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08-18 投稿


gratuitously 发音


英:  美:

gratuitously 中文意思翻译



gratuitously 网络释义

adv. 无偿地;不必要地;无缘无故地;平白地

gratuitously 词性/词形变化,gratuitously变形

副词: gratuitously |名词: gratuitousness |

gratuitously 短语词组

1、gratuitously synonyms ─── 无偿同义词

2、gratuitously enjoyable affair ─── 无缘 ─── 无故的享受

3、gratuitously meaning ─── 无缘 ─── 无故的意思

4、gratuitously rude definition ─── 无理粗鲁的定义

5、gratuitously define ─── 无端地定义

6、gratuitously in tagalog ─── 在他加禄语中无缘无故地

7、gratuitously definition ─── 无偿的定义

8、gratuitously mean ─── 无缘 ─── 无故的卑鄙

9、gratuitously savage elements ─── 无缘 ─── 无故的野蛮分子

10、gratuitously violent ─── 无缘 ─── 无故的暴力

11、gratuitously permitted ─── 无偿许可

gratuitously 相似词语短语

1、gratuitous ─── adj.无理由的,无端的;免费的

2、gratulatorily ─── 祝贺 你。

3、fortuitously ─── adv.偶然地,意外地

4、gratuitousness ─── 无理由,无缘无故,无根据

5、circuitously ─── adv.迂回地;曲折地

6、crapulously ─── 糟透了

7、fatuously ─── adv.愚蠢地;自满地(fatuous的副词形式)

8、graciously ─── adv.和蔼地;仁慈地;雅致地

9、fatuitous ─── 宿命的

gratuitously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Raucous, raunchy, gratuitously violent and completely hilarious, Yeats Is Dead! is a diabolically entertaining mulligan stew of a novel. James Joyce would be proud. ─── 图书性质:平价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

2、Tax authorities shall extensively disseminate tax laws and administrative regulations, the knowledge of tax payment, and gratuitously provide taxpayers with consulting services on tax payment. ─── 第七条税务机关应当广泛宣传税收法律、行政法规,普及纳税知识,无偿地为纳税人提供纳税咨询服务。

3、The imports include the value of various goods and services purchased or gratuitously acquired by the resident units from the non-resident units. ─── 进口包括常住单位从非常住单位购买或无偿得到的各种货物和服务的总值。

4、The state-owned property rights of an enterprise shall not be gratuitously transferred if their ownership is ambiguous or under dispute. ─── 权属关系不明确或存在权属纠纷的企业国有产权不得进行无偿划转。

5、2.We should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes, and recruit him with our cordials, before we judge of him. ─── 有时我们实在应该先无条件供应一个人的衣食,热诚接纳,才去判断其生命价值。

6、You should participate from the beginning when a new Micro-payment-Giant is emerging.Now register gratuitously here and profit >>>. ─── 所谓“免费赚钱”是指区别与电子商务等不能通过网络直接为你劳动支付费用的一种方法,它当然不是免费的!

7、At this late stage it proves difficult for Obama to coax those whom he once so gratuitously offended and went after. ─── 在最近这个时期,奥巴马很难哄骗那些他严重得罪过的人重新追随他。

8、Roads are sometimes made by the government, and opened gratuitously to the public; but the labour of making them is not the less paid for from the produce. ─── 道路有时由政府建造,并向公众免费开放,但建造道路的劳动仍须由产品支付报酬。

9、{0>The term "gift" depicted herein shall mean an act where the donor offers to transfer his/her property gratuitously to the donee who in turn accepts the transfer. ─── 本法称赠与,指财产所有人以自己之财产无偿给予他人,经他人允受而生效力之行为。

10、aid given gratis (or gratuitously) ─── 无偿援助

11、The export enterprises may, in accordance with these Measures, gratuitously obtain and use the export quantity of corresponding machinery and electronic products through independent bidding. ─── 出口企业依据本办法,通过自主投标可无偿取得和使用相应机电产品出口数量。

12、Hanoi gratuitously reaffirmed that it would abide by the text of the agreement--in other words, that it would seek no changes of its own ─── 河内主动重申它将坚持协定的文本--换句话说,它本身将不要求作任何修改。

13、Some may find our criticisms upsetting, but we do not make them gratuitously. ─── 有些人会发现我们的批评是令人沮丧的,但我们也并非捕风捉影。

14、Based on product-placement fees and quantity of gratuitously destroyed vehicles, I strongly suspect I've figured out why General Motors went bankrupt. ─── 基于产品介绍费和车辆数量无缘无故被摧毁,我非常怀疑我已经想通了,为什么通用汽车公司破产。

15、They rebuild their houses for them gratuitously when they are ruined ─── 如果他们的房屋要坍了,就会有人替他们重盖,不要工资。

16、Materials and equipment rendered gratuitously by foreign governments and international organizations; ─── 外国政府、国际组织无偿授助的物资和设备;

17、Even so, some of the cartoons are gratuitously offensive. The Star would not have published them, although we affirm our right to do so. ─── 即使是这样,这些漫画中的几幅实在伤人太深。星报将不会刊登这些漫画,虽然我们完全有权这样去做。

18、Gratuitously cruel;merciless. ─── 残酷的无缘无故地残忍的;冷酷无情的

19、Where the third person borrows the properties of the enforcee gratuitously, he shall not be restricted by the preceding paragraph. ─── 第三人无偿借用被执行人的财产的,不受前款规定的限制。

20、.. Endtime Purity Free Gratuit Gratis Gott Praise CCM Contemporary Christian Music Musique Chretien Musica alabanza adoracion ... ─── )来到,万族都要臣服他原创歌曲MUSIC VIDEO 音乐电影耶稣细罗基督徒音乐爱和平学习英文听英文歌 .

21、This can cause tests to fail gratuitously. ─── 这会导致测试无缘无故地失败。

22、Frozen bubble jeu flash en ligne gratuit jeu de reflexion. ─── 主要特点:冰冻泡泡是类似泡泡龙的游戏....

23、Hanoi gratuitously reaffirmed that it would abide by the text of the agreement--in other words, that it would seek no changes of its own. ─── 河内主动重申它将坚持协定的文本--换句话说,它本身将不要求作任何修改。

24、All sorts of assets accepted by the State-owned enterprise, upon the liquidation or dissolution of the joint venture enterprise, as a gift or left behind for the State-owned enterprise to use them further gratuitously. ─── (四)企业清算或者解散时,国有企业方接受赠与或者无偿留给国企业方继续使用的各项资产。

25、Some may find our criticisms upsetting, but we do not make them gratuitously. ─── 有些人对我们的评论感到不安,但我们并不是空穴来风。

26、The materials gratuitously donated by foreign governments or international organizations; ─── (三)外国政府、国际组织无偿赠送的物资;

27、1.He allots the imposts, taxes each person conscientiously, judges quarrels for nothing, divides inheritances without charge, pronounces sentences gratuitously; ─── 他分配捐税,凭良心向各人抽捐,义务地排解纠纷,替人分配遗产,不取酬金,判处案情,不收讼费;

28、After the confirmation,it is for Part B to claim for compensation,and the damaged pieces should be afforded newly by Part A gratuitously. ─── 如发现缺损,乙方应在清点当日向当地保险公司备案并书面通知甲方,经确认后,由乙方办理索赔事宜,甲方无偿提供缺损件。

29、The bottom line is that gratuitously declaring all destructors virtual is just as wrong as never declaring them virtual. ─── 基本的一条是无故的声明虚销毁函数同从来不声明为虚销毁函数一样错误。

30、In gratuitously offering himself, the Christian bears witness that it is love and not material richness that determines the laws of his existence. ─── 索马里的再起战端疏远了和平的前景,加重了地区的危机,这从居民的迁移和武器的贩卖上尤其显示出来;

31、The units and individuals to be investigated shall fill out the forms accurately, promptly and gratuitously. ─── 被调查的单位、人员,应当准确、及时、无偿地按调查方案填报。

32、If both parties fail to agree upon the scope of use of the work, the trustor may gratuitously use the work within the scope of the specific purpose for creating the work. ─── 双方没有约定使用作品范围的,委托人可以在委托创作的特定目的范围内免费使用该作品。

33、Easy_flirt Propose la publication de petites annonces de rencontres. Service gratuit pour les femmes et payant pour les hommes. ─── 人才职业网人才招聘求职网站,有中文简体、繁体和英语版.

34、Don't interrupt a training session gratuitously; that constitutes a punishment. ─── 不要中断正在进行的训练,(对动物)将形成一种惩罚。

35、You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. ─── 08您必须寄出确认信,以防止未经您同意的代订行为。

36、we should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes , and recruit him with our cordials , before we judge of him. ─── 在评说他们之前,我们先要免费地使他穿暖、吃饱,并用我们的兴奋剂使他恢复健康。

37、If the investment on the salt chemistry is above 0.1billion yuan in the park, we can supply land gratuitously. ─── 对在园区内投资过亿元的盐化工项目,无偿提供项目用地。

38、The bottom line is that gratuitously declaring all destructors virtual is just as wrong as never declaring them virtual. ─── 基本的一条是无故的声明虚销毁函数同从来不声明为虚销毁函数一样错误。

39、Don't introduce issues of sexual orientation gratuitously; ─── 不要在引入性取向的议题时信口开河;

40、Had Dante used a computer, he surely would have created a special circle of hell for programs that gratuitously update. ─── 如果但丁也用电脑的话,他一定会为这些无理的升级设想出一个特别的地狱。

41、The term “not-for-profit drug information service” means the public drug information service provide gratuitously for the Internet users to share. ─── 非经营性互联网药品信息服务是指通过互联网向上网用户无偿提供公开的、共享性药品信息等服务的活动。

42、But the thing is, as long as you don't do something gratuitously stupid or make a flagrant nuisance of yourself, nobody's going to stop you. ─── 但是关键是,只要你不无缘无故地做蠢事,也不要让自己变得臭名昭著,没有人会阻止你。

43、Since a long time ago, our human have been using resource and services provided by nature gratuitously. ─── 长久以来,我们人类就在无偿地使用着大自然所提供的资源和服务。

44、Providing any fund, commodity, service or any other asset gratuitously to any other entity or individual; ─── “(一)无偿向其他单位或者个人提供资金、商品、服务或者其他资产的;

45、The units and individuals to be investigated shall fill out the forms accurately, promptly and gratuitously . ─── 被调查的单位、人员,应当准确、及时、无偿地按调查方案填报。

46、he insulted us gratuitously. ─── 他无理地侮辱了我们。

47、If the application is required to conform to a format, it shall be offered gratuitously by the educational administrative department. ─── 申请书需要采用格式文本的,教育行政部门应当免费提供。

48、Criticism on the Theory that Taxes are Paid Gratuitously ─── 税收无偿论批判

49、The imports include the value of various goods and services sold or gratuitously transferred by the resident units to the non-resident units. ─── 出口包括常住单位向非常住单位出售或无偿转让的各种货物和服务的总值;

50、Even so, some of the cartoons are gratuitously offensive. The Star would not have published them, although we affirm our right to do so. ─── 即使是这样,这些漫画中的几幅实在伤人太深。星报将不会刊登这些漫画,虽然我们完全有权这样去做。

51、If England bound herself to-day to supply the Germans gratuitously for years with all they required in manufactured articles, we could not recommend them to accept such an offer. ─── 假使今天英国人对于德国所需的工业产品,甘愿在若干年间无偿供应,我们也要力劝德国人不可接受这样的好意。

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