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08-19 投稿


ocular 发音

英:['?kj?l?]  美:['ɑkj?l?]

英:  美:

ocular 中文意思翻译



ocular 短语词组

1、low power ocular ─── [医] 低倍目镜

2、extra-ocular ─── [医] 眼外的

3、intra-ocular pressure ─── [医] 眼 ─── [球]内压

4、compensating ocular ─── [医] 补偿目镜

5、intra-ocular ─── [医] 眼内的

6、ocular adaptation ─── [医] 眼适应

7、Huygens' ocular ─── [医] 惠根氏目镜(物理)


9、ocular choroid ─── [医] 眼脉络膜

10、finding ocular ─── [医] 探索目镜

11、cerebro-ocular ─── [医] 脑 ─── [与]眼的

12、Huygen's ocular ─── [医] 惠根氏目镜

13、high power ocular ─── [医] 高倍目镜

14、intra-ocular tension ─── [医] 眼球内压, 眼压

15、Fereol-Graux type of ocular palsy ─── [医] 费-格二氏眼球麻痹(一侧眼内直肌及对侧眼外直肌的麻痹)

16、negative ocular ─── [医] 负目镜

17、ocular capsule ─── [医] 眼球囊, 特农氏囊

18、ocular ataxia ─── [医] 眼球震颤

19、ocular chalcosis ─── [医] 眼铜屑沉着病

ocular 相似词语短语

1、locular ─── adj.有小室的;有小腔的

2、torcular ─── 中空或扩大区

3、oculars ─── adj.眼睛的;视觉的;目击的;n.[光]目镜

4、vocular ─── 嗓音的

5、ovular ─── adj.卵子的;[植]胚珠的

6、ocularly ─── 视觉地

7、jocular ─── adj.爱开玩笑的;打趣的;滑稽的

8、oscular ─── adj.出水孔的;接吻的;嘴巴的

9、oracular ─── adj.神谕的;谜似的;玄妙深奥的

ocular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clearly,ocular,assort the documents in order. ─── 明快、直观,资料分类井然有序。

2、The serum apolipoprotein (apo) level, aorta wall thickness (AWT)and ocular fundus were simutaneously examinated. ─── 同时进行血清载脂蛋白(apo)、主动脉壁厚度(AWT)及眼底检查。

3、Conclusions:Many ocular and orbital diseases can be differentiated from congenital microphthalmos with orbital ... ─── 影像学检查对于制定手术方案很有帮助。

4、Ocular complications in generalized erythroderma and the possible contributing factors will be discussed. ─── 本文将讨论全身性红皮症之眼科合并症的临床表徵及其可能的导因。

5、Methods Clinical analysis of 12 patients (20 eyes) of ocular bum by chromate salt from the year 2003 to 2004. ─── 方法回顾性分析了2003~2004年间收治的12例(20眼)红矾烧伤的临床资料。

6、Method Vitrectomy was performed on 28 cases of servere ocular injury. ─── 方法应用玻璃体切除术治疗严重眼外伤28例(29眼)。

7、Report a case of siderosis bulbi without definite ocular injury history. ─── 摘要报告一无明显外伤史之眼球铁质沈着症病例。

8、He cleaned his stiletto on Parkin's trousers, and wiped the ocular liquid from his hands. It had been a messy business. ─── 他在帕金的裤子上揩净短剑,擦去手上的血迹,这是一种脏活。

9、The Experience of the Treatment for Ocular Herpes Zoster by Cuanzu Point-Injection Combined with Western Medicine. ─── 攒竹穴位注射配合西医治疗眼部带状疱疹的体会。

10、Ocular itch recurred after ceasing SDG in 10 of 14 patients. ─── 停用SDG后14名患者中有10名出现眼结膜炎复发。

11、In this point of view, successful decrease of evaporation from ocular surface is important for the therapy of dry eye. ─── 从这一角度来说,有效减少眼表蒸发对治疗干眼有重要的意义。

12、Objective To investigate the effect of vitreoretinal surgery in treatment of severe ocular trauma. ─── 摘要目的探讨玻璃体视网膜手术治疗严重眼外伤的效果。

13、We will present an ocular demonstration. ─── 我们将进行直观演示。

14、There was no relationship between the change degree of the ocular surface structure and sensation and the area or the angle of the blebs. ─── 患者年龄和性别与术后滤过泡形态及眼表结构和舒适度的变化程度无显著相关性。

15、No signs of iritis, ptosis, or ocular movement limits were found. ─── 并未发现有虹彩炎、眼睑下垂或眼球活动受限这现象。

16、In this point of view,successful decrease of evaporation from ocular surface is important for the therapy of dry eye. ─── 从这一角度来说,有效减少眼表蒸发对治疗干眼有重要的意义。

17、Objective To explore the clinical effects of early vitrectomy on open complex ocular trauma. ─── 摘要目的探讨早期应用玻璃体切除手术对复杂的开放性眼外伤的临床治疗效果。

18、Foncea Beti N, Mateo I, Diaz La Calle V, et al.The ocular ischemic syndrome. ─── 张惠蓉.视网膜血管疾病.见:李凤鸣,主编.眼科全书(中册).北京:人民卫生出版社.

19、Keratoconjunctivitise sicca (KCS) is one of the most common ocular surface disorders, whose pathogenesis is not so far clear. ─── 干眼症是眼科最常见的眼表疾病之一,其发病因素至今尚不明确。

20、Use of the hydroxyapatite ocular implant in the pediatric patients. ─── 儿童患者羟基磷灰石义眼台眶内植入的疗效观察。

21、Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness analysis has been used in glaucoma and some other ocular diseases. ─── 摘要以神经纤维分析仪分析神经纤维层厚度已应用于许多眼疾。

22、Methods:The data of 86 diabetic patients consulting the oculist first for the ocular symptom were reviewed. ─── 方法:回顾分析86例以眼部症状为表现而首诊于眼科的糖尿病患者的临床资料。

23、Congenital microphthalmos is a rare ocular anomaly due to arrest of ocular growth and development in early fetal life. ─── 摘要先天性小眼症是在胚胎发育早期眼球生长停滞所造成的先天异常。

24、Also they experimentally infected HSV-1 to the cornea of mice causing ocular disease. ─── 他们还对人工感染单纯疱疹病毒1型,以角膜小鼠造成眼部疾病。

25、Methods: The ocular fundus was examined in 200 newborns 72 hours after born. ─── 方法:对200例新生儿在生后72小时内作眼底检查。

26、The data of the ocular fundus, FFA and ICGA of 20 patients (28 eyes) with ARNS were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 回顾性分析20例临床诊断为ARNS的患者28只患眼的眼底、FFA和ICGA检查资料。

27、The patient complained of severe ocular pain in the right eye and loss of vision in the recovery room. ─── 在恢复室时病人主述右眼疼痛并且完全失去视力。

28、Gwon A. Ofloxacin Vs Tobramycin for the treatment of external ocular infection[J].Arch Ophthalmol,1992,110(9):1234. ─── 夏凤华.妥布霉素治疗绿脓杆菌角膜溃疡[J].药学实践杂志,1995,13(5):282.

29、There were 92.5% (74/80) of all injuries involved periorbital or superficial ocular structures only. ─── 74例(74/80,92.5%)的职业性眼睛伤害与疾病,发生于眼睛周围或表层眼球组织。

30、Objective To summarize the treatments and outcomes of 186 cases (188 eyes) ocular foreign body of chestnust thorns. ─── 摘要目的总结186例(188眼)板栗刺致眼异物伤的治疗经验及疗效观察。

31、All cases showed impaired vision, proptosis ocular movement disorder and higher intraorbital pressure. ─── 均有不同程度的视力下降、眼球突出、眼球运动障碍及眶压升高。

32、Objective To investigate significance of vitreous surgery for complicated ocular trauma. ─── 摘要目的探讨在复杂性眼球外伤治疗中玻璃体手术的疗效和意义。

33、On FFA, window defect was found in the macular lesion of ocular fundus, with typical ”bull's eye” pattern in 8 cases (16eyes). ─── FFA检查黄斑部病变为透见荧光 ,其中 8例 16眼呈“牛眼”状 ;

34、This is the first report that larvae hatched from T. canis embryonated eggs maintained for a long time can cause murine ocular toxocariasis. ─── 本报告为首篇关于自长期培养的犬蛔虫卵孵育的幼虫可引起鼠眼部犬蛔虫症的研究。

35、Ocular structures of 32 cases(64 eyes)with acute primary angle closure glaucoma were measured by color doppler instrument. ─── 本文采用彩色多普勒仪对32例(64眼)原发性急性闭角型青光眼进行活体结构测量。

36、There was a time when we failed to negotiate the [intra-ocular lens] prices to be at affordable levels, so we set up a manufacturing unit. ─── 我们后来没能谈下来一个可以接受的内眼镜片的价格,于是我们干脆就设立了自己的流水线。

37、Several of the newly added cases evidence ocular presentation, which is typically a late-occurring feature of RVF infection. ─── 一些新增病例证实有眼部表现,即裂谷热感染的一种典型晚发特征。

38、Objective To analyse the harm of ocular bum caused In chromate salt. ─── 摘要目的分析讨论红矾对眼部烧伤的危害。

39、A veracious diagnosis of the dormant sclera rupture and a timely surgery will save the eye ball and ocular function more effectively. ─── :准确地诊断隐匿性巩膜破裂伤 ,及时手术能更有效地挽救眼球及视功能。

40、High myopia is an ocular disease characterized by abnormal visual functions, caused by excessive axial elongation. ─── 摘要高度近视是由于过度眼轴增长而造成不正常视觉机能的眼疾。

41、Corticosteroid-induced ocular hypertension and glaucoma has been recognized for more than 50 years. ─── 人们认识激素性高眼压和青光眼已经50多年了。

42、Several variables have been identified as predisposing risk factors for steroid-induced ocular hypertension. ─── 一些因素已经被确认为类固醇诱导性高眼压的主要危险因素。

43、Ocular involvement in Hansen's disease (Leprosy) is common. ─── 摘要本篇报告一例麻疯性葡萄膜炎的病例。

44、In both instruments, the image formed by an objective is viewed through an ocular . ─── 在这两种仪器中,物镜所成的象都是通过目镜来观看的。

45、He cleaned his stiletto on Parkin's trousers, and wiped the ocular liquid from his hands. It had been a messy business. ─── 他在帕金的裤子上揩净短剑,擦去手上的血迹,这是一种脏活。

46、Most of adult diplopia were ocular dyscinesia type. ─── 主要为眼肌运动障碍性复视。

47、Next, inspect each ocular fundus by using an ophthalmoscope. Assess the optic nerve by inspecting the optic disc. ─── 下一步,使用眼底镜检查每个眼底.用检视盘评估视神经.

48、Methods:Forty two patients suffering from thrombotic ocular fundus disease were treated with defibrin. ─── 方法:应用东菱克栓酶静滴治疗血栓性眼底病患者42例。

49、Most of ocular fundus diseases can be diagnosed correctly by binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. ─── 在双目间接检眼镜下,大多数眼底疾病可以得到正确的诊断。

50、Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and pathogenesis of ocular siderosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨眼铁质沉着症的临床表现和发病机制。

51、We herein report a 22 year-old female patient with typical ocular findings of VTS. ─── 本文提出一个罕见的年轻病例。

52、the naso-ocular reflex may get better with a variety of prescription nasal sprays and a good pair of sunglasses. ─── 鼻眼反射非过敏性鼻炎只需使用各种各样的鼻喷雾剂或者佩一幅好的太阳镜就可好转。

53、Images 1, 2: Transverse and coronal planes showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit. ─── 横切面和冠状面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。

54、We can recover clostridium bacilli in eviscerated ocular contents. ─── 本案例在眼内容剜出物当中,可以发现大量荚膜梭菌菌体;

55、The possible mechanisms of cellular damages in ocular siderosis will also be discussed. ─── 同时讨论到眼球内含铁异物造成组识变性之可能原因。

56、The present sample is the military version with reticle (right hand ocular) and rubber armor. ─── 当前样品是军事版本与调制盘(右手盯镜) 并且橡胶装甲。

57、Method To analyze retrospectively the pathologic specimens of 8 673 cases of ocular adnexal hyperplastic lesions and tumors between 1961-1997. ─── 方法对8673例患者局部切除的眼附属器增生性病变及肿瘤标本进行回顾性病理分析。

58、Triamcinolone acetonide has been effectively used in ocular therapeutics for over 50 years. ─── 曲安奈德成功用于眼部治疗已经50年。

59、In 29 cases of ocular adnexal MALT-type, the expression of Ki-67 and p53 gene protein did not correlate with age,sex and location(P >0.05). ─── 29例眼附属器MALT型淋巴瘤在不同的年龄、性别、发病部位Ki-67和p53表达差异无显著性。

60、The present paper focuses on VEGF and its role in ocular neovascularization and current anti-VEGF treatment. ─── 本文对VEGF的特性、VEGF在眼部新生血管形成中的作用和抗VEGF治疗进行综述。

61、Methods Medical records of 56 cases(59 eyes)of ocular perforating injury were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法对56例(59眼)眼球贯通伤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

62、Method The nursing characteristi cs and effect of caring15 children with ocular chemical injury were summarized. ─── 方法总结15例儿童眼化学烧伤的护理体会。

63、Subconjunctival hemorrhages are very common ocular findings. ─── 结膜下出血是十分常见的眼部表现。

64、The periosteum,dura,cavernous sinus,carotid artery,ocular nerve,trochlea nerve and abduce nerve crossing cavernous sinus could be visualized. ─── 扩大经蝶手术入路可清晰显示鞍底骨膜、硬脑膜外层、海绵窦内侧壁、海绵窦内颈内动脉及其分支血管、动眼神经、滑车神经、外展神经及眼神经等结构;

65、Patients have only one eye because of the ocular traumas. ─── 因为是外伤引起,患者都是单眼。

66、Measurement of ocular blood flow by scanning laser ophthalmoscope video angiography. ─── 应用激光扫描眼底镜录像血管造影测量眼血流指标。

67、Methods 210 oclar cases of ocular burn b diketene had been analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法对双乙烯酮210例眼部损害进行回顾性分析。

68、The structure, affecting factors and measurement methods of ocular wavefront aberration were presented. ─── 对人眼波面象差的构成特征、影响因素以及测量方法进行了讨论。

69、The resu1ting chromatic-eye modal provides an improved ac-count of both the longitudinal and transverse forms of ocular chromatic aberration. ─── 新简化服被称为色眼,它提供了人眼色差的两种形式:纵向与横向色差改进的考虑。

70、Images 3, 4: Image 3 - transverse plane showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit. Image 4 - postnatal appearance of the baby. ─── 图3:横切面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。图4:婴儿出生后的照片。

71、Common ocular features include hypertelorism, epicanthic folds and up-slanting palpebral apertures. ─── 常见眼部表现包括内眦距宽,内眦赘皮和睑裂倾斜。

72、Human ocular apperceive is truly a robust character recognition system which can adapt to all kinds of noise. ─── 人类视觉感知毫无疑问是一个鲁棒性很强的、能抵御实际中可能遇到的各种变形和各种干扰噪声的文字识别系统。

73、Methods 32 eyes of 3 leases with early moderate ocular chemical bums were treated by amniotic membrane transplantation. ─── 方法采用甘油保存的羊膜,治疗眼早期中度化学伤31例(32眼),其中酸烧伤10例(10眼)。

74、Smoking, if continued, may perpetuate further ocular damage and lead to permanent blindness. ─── 吸烟人士如果维持吸烟的习惯,眼睛便可能永久受损,增加永久失明的机会。

75、Investigation of the damage of persistent ocular hypotony to the retina. ─── 持续性低眼压对视网膜影响的实验研究。

76、We report 4 cases of ocular perforating injury that occured during retrobulbar anesthesia. ─── 本篇报告四例因球后麻醉引起的眼球贯穿伤害。

77、In one patient, the ocular involvement preceded the neurologic symptoms by 4 weeks and in the other patient by 4 years. ─── 其中一例的眼部表现先于神经病学表现4周,另一例则先发生4年。

78、Objective To study factors of myopia after ocular contusion. ─── 摘要目的分析眼球挫伤致近视的因素。

79、We summarize the present research of telomerase and telomere and their applications on ocular disease. ─── 在此,我们就端粒、端粒酶研究现状及其与眼科疾病的关系和应用进展作一综述。

80、We examined 30 patients for visual acuity, ocular motility, and light projection before and after retrobulbar anesthesia for cataract surgery. ─── 本篇报告30位(30眼)接受白内障手术的病人,手术前施行球后麻醉之后视力降低的情形。

81、Study of the VEP and F-ERG in apply of ocular contusion. ─── VEP、F-ERG在眼挫伤中应用研究

82、Among those 77 eases, 71 cases were of ocular dyscinesia type, 6 cases were of ocular non-dyscinesia type. ─── 中老年复视77例,其中眼肌运动障碍性复视71例,非眼肌运动障碍性复视6例。

83、Methods The nursing care upon 76 patients with ocular contusion was retrospectively summarized. ─── 方法回顾性总结76例眼球挫伤患者的观察及护理要点。

84、The Huygens ocular, which dates back over 250 years is still in wide use today. ─── 二百五十多年前的惠更斯目镜今天还在广泛使用。

85、Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball. ─── 其它眼睛特征包括眼球无意识而有节奏的运动。

86、Sheard and Percival criteria are effective diagnostic aids or guides to predict ocular symptoms. ─── Sheard 准则和Percival 准则为评价双眼水平位均衡的有效方法。

87、Operation of hyphema after ocular contusion. ─── 挫伤性前房积血的手术治疗。

88、GO may result in eyelid retraction, proptosis, chemosis, periorbital edema, and altered ocular motility. ─── GO会导致眼睑挛缩、眼球突出、球结膜水肿、眶周水肿以及眼球活动障碍。

89、Conciusion The ocular surface disease associated with children's hordeolum is easily misdiagnosed and recurrence. ─── 对症治疗可以改善症状,提高视力,但部分患者视力仍不能达最佳。

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