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sulphate 发音

英:['s?lfe?t]  美:['s?lfet]

英:  美:

sulphate 中文意思翻译




sulphate 网络释义

n. 硫酸盐vt. 使与硫酸化合vi. 硫酸盐化

sulphate 词性/词形变化,sulphate变形

名词复数形式:sulphates 过去式:sulphated 过去分词:sulphated

sulphate 短语词组

1、inorganic sulphate ─── [医] 无机硫酸盐

2、dextroamphetamine sulphate ─── [网络] 硫酸右旋安非他明

3、copper sulphate ─── 硫酸铜

4、magnesium sulphate bath ─── [医] 硫酸镁浴

5、ethereal sulphate ─── [医] 挥发性硫酸酯, 结合硫酸酯

6、hyoscyamine sulphate ─── [医] 硫酸莨菪硷

7、sodium lauryl sulphate ─── [医]十二烷基硫酸钠,月桂基硫酸钠

8、calcium sulphate n. ─── 硫酸钙

9、sodium sulphate ─── 硫酸钠,芒硝

10、cupric sulphate ─── [医]硫酸铜 ─── [催吐药]

11、lead sulphate ─── [电] 硫酸铅

12、amphetamine sulphate ─── [医]硫酸苯丙胺(中枢兴奋药)

13、duboisine sulphate ─── [医] 硫酸杜波辛

14、aromatic sulphate ─── [医] 芳香硫酸盐

15、neutral sulphate ─── [医] 中性硫酸盐

16、barium sulphate ─── [医]硫酸钡

17、plumbous sulphate ─── [化] 硫酸铅

18、basic lead sulphate ─── [机] 碱式硫酸铅

19、ammonium sulphate precipitation ─── [机] 硫酸氨沉淀

sulphate 相似词语短语

1、sulphurate ─── vt.使硫化;用硫处理;n.硫磺熏蒸器

2、sulphonate ─── n.磺酸盐;vt.使磺化

3、sulphite ─── n.亚硫酸盐

4、sulphatise ─── 硫酸化

5、disulphate ─── n.硫酸氢盐

6、sulphates ─── n.硫酸盐,硫酸酯(sulphate的复数);v.用硫酸盐处理;(使)硫酸盐化(sulphate的第三人称单数)

7、sulphatase ─── 硫酸酯酶

8、sulphated ─── 硫酸盐

9、bisulphate ─── n.重硫酸盐;硫酸氢盐

sulphate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this paper,phosphate and sulphate were eliminateed by precipitating with soluble calcium,and then calcium ion was removed by NaF. ─── 本实验采用沉淀法加入可溶性钙去除废液中的亚磷酸盐和硫酸盐;

2、More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale. ─── 在提炼油页岩的过程中回收的硫酸铵液比过去多了。

3、In addition, interference of antibody and growth factor binding with heparan sulphate epitopes was tested. ─── 另外,检测抗体和绑定硫酸乙酰肝素表位的生长因子的干扰作用。

4、Its products, such as copper acetate, acetic acid nickel, cobalt acetate, nickel fluoride, nickel sulphate and other products marketing at home and abroad. ─── 其产品如醋酸铜、醋酸镍、醋酸钴、氟化镍、硫酸镍等产品行销国内外。

5、Dromids is more abundant than sulphate in many oilfield brines, we shall consider them cations and anions. ─── 在很多油田卤水中,溴化物比硫酸盐多。我们将其看作是阳离子和阴离子。

6、The K in the K?rich brines is derived mainly from the leaching of potash sulphate,and subordinately from the concentrated brines through evaporation and volcanic ash. ─── 富钾卤水中的钾主要来自硫酸钾盐的深滤,其次来自蒸发浓缩卤水及火山灰吸附钾的释放。

7、Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES),which can be applied to analysis of sulphate in water,overcome shortcomings of above methods. ─── 利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)建立水中硫酸盐的测定方法,克服现有方法缺陷。

8、Adding sulphate to the solution will give a precipitate. ─── 将硫酸盐加入该溶液会产生沉淀。

9、In this paper,Mostly introduce to desulfurize method of sulphate form,pass in reverse floatation May hold sulfur of iron concentrate drop to 0. ─── 本文主要介绍了硫酸盐形态硫的选矿脱除方法,通过反浮选可以把铁精矿的硫含量降到0.13%,硫的脱除率为93.43%。

10、Some durability tests such as drying shrinkage test, sulphate attack test, briny erode test, freezingand thawing recycles test and reinforcing steel rust test are taken on. ─── 为此本文亦进行了掺加JYQ796型高效无机防水防潮剂的水泥砂浆或混凝土的一系列耐久性实验,如干缩实验,抗硫酸盐侵蚀、抗海水侵蚀、抗冻融循环、抗钢筋锈蚀等。

11、For example: ore, slag of blast furnace, coal, metallic powder, phosphorous fertilizer, ammonium sulphate and so on. ─── 如:矿石、高炉矿渣、煤、金属粉末、磷肥、硫铵。

12、A new kind of sulphate lignin composite grout can be abtained on the basis of sulphate lignin grout if proper amount of inorganic ma tter( D) is added to. ─── 在原硫木质素浆液的基础上,通过加入适量的无机物()以得到一种新型硫木质素复合浆液。

13、As the rover trundled around, its wheels kicked up soil rich in sulphate. ─── 当漫游车四处工作时,车轮拖出了富含硫酸盐的泥土。

14、If it were engineered by intentionally putting sulphate into the stratosphere they would judge it to be deliberate. ─── 如果将硫酸盐放入到对流层,他们就可能认为这是蓄意行为。

15、Exist in the form of sodium ion and sulphate ion is removed thoroughly. ─── 彻底去除以钠离子和硫离子形式存在的。

16、A separation model of ionizable and neutral enantiomers with cyclodextrin-sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) micellar electrokinetic chromatography was established. ─── 建立了环糊精-十二烷基硫酸钠胶束电动色谱中可电高及电中性-光学异构体的分离模型。

17、It is thought that the course of sulphate reduction inhibit the process of ANSRNS, and the inhibition is irreversible and non-rivalrous. ─── 分析认为硫酸盐还原作用对同步脱氮除硫的过程产生了不可逆的非竞争性抑制。

18、The chloride-free potash fertilizer include potassium sulphate,potassium nitrate,potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. ─── 我国目前生产的无氯钾肥主要有硫酸钾、硝酸钾和磷酸二氢钾等。

19、All right, Mrs.Wang.As a token of friendship, we accept your counteroffer for ammonium sulphate for 50,000 to , at 270 French Francs per metric ton F.O.B.Marseilles. ─── 好吧,王小姐,作为友谊的表示,我们接受你方对五万吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价270法郎。

20、Eat : Potassium sulphate keeps the skin pores unclogged and ventilated. ─── 吃: 硫酸钾能保持皮肤毛孔畅通。

21、The immobilization and subsequent organic incorporations of inorganicS(sulphate) are regulated by the microbial uptake and its turnover. ─── 当植物吸收引起土壤有效S含量降低时,土壤微生物S的周转能朝着释放S的方向进行。

22、The waste acid in industry is treated by the technology in the essay.Not only may made zero for liquid acid,but also manufacture dyestuff of oxid iron and ammonium sulphate. ─── 本文介绍了一种工业废酸液的处理技术,该技术不但能够使废酸液达到零排放,而且可以利用酸液中含有的离子生产铁系无机颜料和硫酸铵产品。

23、Synthetic detergents replaced the soap with emulsifying agents, such as sodium lauryl sulphate. ─── 合成洗涤剂乳化剂如十二烷基硫酸钠取代了皂粉。

24、Functions of laminarin sulphate in anti?angiogenesis and anti?tumor. ─── 昆布多糖硫酸酯的抑制血管生成和抗肿瘤作用。

25、In the region of lateritic soil, those except Ammonium Sulphate do not actually incerase the yield in the second crop. ─── 5.赭土地区除硫酸铵外,第二期作概无增收。

26、Some of the restoration has included chipping away sulphate deposits from previous clean-ups, and filling in tiny holes which had collected dirt. ─── 修复工作包括铲去以前清洁时留下的硫酸盐沉淀,并填充那些积满灰尘的小洞。

27、One reason for rejecting sulphate hazing out of hand might be the damage it could do to the ozone layer. ─── 一个拒绝草率地喷洒硫酸雾的原因是,这种方法可能会对臭氧层造成破坏。

28、Based on a series of experiments ,a satisfactory physic chemical method was selected for clarification of crude sulphate turpentine. ─── 对粗硫酸盐松节油的净化方法加以探讨,总结出较为理想的化学-物理净化法。

29、The effects of sulphate rates supplied on the growth, development and sulphur absorption, metabolism of tobacco ( Nicotiana tobacum var. ─── 摘要 对不同供硫水平下烟草生长发育及硫营养吸收、代谢进行了研究。

30、It was bsed on H2O2 oxidate P-amino-N, N-diethylaniline sulphate catalyzedby HRP,so HRP could be detected. ─── 提出了硫酸对氨基二乙基苯胺-H2O2-HRP催化动力学光度法测定HRP的新方法。

31、MethodsFirst,solution of sulphate magnesium was confected in different concentration.Second,soaked or boiled pangolin marinate in the solution confected in first step. ─── 方法用配制好的不同浓度的硫酸镁溶液对炮制合格品穿山甲进行不同时间的浸泡或煮沸,干燥,称重,进行计算。

32、Uses: Directly used as fertilizer and resources for compound fertilizer, potassium sulphate, ammonium chloride etc. It is widely used in textile, leather tanning, and medicine. ─── 可直接用作化学肥料,还可用于制造复合肥,硫酸钾,氯化铵、过硫酸铵等,在纺织,皮革,医药行业也有一定的用途。

33、Methods The subjects were divided into ketongwang group (42), magnesium sulphate group (49) and routine group (45) in order to determine their prevention from trocar phlebitis. ─── 方法对克痛王预防组52例、硫酸镁预防组49例、常规组45例中套管针静脉炎的发生率进行分析,比较各方法的预防效果。

34、Generally speaking, chemicals (such as copper sulphate) or any other treatment method that causes the cells to break down and release their toxins should not be used. ─── 一般而言,化学品(如硫酸铜)或其他治疗方法,导致细胞破裂,释放自己毒素不应使用.

35、In order to treat the wastewater from vat blue production,we obtain ferrous sulphate as water treatment chemical and incinerate residue in general coal-fired boiler. ─── 从而探索和实践了少污染,回收利用等综合治理污染的工艺,力求尝试一种“零排放”和“绿色化学”的化工生产过程。

36、Also, as sulphate is highly soluble in water, it makes clouds more reflective, again reducing the the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface. ─── 同样地,由于硫酸化合物易溶于水,它会令云层的反射率更高,这也会使到达地面的太阳辐射总量减少。

37、Purer Acetylcholinesterase was obtained through salting out by ammonium sulphate and ion exchanging. ─── 分别采用鸡蛋膜固定化法,活化载体-共价结合法和戊二醛交联法进行酶的固定。

38、The use of magnesium sulphate during birth time was no difference between the two groups. ─── 两组产妇应用硫酸镁的情况无差异。

39、Methods The test of interference was done on 3 batches of Compound Aluminum Sulphate Injection with 2 kinds tachypleus amebocyte lysate (TAL) from different factories. ─── 方法用两个厂家的鲎试剂对三批样品进行干扰试验。

40、The problem in the ammonium sulphate process and the reconstruction in our corporation were proposed. ─── 提出了我公司硫铵生产中存在的问题及相应的改造方案。

41、The crystallization course of dihydrate calcium sulphate affected by APA was also researched. ─── 另外还研究了添加不同类型的活化疏松剂对二水硫酸钙结晶过程的影响。

42、Major Inorganic Components: Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity, total hardness, total phosphorus, fluoride, sulphate. ─── 主要无机成分:钠,钾,氯,钙,镁,碱度,总硬度,总磷,氟化物,硫酸盐

43、At 8 PM, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts. ─── 在晚上8点,重覆一次。硫酸镁有助于打开胆囊导管。

44、The combination of tetralin and catalyst of nickel sulphate has a synergetic function to the reaction. ─── 四氢萘供氢剂与硫酸镍催化剂复配使用对超稠油水热裂解有协同效应。

45、Several process methods, characteristics and the progress of main technology for producing potassium sulphate were introduced in brief. ─── 摘要简单介绍了硫酸钾生产的几种工艺技术方法、特点以及主要工艺技术研究进展情况。

46、Polyferric sulphate as a kind of high efficient inorganic polymer flocculants was widely applied to water treatment. ─── 摘要聚合硫酸铁是一种高效无机高分子絮凝剂,在水处理领域中应用极其广泛。

47、The iron-sulphate system at Lampoldshausen, meanwhile, is capable of treating 4, 500 litres of waste water in an hour or two. ─── 同时,Lampoldshausen的硫酸铁系统能够在一个或者两个小时内处理4,500升废水。

48、Heparanase, degrading heparan sulphate (HS) at specific intrachain sites, may thus facilitate tumour cell invasion, vascularization in metastasis. ─── 对其深入研究将有助于揭示组织修复、发育、血管形成、自身免疫及肿瘤转移等生理和病理过程。

49、Abstract An HPLC method was developed for the quantitative determination of cefquinome sulphate residues in swine tissues. ─── 摘要: 建立了硫酸头孢喹肟在仔猪组织内残留的高效液相色谱分析法。

50、Adding aluminum sulphate polysilicate does not have any negative influence on the main running parameters and efficiencies of the filter. ─── 投加聚硅硫酸铝,滤池的主要运行参数及效能没有受到不利的影响。

51、The methods of producing copper sulphate from copper scrap is introduced in this paper,and th e factors which effect total quantity of dissolve copper are studied in detail. ─── 介绍了废杂铜生成硫酸铜的新工艺,并对影响溶铜总量的各因素进行了研究。

52、During the PSB aerobic treatment process, Na2SO, and Na2S in the effluent were largely oxidized into sulfur and sulphate. ─── 废水中Na2S和Na2SO3在光合细菌微好氧处理条件下,主要被氧化成Na2SO4和分子硫。

53、For instance, he said, studies showed that putting sulphate aerosols into the atmosphere caused drying in vulnerable regions. ─── 他举例称,研究显示,在大气层投放硫酸盐气溶胶,会导致环境脆弱地区出现干旱。

54、We understand you are in need of a large quantity (quantities) of ammonium sulphate, and wish to have a share in this business. ─── 我方得知贵方需要大量硫酸铵,我方希望能参加这项交易.

55、The results of Hallimond test show that ammonium sulphate has activation on the xanthate flotation of zinc oxidized ores,and the flotation recovery has been improved. ─── 单泡管浮选试验结果表明:在氧化锌矿的黄药浮选及硫化浮选中,硫酸铵都表现出了一定的活化作用,矿物的上浮率都得到了提高。

56、Ingredients: Green tea, hypericum honey, chamomile, mint, natural essence oil, sodium sulphate anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate. ─── 成份:碧螺春,枣花蜂蜜,野菊花,薄荷,天然精油,无水硫酸钠,碳酸氢钠。

57、During the process of etching (drawing 5), it will use the mixture of ferric chloride, water and copper sulphate, to etch the copper plate. ─── 在该流程的腐蚀步骤中(图5)会利用三氯化铁:水:硫酸铜的混合药水进行与铜版的腐蚀。

58、It was suggested that benzyl-penicilling and streptomycin sulphate were added to the CMA media, for the first isolation, to get a high harvesting rate. ─── 在培养基中加入双抗(青链霉素),可提高首此分离的分出率。

59、The process for anodising and colouring LF5 aluminium material by changing direction of the pulse in the 15% electrodyte of Sulphuric acid and nickel sulphate is discussed. ─── 介绍在15%的硫酸加硫酸镍电解液中,采用脉冲换向对LF5铝材进行氧化着色工艺,所获得的氧化膜性能、成膜速度、着色效果均明显优于脉冲非换向氧化着色工艺。

60、Sulphate particles, meanwhile, survive only a few years in the atmosphere. ─── 硫酸盐微粒方案只能在短暂的几年内有效。

61、Add Ferroin indicator and titrate with 0.025 N ferrous ammonium sulphate solution. ─── 加入亚铁菲绕啉离子,用滴定法测量硫酸亚铁铵溶液。

62、Cyanex 272 is a new generation extractant for separation of from Ni in sulphate solution. ─── Cyanex272是新一代在硫酸盐溶液中分离钴、镍的萃取剂。

63、Established in 1985, this copany has 600 staffa and fixed assets of 30 million yuan(RMB) as well as the annual output 200,000 tons of YIJING Brand(Na2SO4) sodium sulphate. ─── 企业始建于1985年,现有资产总额3000万元,职工600人,年产“艺精”元明粉20万吨。

64、Compared with sulphate lignin grout, the new kind of sulph ate lignin grout has a higher strength , lower price and more easy-controllable gellitation time. ─── 与以前的硫木质素浆液相比,硫木质素复合浆液强度更高,价格更低廉,浆液胶凝时间更易调控。

65、The Solid Unbleached Sulphate coated kraft container, from Graphic Packaging International, contains a dispenser-style opening similar to refrigerator vending packs for beverages. ─── 固体未漂硫酸盐涂布牛皮货柜,从图形国际包装,包含了配药式的开放,类似的冰箱,自动售货机包饮料。

66、Of these, we can identify anoxygenic phototrophs, sulphate reducers and methanogens. ─── 从这些里面,我们可以辨认出无氧光合自营菌,硫酸盐还原菌,以及硝化细菌.

67、More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of dis- tiUing shale oil. ─── 在提炼油页岩的过程中回收的硫酸氨液比过去多了。

68、Losses of Ca and Mg are accelerated by fertilizers which supply nitrate, sulphate and chloride . ─── 在施用硝酸盐、硫酸盐和氯化物的情况下会加速钙和镁的损失。

69、Interestingly, the anti-heparan sulphate antibody HS4C3, which is directed against a downregulated epitope, interfered with the binding of hepatocyte growth factor. ─── 有趣的是,抗硫酸乙酰肝素抗体HS4C3可以直接抑制表位下调,可以被肝细胞生长因子绑定干扰。

70、In this paper, We analyse the problem caused by quantitative detection of Gentamicin Sulphate by NMR. The corresponding solution is given. ─── 本文分析了在用nmr定量检验硫酸庆大霉素时所遇到的问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。

71、It is an enterprise specialized in producing zinc sulphate monohydrate .Yearly productioncapacity of zinc sulphate monohydrate is 5,000 tons. ─── 地处中国广西柳州市柳城县城内,占地120亩,交通真十分便利,是生产一水硫酸专业生产厂。

72、Potassium sulphate,poly-hydroxy ferri-aluminium,tobacco fertilizer and compound fertilizer of nitrogen and potassium were preparated by the new process. ─── 工艺充分利用明矾石中钾、铝、硫等有用成分,并且把铁也作为有用成分,变废为宝。

73、The major pollutants in Tarim River are chlorides, total hardness, mineralization degree, sulphate, fluoride, etc. ─── 塔里木河的主要污染物为氯化物、总硬度、矿化度、硫酸盐、亚硝酸盐等。

74、The castor oil sulphate synthesis process was studied by infrared spectroscopy.Based on the determination of iodone value the reaction mechanism was discussed. ─── 利用红外光谱法研究了蓖麻油的磺化过程,并以碘值为辅助,得出了蓖麻油磺化过程的反应规律。

75、There is much sulphate in environment water in northwest China, where metal sulphate is also wide spreaded. ─── 摘要西北地区的环境水中常含有大量的硫酸盐,金属硫化物也有广泛分布。

76、This study was based on producing etched patterns on cotton/polyester blends fabric surface with inkjet printer by aluminium sulphate solution. ─── 利用喷墨打印机将硫酸铝水溶液喷涂到棉/聚酯混纺纤维织物表面上后在高温条件下焙烘处理,对其进行图案蚀刻.

77、Magnesium sulphate should be used to treat severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. ─── 应该使用盐酸镁治疗先兆子痫和子痫。

78、Human heparin sulphate protoglycans,HSPG Elisa ... ─── 人硫酸肝素糖蛋白(HSPG)试剂盒;

79、In this article the production proc ess of zirconium sulphate was described,and counter -measures to the problems in production were brought out which had gotten good results. ─── 介绍了硫酸锆生产工艺,针对生产中存在的问题和原因,提出了改进措施,简述了改进后的生产效果。

80、In aspect of application, the experiment about waste news paper deinking of didodecyl-ethoxylate bis-sodium sulphate was implemented. ─── 在应用研究方面,对产物双十二烷基乙氧基二硫酸酯钠进行了废报纸脱墨实验。

81、We have urgent need for salbutamol sulphate and base, kindly advise your offer. ─── 我们急需硫酸沙丁胺醇、丁胺醇,望您能提供。

82、An abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element,best known in yellow crystals,occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions). ─── 含量丰富、无味无嗅的多价非金属元素,在黄水晶中最为人熟知,见于许多硫化物和硫酸盐矿物中,甚至以天然形式存在(尤其在火山地区)。

83、Quinoderm cream contains two active ingredients, benzoyl peroxide and potassium hydroxyquinoline sulphate. ─── 暗疮膏包含两种活性成分,过氧化苯甲酰和偏笨三酚硫酸钾.

84、Both the duplicated bond and the hydroxide ion in castor oil took part in sulphate reaction and a hydrolysis also took place in the castor acid. ─── 反应过程中蓖麻油的双键和羟基同时参与磺化反应,蓖麻酸甘油酯发生水解反应。

85、Sulphate particles, meanwhile, survive only a few years in the atmosphere. ─── 而硫酸盐微粒方案只能在短暂的几年内有效。


87、A new type of solid acid was prepared by calcination of titanium sulphate doped with lantha-num oxide. ─── 掺杂了氧化镧的硫酸钛经高温焙烧后制得新型固体酸催化剂。

88、The paper introduces the process for pteducinsnickel sulphate used old-metal wire containing chromium in electron tube as material. ─── 本文介绍了用电子管中含镍废丝为原料,生产硫酸镍的工艺而程。产品质量达到部颁标准。

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