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wart 发音

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wart 中文意思翻译



wart 网络释义

n. [皮肤] 疣(等于verruca);[林] 树瘤;缺点

wart 短语词组

1、juvenile wart ─── [医] 青年疣

2、fillform wart ─── [医] 丝状疣

3、pointed wart ─── [医] 尖锐湿疣

4、plantar wart ─── [医] 足跖疣, 跖疣

5、horny wart ─── [医] 角疣

6、common wart ─── [医] 寻常疣, 单纯疣

7、necrogenic wart ─── [医] 剖尸疣, 尸毒性疣

8、gonorrheal wart ─── [医] 淋病疣

9、anatomical wart ─── [医] 剖尸疣, 尸毒性疣

10、fig wart ─── [医] 性病湿疣, 尖锐湿疣

11、genital wart ─── [医]生殖器疣

12、Peruvian wart ─── [医] 秘鲁疣

13、crown wart ─── [网络] 冠疣

14、mosaic wart ─── [医] 镶嵌状疣

15、moist wart ─── [医] 湿疣, 尖锐湿疣

16、mother wart ─── [医] 母疣

17、flat wart ─── [医] 扁平疣

18、asbestos wart ─── [医] 石棉疣

19、cattle wart ─── [医] 牛疣

20、butcher's wart ─── [医] 屠宰疣

wart 词性/词形变化,wart变形

形容词: warted |

wart 相似词语短语

1、Hart ─── n.雄赤鹿(复数harts);n.(Hart)人名;(匈)豪尔特;(西、法)阿特;(英、罗、捷、芬、德)哈特

2、warty ─── adj.有疣的;n.(Warty)(美、印)瓦尔蒂(人名)

3、warts ─── [皮肤]疣;[皮肤]肉赘

4、Bart ─── abbr.从男爵(Baronet);n.巴特(男子名);n.(Bart)人名;(英)巴特;(匈)鲍尔特;(德、罗、荷、瑞典、俄、法)巴尔特

5、swart ─── adj.有害的;恶性的;(诗、文)黝黑的;n.(Swart)(美)斯沃特(人名)

6、cart ─── n.二轮运货马车;vt.用车装载;vi.驾运货马车;用运货车运送;n.(Cart)人名;(法)卡尔;(英、芬)卡特

7、Ewart ─── 尤尔特

8、-art ─── -艺术

9、art ─── 艺术

wart 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clinical Observation on 90 Cases of Treatment over Flat Wart Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗扁平疣90例临床观察

2、an abnormal outgrowth or enlargement,such as a wart ─── 一种不正常的增长或扩大,例如疣

3、Clinical Observation and Nursing Care of Three-edged Needle Pricking Plus Medicated Compress to Treat Flat Wart ─── 三棱针点刺加药膜治疗扁平疣的临床观察与护理

4、2.Removal of wart: flat wart, verruca senilus, verruca vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, and verruca filiformis, etc. ─── 2 、去疣:扁平疣、老年疣、传染性软疣、寻常疣、丝状疣、跖疣等。

5、Treatment of Flat Wart by Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines ─── 中西医结合治疗扁平疣疗效观察

6、horny wart ─── [医] 角疣

7、'Down bean; off wart; ─── ‘埋下蚕豆,消掉疣子,

8、Phellogen layer structure was seen inside the pedicel wart of all cultivars observed but Red globe.Fungi mycelium was also observed in the pedicel wart of all cultivars except Beichun. ─── 发现抗性较强的北醇,小果柄上的疣小、形成较早,发育速度较慢,破裂后内部结构层次清晰,基部木栓形成层明显,抗性差的红地球则相反。


10、The remedial method of contagious soft wart is much and soft wart uses simple infectivity commonly local therapeutics can. ─── 传染性软疣的治疗方法多且简单传染性软疣一般用局部疗法即可。

11、Typical acuteness wet wart does not need lab examination to be able to make examine break commonly. ─── 典型的尖锐湿疣一般不需作实验室检查即可作出诊断。

12、One group placed a moleskin pad -- which has no known wart curatie powers -- on a wart.The second group coered a wart with a moleskin pad that had an under layer of clear duct tape. ─── 一组将无疣治疗作用的绒布垫置于疣之上,另一组将具有布基胶带内层的绒布垫置于疣之上。

13、Thorn wart besides, how to go scar ah? ─── 刺瘊除了,怎么去疤啊?

14、and he wouldn't have a wart on him if he'd knowed how to work spunk-water. ─── 他要是晓得怎么使用仙水,那他身上就会一个疣子都没有了。

15、2.Removal of wart: flat wart, verruca senilus, verrucavulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, and verruca filiformis,etc. ─── 2、去疣:扁平疣、老年疣、传染性软疣、寻常疣、丝状疣、跖疣等。

16、necrogenic wart ─── [医] 剖尸疣, 尸毒性疣

17、Carries on in the laboratory in the examination, one kind the compound which withdraws from the seaweed can suppress the reproductive organ wart and the type HPV virus infection. ─── 在实验室进行的检测中,一种从海藻中提取的化合物能够抑制生殖器疣和致癌类型的HPV病毒感染。

18、a small benign wart on or around the genitals and anus. ─── 在生殖器和肛门附近生长的良性疣。

19、Had mentioned above, the remedial method of contagious soft wart is much and simple, general need not medicaments of profess to convinced, only local cure can be cured 9 times. ─── 上面已经提到,传染性软疣的治疗方法多且简单,一般不用口服药物,仅局部治疗一两次即可治愈。

20、crown wart ─── 冠瘿病

21、Acuteness wet wart is the infection as a result of acerb wet verrucous virus, cause the benign proliferation of skin mucous membrane. ─── 尖锐湿疣是由于尖锐湿疣病毒的感染,导致皮肤粘膜的良性增生。

22、Report of cutting added smearing, 5-FU treatment callosity combined zhi wart in 53 cases ─── 刀削加点涂5-氟尿嘧啶治疗合并胼胝的跖疣53例

23、anatomical wart ─── 尸毒性疣

24、If the clap patient with too long wrapping incorporates at the same time acuteness wet wart, bring about acerb wet verrucous recrudesce more easily. ─── 包皮过长的淋病患者若同时合并尖锐湿疣,更容易导致尖锐湿疣复发。

25、How does Y have to know compressed wart is treated? ─── y有谁知道扁平疣怎么治疗?

26、(Wet wart of 3) false sex says againFemaleVilliform nympha, inFemalethe roe shape, proliferous thing that arranges regulation appears on nympha. ─── (3)假性湿疣 又称女性绒毛状小阴唇,在女性的小阴唇上出现鱼卵状、排列规则的增生物。

27、Illisa thought, "I have a wart on my head, covered up by my hair.Only my barber knows this. ─── 伊利率想道:“我头上有个瘤子,被头发遮着,只有理发师知道。”

28、Acuteness wet wart often needs cancer, as compressed as genital Baowenyang papule disease and disease of pearl appearance papula differentiate wet wart, false sex wet wart, genital. ─── 尖锐湿疣常需与生殖器癌、扁平湿疣、假性湿疣、生殖器鲍温样丘疹病及珍珠样丘疹病鉴别。

29、Treatment of Multiple Palmar and Plantar Wart by External Washing with Euphorbia ─── 中药狼毒方外洗治疗多发性掌跖疣

30、seed wart ─── [医] 子疣

31、(5) pudenda excrescence: Visible at acuteness wet wart, infectivity soft wart, pudenda is benign tumor. ─── (5)阴部赘生物:可见于尖锐湿疣、传染性软疣、阴部良性肿瘤等。

32、After feculent sexual life, sun Mou by fish " acuteness wet wart " , he feels embarrassed go to large hospital, one year many is treated in small clinic, it is good to was treated, good hair, relapse 45 times, spent more than 80000 yuan. ─── 一次不洁性生活后,孙某被查出“尖锐湿疣”,他不好意思去大医院,在小诊所治疗一年多,治了好,好了发,反复四五次,花了八万多元。

33、The possibility that you say is soft wart, a lot of people have, it is nobody makes a fuss of only. ─── 你说的可能是软瘊子,很多人都有,只是没人大惊小怪。

34、That'll fetch any wart. ─── 那样能治好任何疣子。

35、You see that piece that's got the blood on it will keep drawing and drawing, trying to fetch the other piece to it, and so that helps the blood to draw the wart, and pretty soon off she comes. ─── 你看有血的那半片蚕豆不停地在吸啊吸啊,想把另外那半片吸过去,这样有助于用血去吸疣子,过不多久,疣子就掉了。”

36、Typical acuteness wet wart does not need lab examination to be able to make examine break commonly. ─── 典型的尖锐湿疣一般不需作实验室检查即可作出诊断。

37、Wart perch ─── n. 刺鲳

38、(Soft chancre of 1) apophysis sex, cankerous bottom is cave sexual chancre, granulation hyperplasia submits apophysis form, the edge is clearer be like compressed wet wart. ─── (1)隆起性软下疳,溃疡底部为凹陷性下疳,肉芽增生呈隆起状,边缘更明显似扁平湿疣。

39、You're also too much of a worry wart, Tenka-kun. ─── 你有些杞人忧天哦,天化君。

40、prosector's wart ─── 剖尸疣

41、and cut the wart so as to get some blood, ─── 再把疣子弄破,弄出点血来,

42、The Observation of Curative Effect of Bacille Calmette-guerin Polysaccharide Acid on Flat Wart and Common Wart ─── 卡介菌多糖核酸对扁平疣、寻常疣的疗效观察

43、Effects of Chinese drugs for oral administration on flat wart: report of 82 cases ─── 中药内服治疗扁平疣82例报告

44、The general shape and is very similar, the main difference between the base of neck on both sides of the front and back with a large wart tablets. ─── 一般形态与鳖极为相似,主要区别于颈基部两侧及背甲前缘有粗大疣粒。

45、The student with the nitrogen finished up and told me the wart would drop off after a few days. ─── 手术结束后,拿液态氮的学生告诉我肉瘤几天后就会脱落。

46、Is acuteness wet wart venereal? To which one division should look? ─── 尖锐湿疣是性病吗?应该到哪一科看?

47、M. Paer, the author of Agnese, a good sort of fellow, with a square face and a wart on his cheek, directed the little private concerts of the Marquise de Sasenaye in the Rue Ville l'Eveque. ─── 巴埃先生,《亚尼丝阿》的作者,颊上生了一颗肉痣的方脸好人,常在主教城街沙塞南侯爵夫人家里布置小型家庭音乐会。

48、False sex wet wart this how proper treatment? ─── 假性湿疣该怎么正确的治疗?

49、"But Su-su, I do not wart to go back to that house again! ─── “但是素姊,我不愿意再住在家里了!

50、pointed wart ─── [医] 尖锐湿疣

51、wart gradually vanishes. ─── 疣就渐渐消失了。

52、Clinical observation on patients with subungual wart treated by local blocking plus acupuncture and external applying of iodine tincture ─── 局部封闭加针刺和外涂碘酊治疗甲下疣的临床观察

53、A small benign epithelial tumor, such as a wart, consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue. ─── 乳头状瘤一种例如瘤等附属的良性小肿块,由在光滑的能直接相通的组织的中心部分上的生长过盛的细胞构成

54、Have ruinous to verrucous body medicaments to be able to be used at the cure of acuteness wet wart. ─── 具有对疣体破坏性的药物都能用于尖锐湿疣的治疗。

55、Use of Wild Chrysanthemum Flower Infusion for Assistant Treatment of 49 Patients with Infectious Soft Wart ─── 冲泡野菊花辅助治疗传染性软疣49例

56、Treatment of 42 cases of flat wart with method of integrated Chinese and western medicines ─── 中西医结合治疗扁平疣42例疗效观察

57、Monastic communities are to the great social community what the mistletoe is to the oak, what the wart is to the human body. ─── 修道团体,对广大的人类社会来说,正如檞树上的寄生物,人体上的瘤。

58、common wart (Verruca vulgaris): a raised wart with roughened surface, most common on hands and knees . ─── 寻常疣是由人类乳头瘤病毒所引起的表皮肿瘤,中医称“千日疮”,俗称“刺瘊”、“瘊子”等。

59、if the patient skin damages quantity to be many, when invalid or the effect is not obvious after the regular treatment, can use from the body wart hypodermic buries the therapy. ─── “如果患者皮损数量很多,经正规治疗无效或效果不明显时,才能使用自体疣皮下埋藏疗法。

60、Combined External and Internal Medication of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Treating 62 Cases of Multiple Plantar Wart ─── 中药内外合用治疗多发性跖疣62例

61、She astounds at ten paces, she frightens at two, a wart inhabits her hazardous nose; ─── 十步以外她惊人,两步以内她骇人。有个肉瘤住在她那冒失的鼻孔里;

62、4 Morison WL.In vitroassay of cell mediated immunity to human wart antigen.Br J Dermatol1974,90(5):531. ─── 2郭华阳周来新刘斌等.复发尖锐湿疣中人乳头瘤病毒基因的原位杂交分型观察.第三军医大学学报199618(1):30.

63、It's not clear where the notion arose, but indiidual wart sufferers and dermatologists hae been using duct tape as a treatment for warts for awhile. ─── 尚不清楚这种观点是如何产生的,但个别的皮肤疣患者与皮肤病学家已经用布基胶带治疗皮肤疣有一些时间了。

64、Wart: Oh, what a horrible witch, I'll peck her eyes out. ─── 华特:这个可怕的巫婆。我要戳掉她的眼睛。敏巫婆:什么?

65、Is actually puts in the viral wart antigen may produce the immune response region, the suggestion immune response. ─── 其实就是把病毒疣抗原放入可产生免疫反应的区域,诱发免疫反应。

66、acuminate wart ─── 尖形疣

67、The Research Progress that Rich Iodine Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment the Wart Disease ─── 富碘中药治疗瘿病的研究进展

68、The medicaments of a few kinds of commonly used remedial acuteness wet wart introduces below, offer reader reference. ─── 下面介绍几种常用的治疗尖锐湿疣的药物,供读者参考。

69、The common that goes up for dispel skin, the freezing operation that place of wart, clavus becomes? ─── 为了祛除皮肤上的寻常就、瘊子、鸡眼所做的冰冻手术?

70、telangiectatic wart ─── [医] 血管扩张性疣, 血管角质瘤

71、The Chinese medicine usage rich iodine Chinese herbal medicine treatment the wart disease has already h. ─── 中医使用富碘中药治疗瘿病已经有悠久的历史。

72、A worry wart's fears are generally viewed by others as irrational or completely out of proportion to the actual situation. ─── 他们成天有担不完的心,做不完的恶梦,简直就是那个成天担心天会掉下来的“杞人”。

73、Your supervisor tells you to do something in a manner you are convinced is dead wrong. Wart would you do ? ─── 你的直接主管告诉了你做某件事的办法,但你相信这是大错特错的。你会怎样做?

74、A real wart: sorting heterogeneous collections. ─── 一个真正的瑕疵:对异构集合进行排序。

75、Expression of chemokine receptors in wart tissues excised from patients with condyloma acuminatum and its significance ─── 尖锐湿疣患者疣体组织趋化因子受体的表达及意义

76、How did acuteness wet wart have a relapse to want to treat? ─── 尖锐湿疣复发了要怎么治疗?

77、The needle is hard and durable. It's easy and safe in operation. It's used for flat wart, freckle, syringocystadenoma and acne. ─── 功能齐全、坚固耐用,操作简便、安全,是美容师的首选佳品。对问题皮肤如扁平疣、雀斑、汗管瘤、痤疮等症状的治疗化难为易。

78、In any case, the next time you get a wart, talk to your medical professional about duct tape. ─── 不管怎样,以后如果长了疣,与你的专业医师谈谈管状胶带吧。

79、Have ruinous to verrucous body medicaments to be able to be used at the cure of acuteness wet wart. ─── 具有对疣体破坏性的药物都能用于尖锐湿疣的治疗。

80、Your supervisor tells you to do something in a manner you are convinced is dead wrong。Wart would you do ? ─── 你的直接主管告诉了你做某件事的办法,但你相信这是大错特错的。你会怎样做?

81、Keywords Condyioma acuminata;Anal canal;Self-body’s wart;Implantation; ─── 尖锐湿疣;肛管;自体疣接种;

82、4, fresh turbot Beattie (Ling Bing), vigorous rubbing the affected area a day on several occasions, the rule repeat warts (Youth of the flat wart, multiple verruca vulgaris). ─── 4、鲜菱蒂(菱柄),搽擦患处,一日数次,治赘疣(青年性扁平疣、多发性寻常疣)。

83、Is acuteness wet how to treat especially best? Some saying that use wart enlighten good some says bad, after all what medicine is best? ─── 尖锐湿尤怎么治疗最好?有的说用疣迪好有的说不好,到底什么药最好?

84、(The wet wart that 1) cytology examination takes the place such as the vagina, cervix organizes consummate smear, make coloring of handkerchief family name. ─── (1)细胞学检查 取阴道、子宫颈等部位的湿疣组织作成涂片,作帕氏染色。

85、a small benign wart on or around the genitals and anus ─── 在生殖器和肛门附近生长的良性疣

86、A Clinical Analysis of Lavamisole and Transfer Factor in the Treatment of Flat Wart ─── 左旋咪唑与转移因子治疗面部扁平疣临床分析

87、scansorial wart ─── 坛突

88、a small benign epithelial tumor,such as a wart,consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue ─── 一种例如瘤等附属的良性小肿块,由在光滑的能直接相通的组织的中心部分上的生长过盛的细胞构成

89、Deadwood Dick, a black man, was one of the most accurate shots in the West. He could shoot a wart off your nose. ─── 戴德伍德迪克,一个黑人,是在西方最准确的投篮之一。他可以把你的拍摄疣鼻。

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