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08-19 投稿


maranta 发音


英:  美:

maranta 中文意思翻译



maranta 短语词组

1、Maranta arundinacea L. ─── [医] 竹芋

2、Maranta (genus) ─── 马兰塔(属)

3、maranta green care ─── 马兰塔绿色护理

4、genus Maranta ─── [网络] 马兰达属

5、maranta plant care ─── 马兰塔植物护理

6、maranta arundinacea ─── 竹芋

7、maranta care ─── 马兰塔护理

8、Maranta Plum. ex. L. ─── [医] 竹芋属

9、maranta prayer plant ─── 马兰塔祈祷植物

10、maranta plant ─── 马兰塔工厂

11、Maranta arundinaceae ─── [网络] 葛郁金

maranta 相似词语短语

1、tarantas ─── 塔兰托

2、amaranth ─── n.紫红色;不凋花;苋属植物

3、marantas ─── n.竹竽

4、Taranto ─── n.塔兰托(意大利东南部城市名)

5、amarants ─── 阿玛兰特

6、amarant ─── n.野苋,凹头苋

7、marabunta ─── n.(Marabunta)《蚂蚁的袭击》(电影名);n.行军蚁

8、Granta ─── n.格兰塔河(英格兰东部河流名,等于Gam);格兰塔出版社(出版社名)

9、maranatha ─── n.祈祷语(“主来吧”);神来罚汝(逐出教门时用的一种凶恶的诅咒)

maranta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any of several tropical American plants of the genus Maranta, including the arrowroot, having thin, ovate, usually spotted leaves and irregular flowers. ─── 竹芋任一种美洲热带竹芋属的植物,包括竹芋,生有卵形的通常带有斑点的细叶和开形状不规则的花

2、3. A starch obtained from the rhizomes of a tropical American perennial herb(Maranta arundinacea). It is used especially in cooking as a thickener. ─── 竹芋粉,芡粉从一种多年生美洲热带草本植物(竹芋属芦竹)的根茎中提取的淀粉,尤其在烹调时用作勾芡收藏指正

3、Maranta arundinacea ─── 竹芋

4、The regular dormancy movement had very important meanings for the growth of C. mauiqueen. [Conclusion] The research provided a certain theoretical reference for the cultivation of maranta. ─── 有规律的睡眠运动对女王竹芋的生长则可能具有非常重要的意义。[结论]该研究可为竹芋的栽培提供一定的理论参考。

5、A starch obtained from the rhizomes of a tropical American perennial herb(Maranta arundinacea). It is used especially in cooking as a thickener. ─── 竹芋粉,芡粉从一种多年生美洲热带草本植物(竹芋属芦竹)的根茎中提取的淀粉,尤其在烹调时用作勾芡

6、Maranta arundinacea L. ─── [医] 竹芋

7、maranta leuconeura ─── 豹斑竹芋

8、a starch obtained from the rhizomes of a tropical American perennial herb(Maranta arundinacea). It is used especially in cooking as a thickener ─── 从一种多年生美洲热带草本植物(竹芋属芦竹)的根茎中提取的淀粉,尤其在烹调时用作勾芡

9、any of numerous herbs of the genus Maranta having tuberous starchy roots and large sheathing leaves. ─── 竹芋属的众多草本植物,有块茎淀粉根和具鞘大叶。

10、Maranta Plum. ex. L. ─── [医] 竹芋属

11、Growth Habit of Maranta arundinacea L. And Its Development ─── 竹芋的生长习性及开发价值

12、Arrowroot, the purest form of starch, is obtained from two or three species of the Maranta plant, which grows in the West Indies and other tropical countries. ─── 竹竽粉(最纯的淀粉)是由两三种竹竽植物生产的,竹竽生长在西印度群岛和其它热带国家。

13、Any of several plant species of the genus Maranta (family Marantaceae), whose rhizomes yield an edible starch. ─── 竹芋科(Marantaceae)竹芋属几种植物的通称。其根茎(rhizome)生产的可食淀粉称竹芋粉。

14、Studied on the adaptability and cultivation techniques of Maranta arundinacea L. ─── 竹芋产量适应性和栽培技术研究。

15、any of several tropical American plants of the genus Maranta,including the arrowroot,having thin,ovate,usually spotted leaves and irregular flowers ─── 任一种美洲热带竹芋属的植物,包括竹芋,生有卵形的通常带有斑点的细叶和开形状不规则的花

16、any of numerous herbs of the genus Maranta having tuberous starchy roots and large sheathing leaves ─── 竹芋属的众多草本植物,有块茎淀粉根和具鞘大叶

17、Growth Habit of Maranta arundinacea L. And Its Development ─── 竹芋的生长习性及开发价值

18、maranta bicolor ─── 花叶竹芋

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