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08-19 投稿


bloodletting 发音

英:[?bl?dlet??]  美:[?bl?dlet??]

英:  美:

bloodletting 中文意思翻译




bloodletting 短语词组

1、general bloodletting ─── [医] 全身放血

2、bloodletting meaning ─── 放血的意义

3、bloodletting leech ─── 放血水蛭

4、bloodletting lyrics ─── 放血歌词

5、bloodletting instrument ─── 抽血装置

6、bloodletting definition ─── 放血定义

7、bloodletting science ─── 放血学

8、local bloodletting ─── [医] 局部放血

9、bloodletting press ─── 放血压力机

10、bloodletting beast ─── 放血兽

bloodletting 词性/词形变化,bloodletting变形

名词: bloodletter |

bloodletting 相似词语短语

1、blood-letting ─── 放血

2、bedwetting ─── n.尿床

3、blood doping ─── n.血搀

4、bloodletter ─── n.血字;血书;放血者;施行放血术的医生

5、bletting ─── vi.腐烂;疲倦(blet的变形)

6、floodlighting ─── n.强力照明;[建]泛光灯照明;v.用泛光灯照明(floodlight的ing形式)

7、blood-testing ─── [临床]验血;化验血;血液试验

8、bloodletters ─── n.血字;血书;放血者;施行放血术的医生

9、blood-lettings ─── 放血

bloodletting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sclerotomy for bloodletting ─── 巩膜切开放血术

2、With bloodletting, it took years of learning to know precisely which vein, by what ritual, were to be opened for what symptoms. ─── 由于放血这个错误的治疗手段,医生们用了多年才准确地知道,对于什么样的症状,用什么方式,适宜切开什么人体管道.

3、Treatment of Venous Crisis with Local Heparin Applied to Finger Tip Through Bloodletting Incision ─── 指端小切口放血局部肝素化治疗静脉危象

4、Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaocuo decoction and ear acupoint bloodletting on acne vulgaris. ─── 目的观察消痤饮配合耳穴放血治疗寻常痤疮的临床疗效。

5、large European freshwater leech formerly used for bloodletting. ─── 欧洲大型的淡水水蛭,曾用于放血。

6、Samples on the Clinical Application of Bloodletting Therapy ─── 刺血疗法在临床上的应用举隅

7、bloodlet sampling ─── 抽血

8、Treatment of Erysipelas by Bloodletting ─── 放血疗法治疗丹毒

9、Comparative Study on the Immediate Efficacy of Bloodletting and Chioromycin Eye-drop in Treating Stye ─── 刺血疗法与氯霉素滴眼液治疗麦粒肿短期疗效的比较

10、As it happened, even AIG's rescue did not stop the bloodletting. ─── 一旦这种后果产生,即使拯救AIG也不能停止这次大放血。

11、In addition, the Arabian traditional therapy, copping-bloodletting (Hijamah), is briefly mentioned and compared with Chinese acupuncture bloodletting. ─── 此外还介绍了阿拉伯传统拔罐放血疗法,并与中医的针灸刺血拔罐疗法进行了比较。

12、Effective Observation on 111 Cases of Hordeolum Treated by Bloodletting in the Point of Ear ─── 耳尖放血治疗麦粒肿111例疗效观察

13、Finger - tip bloodletting ─── 指尖放血

14、3 arris needle is a kind bloodletting commonly tool, with the proper place that will prick broken human body, give off a few blood, achieve the goal that treats a disease. ─── 三棱针是一种常见的放血工具,用来刺破人体的一定部位,放出少量血液,达到治疗疾病的目的。

15、But at a time when rising material costs are met by shrinking budgets, a little design ingenuity can make the process of trimming the fat less of a bloodletting. ─── 但在上升的时候,材料成本是由缩减预算,有点智慧的设计可以使这一进程切边脂肪较少流血。

16、Conjunctivitis Treated with Ear-tip Bloodletting ─── 耳尖放血治疗结膜炎

17、Your bloodletting days are finished, demon! ─── |你杀戮的日子结束了,恶魔!

18、98 Cases of Mumps Treated by Bloodletting in Apex Conchae Auris ─── 耳尖放血治疗痄腮98例

19、the science of bloodletting, over most of its long sway, appears usually to have been tempered with a certain amount of common sense. ─── 然而,放血的伪科学在它长年的轨迹中,似乎显得与常识有一些背道而驰.

20、A band of burning, bloodletting killers known as the Doomguard marched across Kalimdor's fields, slaughtering everyone in their path. ─── 嗜血的毁灭守卫穿过卡利姆多大陆,杀光了路上遇到的所有生物。

21、Now Britain, America and the African Union are urging Mr Odinga and Mr Kibaki to talk in an effort to stop the bloodletting. ─── 现在,英国、美国和非洲联盟正督促奥丁加先生和齐贝吉先生进行谈判,努力阻止流血冲突。

22、Use Close-packed Bloodletting and Cupping in Treating 110 Patients with Lumbar Fasia-Muscle Strain ─── 密集型刺血拔罐治疗腰肌筋膜劳损110例

23、Eat much the stomach is opening hard past the appointed time, use a thorn thumb back to bloodletting have the effect really? ─── 吃多了胃撑着难过时,用阵刺大拇指背部放血真有效果吗?

24、Ping acne Decoction,three edged needle prick Acupoint bloodletting plus cupping,combined with ultra-violet anion spray in the treatment of acne,to experience tradition... ─── 平痤汤加减,三棱针穴位点刺加拔火罐放血,结合紫外线负离子喷雾机治疗痤疮,体现了中医辨证论治、内外兼治的整体治疗特点,疗效显著。

25、Treatment of 26 Patients of Rhomboid Muscle Injury by Massage, Bloodletting and Cupping ─── 推拿加刺血拔罐治疗菱形肌损伤26例

26、no bloodletting ─── 恶血

27、U.S. commanders have conceded that renewed attempts to quell sectarian bloodletting in Baghdad, are proving unsuccessful. ─── 美军指挥官承认在巴格达新一次的镇压宗教流血事件仍然是不成功的。

28、Results Pricking-cupping bloodletting method improved hemorheological in... ─── 结论刺络疗法能有效治疗高黏血症。

29、“Which points would father prick if he were here?Why doesn't aunt wake up after being given a therapy of bloodletting with the philtrum (Human Center) pricked? ─── “要是父亲在会刺什么穴?放血也放了,人中也刺了,为什么还未苏醒过来???

30、This week saw another round of bloodletting as they grappled with the effects of the credit crunch. ─── 就在他们竭力解决信贷危机影响的时候,本周又现新一轮的放血。

31、Pricking-cupping bloodletting method ─── 刺血疗法

32、Deficient patient of much to sweat ferry is not used bloodletting therapeutics. ─── 对于汗多津亏病人不要用放血疗法。

33、At the third day, the hard texture dark crust formed on the balanus, and the bloodletting was unobstructed. ─── 低分子右旋糖酐、丹参抗凝活血;呋喃西林膀胱冲洗等治疗。

34、bloodletting instrument ─── 抽血装置

35、Serious person, need employ vein for many times to bloodletting therapeutics, prevent the happening of disease of redness of skin. ─── 严重者,需多次施用静脉放血疗法,防止血色病的发生。

36、Despite yesterday's stock market bloodletting, but the gold (214,4.38,2.09%) and silver ETF investors should be feeling pretty good. ─── 尽管昨天股市大放血,但黄金(214,4.38,2.09%)和白银ETF的投资者心情应该不错。

37、Before 20th century,medicine consisted mainly of amputation saws,morphine and crude remedies that were about as effective as bloodletting. ─── 在20世纪之前,医学的主要治疗办法是截肢、吗啡,以及跟放血的疗效差不多少的粗放治疗法。

38、Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of pricking-cupping bloodletting method in treating hyperviscosemia patients. ─── 目的观察刺络拔罐疗法对高黏血症患者的临床疗效。

39、After the bloodletting the elites and populace of Europe had little taste for war, and the Age of Metternich commenced. ─── 在流血之后欧洲的经营和贫民失去了对战争的兴趣,梅特涅的时代开始了。

40、Before this century, medicine consisted mainly of amputation saws, morphine and crude remedies that were about as effective as bloodletting. ─── 在本世纪以前,医疗技术主要是由截肢用锯、吗啡以及类似放血这样有效的原始疗法所组成的。

41、His extreme practices aroused the alarm and horror of European bloodletting physicians. ─── 他的极端行为激起了欧洲放血医师的警觉和恐慌.

42、Neither the bloodletting, nor the jirga that followed it (which stung Mr Kamal and his tribe for $60,000), seem even to have been mentioned in the Pakistani press. ─── 无论是那次放血行为,还是后来的支尔格大会(他们向马尔瓦特及其部落敲了6万美元),看来在巴基斯坦媒体上甚至都不曾有过报道。

43、Treatment of Stye by Bloodletting with Zhongchong Point Puncturing ─── 中冲穴点刺放血治疗麦粒肿

44、A more cynical view is that the FSA has survived as long as it has without bloodletting because it is the brainchild of Gordon Brown. ─── 另一个更为恶意的见解认为,FSA不会遭受重创,并可以继续存在下去,因为该机构是GordonBrwon一手创造的。

45、And yet as late as 1851, a committee appointed by the State Legislature of New York solemnly defended the thoroughgoing use of bloodletting. ─── 但是,直到现在1851年,一个由纽约州政府任命的委员会仍然严正地为放血的全面应用辩护。

46、After the bloodletting the elites and populace of Europe had little taste for war, and the Age of Metternich commenced. ─── 在流血之后欧洲的经营和贫民失去了对战争的兴趣,梅特涅的时代开始了。

47、Results The flap survived in 19 cases and had partial necrosis in 2 cases becase of appear vein circulation crisis, which to adopt flap decompress small vein bloodletting was saving. ─── 结果。19例皮瓣顺利成活,2例出现静脉危象,皮缘部分坏死,经拆线、换药后伤口愈合。

48、Though his appetite for bloodletting is over, Ringo is forced to stay on the run from young gunners determined to shoot the great man down. ─── 人在江湖,退下来是否等于生命的终结?来到皇宫酒吧,景物依旧但人事全非。昔日知己已改邪归正;

49、The gauntlet is soon followed by ritual bloodletting, live rune carving and torture of captured enemies. ─── 夹道鞭打之后紧随着放血仪式,在活人身上刻上如尼文或者折磨俘虏。

50、Treatment of Hordeolum Stye with Bloodletting ─── 放血疗法治针眼

51、Conclusion: Acupuncture combined with bloodletting is a better therapy in treating chronic headache. ─── 结论:采用针刺配合放血治疗慢性头痛是较好的治疗途径。

52、bloodletting needle ─── 放血针

53、Methods: 72 cases of patients with acute lumbar sprain in the waist and appointed point bloodletting cupping. ─── 方法:对临床72例急性腰扭伤患者进行腰部及委中穴放血拔罐。

54、There are warnings of bloodletting, purges and a battle for the soul of the party between the religious right and moderates. ─── 对于肃清党内思想和在宗教右派和适中问题上党派灵魂的战斗,这无疑对共和党是一次“大放血”。

55、The three-edged needle, a needle for bloodletting, presently made of stainless steel, being 2 cun long, is shaped in a round handle, a triangular head and a sharp tip. ─── 三棱针是点刺放血的针具,目前所用的三棱针多为不锈钢制成,针长约2寸,针柄较粗呈圆柱形,针身呈三棱形,针尖锋利,三边有刃。

56、Which kind of leech (leech) can be a bloodletting treat. ─── 哪种水蛭(蚂蝗)可以作为放血治疗.

57、local bloodletting ─── 局部放血

58、Keywords Bloodletting;Pricking Blood Therapy;Cupping Therapy;Saudi Arabia; ─── 放血;刺血疗法;拔罐;沙特阿拉伯;

59、It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting. ─── 相比于给经济放血,它看起来更热衷于给它输血。

60、U.S. commanders have conceded that renewed attempts to quell sectarian bloodletting in Baghdad are proving unsuccessful. ─── 美国司令官已经承认,最近美军在巴格达镇压种族流血事件以失败告终.

61、Hopefully a satisfactory solution can be reached without much bloodletting. ─── 希望不需要经过激烈的争吵就可以达成令人满意的解决方案。

62、Clinical Observation on Treatment of Aphasia Due to Stroke with Therapeutics of Bloodletting ─── 刺络放血法治疗中风失语的临床观察

63、Does the Laonian in cure close an ache to one is plant " bloodletting therapeutics " ? Specific content? ─── 治疗中老年关节疼痛是不是有一种“放血疗法”?具体内容?

64、But China doesn t witness bloodletting in the name of religion or caste, of the sorts you see in India from time to time. ─── 但中国没有发生以宗教或世袭为名义的流血事件,而你在印度却不时看到。

65、Current situation of acupuncture and bloodletting therapy in Saudi Arabia ─── 沙特阿拉伯的针灸现状和拔罐放血疗法

66、Once again there's been ferocious bloodletting in the township. ─── 再次发生了血腥杀戮事件。

67、And yet as late as 1851, a committee appointed by the State Legislature of New York solemnly defended the thoroughgoing use of bloodletting. ─── 但是,直到现在1851年,一个由纽约州政府任命的委员会仍然严正地为放血的全面应用辩护.

68、Clinical application of bloodletting therapy ─── 刺血疗法临床应用撮要

69、Report of Applying Pinna Tip Bloodletting in Clinical Treatment of Some Patients ─── 耳尖放血治疗在临床中应用举隅

70、Or it was tempered until it reached its highest peaks of technique in, of all places, the young United States. Bloodletting went wild here. ─── 或是说,它在达到自身技术的最高峰时,与常识背道而驰.这时候,每一个地方,尤其是美国,放血治疗疯狂地被实践着.

71、Keywords swinging arm;bloodletting;application; ─── 关键词甩臂;放血;应用;

72、U. S commanders have[ conceded that renewed attempts to quell sectarian bloodletting in Baghdad] are proving unsuccessful. ─── 美军指挥官只得承认在伊拉克的镇压宗教留学行动的计划是不成功的。

73、Ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name. ─── 希特勒在杀戳十天之后才给这个行动命名。

74、bloodletting puncture therapy ─── 刺络疗法


76、Methods To equip computers and lab internet in the bloodletting room, and share resource, nurses can transfer and print the lab report for patients. ─── 方法抽血室配置计算机与检验科联网,实行资源共享,患者的检验报告由抽血室护士直接调用、打印。

77、Others had survived only by dint of huge bloodletting: IBM sacked 122,000 people, a quarter of its workforce, between 1990 and 1995. ─── 其他公司仅靠拼杀幸存了下来:IBM在1990-1995年间解雇了公司员工的四分之一,达12.2万人。

78、Methods Microsurgery was performed to get the anastomosis of the posterior branch of auricle.Petechial bloodletting was conducted by means of puncturing in the helix according to the posterior crisis. ─── 方法采用显微外科技术吻合耳后动脉耳后支,术后静脉危象则行针刺耳轮点状放血。

79、Keywords Electroacupuncture;Bloodletting;Ligament;Knee Medial Collateral;Acupuncture; ─── 关键词电针;放血;临床研究;膝关节内侧副韧带;针刺;

80、Among the command bloodletting that followed the Aisne fiasco d’Esperey found himself displaced to the malarial backwater that was the war in Salonika. ─── 就象阿伦比从西线左迁至巴勒斯坦一样,德斯佩雷把这次灾难转变成个人事业的成功。

81、Although the bloodletting seemed to be subsiding as The Economist went to press, the misery of the refugees needs to be alleviated. ─── 虽然当本期《经济学人》付印时,血腥的屠杀似乎已平息,但难民的苦难仍有待缓解。

82、Bloodletting has been renamed to Improved Rend once again, and doesn't affect Bloodbath anymore. ─── 放血重命名为增强割裂,并且不再影响血浴。

83、bloodletting therapy ─── 放血疗法

84、There are warnings of bloodletting, purges and a battle for the soul of the party between the religious right and moderates. ─── 对于肃清党内思想和在宗教右派和适中问题上党派灵魂的战斗,这无疑对共和党是一次“大放血”。

85、Keywords Chronic headache;Acupuncture therapy;Bloodletting therapy; ─── 慢性头痛;针刺疗法;放血疗法;

86、Treatment of Stye with Bloodletting by Point Puncturing with Trigonal Needle ─── 三棱针点刺出血治疗麦粒肿

87、general bloodletting ─── [医] 全身放血

88、On the basis of the auricrlotherapy theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the author treated 34 cases of acute sties with bloodletting therapy on the ear vein and hained very good effects. ─── 根据中医耳针学说,在临床实践中采用耳静脉放血治疗急性麦粒肿(睑腺炎)34例,收到了良好的效果。

89、Bloodletting during the annual rite has seen a controversial resurgence since the fall of Saddam Hussein, who repressed public displays of worship by his country's majority sect, Reuters reported. ─── 据路透社报道:自从萨达姆政权垮台后,一年一度的放血仪式重新引发了争议,萨达姆曾经压制本国主要宗派民众举行这种仪式。(注:萨达姆本人是逊尼派)

repeat与once again的区别?

repeat = 重复一次

once again = 再来一次,但不限于“重复”,比如“He does the wrong thing once again”,他又再次做错了一件事情。

once again:又一次,再次。还可用于引出第二种情况或做进一步论述,常可译为“再者”“此外”“何况”“况且”。表示“增加…倍”,此时,again放在比较连词的前面,表数量的词后面。一般位于句尾或句首。作“又一次”解时多在句尾,作“再者”解时,多用于句首。认可前面的事情已经很好,希望再来一次更好地。

repeat与once again的区别?


once again可以作副词短语,修饰动词使用。意思是”再来一次,又一次“,并不一定是重复。

例如:would you repeat it once again ? 请你再次重述一下好吗?

例如:I repeat once again. Can you hear me?

例如,背单词有时也需要多次重复就是repeat once and once again

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