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08-19 投稿


rarefaction 发音

英:[?rer??f?k?(?)n]  美:[?re?r??f?k?(?)n]

英:  美:

rarefaction 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 稀疏


rarefaction 常用词组

rarefaction wave ─── 稀疏波;膨胀波;余波

rarefaction 词性/词形变化,rarefaction变形

形容词: rarefactive |

rarefaction 同义词

exceptional | rarefied | intermittent | sporadic | juicy | scarce | valuable | underdone | blue | unique | unusual | erratic | singular | occasional | uncommon | red | scare | rarified | sparse |infrequent | bloody | pink | peculiar

rarefaction 反义词

dense | ordinary

rarefaction 短语词组

1、rarefaction fan ─── 稀薄风机

2、rarefaction definition ─── 稀疏定义

3、rarefaction of bone ─── [医] 骨质疏松

4、rarefaction and compression ─── 稀疏压缩

5、rarefaction method ─── 稀释法

6、rarefaction vs refraction ─── 稀疏与折射

7、rarefaction effect ─── 稀疏效应

8、rarefaction curve qiime ─── 稀疏曲线Qime

9、rarefaction curve ─── 稀疏曲线

10、rarefaction measure ─── 稀疏测度

11、rarefaction wave ─── 稀薄波, ─── 稀疏波

12、rarefaction shock ─── 稀薄的冲击

13、rarefaction gun ─── 稀薄枪

14、rarefaction waves ─── [流]稀疏波;膨胀波;余波

15、rarefaction analysis ─── 稀疏分析

16、rarefaction define ─── 稀疏定义

17、rarefaction curves ─── 稀疏曲线

18、rarefaction defined ─── 稀疏定义

rarefaction 相似词语短语

1、arefactions ─── 派系

2、arefaction ─── 除湿;干燥

3、labefaction ─── n.动摇;衰弱;崩溃

4、madefaction ─── n.润湿

5、malefaction ─── n.罪行;罪恶;犯罪行为

6、calefaction ─── n.加热;热污染(等于thermalpollution);温暖(的状态)

7、rarefactions ─── n.[声]稀疏;(气体)稀薄

8、rarefactional ─── 稀少的

9、rarefication ─── n.变稀薄

rarefaction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rarefaction clicks redound to BAEP diagnosis to sensorineural deafness. ─── :应用疏波短声给声有助于BAEP为感音性聋进一步作出定位诊断

2、the elementary waves of the system involve degenerate shock besides rarefaction wave and shock wave. ─── 系统的基本波除了稀疏波和激波还包含退化激波。

3、Simulation results show that rarefaction effect plays an important role in gas damping, which decreases as Kn Number increases. ─── 数值模拟结果表明,稀薄效应对气体阻尼的影响较大,随着克努森数的不断增大,气体阻尼逐渐减小。

4、Albedo of X-ray through the region of rarefaction wave ─── X光辐射通过稀疏波区的反照率

5、Objectives: To study the changes in microvascular rarefaction of retinae in hypertensive rats and patients. ─── 目的:了解自发性高血压大鼠和高血压患者视网膜微血管变化。

6、Treatment of 60 Cases of Post - menopause Bone Rarefaction with Prescriptions for Tonifying Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation ─── 补肾活血剂治疗绝经后骨质疏松症60例

7、Gun recoil force reduction technology mainly include out-of-battery, superlong and tandem superlong recoil,2D recoil, muzzle braking, rarefaction wave gun and electromagnetic rheologic fluid etc. ─── 膨胀波火炮红外目标特征太明显,要求能精确控制火炮相关机构,需系统、全面地研究探索内弹道技术、火炮自动机技术等相关技术。

8、The cytoplasm was rarefaction asymmetric, and lacuna augment; ─── 胞浆内容物稀疏,空隙明显扩大;

9、Role of rarefaction clicks in detecting brainstem auditory evoked potential in sensorineural deafness ─── 疏波短声在感音性聋脑干听觉诱发电位检测中的作用


11、Keywords Spontaneously hypertensive rats(SHR) Microvascular rarefaction Apoptosis Vascular endothelial cell Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor Captopril; ─── 自发性高血压大鼠;微血管稀少;细胞凋亡;血管内皮细胞;血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂;卡托普利;

12、It provides an alternation of rarefaction wave and dense wave, each wave lasting for one and a half second. ─── 是疏波、密波自动交替出现的一种波形。

13、Several applications require consideration of rarefaction, which motivates the present thesis to focus on simulation of driven cavity flows in this region. ─── 因此本文的动机是模拟空穴流场在稀薄区域上的应用。

14、rarefaction click ─── 疏波短声

15、The gap between blood vessels in cerebrum was enlarged in cerebrum and the peripheral nerve fibers were rarefaction under the microscope. ─── 小脑、海马区部分浦肯野氏细胞核固缩、核溶解,锥体细胞核固缩;

16、The high frequency pulse 50-100/sec is known as dense wave, the low frequency pulse 2-5/sec termed as rarefaction wave. ─── 频率快的叫密波(高频),一般在50-100次/秒,频率慢的叫疏波(低频),一般在2-5次/秒。

17、The simulated results show that the proposed schemes can deal with the rarefaction waves, shocks, the reflected shocks, the reverse flows and the dry/wet fronts very well. ─── 经由模拟结果显示,本文之算则能够正确地模拟出膨胀波、震波、反射震波、回流以及乾湿交界波前等水流现象。

18、The characteristic radiological finding is either rarefaction on CT image, or diffuse patchy, high signals around the periventricular area on T2-weighted MRI. ─── 其大脑白质的变化,在电脑断层扫描上呈现强度减弱,而在MRI上,可见侧脑室旁有斑块状或弥漫状强度增高的现象。

19、Effect of process parameters of cross wedge rolling on the internal rarefaction ─── 楔横轧工艺参数对心部疏松的影响

20、Rarefaction phase of blast wave; ─── 冲击波稀疏区;

21、Clinical observation of diabetes type 2 followed by rarefaction of bone ─── 2型糖尿病伴随骨质疏松的临床观察

22、After gaseous detonation reflects on the right wall, the right-traveling rarefaction waves accelerate the reflected shock. ─── 气相爆轰波在右壁面反射后,右行稀疏波加速反射激波。

23、rarefaction state ─── 稀疏状态

24、Gravity compresses the gas in denser regions and, depending on the phase of the sound wave, can alternately enhance or counteract sonic compression and rarefaction. ─── 重力会压缩致密区域内的气体,并因声波相位的不同,而可能加强或抵消声波所造成的压缩或稀释。

25、Actions of BAEP Location Confirming Diagnosis to Sensorineural Deafness with Rarefaction Clicks ─── 疏波短声对感音性聋的BAEP定位诊断意义

26、Observed by microscope, the model group shown that the structure of trabeculae was rarefaction and disorder in tow cases, vacancy lacunaes count was 13%, at 4 weeks; ─── 结果: 1. 光镜下见实验组第4周时2例动物骨小梁结构紊乱,空缺骨陷窝计数13%;

27、internal rarefaction ─── 心部疏松

28、The flow rate coefficients, accounting for gas rarefaction, are approximated as polynomial interpolations based on database. The numerical examples of nano nutcracker slider were presented in this paper. ─── 由于气体稀释化引起的流量修正系数采用数据库多项式插值近似,并采用负压nutcracker型nano磁头做为典型算例研究。

29、rarefact ion wave gun ─── 膨胀波火炮

30、Does rarefaction of capillary vessel in other tissues implicate the similar deployment of capillary in cerebral vasculature? ─── 外周组织毛细血管过稀,是不是也能暗示脑组织的毛细血管分布也会过稀呢?

31、N-tuple neural network with the rarefaction RAM ─── N-tuple神经网络


33、bone rarefaction ─── 骨质疏松

34、Keywords shape of the compound layer;rarefaction;carbon atmosphere; ─── 化合物形貌;疏松;碳势;

35、Numerical Modeling and Analysis on Rarefaction Wave Gun ─── 膨胀波枪炮发射原理数值建模与分析

36、Clinical Summing-up Report on Treatment of Rarefaction of Bone Due to Diabetes Mellitus with Tang Gukang Capsule ─── 糖骨康胶囊治疗糖尿病骨质疏松临床研究


38、Influences of plasma shielding and rarefaction wave on impulse coupling coefficient ─── 等离子体屏蔽和稀疏波对冲量耦合系数的影响

39、The classical elementary waves in Riemann solutions include rarefaction wave, shock wave and contact discontinuity. ─── 黎曼解涉及的经典基本波包括疏散波、激波和接触间断。

40、rarefaction quadrant ─── 稀疏像限

41、rarefaction of air ─── 空气稀薄化

42、rarefaction matrix ─── 稀疏矩阵

43、Keywords cross wedge rolling;process parameters;internal rarefaction;regression; ─── 楔横轧;工艺参数;心部疏松;回归;

44、Osteoporosis has syndrome characteristics of bone rarefaction and body pain,which should be carefully differentiated. ─── 骨质疏松症的证候特征应辨别“松”与“痛”,治则常分“肾”与“脾”。

45、Keywords: double driver shock tube, rarefaction wave, diaphragm bursting, first shock, second shock, ─── 关键词:双驱动激波管,稀疏波,破膜,第一激波,第二激波

46、The purpose of this paper was to study the effects of angiogenesis cytokine on rarefaction andendothelial cells in rats with following groups:WKY 5w,WKY 8w,WKY 13w and WKY ang. ─── 本研究旨在研究国产血管生成素对微血管稀少和血管内皮细胞的作用。 观察对象为WKY鼠5周龄组、8周龄组、13周龄组和血管生成素治疗组。

47、Keywords cross wedge rolling;alternating times;FEM;lnternal rarefaction; ─── 楔横轧;交变次数;有限元;心部疏松;

48、Results Etiological analysis for 40 cases of bone fracture patients indicated the disease was due to bone rarefaction and blood calcium reabsorption. ─── 结果通过对40例骨折患者的病因分析,认识到该疾病是由骨质疏松、血钙重吸收所致。

49、In the light of the shortcomings of small leakage diagnosis of oil pipe line, a new leakage detection method based on modified rarefaction wave diagnosis model is presented. ─── 针对国内外对输油管道小泄漏诊断工作存在的不足,研究了一种基于改进的负压波诊断模型的泄漏诊断方法。

50、Effects of Captopril on reversion of microvessel rarefaction of the heart, brain and kidneys in spontaneously hypertensive rats ─── 卡托普利对逆转自发性高血压大鼠心、脑、肾微血管减少的实验研究

51、The regression equation of internal rarefaction grades is acquired by processing the experimental data in the experiment of porous void by USTB,based on the mathematical theory of statistics. ─── 应用数理统计学理论对北京科技大学所做实验的心部疏松实验数据进行处理,得到轧件心部疏松等级的回归方程,经检验,方程拟合良好且显著。

52、This is called a rarefaction and is represented by widely spaced dots ─── 这个区域称为稀疏区,并用疏散的小点表示。

53、Value of condensation and rarefaction click evoked action potential latency difference in the diagnosis of Meniere's disease ─── 疏波和密波短声诱发的动作电位潜伏期差对梅尼埃病的诊断价值

54、By combining the transient change model method and rarefaction wave method, the multidimensional rules to detect the leakage and locate the leak point were set up. ─── 并结合管道瞬变模型法与负压波法建立多维判别法则,解决输油管道泄漏检测及漏点定位的问题。

55、Rarefaction curve ─── 稀疏曲线法

56、Keywords diabetic bone rarefaction;Tanggukang capsule;trace element;content of bone mineral;bone density; ─── 糖尿病;骨质疏松;糖骨康胶囊;微量元素;骨矿含量;骨密度;实验研究;

57、Simulations show that Kn is a key parameter in determining the magnitude of rarefaction effects while Re is a key parameter indicating the thermal creep. ─── 计算表明,努森数是表征稀薄效应的特征参数,而热蠕动效应的强弱依赖于雷诺数。

58、The scheme deals effectively with both shock and rarefaction waves. ─── 在计算接触间断方面比线性间断分解格式的结果要差些。

59、In longitudinal waves, it is measured from compression to compression or from rarefaction to rarefaction. ─── 在纵波中是以密波与密波或疏波与疏波之间的距离来量度的。

60、incomplete rarefaction wave ─── 不完全稀疏波

61、This is called a rarefaction and is represented by widely spaced dots. ─── 这个区域称为稀疏区,并用疏散的小点表示。

62、Develop the technique of rice "three-drought" tillage, drought breeding and rarefaction plant and seedlings tossing. ─── 发展水稻“三旱”耕作与旱育稀植抛秧技术;

63、rarefaction wave gun (RAVEN) ─── 膨胀波枪炮

64、Keywords bird diversity;rarefaction;Xianghai Nature Reserve;Shannon-Wiener diversity index;evenness index; ─── 鸟类多样性;稀疏标准化法;向海自然保护区;香农-威纳多样性指数;均匀度指数;

65、An Experimental Technique of Diaphragm Burstingby Rarefaction Wave in Double Driver Shock Tube ─── 双驱动激波管稀疏波破膜技术研究

66、The newly developed rarefaction wave gun(RAVEN) can achieve low recoil momentum without decreasing the muzzle velocity of the projectile by means of delayed venting the breech. ─── 膨胀波枪炮利用延时打开膛尾的方法实现了在不降低弹丸初速的前提下大幅度减小枪炮后坐的目的。

67、Application Study of Hydraulic Rarefaction Coal Seam Shallow Hole Water Infusion Device ─── 水力疏松煤层浅孔注水器应用研究

68、The launch property of the rarefaction wave gun and some influences of different factors on the launch property were studied. ─── 针对膨胀波火炮的发射性能及不同因素对发射性能的影响规律进行了研究分析。

69、Keywords Spontaneous hypertension rat Microvascular rarefaction Apoptosis Vascular endothelial cell Captopril; ─── 自发性高血压大鼠;微血管稀少;细胞凋亡;血管内皮细胞;卡托普利;

70、Those vibrations result in the compression and rarefaction of the surrounding air. ─── 这些振动会导致周遭空气的压缩及稀少。

71、The traditional rarefaction wave diagnosis method is improved by means of dual-page memory data acquisition apparatus and by using GPS time-label pinpointing leak location. ─── 它采用双扭环技术和GPS时钟同步技术实现对传统负压波诊断系统的改进,采用假设检验和模糊数学理论对小泄漏故障负压波进行诊断。

72、Objective: For observation and treatment of diabetes followed by rarefaction of bone. ─── 目的:观察和治疗糖尿病伴随骨质疏松。

73、Weak discontinuities, shock waves and rarefaction fans. ─── 弱间断,激波。

74、rarefaction defect ─── 疏松缺陷

75、rarefaction shock ─── 稀疏激波

76、rarefaction wave ─── 稀薄波稀疏波

77、This is called a rarefaction and is represented by widely spaced dots. ─── 这个区域称为稀疏区,并用疏散的小点表示。

78、Effect of alternating times on the internal rarefaction of cross wedge rolling ─── 交变次数对楔横轧心部疏松的影响

79、Keywords mining engineering;roadway;stability;tremor;rarefaction wave;numerical simulation; ─── 采矿工程;巷道;稳定性;震动;稀疏波;数值模拟;

80、The method based on statistics has the problem of training data"s rarefaction, and what restricts the more progress of corpus is the too large workload of manual tagging. ─── 基于统计的汉语自动分词方法存在训练数据稀疏的问题,而人工标注工作量过大又制约着语料库规模的进一步扩大。

81、Through data rarefaction treatment, the double-ordering of the discrete data is realized and the reconstruction of the inner surface of the radome is completed based on bicubic B-spline function. ─── 通过数据的疏化处理,实现了测量型值点的双有序,完成了基于双三次B样条曲面的天线罩内廓曲面重构。

82、Osteoporosis has syndrome characteristics of bone rarefaction and body pain, which should be carefully differentiated.The treatment of osteoporosis usually aims at the kidney or the spleen. ─── 摘要骨质疏松症的证候特征应辨别“松”与“痛”,治则常分“肾”与“肿”。

83、Simulation results show that rarefaction effect plays an important role in gas damping, which decreases as Kn Number increases. ─── 数值模拟结果表明,稀薄效应对气体阻尼的影响较大,随着克努森数的不断增大,气体阻尼逐渐减小。

84、The rarefaction wave immediately behind shockwave decompressed the shattered rock and threw them along with jet current. ─── 紧接着冲击波后面形成的稀疏波使压碎的岩石减压并随喷射流(气浪)抛出。

85、Influences of plasma shielding and rarefaction wave on impulse coupling coefficient[J]. ─── 引用该论文 章玉珠,王广安,沈中华,倪晓武,陆建.

86、The classical elementary waves in Riemann solutions include rarefaction wave, shock wave and contact discontinuity. ─── 黎曼解涉及的经典基本波包括疏散波、激波和接触间断。

87、part of rarefaction ─── 疏部

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