直以来有几个问题困扰着兰德里,其中最明显的总是围绕着他的身高和运动能力。

44、I admire the sublime ability, speed and athleticism of Mayweather, as I did Pernell Whitaker. ─── 我欣赏梅威瑟超群的能力、速度和运动风范,就像我也欣赏惠特克一样。

45、Johnson's’ ability and athleticism have never been in doubt, though several questions have been raised about his attitude. ─── 约翰逊的能力和运动员气质从来没有被怀疑,尽管有一些关于他的态度的问题。

46、With his quick first step and athleticism, the Rockets are hoping Francis can become another scoring threat on the perimeter that is capable of creating for himself off the dribble. ─── 他起步快,极具运动天赋,火箭队希望弗朗西斯能够成为外线的另一个得分威胁,他能创造机会给火箭带来得分雨。

47、Bynum was quickly becoming one of the best centers in the NBA, and Trevor's athleticism gave the Lakers weapons that are unmatched. ─── 拜纳姆已经在短时间蜕变成NBA最佳中锋之一。阿里扎的运动能力让湖人拥有无可战胜的重磅武器。

48、Shane Mosley, 37, dominated the younger Antonio Margarito in good part because of his far-superior hand speed and athleticism. ─── 37岁的莫斯利之所以能搞定马加里托,是因为他超快的出拳速度以及竞赛能力;

49、We know that although Olympic games is,is a world wide event of sports and athleticism ,but it's also a chance for China to show itself. ─── 我们知道奥林匹克运动会是世界性的体育盛会,但它也是中国自己的机会.

50、LeBron is the most physically gifted player in the league since Wilt Chamberlain, as no one can match his size, strength, speed, and athleticism. ─── 勒布朗是威尔特张伯伦之后,身体素质最变态的球员,没有人能同时比得上他的尺寸,力量,速度和运动能力。

51、Yi showed good athleticism in the WBC against the USA and Spain. On that front he didn't pale in comparison to the NBA stars. ─── 易建联在世锦赛上还是变现出相当杰出的运动素质的,特别是在对阵美国和西班牙的比赛中,他作为前锋,表现得不比任何NBA的明星差。

52、Excellent wingspan, combined with a great frame and fantastic athleticism, makes him an intriguing project, especially when you consider his seemingly excellent intangibles. ─── 是啥意思?特质,特殊的气质?后一句是这个意思吗?

53、He could dunk it over anyone because of his length and his athleticism. ─── 他可以在任何人的头上扣篮,因为他的臂长和他的运动的热情。

54、8.Grace and athleticism are optional for males in human courtship, but both are mandatory in manakin courting. ─── 人类在追求异性时,健壮和优雅也可以加分;但在侏儒鸟群里,这两者可都是必须的手段。

55、The windowpane lightens the profile and adds a dash of sporting athleticism to the cut. ─── 窗格纹会增亮形体且给裁剪带上一点大方的运动精神。

56、From there, he has the athleticism and intelligence to put points on the board. ─── 在那里小斯凭借著自己的运动天赋和智商他让记分牌上的分数不断刷新。

57、But by repeatedly associating the superstar with its brand, Nike capitalized on public recognition of his talent, fame and athleticism. ─── 但在反复把这位篮球巨星与公司品牌联系在一起的过程中,耐克充分利用了公众对乔丹本人天份、名气与运动精神的认同。

58、That's not necessarily true, though.The Celtics can get away with playing defense like this because, again, of their athleticism. ─── 但,事实也未必如此,凯尔特人的球员在这个防守体系里却能够避免大量的犯规,这主要还是因为他们的运动天赋。

59、His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him an American and international icon. ─── 他对体育的执着精神与顽强的竞争意识使他的对手胆战心惊,但是他和蔼可亲,这使他成为美国,乃至世界人们的偶像。

60、These are individual contests,where each athlet competes alone. ─── 在个人赛上,每一个运动员单独参加比赛。

61、But when players do something of transcendent athleticism, the twist, turn, jump, pike, flip, or whatever, and they miss the shot, the crowd goes ooh, ooh, oh. ─── 但是当一名球员做出卓越的动作,转身、扭动、跳跃不管什么,然后他投丢了球,于是乎人们开始嘘他。

62、Biggest setback: There's an outside chance the Cavs could miss Pavlovic's athleticism and shooting in the backcourt. ─── 最大的挫折:其实会失去在后卫线的帕夫洛维奇的竞技能力及投射能力。

63、There is no reason for United to be afraid because they can equal the Catalan giants' flair and have superior workrate and athleticism. ─── 曼联没有理由害怕,因为他们的天赋不输给加泰罗尼亚巨人。

64、From what I can ascertain, it seemed to be men who did it first.They sort of introduced a lot more athleticism, high kicks, generally prancing about and having a good time. ─── 你必须保证你已经热身并受过良好的训练,只要你做好热身准备,一次性碰到气球边缘就不会那么困难了。

65、His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents but his graciousness made him an American and international icon. ─── 乔丹的运动精神和顽强的斗志击退了对手,但是他的亲切感却使他成为美国和世界人民的偶像。

66、She moved with great athleticism about the court. ─── 她在球场上矫健地奔跑活动。

67、While most teams understand his flaws, they still look at him as a 23-year-old, 7-foot, 265-pounder with amazing athleticism and skills for his size. ─── 虽然所有的球队都知道他的缺点,但所有人都知道,他只有23岁、7英尺、265磅,有着惊人的运动能力以及相对于他身高的技能。

68、I like the athleticism that snyder brings out there. He keeps improving and there's no way bonzi plays for this team again. ─── 我喜欢施奈德带来的运动天赋,他不停的进步,棒子想再为这个球队打球,根本就没门!

69、The Sonics exploited an advantage inside, as Chris Wilcox (18 points) and Kevin Durant (25 points) used their athleticism inside and got Bynum in foul trouble, but the Lakers turned it around. ─── 超音速队在内线很有优势,克里斯威尔科克斯(18分)和凯文杜兰特(25分)用自己的身体条件,使得拜纳姆陷入犯规麻烦,但湖人队扭转了局势。

70、What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism. ─── 这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。

71、Each of these sports isn't won through sheer athleticism alone. ─── 每个体育项目无法凭借纯粹的运动能力而获胜。

72、Snyder, who possesses freakish athleticism and should benefit from a more open offense under Adelman, unfortunately is just not as good as the other options. ─── 如果威尔斯打出期待的水平,施奈德的上场时间会被压缩甚至成为交易的对象。

73、Hakim Warrick: They like my athleticism, my length. ─── 火箭的合同选择不多了,底薪、老将、中产、总值1800W的死水合同。

74、Griffith-Joyner,the woman who stunned the world with her Breathtaking displays of athleticism at the 1988 O1ympic Games was dead on Monday. ─── 格里菲斯·乔伊纳,这位在1988年奥运会上以精彩的竞技表现震惊世界的女人于星期一去世。

75、But, seriously, think about this: Kobe is already damn near unguardable as it is...what if Kobe had LeBron's size, strength, and athleticism to go with his Kobe skill set? ─── 但是,认真考虑下这个,科比现在就已几乎无人能防,那要是在已有技术的基础上,再拥有詹姆斯的身高、力量以及身体素质,结果会怎样呢?

76、David Pino, via Twitter: Dwight Howard. Size, strength, athleticism, defensive ability, dangerous off pick-and-rolls and a rising post game. ─── 德怀特霍华德。身板,力量,运动精神,防守能力,恐怖的挡切战术和后场战斗力。

77、Biggest setback: There's an outside chance the Cavs could miss Pavlovic's athleticism and shooting in the backcourt. But only if the five guys in front of him all went down. ─── 最大的挫折:其实会失去在后卫线的帕夫洛维奇的竞技能力及投射能力。但其他五人的能力都在他之上。

78、Like a sprinting greyhound, its sheer athleticism is evidenced by taut, tightly pulled skin with a minimum of superfluousness aside from a pair of gills tacked on to the fenders. ─── 就像一个短跑灰狗,其纯粹的运动就是明证弦,紧紧拉皮肤用最少的superfluousness除了对鳃上涨的挡泥板。

79、"I have not the slightest doubt Rooney's technology and athleticism, but needs to be pointed out that when he received the opportunity to score, sometimes he's too hasty a shot. ─── “我丝毫不会怀疑鲁尼的技术和运动天赋,但需要指出的是,当他在获得进球机会的时候,有时他的射门太过仓促了。”

80、S. women have qualified for the Artistic gymnastics in Beijing, and it will be fascinating to watch all the competitors display their amazing athleticism and grace. ─── 六,美国妇女有资格为艺术体操在北京,并且将迷人的观赏所有竞争对手,展示他们的身体和惊人的宽限期。

81、And the athleticism and power of Michael Essien is missing at the moment. ─── “他们失去了马克莱莱,这个球员对他们十分重要,而目前跑不死的埃辛也将缺阵。”

82、But every race is a complex equation ?a balance of economics, athleticism, equine grace and conscience. ─── 赛马竞技掺有复杂的因素,经济上的平衡、运动竞技、马的优雅和人类的良心。

83、It needed also a sort of athleticism of mind, an ability at one moment to make the most delicate use of logic and at the next to be unconscious of the crudest logical errors. ─── 这也需要一种脑力体操的本领,能够一方面对逻辑进行最微妙的运用,接着又马上忘掉最明显的逻辑错误。

84、Despite impressing many observers with his offensive attributes and athleticism, Yi's stock has slid somewhat due to an unusual workout process designed by Fegan. ─── 尽管因其攻击性的特质和运动特点给观测者留下了深刻的印象,易建联的票数由于其代理设计的工作模式还是有所下降。

85、The Lakers wealth of talent is undeniable. No other roster contains such a lethal combination of length, quickness and athleticism. ─── 不可否认的是湖人队是一支才华横溢的球队。没有哪一支球队像他们那样融身高,敏捷和运动天赋为一身。

86、Don't get me wrong, powerlifting takes allot of skill, I'm just saying that there is more athleticism involved in weightlifting. ─── 别把我弄糊涂了,力量举需要很多的技术,我刚才说的意思是举重是更热门的竞技运动。

87、The first climbs in Yosemite Valley were no doubt those accomplished by John Muir, whose enthusiasm, athleticism and pantheism is the stuff of legend. ─── 优胜美地山谷开始攀登无疑的是John Muir的荣耀,他的狂热、热爱运动和多神论是创造这项奇绩的原因。

88、A glowing tan embodies health, athleticism, and sophistication. ─── 而生机勃勃的古铜色肌肤则体现了健康、动感和高雅。

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