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08-19 投稿


faultily 发音

英:[['f?:lt?l?]]  美:[['f?:lt?l?]]

英:  美:

faultily 中文意思翻译



faultily 短语词组

1、faultily paralleled ─── 错列

2、faultily faultless ─── 完美无瑕

3、faultily zealous man ─── 过分热心的人

4、faultily synonym ─── 错误同义词

5、faultily definition ─── 定义不完整

faultily 词性/词形变化,faultily变形

形容词最高级: faultiest |名词: faultiness |形容词比较级: faultier |副词: faultily |

faultily 相似词语短语

1、fattily ─── 富含脂肪的

2、flauntily ─── adv.夸耀地;虚华地

3、faulting ─── n.[地质]断层作用;断层错动;故障;v.挑剔;指责;做错(fault的ing形式)

4、fruitily ─── 果味地

5、baulkily ─── 语言

6、faultier ─── adj.有错误的;有缺点的(faulty的变形)

7、fustily ─── 毛茸茸的

8、faulty ─── adj.有错误的;有缺点的

9、jauntily ─── adv.洋洋得意地;活泼地;快活地

faultily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Last Thursday, the committee of university exports said the two remaining stem cell colonies also were faultily reported. ─── 上周四,大学的专家委员会表示报告中余下的干细胞群也是伪造的。

2、There were different sensitivities in displacement of valves and complications.2 dysphasia of tricuspid valve were faultily considered as Ebstein s a... ─── 2例三尖瓣发育不全超声误诊为三尖瓣下移畸形,2例三尖瓣缺如的超声诊断经手术结果证实。

3、Combine lately old penal code in for defend excessive provision discuss the defend excessive composing important item, we think subjective fault impolibly constitute faultily. ─── 结合新旧刑法中对于防卫过当的规定,论述了防卫过当的构成要件,我们认为防卫过当主观罪过形式不可能由过失构成,只能表现为间接故意。

4、Maybe just because of the faultily in life, our life only shows her beautiful and savors.And make you feel so hard to walk away. ─── 或许正因为有了缺撼,生活才显得有滋有味,也才如此让人留恋?

5、Faultily welded piping is apt to come apart. ─── 管子焊得不好,容易脱节。

6、these statements were faultily attributed to me. ─── 认为这些陈述是我做的,那是错误的。

7、Faultily the Corpus Factor That Commit Crime and Prevention Counterplan from Discussing and Analyse ─── 过失犯罪的主体因素及预防对策探析

8、Last Thursday, the committee of university exports said the two remaining stem cell colonies also were faultily reported. ─── 上周四,大学的专家委员会表示报告中余下的干细胞群也是伪造的。

9、Abnormally or faultily formed. ─── 畸形的形状异常或不对的

10、American physiologist once had made many investigation discovery, sexual life is the main reason of insomnia of a few people faultily. ─── 美国生理学家曾经做过大量调查发现,性生活不完美是一些人失眠的重要原因。

11、Commit crime faultily ─── 过失犯罪

12、faultily tripping ─── 故障跳闸

13、Maybe only for the faultily in life can our life show its beauty and savors. ─── 人生有时就象画圆圈,总想画圆一点,却总也画不圆。

14、is a crime that a behavior intentionally or faultily makes himself into no legal competence or limit legal competence and satisfies the constitution of crime under thereof. ─── 行为是行为人故意或过失使自己陷于无责任能力或限制责任能力状态而在此状态下充足犯罪构成要件的犯罪行为。

15、The traditional alarm system developed very slowly because of the shortcoming in flexibily, integrality and control distence,which led to heavily disturb and faultily report to the system. ─── 传统的报警系统在灵活性、集成性以及控制距离等方面存在不足,而且具有干扰严重、系统误报多等缺点,极大地影响了视频报警系统的发展和推广。

16、American physiologist once had made many investigation discovery, sexual life is the main reason of insomnia of a few people faultily . ─── 美国生理学家曾经做过大量调查发现,性生活不完美是一些人失眠的重要原因。

17、Right now, if sequel innovates person have anticipate faultily, the existence of communal trap can be brought about likely turn over communal tragedy. ─── 此时,如果后续创新者具有不完美预期,则公共地陷阱的存在有可能会导致反公共地悲剧。

18、The person has a knowledge not easily in an access of fury!Forgive a person to would be an own honor faultily! ─── 人有见识就不轻易发怒!宽恕人的过失便是自己的荣耀!

19、Faultily the Corpus Factor That Commit Crime and Prevention Counterplan from Discussing and Analyse ─── 过失犯罪的主体因素及预防对策探析

20、From the economics that market regulation makes connotation discussion looks, the market is natural it is the argument that market regulation makes academic generation and progress faultily. ─── 从市场规制的经济学内涵讨论来看 ,市场天生不完美是市场规制理论产生和发展的理由。

21、Do a thing faultily is better than seeking a perfect but unsuccessful thing. ─── 不完美地做了某件事总比追求完美而一事无成的好。

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