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08-19 投稿


unconnected 发音

英:[?nk?'nekt?d]  美:[,?nk?'n?kt?d]

英:  美:

unconnected 中文意思翻译



unconnected 反义词


unconnected 词性/词形变化,unconnected变形

名词: unconnectedness |副词: unconnectedly |

unconnected 短语词组

1、unconnected sheet entry ─── 未连接的图纸条目

2、unconnected graph ─── [计] 非连通图

3、unconnected to any utilities ─── 未连接到任何公用设施

4、unconnected phrases ─── [法] 语无伦次

5、unconnected regions ─── 未连接区域

6、unconnected input pin on net ─── 网络上未连接的输入引脚

7、unconnected clue ─── 无关联线索

8、unconnected book ─── 未连接的书本

9、unconnected app ─── 未连接的应用程序

10、unconnected line ─── 未连接线

11、unconnected bone ─── 未连接骨

12、unconnected synonym ─── 非连接同义词

unconnected 同义词

illogical | disordered |independent | unrelated | disjointed | outside | scattered | confused | disconnected | incoherent | disparate | separate | garbled | isolated | distinct

unconnected 相似词语短语

1、reconnected ─── v.再连接,再供应;重新沟通

2、unconcerted ─── 不确定的

3、connected ─── adj.[计]连接的;有联系的;连贯的;v.连接(connect的过去式)

4、unconverted ─── adj.不改变的;不改宗的

5、unconvicted ─── 不确定

6、uncollected ─── adj.不安的;狼狈的;未收款的

7、uncontested ─── adj.无竞争的;无异议的;无争议的

8、unconnectedly ─── 不相连的

9、unconcocted ─── 解锁

unconnected 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People's minds work in very capricious ways, sometimes jumping from one seemingly unconnected idea to another. ─── 人的思维活动很怪,有时会从一件事跳到另一件毫不相干的事上去。

2、the state of being separate and unconnected. ─── 分开或没有联系的状态。

3、Abstract: Bone unconnected is the static or relative stopping of fracture union.Scilicet the repair of fracture interspace is less than re-injury strength. ─── 摘要: 骨不连是骨折愈合的停止或者相对静止,即骨折间隙的修复强度小于再损伤强度。

4、unconnected gate ─── 独立门

5、Service agencies are unconnected, "fragmentation" completely rely on their own skills and "improvise", whether on paper or turnover rate is very low. ─── 服务机构之间也是互不联系,"各自为政",完全凭自己的能力"单打独斗",无论是信息量或是成交率上都很低。

6、He also sometimes appears to be unconnected to his environment. ─── 有时他也会出现和周遭环境失去联系。

7、He did not appear in spirits: something unconnected with her was probably amiss. ─── 他看样子情绪也不高,大概是一件与她无关的什么事没有办好。

8、unconnected depositor ─── 仅在存款

9、be unconnected to ─── 与 ... 无关

10、However, in contrast to Buddhists and Taoists, neo-Confucians did not believe in an external world unconnected with the world of matter. ─── 然而,与佛教徒和道教徒,新儒家并不认为在外部的世界与世界无关的事项。

11、AE spatio-temporal evolution distribution during the deformation of rock sample contained a collinear fault with an unconnected area ─── 共线不连通断层标本变形过程中群体微破裂事件的时空演化

12、He did not appear in spirits; some thing unconnected with her was probably amiss ─── 他的情绪不高。大概一件与她无关的事情没有办好。

13、Used when testing before leaving factory, display the state of the input signal, 0 means unconnected, 1 means connected ─── 出厂测试用,显示输入信号状态,0表示断,1表示通

14、This might be shown in relation to matters altogether unconnected with criminal law, as the expression is commonly understood, such as legal maxims and the rules of inheritance. ─── 正如刑法这一术语被通常所理解的一样,这可以从与刑法完全无关诸如法律格言与遗产规则之类的问题的对比中得以表明。

15、David Kendall had been at Yale Law School with us.He had represented clients in savings-and-loan cases and understood how to organize and synthesize complex and apparently unconnected material. ─── 戴维.肯德尔是我们耶鲁大学法学院的同学,曾代理过储贷方面的案件,懂得如何组织和综合看起来毫无关联的复杂材料。

16、The doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration. ─── 并行论一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学说

17、A triangle list is a list of unconnected triangles. A triangle list must have at least three vertices and the total number of vertices must be divisible by three. ─── 三角形链表是不连接的三角形的集合。三角形链表使用至少三个顶点,并且总顶点数必须可以被3整除。

18、Analysis and Prevention of IFSD due to Unconnected Plug Pins ─── 一起插头空钉引起的空中停车故障

19、Cars are an interesting IT-platform because they have big batteries and lots of so far unconnected digital devices. ─── 汽车是一个有意思的信息技术平台,因为汽车上装有大容量电池和许多目前尚未连线的数字装置。

20、The IAEA director spoke in Tehran, following talks Iranian officials say were unconnected to the Qom facility. ─── IAEA负责人在与伊朗官员进行会谈之后发表讲话。伊朗官员称,会谈与库姆核设施无关。

21、A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, ─── 一个人可能会获得与其日常工作无关的某些课题的渊博知识,

22、"Why," replied Dants, "I see nothing but broken lines and unconnected words, which are rendered illegible by fire." ─── “可是,”唐太斯答道,“我看到的只不过是一张被火烧掉了一半的,上面是一些意义不明的断句残字呀。”

23、As fate brings together these seemingly unconnected events, all three of the women have their lives forever changed. ─── 看似不相关的三人,在命运安排下,聚在一起,也因此改变彼此的一生。

24、"When you're writing about black people, white people may assume it's unconnected to them, " he told me when I got him on the phone. ─── 他在电话里告诉我:“当你写到黑人时,白人会认为这跟他们一点关系也没有。”

25、Only in places unconnected to an electricity grid, such as much of rural Africa and rural Asia, are solar cells truly commercially viable. ─── 太阳能电池仅在电力网络不完善的非洲和亚洲具有真正的商业可行性。

26、Programming calculation of unconnected link and draw of central line in highway design ─── 公路线路断链编程计算及平面中线编程绘制

27、it struck her in the course of their third rencontre that he was asking some odd unconnected questions -- about her pleasure in being at Hunsford, her love of solitary walks,her opinion of Mr. ─── 可是第三次见面的时候,他问她住在汉斯福快活不快活,问她为什么喜欢孤单单一个人散步,又问起她是不是觉得柯林斯夫妇很幸福。

28、It was then left unconnected until the machine was next used. ─── 然后电极就一直处于开路状态,直到下一次投入使用。

29、Input is never used.This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved. ─── 大意是说输入从未使用,如果是顶层程序或者属于一个子模块并且该子模块有这个端口时,会被保留,其余情况下端口会被忽略掉.

30、She had personal problems unconnected with her marriage. ─── 她有过一些与婚姻无关的个人问题。

31、unconnected graph ─── 不连通图

32、People not immediately connected with Monseigneur or the State, yet equally unconnected with anything that was real, or with lives passed in travelling by any straight road to any true earthly end, were no less abundant. ─── 他们跟大人或国家并无直接关系,跟任何实际事物也无关系,跟风尘仆仆远涉穷荒绝域的生活也没有关系。

33、Service agencies are unconnected, "fragmentation" completely rely on their own skills and "improvise", whether or transaction volume is low. ─── 服务机构之间也是互不联系,“各自为政”,完全凭自己的能力“单打独斗”,无论是信息量或是成交率都很低。

34、In this matter too, Soviet experience points the way, yet some of our comrades pay no attention and always see these questions as isolated and unconnected. ─── 苏联的经验,在这个问题上也给我们指出了方向,我们的有些同志却没有注意,他们老是孤立地互不联系地去看这些问题。

35、But many younger people, who have never known paper diaries or an unconnected world, micro-co-ordinate in order to avoid committing themselves to any fixed meeting time, location or person at all. ─── 然而,多数年轻人从不知道纸质日记为何物或者生活在一个没有互联网的世界,他们用“微标测量”是为了避免将自己置于一个固定的会议时间、地点或人当中。

36、An articulation point is a vertex of a connected graph which can be split to yield an unconnected graph ─── 如果一个连通图的一个顶点能被分割,从而使这图成为一个不连通图,则这个顶点称为断点。

37、’ Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet get hardly any benefit or relief. ─── 一个人可能掌握与他的日常工作并不相关的大量知识,却很难获得任何好处或解脱。

38、By default, this property is set to True (checkbox is checked), and unconnected components and nets are trimmed. ─── 原文还提到了可以对部分完成的设计提前进行时序验证,这个貌似和是否删除未连接信号无关啊。

39、Otherwise, meditation remains dry and fruitless, a theoretical segment of your existence that is unconnected to all the rest. ─── 否则的话,禅定会变得枯燥和没有结果,你体验的中部分理论性的部分无法观察到其他部分。

40、And all the while he must keep his hatred locked up inside him like a ball of matter which was part of himself and yet unconnected with the rest of him, a kind of cyst. ─── 而在这期间,他要始终把他的仇恨锁在心中,成为自己身体的一部分,而又同其他部分不发生关系,就像一个囊丸一样。

41、Consisting of distinct or unconnected elements,such as the physical features of a landscape. ─── 不整合的,不连续的由不同的或不连贯的成分构成,如风景地表特征。

42、Don't forget that some things that may seem unconnected are in fact very connected so that changing one thing tends to domino into others. ─── 别忘了,许多看来不相关的事,其实都是相互有关联的(阮次山语)...

43、The other half of the reconnected magnetic field raced upward, building up a large, twisted magnetic loop, parts of which were unconnected to the sun. ─── 另一半的重连磁力线则向上疾冲,形成一个大而扭曲的磁环,其中一部份并不与太阳相连。

44、At that point, they started to perceive themselves as meaningless fragments in an alien universe, unconnected to the Source and to each other. ─── 从那时起,他们开始把自己看成一个奇异宇宙中毫无意义的碎片、把自己看成和“源头”、和人彼此之间都是相互隔离的。

45、Uterus bicornis unicollis with one unconnected rudimentary horn ─── 单角并非交通残角子宫

46、The topological sorting algorithm works on unconnected graphs as well as connected graphs. ─── 拓扑排序算法既可以用于连通图,也可以用于非连通图。

47、Consequences of possession unconnected to ownership ─── 与所有权无关的占有的后果

48、More specifically, our research is often seen to be so unconnected to real-world situations that it can offer little of use to the working professional. ─── 更有针对性地说,经常可以发现我们的研究是那么脱离实际情况,以至于对于工作中的职员只有一点点用处。

49、A conductor intended as a Faraday shield must never be left unconnected as this almost always increases capacity and exacerbates the problem. ─── 用于法拉第屏蔽的导体绝对不能悬浮,否则会增加耦合电容,让干扰更严重。

50、The block diagram contains a bad wire due to a data-type mismatch or a loose, unconnected end, which may be hidden under something or is so tiny that you can't see it. ─── 框图程序包含的数据类型不匹配或不确切,未连接端口,它们可能隐藏或由于过于细小,常被人忽略。

51、The center typically consists of several freestanding (unconnected) anchors and only a minimum amount of small specialty tenants. ─── 典型能量中心包括几个独立的(不相连的)锚店和仅有极少量的小的专卖店承租人。

52、of the dialog box.The list displays all existing pseudopoints/flags including unassigned, assigned and connected, assigned and unconnected pseudopoints/flags. ─── 可选软件栏显示在对话框的底线上,已分配和末联接的虚点/标记,末标记和标记过的点可以通过标记来区分。

53、Be sure to insulate any loose unconnected wires with electrical tape for safety. ─── 为了安全,务必用电工胶带绝缘任何未连接的电线。

54、They live “off-grid”,unconnected to a national electric-power system,except in some cases illegally。 ─── 他们过着无电的生活,没有连入国家电能系统,个别违法行为除外。

55、unconnected space ─── 不连通空间

56、Yet spending on the Afghan civil service is scattered across unconnected programmes and amounts to a very small percentage of that. ─── 然而,花在阿富汗政府服务方面的支出,则分散在一些各不相关的计划上,所占的比例非常小。

57、Interplanetary shocks unconnected with earthbound coronal mass ejections ─── 接地的冕质量喷射物无关的行星间撞击

58、Consisting of distinct or unconnected elements, such as the physical features of a landscape. ─── 不整合的,不连续的由不同的或不连贯的成分构成,如风景地表特征

59、A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. ─── 在与自己日常工作无关的某些领域中,一个人可以获得渊博的知识,但他几乎得不到实在的益处或放松。

60、Students at other universities often complain that an introductory course in psychology is a bewildering hodgepodge of unconnected facts and theories. ─── 其他大学的学生常抱怨说心理学的导论课程是个让人糊涂的大杂烩,一堆互不相干的事实和理论。

61、” Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. ─── 在与自己日常工作无关的某种领域中,一个人也许可以获得渊博的知识,但他几乎得不到任何实在的益处或放松。

62、Electric Power Force Analysis on Short Circuit Enclosed, Separated and Unconnected Busbar ─── 离相封闭母线短路电动力分析

63、This composition systematically explains the mechanism and endotherapy or external treatment in the traditional Chinese medicine for bone unconnected. ─── 本文系统阐述了中医药治疗骨不连的机制及内治、外治的方法。

64、Then, in October, adding to Nixon's and the nation's misery , Vice President Agnew was ejected from office for other corruption, unconnected with Watergate. ─── 十月份,副总统阿格纽由于同水门事件无关的腐化行为被赶下台,这更增加了尼克松和全国的悲剧气氛。

65、It's easy to think of the turmoil of the past 13 months as being unconnected to the stock bubble of the 1990s, which appeared to end with the dot-com crash of 2000 and 2001. ─── 人们很容易得出这样的论断:过去13个月的动荡与上世纪90年代的股市泡沫并无联系,泡沫似乎在2000年与2001年随同网络股的坍塌而终结。

66、However, concerns have been raised that the decline in numbers may be part of a wider structural issue, unconnected to the economic turmoil. ─── 不过,有些人士开始担心,公开课程参与人数的减少可能反映出一个更广泛的结构性问题,与本次经济危机无关。

67、A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet get hardly any benefit or relief. ─── 一个人可能会获得与其日常工作无关的某些课题的渊博知识,而没有从中得到什么实益或宽慰。

68、The two crimes are apparently unconnected. ─── 这两起犯罪显然没有关联。

69、An intellectual mind that is unconnected to the heart is an uncultivated mind. ─── 没有与心连接的心念是未曾训练的心念。

70、"This data underscores the significant digital divide between the connected majority and the unconnected minority that rarely, if ever, uses a computer. ─── “这一数据突显了显着之间的数字鸿沟连接多数和少数无关的很少,如果以往任何时候都使用了电脑” 。

71、I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me. ─── 我自有主张,怎么样做会幸福,我就决定怎么样做,你管不了,任何象你这样的局外人也都管不了。”

72、These reservoirs are formed by unconnected and interconnected networks of karstic porosity forming a heterogeneous and complex reservoir system. ─── 奥陶系储集层内不同位置的油、气、水特征明显,油田内没有统一的油/水界面,更增加了油气藏的复杂性。

73、the doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration ─── 并行论,一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学说

74、It is OPTIONAL for a server to accept unconnected publish requests and they should apply server specific authentication and authorization before doing so. ─── 服务端接受未连接的发布请求是可选的,因此他们应该在这么做之前应用服务端特定的认证和授权。

75、Whatsoever is of domestic concernment,unconnected with the other members of the Union or with foreign lands, ─── 一切有关其内部事务而与联邦中的其它成员以及外国无关的则,

76、unconnected sentences. ─── 不连贯的句子

77、Consisting of unconnected distinct parts. ─── 不连续的由互不关联的部分构成的

78、The pain in his right shoulder grew constant, but his heart was numbed against it so that he felt the pain was unconnected to himself. ─── 右肩的疼痛开始持久起来,但他心里对这疼痛是麻木的,他觉得那疼痛与他无关。

79、He did not appear in spirits; some thing unconnected with her was probably amiss. ─── 他的情绪不高。大概一件与她无关的事情没有办好。

80、Appears to be composed of pure energy, channeled through unconnected parts. ─── 似乎由纯粹能量组成,经过不连接的零配件引导。

81、The theory described in this article unifies many unconnected strands of theory in the organization sciences domain. ─── 本文描述的理论使得组织科学领域内许多无关的理论得到统一。

82、The young Greek, as we have already said, occupied apartments wholly unconnected with those of the count ─── 我们前面已经说过,那是年轻的希腊美人所住的房间和伯爵的房间是完全隔离开的。

83、unconnected phrases ─── [法] 语无伦次

84、"A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. " ─── 一个人可能会从同自己日常工作无关的论题中获得大量的知识,然而却几乎得不到任何好处或宽慰。

85、Having no correlative relationship; unconnected. ─── 不相关的没有相互关联的;不相关的

86、A man may gain great knowledge which is unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. ─── 想要得到真正的快乐和安全感,你必须至少有两个真正的爱好。

87、The most important reasons that result in bone unconnected is instability or the bone coloboma and stress dodging. ─── 不稳定或骨缺损以及应力遮挡是导致骨不连的最重要原因。

88、My resignation was totally unconnected with recent events. ─── 我的辞职与最近的事件毫不相干。

89、My resignation was totally unconnected with recent events. ─── 我的辞职与最近的事件毫不相干。

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