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08-19 投稿


pontifical 发音

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pontifical 中文意思翻译



pontifical 网络释义

adj. 罗马教宗的;主教的n. 主教仪典书;主教祭服及徽章

pontifical 短语词组

1、Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions ─── 教廷外交使团研究所

2、pontifical residence ─── 教皇住所

3、pontifical villas ─── 教皇别墅

4、pontifical academy ─── 教皇学院

5、pontifical university ─── 宗座大学

6、pontifical lateran university ─── 拉特兰宗座大学

7、pontifical secret ─── 教皇的秘密

8、Pontifical Gregorian University ─── 教皇格里高利大学

9、Salesian Pontifical University ─── 塞西亚教皇大学

10、pontifical catholic university ─── 教皇天主 ─── 教大学

11、Pontifical Anthem ─── 教皇国歌

12、Pontifical Institute for Foreign Mi ─── 外国密宗学院

13、pontifical catholic ─── 天主教教皇

pontifical 词性/词形变化,pontifical变形

副词: pontifically |

pontifical 相似词语短语

1、pontificates ─── v.执行教皇(或主教)职务;目空一切地谈论;n.教皇(或主教)职位;教皇(或主教)任期

2、pontificality ─── 宗座

3、pontificate ─── v.执行教皇(或主教)职务;目空一切地谈论;n.教皇(或主教)职位;教皇(或主教)任期

4、pontificals ─── n.主教仪典书;主教祭服及徽章(pontifical的复数)

5、pontificated ─── v.执行教皇(或主教)职务;目空一切地谈论;n.教皇(或主教)职位;教皇(或主教)任期

6、pontific ─── adj.自以为是的;武断的(等于pontifical)

7、pontifice ─── 教皇

8、pontifices ─── n.(古罗马宗教的)大祭司;教皇(pontifex的变形)

9、pontifically ─── 教宗地

pontifical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a pontifical letter ─── 教皇的信

2、Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new “pontifical councils”, quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law. ─── 在约翰保罗时代教廷获得一系列新的“主教理事会”,准部委处理一切从卫生工作者到教会法的事务。

3、This Ordinance may be cited as the Pontifical Foreign Missions Institute Incorporation Ordinance. ─── 本条例可引称为《宗座外方传教会法团条例》。

4、Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, ─── 移民及观光委员会

5、Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care; ─── 宗座健康牧养关怀委员会;

6、He currently teaches European film in Switzerland and Poland, is a director of the Polish film studio TOR, and is a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture. ─── 如今他在瑞士和波兰讲授欧洲电影方面的内容,他是波兰TOR电影制片厂的一位导演,也是文化委员会的一名成员。

7、Pontifical Commission for Protection of the Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See ─── 宗座保护教廷历史及艺术文物委员会:教宗碧岳十一世

8、Pontifical aides hope the event may mark a turning point. ─── 教皇助手们希望此次盛典会是一个转折点。

9、Papal diplomats, all priests nowadays, are trained at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome. ─── 如今教廷的外交官都是牧师,都在罗马的圣座神职学院(PontificalEcclesiasticalAcademy)接受培训。

10、important pontifical proceedings ─── 重要主教礼典程序

11、Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.Th.D.), Moral Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University. ─── 以及其他多位辅仁大学神学院教授担任本培育课程讲师。

12、a pontifical Mass ─── 主教级教士主持的弥撒

13、Pontifical Commission of Biblical Study ─── 宗座圣经研究委员会:教宗良十三世

14、Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center ─── 耶路撒冷宗座圣母学院中心

15、He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts,[5] and a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Science. ─── 他拥有几个荣誉学位,是英国皇家学会会员。

16、Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers ─── 医疗事务委员会

17、One of a college of12 ecclesiastics charged with the registry of important pontifical proceedings. ─── 君士坦丁堡的秘书长负责管理重要主教礼典程序的12个教士组成的教士团中的一员

18、It is a Pontifical College and , in more recent times has grown as a campus of the National University of Ireland. ─── 满足了物质上的需求之后带给我们最大惊喜的就是MAYNOOTH大学了。

19、One of a college of12ecclesiastics charged with the registry of important pontifical proceedings. ─── 他们的婚事在结婚登记处外宣布了。

20、Later I entered the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador where I graduated as Technologist in Systems and Computation (1999) and chose to follow an Engineering in Systems program. ─── 此后,我进入厄瓜多尔的罗马天主教大学学习,1999年作为系统和消费方面的技术专家从这里毕业,并选择系统工程下的工程学进行学习。

21、and Cardinal Walter Kasper (bio - news), the president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity. ─── 黎校长说,具体合作包括:协助在罗马进修之中国神职人员或平信徒在神学及哲学的学习、协助开设中文课程,让有意至中国传教的外国传教士能够提早培养中文能力。

22、Says Father John Navone of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome: "A kind of intellectualist bias has grown up; ─── 罗马教宗格里高利大学的神父John Navone说:“一股为了理论而理论的风气在滋长;

23、"If he cannot arrange for such celebration to take place, the matter should be referred to the Pontifical Commission 'Ecclesia Dei. ─── 泰莱斯福尔枢机主教认为教宗的手谕是天主圣神的作为,为了使教友之间走向和谐。

24、Papal diplomats, all priests nowadays, are trained at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome. ─── 如今教廷的外交官都是牧师,都在罗马的圣座神职学院(PontificalEcclesiasticalAcademy)接受培训。

25、The lightweight Lua language (developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil) includes a register-based VM. ─── 轻量级Lua语言(在巴西里约热内卢天主教大学开发)包含一个基于寄存器的VM。

26、the Pontifical Council for the Family. ─── 家庭大会教皇委员会负责人。

27、In 1969 I returned to my native city of Rome to study at the prestigious Pontifical Gregorian University, where I was the first non-Catholic to be admitted in over 450 years of its history. ─── 1969年,我回到家乡罗马城,求学于声望很高的罗马教皇的格列高里大学,在该大学450年的历史上,我是第一个被接纳的非天主教学生。

28、Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian ─── 基督徒合一促进委员会

29、Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome ─── 圣托马斯阿奎那大神学院

30、He is always pontifical. ─── 他总是很自以为是。

31、President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. ─── 世界家庭大会教皇委员会负责人。

32、To provide for the incorporation of the Procurator in Hong Kong of the Pontifical Foreign Missions Institute. ─── 本条例旨在为宗座外方传教会香港总务长成立为法团而订定条文。

33、The Pontifical Lateran University was founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 entrusted the Faculty of S.Theology and Philosophy del Collegio Romano to the clergy of Rome. ─── 宗座拉特朗大学是由教皇克莱门特十四委托在1773 年 学院神学和哲学删除学院罗马的神职人员Rome.

34、a grandiloquent and boastful manner; overblown oratory; a pompous speech; pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey - Newsweek. ─── 浮夸吹嘘的态度;夸张的演讲;夸张的演讲;夸张的官样文章和仪典书似的的胡说八道-纽斯韦克。

35、Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity ─── 基督徒合一促進委員會

36、The Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies ─── 宗座中世纪研究院

37、It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S.Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris. ─── It是利奥十二,于1824年,移动座位宫 南 Apollinaris那里碧岳九于1853年成立学部的佳能英美法系和大陆法系和宗座Utriusque大全。

38、Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity ─── 及梵谛冈宗座基督徒合一促进委员会

39、To institute a Migrants Day according to the instruction on the Pastoral Care of People who Migrate from the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. ─── 按宗座委员会对移民的指引,为移民及过客的牧民工作,设立移民日。

40、Pontifical Commission "Iustitia et Pax" ─── 教廷“正义与和平”委员会

41、pontifical robe ─── 主教法衣

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