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08-19 投稿


originates 发音

英:[??r?d??ne?ts]  美:[??r?d??ne?ts]

英:  美:

originates 中文意思翻译



originates 反义词


originates 词性/词形变化,originates变形

名词: origina-tion |动词第三人称单数: originates |动词现在分词: originating |动词过去分词: originated |形容词: originative |动词过去式: originated |副词: originatively |

originates 同义词

inventiveness |novelty | ingenuity | style | uniqueness | creativity | innovation | freshness | imagination

originates 短语词组

1、originates means ─── 起源方式

2、originates in vt. ─── 起源于(发生于)

3、originates ach ─── 起源于ach

4、originates gmi ─── 发起gmi

5、originates definition ─── 起源定义

6、originates meaning ─── 源于意义

7、originates define ─── 起源定义

8、originates fruit ─── 起源于果实

9、originates from or in ─── 起源于或在

originates 相似词语短语

1、originated ─── v.起源,发起;发明(originate的过去式,过去分词);准备呼叫

2、originate ─── vt.引起;创作;vi.发源;发生;起航

3、criminates ─── vt.定罪;使负罪;责备

4、ordinates ─── n.船体分站;[数]纵坐标

5、originator ─── n.创始人;发明者;提出者

6、originators ─── n.创始人;发明者;提出者

7、originals ─── n.原件(original的复数);[图情]原稿

8、unoriginated ─── 原创性

9、originalities ─── n.创意;独创性,创造力;原始;新奇

originates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It may well have a nautical origin. ─── 多数人认为它与航海有关。

2、She made an interesting broadcast about the origin of modern music. ─── 她在广播/电视节目中作了一次关于现代音乐起源的有趣的演讲。

3、Its origin is lost in obscurity. ─── 它的起源己搞不清楚了。

4、Much of it is of unknown origin. ─── 其中大部分内容出处不详。

5、Human laughter originates in very ancient areas of the brain. ─── 人类的笑声源自于大脑中非常深远的区域。

6、All knowledge originates from labor. ─── 一切知识均起源于劳动。

7、The name"Cooperative Extension Service"originates from the form of organization. ─── “合作推广局”这个名称取义于这个组织的形式。

8、The name of the site from which the code assembly originates. ─── 从其中产生代码程序集的站点的名称。

9、One of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation. ─── 同形异义词两个或以上单词拼法相同,但在起源、意义和有时读音上不同

10、The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization. ─── 国籍由于起源,出生或入国籍而属于某一特定国家的状态

11、The focal point which originates as the Internet profit, China's industry in current still has the very high attention. ─── 作为互联网利润来源的焦点,中国的产业在当前依然具有非常高的关注度。

12、The branch of geology that deals with the origin, composition, structure, and alteration of rocks. ─── 岩石学地质学的一个分支,研究岩石的起源、成分、结构和演变

13、An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin. ─── 古董由于年代久远而具有特殊价值的物体,尤指由于工艺,美观和兴起时期等方面受到重视的土产,家具或手工艺品

14、The zone where the code originates. ─── 代码出自的区域。

15、A condensed soft optical phonon mode originates from the triply degenerate symmetric in-plane O-Nb-O bending. ─── 一个软光学声子模来源于在铌-氧平面内的三重简并对称弯曲振动。

16、Its origin is wrapped in mystery. ─── 它的起源仍是个未解的谜。

17、It is often the case that the process of building an application originates from having a set of database query statements (i. e. SQL). ─── 通常,需要从一组已有的数据库查询语句(SQL)实现应用程序构建。

18、Slogan: Beautiful court barbola originates from China and belongs to the world. ─── 宣传口号:宫廷贴画,形式优美。源于传统,属于世界。

19、Because fencing originates from the art of dueling. ─── 因为击剑来源于决斗的仪式。

20、The Culture of the Central Plains originates from the Yellow River. ─── 中原文化发祥自黄河流域。

21、A folk dance of English origin in which two lines of dancers face each other. ─── 乡村舞源自英国的一种乡村舞蹈,舞者排成两行,面对面跳

22、Legends about the origin of this festivity abound. ─── 关于腊八节起源的传说有很多。

23、The tripod burner originates from the shape of firewood in a bonfire, with the logs leaning against each other. ─── 三脚架式的火炉起源于篝火中交错而放的圆木形状。

24、It is also possible that the pain originates from the digestive tract (stomach, bowels). ─── 下腹部疼痛起源于消化道(胃、肠)也是可能的原因。

25、Davao River originates in the eastern part of its territory. ─── 大堡河发源于其境东部。

26、Reduce litter at the source. [/B]Much backcountry trash and litter originates from food items. ─── 从垃圾的来源考虑减少丢弃物。[/B]很多野外垃圾和丢弃物通常由食物而来。

27、In spite of his humble origin, he is well in with the finest people in this part of the country. ─── 他尽管出身卑微,不是与该国这个地区的高贵人物有密切的交往。

28、Can you feel where the movement of the breath originates? ─── 你能感觉到呼吸的起伏从哪里产生吗?

29、If the administrator originates the request, both the administrator and the user will receive a confirmation e-mail. ─── 如果管理员发起请求,则管理员和用户都将收到确认电子邮件。

30、The source of earthquake waves-the site beneath the surface where the disturbance originates-is known as the focus. ─── 地震波源--地表底下产生扰动的地方--称为震源。

31、The urethra originates at the neck of the bladder. ─── 尿道起始于膀胱颈部。

32、Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes. ─── 品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。

33、One of a breed of small, black dairy cattle of Irish origin. ─── 克立牛一种产于爱尔兰的黑色小乳牛

34、Lincoln represents the owner's social status in China while it is nothing more than a vehicle in its country of origin. ─── 在中国,林肯轿车象徵车主的社会地位,而在原产国只不过是交通工具罢了。

35、Stuttering normally originates in childhood and nine out of ten people who stutter are men. ─── 口吃一般形成于童年时期,并且十之八九多为男性。

36、A flat-bottomed, roughly circular volcanic crater of explosive origin that is often filled with water. ─── 小火山口一种底部平坦、大致呈圆形的火山爆发后形成的盛满水的低洼地

37、Shandong clapper ballad originates from Linqing, Jining and Yanzhou of Shandong, with a history over 100 years. ─── 山东快书发源于山东省临清、济宁、兖州一带,已有百年以上的历史。

38、The urban rainfall runoff pollution originates from the precipitation,the urban surface and the drainage system. ─── 城市降水径流污染中的污染物主要来自降水、城市地表和排水系统。

39、The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. ─── 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。

40、Footnote: The English abusive gesture of raising two fingers at someone originates from the Battle of Agincourt. ─── 后记:英国人辱骂人时举起两支手指头的习惯就是源自这场阿琴科特战役。

41、The key to get out of this dilemma is to uplift the ability to recognize beauty, the ability that originates from humanity. ─── 审美能力源于人性,人性中的好奇与节制协调运作提高了审美能力,扩大了审美视野。

42、In literature and on celluloid, atonement originates from pangs of remorse felt by an individual. ─── 在文学作品和电影中,赎罪往往源自一个人深深的后悔自责带来的折磨。

43、Calling Party The person who makes (originates) the phone call. ─── 制作(发起)电话呼叫的人。

44、One related by blood or origin with another, especially a person sharing an ancestor with another. ─── 具血亲关系者与另一个人的血缘或来源相关的人,尤指与别人有共同祖先的人

45、In the medial tract, the multifidi originates on the sacrum. ─── 在内侧束,多裂肌起源于骶骨。

46、In1859was published and Darwin was recognized as one of the most important thinkers in science. ─── 1859年《物种起源》一书发表了,选尔文被看作是在科学界最重要的思想家之一。

47、It may be that I'm wasting my time trying to establish a theoretical basis for it when in fact it originates in a pre theoretical zone. ─── 可能是因为,我浪费时间试着为这种痛苦建立一种理论基础,而事实上,它却产生一个前理论区域。

48、He is a researcher of working class origin. ─── 他是工人出身的研究员。

49、Its origin is still a mystery now. ─── 它的起源至今仍是个谜。

50、Our sensory experience of the world originates in the interior sensation of the mouth, and the world tends to return to its oral origins. ─── 我们对感官体验的世界源自于嘴巴。而这个世界【theworld难译】倾向于回到它的味觉器官。

51、This ensemble music originates in southern Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and has a special flavor of Shanghai style about it. ─── 它是流行于江苏南部至浙江一带的器乐合奏形式,以上海地区最具特色。

52、The product originates from the Aerospace China marine observation and control ship“ Yuan Wang Hao”. ─── 品牌名称来源于中国航天海上测控船“远望号”。

53、Even the conferment of dhyana which implies patriarchy originates from offering sacrifices to goddess. ─── 就连父权意味颇浓的"封禅",其实最早也应是祭祀女神的。

54、All knowledge originates from labour. ─── 一切知识起源于劳动。

55、If this process is unilateral, then the problem originates from the ureteral orifice up to the pelvis. ─── 如果病变是单侧的,原因可能是从肾盂到输尿管口的病变。

56、Trokosi originates from the same belief system as voodoo. ─── 扥克西也是一种巫毒信仰。

57、An enzyme, such as a digestive enzyme, that functions outside the cell from which it originates. ─── 外酶酶的一种,如消化酶,在细胞外发生作用

58、The word "robot" originates from the Czech word for forced labor, or serf. ─── “机器人”一词起源于捷克语,意为强迫劳动力或奴隶。

59、A member of a people of possible European origin, living in Chinese Turkistan until about the tenth century. ─── 吐火鲁人一个在10世纪以前一直居住在中国土耳其斯坦的可能为欧洲人后裔的部族的成员

60、Fencing originates from the art of dueling which was popular in Middle Century. ─── 击剑来源于中世纪决斗的仪式。

61、Compared to language, all other inventions pale in significance, since everything we have ever achieved depends on language and originates from it. ─── 语言相比,所有其他的发明在意义上都显得苍白无力,因为我们所取得的一切成就都依赖于语言并来源于语言。

62、More than one-third of the world's economic production originates in these countries, too. ─── 全世界的经济生产量有超过三分之一也是源自这些国家。)

63、Traditions of origin form a separate class. ─── 关于起源的传说形成了单独一个门类。

64、Mutual trust between a marshal and his general originates from combination of nature, skills and performance. ─── 帅将间的互助互信源于性格、手法及绩效的结合!

65、The world of delusion originates within the mind. ─── 妄想的世界源自里面的心。

66、It originates from Poupart's ligament/inguinal ligament and the inner anterior crest of the ilium. ─── 从外面就可以看到这些肌肉被三条或更多腱划经过。

67、A curtain or a wall hanging, especially one of Flemish origin. ─── 帘或挂在墙壁上的(毯子), 特指源自佛兰德地区的一种

68、An arrow that originates from a dot represents the probability that the node is the start of a sequence. ─── 以圆点为起点的箭头代表序列从此节点处开始的概率。

69、The new theory of the origin of the universe was pulled to pieces by many of the world leading astronomers. ─── 关于宇宙起源的新理论被世界上很多著名的天文学家批得体无完肤。

70、However, virtue cannot be imposed upon. It originates in the person whose free will causes him or her to seek to be fully human. ─── 但是,美德不是强迫出来的,而是自发形成的,人的自由意志使人们努力追求,成为具备完全人性的人。

71、A member of a sect of early Christians of Jewish origin who retained many of the prescribed Jewish observances. ─── 基督教徒早期犹太起源的基督教徒的一派中的一员,保留了多规定的犹太教义

72、Sinus bradycardia is a heart rhythm that originates from the sinus node and has a rate of under 60bpm. ─── 什么是'窦性心动过缓-窦性心率与率低于60每分钟心跳'?

73、Its origin dates back to remote antiquity. ─── 它起源于远古时期。

74、He flew high though he was of humble origin. ─── 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。

75、The theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time. ─── (地)均变说一种理论,可以将所有地质现象解释为从地球起源到现在已均匀作用的现存力的结果

76、The question of "nonhuman" originates from human when he meditates himself on all his possibility and infinity. ─── “非人”是人之镜,“非人”的产生根源于人对自身的无限性的省思,“非人”的问题就是人的问题。

77、He is a Dane by origin. ─── 他原籍丹麦。

78、You can specify scheme and port pairs that are permitted based on the scheme in the URL where the code originates. ─── 可以基于代码的原始URL中的方案指定允许的方案和端口对。

79、Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams,matriarchal society and mythology. ─── 中国的亚文明时代是从爻号、母系社会、神话时代演变过来的。

80、The doctrine of unconscionability in American contract law originates from law of equity. ─── 在美国合同法上的显失公平原则发源于衡平法,其根本目的是为了维护合同公正。

81、as an exquisite Chinese clothing, originates from China's Manchu Nationality. ─── 是一种雅致的中国服饰,源于中国的满族。

82、The creek originates in a spring in the hills. ─── 小河源自山泉。

83、The majority of PTLD originates from malignant proliferation of B-cell. ─── 大多数PTLD起源于B细胞单克隆恶性增殖。

84、It is not legal relations, and it originates from the need of each other. ─── 事实存在的领导与被领导、影响与被影响的关系不是法定的,而是来源于彼此需要。

85、All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience. ─── 一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。

86、The best way to help Australian sheep is to avoid buying any wool, as it is difficult to know where wool originates. ─── 帮助澳大利亚绵羊的最好方式,就是拒绝任何的羊毛织品,因为很难知道羊毛的产地来源。

87、And monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, TFAS is a kind of artifacts, vegetable oils and fats originates. ─── 与饱和脂肪酸及不饱和脂肪酸不同,TFAS是一种人工产物,源自于对植物油脂的改造。

88、A muscle with two heads or points of origin. ─── 二头肌起端有两个头或端的肌肉

89、The word"euphemism"originates from Greek. ─── 委婉语(euphemism)一词源自希腊语,从字面上理解是指用好听的言语或令人愉快的方式来说话。

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