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08-19 投稿


guns 发音

英:[ɡ?nz]  美:[ɡ?nz]

英:  美:

guns 中文意思翻译





guns 短语词组

1、six-guns (six-gun ─── 的复数) n. 六响枪

2、stand to one's guns ─── 坚持原则, 固守自己的决定

3、go great guns ─── 高速 ─── 高效地干

4、stick to one's guns ─── 固执己见

5、spike sb.'s guns ─── 挫败某人

6、carry the guns for ─── 在实力上远远超过

7、in-line guns ─── [电] 排齐电子枪

8、monopolize all the batons and guns ─── 独揽一切军政大权

9、control of guns of ammunitions ─── [法] 枪枝弹药管制

10、machine-guns (machine-gun ─── 的复数) n. 机枪 vt. 用机枪射击, 用机枪击中

11、blow great guns ─── 刮大风

12、ray-guns (ray-gun ─── 的复数) 射线枪

13、guns and butter ─── [法] 大炮加黄油政策

14、finger guns

15、hand-guns (hand-gun ─── 的复数) 手喷枪

16、spike sb's guns ─── 挫败某人

17、stun-guns (stun-gun ─── 的复数) 眩晕枪;电枪

18、air-guns (air-gun ─── 的复数) 气枪

19、have the guns for ─── 有…的能力,胜任…

guns 常用词组

machine gun ─── 机关枪

spray gun ─── 喷枪;喷漆枪

electron gun ─── 电子枪

guns 词性/词形变化,guns变形

名词: gunrunning |

guns 相似词语短语

1、funs ─── vi.开玩笑(fun的第三人称单数)(非正式)

2、Huns ─── n.匈奴;匈奴人(Hun的复数形式)

3、gens ─── n.氏族;部落;宗族;n.(Gens)人名;(英)金斯;(俄、德、葡)根斯;(法)让斯

4、gurns ─── n.(Gurn)人名;(英)古恩

5、guans ─── n.冠雉;冠雉属;n.(Guan)(美)古安(人名)

6、buns ─── n.人的臀部

7、gdns ─── abbr.花园(gardens)

8、duns ─── abbr.邓氏编码(DataUniversalNumberingSystem);n.(Duns)人名;(英)邓斯

9、gans ─── n.甘斯(姓氏)

guns 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't play with your gun in that way, or you'll make cold meat of some of us. ─── 别那样玩枪,不然的话,我们当中准会有人被你打死。

2、Anti-aircraft guns opened up. ─── 开始射击。

3、He also had a gun with which to defend himself. ─── 他还有一把自卫用的枪。

4、Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. ─── 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。

5、Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt. ─── 她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据。

6、He aimed his gun at the eagle spreading its wings. ─── 他的枪瞄准那只展开翅膀的老鹰。

7、The big guns boomed their message. ─── 大炮隆隆地发出信号。

8、The soldier was checking his accoutrements when he heard the gun shoot. ─── 听到枪响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备。

9、All the guns on one side of a warship. ─── 一只军舰上的全部舷侧炮

10、From computers to specialized shipping containers, innovation has created opportunities to increase sales without adding labor. But it is only now, when companies are under the gun, that they are really exploiting technology. ─── 从电脑以至特殊功能集装箱船,由于[科技]推陈出新,销售机会已经增加而不须增添劳工。可是直到现在,各公司遭受压力才认真利用科技。

11、It's illegal to carry guns in our country. ─── 在我们国家,携带枪支是违法的。

12、She fired her gun at them. ─── 她用枪向他们射击。

13、In the distance machine guns were blazing. ─── 机关枪在远处不停地射击。

14、He felt something hard, like a gun, pushing against his back. ─── 他感到有什么硬东西,像是一把枪,顶在他的背上。

15、They stashed the guns away under the ground. ─── 他们把那批枪埋藏在地下了。

16、He aimed the gun at the door. ─── 他把枪对准那扇门。

17、Smith pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. ─── 史密斯扣动扳机,可是枪打不响,因此那只鹿跑了。

18、The bullet was expelled from the gun. ─── 子弹从枪中射出。

19、Don't you think setting fireworks is better than shooting guns into the air? ─── 你不认为放焰火比往天上打枪更好吗?

20、He is holding a gun at the ready. ─── 他端着枪准备射击。

21、They shout to the robber to drop their guns. ─── 他们向抢劫者喊话让他们放下手中的枪。

22、He carried too many guns for me. ─── 他的实力远远超过我。

23、Great guns! ─── 唉哟!好家伙!糟糕!

24、Surrender your guns before going in. ─── 先把枪交出来才能进去。

25、She froze at the sound of a gun. ─── 她一听到枪声就吓呆了。

26、In situation like this, she wish she have a gun or some lethal weapon. ─── 在这种情况下,她真希望自己有一把枪或什么致命武器。

27、The soldier was checking his accoutrements when he heard the gun shot. ─── 听到枪响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备。

28、They let off their guns at a tiger. ─── 他们对一只老虎开枪。

29、His possession of the gun is corroboration of his guilt. ─── 他藏有枪是他犯罪的又一证据。

30、On the approaches to a fortified village turned into a strong point we were shot at by tanks and machine-guns. ─── 在接近一个设防的村庄进入了一个要塞时,我们遭到了坦克和机枪的射击。

31、A gun was found on his person. ─── 从他身上搜出一枝枪。

32、The detectives tied in the fingerprints on the man's gun with those found on the safe, so they knew that he was the thief. ─── 侦探把这个人枪上的指纹与保险箱上的指纹联系起来,便知道他就是盗贼。

33、The soldiers were mowed down by fire from the enemy's guns. ─── 士兵们被敌军炮火扫杀殆尽。

34、A concrete mixture that is sprayed from a special gun over steel reinforcements in light construction. ─── 压力喷浆一种从特殊喷枪喷出的混凝土的混合物,用来喷在小型建筑的钢筋加固物上

35、The general beefed up his army with more big guns and tanks. ─── 将军以更多的大炮和坦克来增强自己部队的力量。

36、If you feel that you're right, stick to your guns. ─── 如果你认为自己是对的,那就要坚持下去。

37、But the pro-Israel heavy guns still predominate. ─── 但是亲以色列的重量级团体仍是占据主流。

38、Crusoe had eleven guns altogether. ─── 克鲁索一共有十一只枪。

39、They heard the guns blasting away all night. ─── 他们听见枪炮整夜连续轰击。

40、He whipped out his gun. ─── 他突然抽出枪来。

41、She started at the sound of a gun. ─── 她听到枪声,吓了一跳。

42、A shooting of guns with intent to inflict harm. ─── 开火开枪,试图对对方造成伤害

43、They ranged their guns on the enemy blockhouse. ─── 他们把大炮瞄准敌人的碉堡。

44、He'll zing me for three vacation crimes connected to the boycott. No squirt guns. No sunglasses for Wes. And no flip-flops on his own feet. ─── 他会为这次假期中和抵制有关的三宗“罪”数落我:没有水枪,维斯没有太阳镜,他自己没有凉拖。

45、They are still out of range of our guns. ─── 他们还在我们枪炮的射程之外。

46、Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go. ─── 斯蒂夫警惕地沿着大街行走,将帽沿拉得很低。除了他的脚步声外,没有任何声音,机关枪已经准备好发射。

47、People laughed at Columbus when he said the world was round. He stuck to his guns and proved he was right. ─── 哥伦布说地球是圆的,人们取笑他,但他坚持自己的看法,并证明了他的看法是正确的。

48、She is still within range of my gun. ─── 她仍在我枪炮的射程之内。

49、The ringleader was shot to death in a gun battle. ─── 主犯在枪战中被击毙。

50、Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base. ─── 两个战士把炮从底座上卸下来。

51、Now, men, zero in your guns at that ship. ─── 喂,伙计们,把炮口对准那艘船。

52、One must sight carefully before firing his gun. ─── 在放枪前一定要仔细地瞄准。

53、He jump the gun and open the test before the teacher say to start. ─── 在老师说开始前,他行动过早,先翻开了试卷。

54、Don't get within range of their big guns; surround the camp from a distance. ─── 不要进入他们大炮的射程以内,要隔一段距离包围住敌营。

55、I can see by the gun in his hand that the robber mean business. ─── 从他手里的枪我知道这个抢劫者不是在开玩笑。

56、Smith's new store opened hast week and it's going great guns. ─── 史密斯的商店上星期开张,生意很红火。

57、He snatched up his gun and fired. ─── 他突然拿起枪来射击。

58、He was ordered to surrender his gun. ─── 他被命令交出他的枪。

59、Smith's new store opened last week and it's going great guns. ─── 史密斯的新商店上周开业,生意兴隆。

60、Georgia had never in his life so much as handled a gun. ─── 乔治亚一生中甚至从未摸过枪。

61、Do the actors fight with guns in military plays? ─── 在武戏中演员们用枪打吗?

62、They jumped the gun by building the garage before permission had been given. ─── 他们未得许可就抢先盖了汽车房。

63、He leveled his gun at the prey. ─── 他举枪瞄准猎物。

64、The poor of the cities, having lived such a hard life for so long , took up their guns and knives to kill the nobles. ─── 城市贫民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活拿起刀枪开始杀起富有的贵族们。

65、He built another fence round his cave. Now he made holes in the wall and placed his guns in them, pointing outwards. ─── 他在洞穴周围又筑起了一道篱笆。然后在围墙上凿些洞孔,把枪插进去,枪口朝外。

66、Don't play about with the gun, I believe it is loaded. ─── 不要玩弄那支枪,那枪大概是上了子弹的。

67、The Indians bartered furs for guns. ─── 印地安人用毛皮换取枪支。

68、Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane. ─── 从我们机翼上发出的枪弹击中敌机机身。

69、Don't try mixing it with me-- I've got a gun! ─── 别想跟我打架--我可有枪。

70、Great guns! The lion is out of his cage. ─── 天哪!那只狮子跑出笼来了。

71、Heavy guns have to be bedded in before they will fire accurately. ─── 大炮必须事先固定炮位,方能准确轰击目标。

72、He shot past me like a bullet out of a gun. ─── 他飞快地从我身旁冲过。

73、He rammed a charge into a gun. ─── 他把弹药装入枪内。

74、Hey, Bill, you old son of a gun! How are you? ─── 嗨,比尔,你这个老坏蛋!你好吗?

75、The smoking gun was the lipstick on his collar. ─── 他衣领上的口红是确凿的证据。

76、Being destitute of cannon, they mounted Quaker guns in the fort. ─── 因为没有大炮,他们只得在城堡上装设假炮。

77、A small folded bag filled with lead pellets, used as ammunition in a stun gun. ─── 子弹小袋,豆弹小袋装满铅弹的小折叠袋,用作鸟枪的子弹

78、An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship. ─── 军舰上的露天炮塔军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性装甲圆柱体

79、They issued the soldiers with guns. ─── 他们把枪发给士兵。

80、Be careful, that gun's loaded. ─── 小心,那枪是上了膛的。

81、Police in many countries carry guns. ─── 许多国家的警察都带枪。

82、He aimed the gun at the enemy officer. ─── 他用枪瞄准了敌军官。

83、Do you approve of the use of guns by the police? ─── 你赞成警察用枪吗?

84、In Britain Police do not carry guns. ─── 在英国警察不带枪。

85、He jumped the gun and opened the test before the teacher said to start. ─── 在老师说开始前,他行动过早,先翻开了试卷。

86、I brought my girlfriend to a gun range and had her to shoot some of the guns and she loved it! ─── 我曾带女友去射击场并让她试射了一些枪支,她很喜欢!

87、He fired the gun from point-blank range. ─── 他在近距离开了枪。

88、Don't try mixing it with me -- I've got a gun! ─── 别想跟我打架--我可有枪!

89、They captured three machine guns. ─── 他们缴了三挺机枪。

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