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elixir 发音

英:[??l?ks?(r)]  美:[?'l?ks?]

英:  美:

elixir 中文意思翻译



elixir 网络释义

n. 不老长寿药;万能药;炼金药

elixir 词性/词形变化,elixir变形


elixir 短语词组

1、aromatic elixir ─── [机] 香药酒

2、elixir bromidorum quinque ─── [医] 五溴 ─── [化物]酏

3、adjuvant elixir ─── [医] 辅药酏

4、ammonium bromide elixir ─── [医] 溴化铵酏

5、elixir aurantii amari ─── [医] 苦橙皮酏

6、elixir cascarae sagradae ─── [医] 波希鼠李酏

7、Daffy's elixir ─── [医] 达非氏酏, 复方番泻叶酊

8、compound elixir of hydrastis ─── [医] 复方北美黄连酏

9、elixir bromidorum trium ─── [医] 三溴 ─── [化物]酏

10、compound pepsin elixir ─── [医] 复方胃蛋白酶酏

11、elixir calci et natrii glycerophosphatum ─── [医] 甘油磷酸钙钠酏

12、elixir aromaticum ─── [医] 芳香酏

13、elixir aromaticum rubrum ─── [医] 红芳香酏

14、compound elixir of benzaldehyde ─── [医] 复方苯甲醛酏

15、compound elixir of almond ─── [医] 复方扁桃仁酏

16、diphenhydramine elixir ─── [医] 苯海拉明酏

17、ammonium valerate elixir ─── [医] 缬草酸铵酏

18、amidopyrine elixir ─── [医] 氨基比林酏

19、compound digestive elixir ─── [医] 消化酏, 复方胃蛋白酶酏

elixir 同义词

superior | discriminatory |exclusive | snobbish | selective | snooty | highbrow

elixir 反义词


elixir 相似词语短语

1、elisor ─── n.行政官;验尸官代理人

2、eliding ─── vt.省略;取消;删去;不予考虑删节;n.(Elide)人名;(意)埃利德

3、elix. ─── n.(Elix)人名;(法)埃利

4、eliter ─── 精英

5、elicitor ─── n.诱导子;激发子

6、elixirs ─── n.灵丹妙药;炼金药;长生不老药;酏剂;n.(Elixir)(印)埃立西尔(人名)

7、elision ─── n.元音省略

8、elicits ─── 引出

9、elicit ─── vt.抽出,引出;引起

elixir 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use: Decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的法术目标的魔法抗性降低30点,持续1小时。守护药剂。

2、elixir glycerophosphatum compositum ─── [医] 复方甘油磷酸酏

3、In this Elixir of Love, of national jubilation, I harbored a good look inside to greet the full moon's rising, bring people happiness, harmony, and expectations. ─── 在这花好月圆,举国同庆的时刻,我怀着内心美好的期盼迎接着圆月的升起,带给人幸福,祥和,和期盼。

4、Use: Increases shadow spell damage by up to 55 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的暗影法术伤害提高最多55点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

5、Midnight Sun, an elixir of enchantment, crystallizes our desire for light in the heart of the cold winter nights. ─── 午夜太阳,一剂魔方,在寒冬之夜清醒我们对光的渴望。

6、What liqueur was formulated by 16th century alchemists in Europe as a medicinal elixir? ─── 在十六世纪被欧洲炼金术师们当作灵丹妙药的甜酒叫什么名字?

7、had any one told him that the elixir of gold is nothing but the perchloride of iron. ─── 假如有人告诉他说金酒只不过是氯化高铁,他一定会暴跳如雷怒不可遏。

8、Chang'e, remorseful for having stolen the elixir ─── 嫦娥应悔偷灵药

9、Medieval scientists hoped to invent an elixir to prolong life indefinitely. ─── 中世纪的科学家希望能发明一种能够无限延长生命的万能药。

10、Use: Increases Intellect and Spirit by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir. ─── 使用:智力和精神提高30点,持续1小时。守护药剂。

11、Use: Increases attack power by 90 and decreases stamina by 10 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的攻击强度提高90点,耐力降低10点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

12、an elixir of life; a panacea; a cure-all; a divine pill ─── 仙丹

13、Influence of Elixir Type and Temperature on Grain Density and Stability of Oil Emulsion ─── 剂型和温度对油乳剂粒度和稳定性的影响

14、elixir vitae ─── 仙丹妙药灵丹妙药

15、elixir ferri quininae et strychninae ─── [医] 铁奎宁士的宁酏

16、compound elixir of hydrastis ─── [医] 复方北美黄连酏

17、Taoist theory for inner elixir ─── 内丹学

18、The article also points out that this is at least the second elixir of eternal youth that has been 'discovered' in the last few months. ─── 文章也指出,这是在过去几个月里第二次发现的能使青春永驻的灵丹妙药。

19、The Chinese internal elixir training isn t mysterious.In essence,this training method is a self-observation,self-regulate and focus one s attention on “Tian-Xin”(i.e.between two eyes).C.G. ─── 中国的内丹术并不神秘,本质上,它是一种把意识集中在“天心”(即两目之间的位置),自我观察和自我调节的心理训练方法。

20、Another version has Chang' e drink the elixir to keep it from Pang Meng. ─── 另一种说法是,嫦娥为了不让长生药落入逄蒙之手,便自己喝了下去。

21、had any one told him that the elixir of gold is nothing but the perchloride of iron. ─── 假如有人告诉他说金酒只不过是氯化高铁,他一定会暴跳如雷怒不可遏。

22、elixir of cinchona alkaloids ─── [医] 金鸡纳生物碱酏

23、Hou Yi, however, hated to part with his wife. So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being. ─── 然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给嫦娥珍藏。

24、Enters handsome and struggling poet Chan (Koo) and they fall in love immediately.When Chan is seduced by the princess, Liu is ordered by the Emperor to drink the Lover Eraser elixir. ─── 一日月娥邂逅了外表风流潇洒,文质彬彬的诗人陈季常,二人甚为投机,感情更是一发不可收拾,喝得醉醺醺的皇上糊里糊涂赐了婚!

25、What? Now you bring me that elixir from the healer? I was able to finish my brew without it. Why don't you just keep it... ─── 什么?现在你才给我从治疗者那带来炼金药吗?我已经能不用它完成我的计划了.为什么你不仅仅把它留在原位呢......

26、And if that was not enough to convince you to try pomegranate, the fruit is now being hailed as the elixir of youth. ─── 如果这些都还不足以说服你尝尝石榴,那么我要告诉你:石榴现在已经被誉为是永葆青春的长生不老药。

27、Elixir: Which of the young Argentine prospects do you think can make it far in professional basketball? ─── 你觉得哪个阿根廷年轻运动员能在职业篮球比赛中有远大前程?

28、They have enough Elixir stored to set their affairs in order and then, yes, they will die. ─── 他们存了一些长生不老药,足够让他们把事情料理妥当。然后,是啊,他们会死。

29、It's not the air, it's healing elixir! ─── 这不是空气,它的治疗仙丹!

30、compound elixir of benzaldehyde ─── [医] 复方苯甲醛酏

31、The very poison that kills is transmuted into the elixir of life. ─── 剧毒的致命毒药在智者手中会变成生命的炼金术。

32、Contain the plant oil, the cutin fusion elixir, vitamin C, seaweed essence etc. ─── 含植物油、质溶解剂、他命C、藻精华等。

33、Complementation is no elixir to all relationships. ─── 于是很体贴的转移了话题。

34、Exact means of taking elixir didoxini ─── 地高辛酏剂的正确服用方法

35、elixir calci et natrii glycerophosphatum ─── [医] 甘油磷酸钙钠酏

36、Yi stole the elixir of life but to save the people from his tyrannical rule, his wife, Chang-E drank it. ─── 他为了解酒人民从专制者那里偷了长生不死药,却被妻子嫦娥偷喝下,

37、Chang-Er flew to the moon with the elixir of life,chased by her famous archer-husband ─── 嫦娥奔月

38、Meditation on Sirius or use of the elixir at regular intervals can assist with such vibrational shift. ─── 与天狼星能量一起冥想或规律地使用鍊金可协助振动转移。

39、Reduced the effect of Elixir of Mongoose and Elixir of Major Agility. ─── 减少的影响,药剂獴和主要药剂敏捷。

40、compound digestive elixir ─── [医] 消化酏, 复方胃蛋白酶酏

41、Is the world to have an elixir after all? ─── 世界是到底有没有长生不老药吗?

42、Use: Increases your Agility by 35 and your critical strike rating by 20 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的敏捷提高35点,爆击等级提高20,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

43、Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. ─── 他偷了长生不死药,拯救人民于残暴的统治,但他的妻子嫦娥,喝了它。

44、In its search for an elixir of immortality, Taoist alchemy developed both chemical experimentation (wai-tan) and a theoretical internal alchemy (nei-tan). ─── 为了寻找长生不老药,道教炼金术(炼丹术)既发展了化学实验(外丹),也发展了理论的内在炼金术(内丹)。

45、Use: Increases attack power by 60 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:攻击强度提高60点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

46、Use: Increases maximum health by 250 and restores 10 health every 5 seconds for 60 min. Guardian Elixir. ─── 使用:生命值上限提高250点,每5秒恢复10点生命值,持续1小时。守护药剂。

47、Use: Regenerate 16 mana per 5 sec for 60 min. Guardian Elixir. ─── 使用:每5秒恢复16点法力值,持续60分钟。守护药剂。

48、Somebody explain internal elixir training as “the qigong”,explain psychic skill as physical therapy,explain self-regulate or covert behavior as external therapy is a cultural erroneous line. ─── 一些人把内丹术解释为“气功”,把心理调节的技能解释为物理的疗法,把自我的调节或内隐的行为解释为向外发送的疗法是一种文化性的错误路线。

49、elixir aromaticum ─── [医] 芳香酏

50、called "the elixir of life", a powerful medicine which was to cure all illness, and which some people thought would turn out to be the same substance as "the philosopher's stone". ─── 他们特别是要寻求一种名为“长生不老”的奇异物质,一种能治百病的灵丹妙药,而且有些人认为事实将证明这种灵丹妙药和“哲人之石”是同一种物质。

51、lactated pepsin elixir ─── [医] 乳酸化胃蛋白酶酏

52、Use: Increases your Strength by 35 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的力量提高35点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

53、Yi stole the elixir of life, but his wife, Chang-E drank it.Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival. ─── 他偷了长生不死药,却被妻子嫦娥偷喝下,此后,嫦娥,这位在中秋节时少女们都要向之祈福的仙女的传说便流传开来。

54、elixir of calcium lactophosphate ─── [医] 乳磷酸钙酏

55、Keep your mind awake and active; that's the only youth elixir. ─── 保持头脑清醒和灵活便是保持年轻的唯一灵丹妙药。

56、Keywords Barrenness/Chinese medical therapy;@ Qiusi Elixir; ─── 不孕症/中医药疗法;求嗣丹;

57、One day when Hou Yi led his disciples to go hunting, Peng Meng, sword in hand, rushed into the inner chamber and forced Chang E to hand over the elixir. ─── 一天,趁后羿率众徒外出狩猎,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼嫦娥交出长生不老药。

58、Reduce finger squeak.The key to long life Elixir Strings patented coating technology prevents contamination and corrosion from invading the Critical Zone of Tone. ─── 在弦包上一层薄膜,使不容易生锈,也降低了摩擦弦的声音!

59、All these are merely the bottles carrying his mysterious elixir. ─── 所有这些不过是装灵丹妙药的玻璃瓶。

60、"Go away. I am not making myself ill." No; she was drinking in a very 14)elixir of life through that open window. ─── “走开。我不会让自己生病的。”不会的,她正陶醉在窗外那不息的生命里。

61、Use: Increases the effects of healing spells that you cast by up to 50 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你所施放的治疗法术所造成的治疗效果提高最多50点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

62、"Go away. I am not making myself ill." No, she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window. ─── “走开!我没事。”的确。她正透过那扇敞开的窗,啜饮生活之无尽奇妙。

63、Use: Increases spell damage and healing by up to 24 and spell critical strike rating by 24 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:法术伤害和治疗效果提高最多24点,法术爆击等级提高24,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

64、compound pepsin elixir ─── [医] 复方胃蛋白酶酏

65、Elixir Master: Allows an alchemist to sometimes create an additional elixir when brewing high level elixirs. ─── 合剂大师:允许练金师可以制造更为高级的合剂。

66、compound elixir benzaldehyde ─── 复方苯甲酸酏

67、The individual may remember this dream better after using Sirius elixir. ─── 在熟悉使用天狼星能量后,个体也许更能进入梦中的高层意识。

68、As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave Hou Yi the Elixir of Immortality, but she warned him that he must use it wisely. ─── 为了奖励后羿,王母娘娘赐给后羿一种长生不老药,但是王母警告他必须正当使用。

69、Use: Increases frost spell damage by up to 55 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的冰霜法术伤害提高最多55点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

70、The Elixir of Life grants immortality for as long as it's imbibed. When a person stops drinking it, they will die. ─── 只要喝了长生不老药,就能永远不死。如果不再喝这种药,还是会死的。

71、The Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act of 1938 followed the Elixir Sulfonamide tragedy. ─── 1938年的食品、药品与化妆品法是在发生万能药磺胺制剂之后出台。

72、Then Lord Lao Zi put him into the Eight Trigrams Furnace, which is used for refining elixir, and wanted to Burn him to ashes. ─── 太上老君请令,把孙猴扔进炼金丹用的八卦炉,想用猛火把孙猴烧成灰。

73、Another version has it that Hou Yi was killed and Chang E drank the elixir herself. ─── 另一种版本说后羿被杀,嫦娥就自己喝下灵药。

74、compound elixir of almond ─── [医] 复方扁桃仁酏

75、For you must indeed be a great chemist, and the elixir you administered to my son, which recalled him to life almost instantaneously"-- ─── 因为您总是正确的,您的确是一个伟大的药物学家,您用来医治我儿子的那种仙丹几乎是立刻就把他救活了过来”

76、lactated elixir pepsin ─── 乳酸胃蛋白酶酏剂

77、elixir ferri quininae et strychninae phosphatum ─── [医] 铁奎宁磷酸士的宁酏

78、Using the appropriate roof coating for your roof surface , coat screw heads and vent frame edge with Elixir PLAS-T-COTE Roof Coating . ─── 使用适当的屋顶涂料为您的屋顶面,外套螺杆元首和发泄的框架边缘与内丹术塑-吨-科屋顶涂料。

79、He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers. ─── 他到处去说这种神奇果子的消息,没多久,僧侣们就将其奉为仙丹,晚祷时喝它的酿造物而不会入睡。

80、Preliminary Study on the Treatment Effect of the Aggradation of the Salt of Caponizing Uric Acid with the Compound Elixir of Chaihu ─── 复方柴胡散治疗鸡尿酸盐沉积效果初探

81、The Cultural Misunderstandings of Internal Elixir Training ─── 内丹术的文化误读

82、With us an elixir is usually a panacea or life-giving potion, as: ‘The book is full of a veritable elixir of spiritual vitality. ─── 与我们通常是万能的灵丹妙药,或赋予生命的药水,如: '这本书是充满了名副其实的万能的精神活力。

83、Use: Increases fire spell damage by up to 55 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的火焰法术伤害提高最多55点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

84、A single fountain-of-youth elixir is highly unlikely,says Tamara Harris of the National Institute on Aging,because other activities,such as free-radical oxidation and possibly telomere shortening,also contribute to the body's slow decline. ─── 国家老年研究所的塔玛拉·哈里斯说,不可能仅仅有一种永驻青春的不老药,因为其它活动如自由基氧化作用和缩短调聚作用放慢身体退化的过程。

85、Disscussion and Study on Easily lose Water Problem of Ointment Elixir Join Emperor Cream ─── 关于软膏剂参皇霜容易失水问题的讨论与研究

86、NO Nobel prize has yet been awarded for the invention of an elixir of life, but the prize itself seems to be one. ─── 尽管诺贝尔奖还没有颁发给过能将生命延续两年的长生不老药发明者,但是这个奖项本身却似乎恰恰是这样一剂长生不老药。

87、elixir (of life) ─── 仙丹妙药

88、Yet it hardly constitutes the discovery of an aqueous elixir. ─── 然它很难构成水万能药的发现。

89、elixir of sodium sulfocyanate ─── [医] 磺氰酸钠酏

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