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08-19 投稿


fortnight 发音

英:[?f??rtna?t]  美:[?f??tna?t]

英:  美:

fortnight 中文意思翻译



fortnight 词性/词形变化,fortnight变形


fortnight 短语词组

1、tomorrow fortnight ─── 从明天算起两周后

2、fortnight dances ─── 两周舞

3、fortnight definition ─── 两周定义

4、fortnight wallpaper ─── 两周墙纸

5、fortnight dance videos ─── 两周舞蹈视频

6、fortnight videos ─── 两周视频

7、free fortnight ─── 免费两周

8、fortnight time ─── 两周时间

9、for a fortnight ─── 两个星期

10、fortnight dance ─── 两周舞

11、fortnight game ─── 两周比赛

12、the fortnight ─── 两周

13、free fortnight games ─── 免费两周游戏

14、fortnight games ─── 两周比赛

fortnight 相似词语短语

1、first night ─── 首夜演出;初次演出

2、forenight ─── 从黄昏到就寝的一段时间

3、forty-eight ─── 四十八

4、forenights ─── 前夜

5、fortnights ─── n.两星期

6、foresight ─── n.先见,远见;预见;深谋远虑

7、outnight ─── 夜晚

8、fortnightly ─── adj.每两周的,两周一次的;adv.每两周地,两周一次地;n.双周刊

9、forthright ─── adj.直率的;直截了当的;adv.直率地;马上;立即;n.直路

fortnight 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but I knew nothing that had happened here for a fortnight, and felt that I had been away long enough. ─── 但是,我不知道两个星期来这里发生了什么,觉得我在外边住的时间够长了。

2、She did not bother to point out that "wife" was scarcely the operative label with the decree absolutely due in a fortnight. ─── 她毫不厌烦的指出,“妻子”已经是个两周来很少使用过的带有绝对命令性质的称呼了。

3、It is difficult getting back to the daily round after a fortnight's holiday abroad. ─── 去国外度假两星期后,很难再适应日常生活的次序。

4、A pound of tobacco only lasts him a fortnight. ─── 一磅烟丝只够他吸两个礼拜。

5、First came the 2-1 Champions League victory over Werder Bremen a fortnight ago, followed by last weekend's 1-0 win over Parma in Serie A. ─── 在两周前的冠军杯上2-1击败云达不莱梅后,接下来上周末又1-0赢得了和帕尔马的联赛。

6、The fortnight at Venice passed quickly and sweetly. ─── 在威尼斯的半个月过得很快,很惬意。

7、He cleans the car once a week, a fortnight, etc, ie every week, every fortnight, etc. ─── 他一星期、 半月等擦一次车.

8、The Chinese New Year lasts about a fortnight. ─── 中国新年持续大约两个星期。

9、Originally, gazetted beaches were sampled once a fortnight during the bathing season only, while non-gazetted beaches received monthly monitoring. ─── 在此之前,宪报公布泳滩在泳季期间每两星期抽取水样本监测一次,非宪报公布泳滩则每月监测一次。

10、In a fortnight's time I will be home. ─── 两星期后我会在家的。

11、He's had three accidents in the past fortnight. ─── 在过去两周他出了三次事故。

12、Seven of those yellows came in the 1-1 draw at Chelsea a fortnight ago, but boss Fergie claimed his men had been harshly treated by match officials. ─── 其中有七张黄牌来自曼联客场1-1战平切尔西比赛,弗格森表示那场比赛曼联受到了不公正的待遇。

13、Her birthday is Tuesday fortnight. ─── 两星期后的星期二便是她的生日。

14、But in recent months he canceled engagements and a fortnight ago announced that, on his doctor's advice, he was retiring as a conductor. ─── 但是最近几个月他取消了约会,并在两周前宣布,依照医生的劝告,他即将从乐队指挥的位子上退下来。

15、"I honour your circumspection.A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little. ─── “你真是个好心肠的人,我的好老爷!

16、You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work? ─── 你需要休息, 为什么不休假两周呢?

17、In a fortnight I shall be as right as nails. ─── 两周后我就会完全恢复健康。

18、I hope to be back in a fortnight. ─── 我希望两周后回来。

19、He looked much thinner than when I had seenhim a fortnight before. ─── 他比我半个月前见到他时瘦了很多。

20、Ever since the day fixed for his return, a fortnight before, Natasha had been in a continual condition of alarm, depression, and irritability. ─── 两星期前,皮埃尔的假期就满了,在这两周里,娜塔莎一直处于心情烦躁,提心吊胆的状态,有时还有些忧郁不安。

21、His birthday is Monday fortnight. ─── 他的生日是两星期后的星期一。

22、Until a fortnight age, he had never had Ravel's Score in his hands, but he is what is known in the theatre as a quick study. ─── 他在两星期前才拿到拉威尔的乐谱,但他是剧院中有名的能快速强记的人。

23、With the decision of the CONI due in less than a fortnight, Nicola is hoping for a positive outcome. ─── 奥委会调解法庭关于是否减少罚分的裁决定在未来一两周内就将出炉,莱罗塔列希望等待尤文的是一个积极的结果。

24、Then you have a spot a week, a spot a fortnight. ─── 同样还有现货/一星期,现货/二星期。

25、After hearing the news, i knew that within fortnight i should feel restless again. ─── 听到这个消息后我知道在两个星期内我又会坐立不安的。

26、She got the book out for fortnight. ─── 他把这书借了出来,期限为2周。

27、A fortnight later, when Edmund had not returned, the king's second son eagerly set out for the Enchanted Wood. ─── 两星期过去了,埃德蒙还没有回来,国王的二儿子迫不及待地出发前往迷失之林。

28、A fortnight later: that's 23rd June. Can you give me the time for a flight then ? ─── 两周以后。6月23号。你能告诉我那时航班的时间吗?

29、Nobody had seen the prisoner for a fortnight,and we all thought that he had probably left the moor. ─── 两周以来没人见过那位囚犯,大家都以为他可能已经离开沼地了。

30、He had stayed at the pension for a fortnight. ─── 他已在那个小旅馆待了两个星期。

31、However, Theissen said the Hinwil built cars will also be without KERS at Monaco in just over a fortnight. ─── 然而,泰森说,汽车将建成西威尔也没有物在摩纳哥仅在过去的两周。

32、A fortnight ago the captain Steven Gerrard was among the substitutes in Seville, appearing irrelevantly for 18 minutes in the away win over Real Betis. ─── 两周前,当红军作客赛维利亚,以2-1击败皇家贝迪斯时,队长杰拉德就在替补名单里,只在无关紧要的时间里上场18分钟。

33、John's company have been very good to him. Last year, when he was seriously ill, they sent him on a fortnight's convalescence. ─── 公司对约翰很好,去年他生大病时,还送他去疗养了2个星期。

34、Maker make trial product exactly conform specification expect completion within fortnight. ─── 厂家已在试验制造,完全符合所要求的规格,可望在两周内完成。

35、If I had been two hours later a fortnight ago, he would have hanged the register-clerk at Yuhnovo,” said Prince Andrey with a smile. ─── 两个礼拜前,如果我迟到两个钟头,他就会把尤赫诺夫的录事处以绞刑的,”安德烈公爵含着微笑说。

36、His deft and skilful handling of the abdication issue raised him in a fortnight from the depth to the pinnacle . ─── 他对逊位问题处理得很机巧,使他在两个星期内从深渊上升到宝塔的尖顶。

37、After a fortnight, both these horrible individuals returned to base, swherestheir colleagues seemed strangely pleased to see them. ─── 两周后,这两个可怕的家伙都回到自己的岗位。同事看到他们时居然都还挺高兴。

38、Though the fortnight passed away at lightning speed,the memory of it will last forever. ─── 两周的时光很快就过去了,但给我留下美好的怀念。

39、A fortnight after the events which I have just recounted, Armand was convalescing very satisfactorily, and we were bound by a firm friendship. ─── 在我刚才叙述的事情过去半个月以后,阿尔芒已经完全康复,我们彼此已经成为好友。

40、He seemed to see men such as he had been himself a fortnight ago, and he was mentally addressing an edifying exhortation to them. ─── 他也想象到那些像他自己两周以前那样的人们,他在内心中向他们道出了教训的话。

41、But in the past fortnight it has got bloodier again. ─── 但是在过去的14天里,这里重新变得血流成河。

42、After the historic events of the past fortnight, who would bet that AIG will be the last lumbering giant to need resuscitation? ─── 公司坚持认为他们是流动性不足的问题,而不是破产,但其借款规模表明问题远远不是短期现金流危机这么简单。

43、The main tournament is the annual Wimbledon fortnight, one of the 4 tennis "Grand Slam" tournaments. ─── 主要比赛是一年一度的温布尔登两周赛,这是四大满贯网球锦标赛之一。

44、He was absent for a fortnight. ─── 他去了两星期。

45、He may at any moment in the next fortnight credit you with designs far beyond what the Cabinet at present harbour. ─── 他可能在以后两星期内某个时候,认为你有什么图谋,超过目前内阁所能预料的。

46、After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal. ─── 在野营中吃了两星期的罐头食品,现在我真想吃一顿象样的美味饭菜。

47、You need a rest. Why not take a fortnight off from work? ─── 你需要休息,何不停工两周?

48、I was summoned to Wuthering Heights, within a fortnight of your leaving us, she said, and I obeyed joyfully for Catherine's sake. ─── 你离开我们以后两星期之内,我就被召到呼啸山庄来了,她说,为了凯瑟琳的缘故,我欢欢喜喜地服从了。

49、A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little. ─── 两个星期的认识当然谈不上什么。

50、My idea of a good magazine is a fortnightly, where we bring a group of good talkers together in a small room once in a fortnight and let them chat together. ─── 吾理想中之好杂志为半月刊,集健谈好友几人,半月一次,密室闲谈。

51、He has only $5, but he managed to spin it out for a fortnight. ─── 他只有5镑,但他没法维持了两个星期。

52、With his brains he should be able to run a house for a fortnight. ─── 凭自己这脑瓜,照看两星期家该不成问题。

53、About a fortnight after the tournament at Nottingham, Isambart de Belame came to Hugo de Rainault, Abbot of St.Mary's. ─── 大约在诺丁汉比武会二星期之后,依山巴特戴米兰来见圣玛利亚寺院长雨果戴雷纳。

54、Strife was internecine during the next fortnight. ─── 在以后两个星期的冲突中我们两败俱伤。

55、There must be something that concentrates the mind even more wonderfully than the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight. ─── 他心中一定有件比两周后被绞死还要令他专注的事。

56、I was thinking of going down to Richmond for a fortnight, on account of my health. ─── 因为健康的原因,我正考虑南下里士满两个星期。

57、Advance negotiations on the UN Climate Change Conference are due to begin in Bonn in just over a fortnight's time. ─── 两周后在波恩召开的联合国气候变化会议上将进行高级别的磋商。

58、A fortnight ago Mikheil Saakashvili, the president of Georgia, invited him to visit his embattled country. ─── 两周前格鲁吉亚总统米哈伊尔萨卡什维利还曾邀请拜登访问他那处于战争中的国家。

59、At the end of the month the physicians wondered, and said he would live another fortnight. ─── 一个月过去了,大夫们全很惊异,于是又说他至多还能活两星期。

60、I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit. ─── 十四天的夜班后我发现感到胆战心惊的害怕,我很清楚的知道自己会变成一个睡眠不足的,性情乖戾情绪不稳的隐士。

61、But for a fortnight since the twentieth of last month she's grown weaker and weaker every day and lost all her appetite. ─── "到了二十后,一日比一日觉懒,也懒待吃东西,这将近有半个多月了"

62、She works six nights every fortnight. ─── 她每两周工作六个晚上。

63、She makes more money in a week than I do in a fortnight. ─── 她在一周里赚的钱比我在两周里赚的还多。

64、In the first fortnight of October, the exchange rate for the dollar dropped to below 1.80 Reals, the lowest figure since the middle of 2000. ─── 10月份的前两个星期,巴西货币雷亚尔对美元汇率降到1.8,创下2000年中期的最低点。

65、He had been stayed in there fortnight. ─── 他在那儿呆了两星期。

66、It is an historic moment for Cosmi, who has notched up two prestigious victories since taking over the Brescia bench from Mario Somma a fortnight ago. ─── “在联赛的上半场中,我们消耗了很多能量以达到目前的积分。我们需要为-9分而战斗。有所停顿是必然的。”

67、He seemed to see men such as he had been himself a fortnight ago, and he was mentally addressing an edifying exhortation to them. ─── 他也想象到那些像他自己两周以前那样的人们,他在内心中向他们道出了教训的话。

68、Isn't a fortnight long enough for you to dissect my personality? ─── 你用了两个星期的时间对我的人品乱加评论,难道还不够吗?

69、He has just received his fortnight's pay. ─── 他刚收到两个星期的酬劳。

70、A party of ten set out on a fortnight's tour and agreed to go share and share alike in the expenses. ─── 10人一组作为期两周之旅行,大家一致赞同均分费用。

71、We had been neighbours for a fortnight or so and it seemed she had come to trust me as an honest respectable man. ─── 共住了这十几天,她好像已经信用我是一个忠厚的人的样子。

72、We had a big snow here a fortnight ago. ─── 两周前我们这里下了一场大雪。

73、He's had three accidents in the past fortnight. ─── 在过去两周他出了三次事故。

74、A fortnight has fourteen days. ─── 两周有十四天。

75、We arrived safe, at Boston in about a fortnight. ─── 两周之后,我们平安到达波士顿。

76、In a fortnight the House witt be sitting. ─── 两个星期后议院就要开会了。

77、A fortnight later: that 's 23rd June. can you give me the time for a flight then ? ─── 两周以后。 6月23号。 你能告诉我那时航班的时间吗?

78、She was sick all the next day, and on Saturday went home, quite tired of her fortnight's fun. ─── 第二天她一整天觉得很不舒服。星期六她回家了,由于前一天的玩乐,她感到很累。

79、Their assault, on Tube trains and a bus, came a fortnight after similar attacks that killed 52 passengers. ─── 在类似的事件导致52名乘客死亡之后,又接连对地铁列车和公交车实施了袭击。

80、A nation that stopped working would be dead in a fortnight. ─── 一个国家只要把一切工作都停下来,不出两星期就会灭亡。

81、Massimo Oddo will be laid low for at least a fortnight after coming down with a serious bout of bronchitis, revealed Lazio today. ─── 奥多在与支气管炎的斗争中败下阵来,被疾病(暂时[自己加的])击倒的马西莫.奥多至少要修养两个礼拜.拉齐奥官方今天宣布.

82、He remained there for a fortnight, preaching, administering the sacrament, teaching, exhorting. ─── 他在那里住了两星期,传道,行圣礼,教育人,感化人。

83、Her daughter' s birthday is Monday fortnight. ─── 两星期后的星期一便是她女儿的生日。

84、A nation, which stopped working, would be dead in a fortnight. ─── 一个民族,若停止工作,可能会在两周内灭亡。

85、It 'll take about a fortnight to write this paper . ─── 写这篇论文大约需要两周时间。

86、They were condemned to spend a fortnight of idleness at that lonely island. ─── 他们被迫在那个孤岛上待了两个星期。

87、Yet in less than a fortnight he's treating her like dirt.It's really too bad.... ─── "过了没半月,也看的马棚风一般了,我倒心里可惜了的."

88、He clean the car once a week, a fortnight, etc. ─── 他一星期、 半月等擦一次车。

89、A fortnight passed in a flash. ─── 一晃半个月过去了。

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