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08-19 投稿


hollands 发音


英:  美:

hollands 中文意思翻译



hollands 短语词组

1、hollands hardware ─── 霍兰德五金

2、hollands hope ─── 霍兰德希望

3、hollands cabinet hwy 80 lakeside ca ─── 加州湖滨80号霍兰德橱柜高速公路

4、hollands sauce ─── 荷兰沙司

5、hollands interlachen ─── 霍兰德因特拉琴

6、hollands shelter restaurant & bar holly ridge ─── 霍兰德酒店餐厅和酒吧 ─── 霍利里奇

7、hollands haverhill ─── 霍兰德哈弗希尔

8、hollands corner ─── 霍兰德角

hollands 词性/词形变化,hollands变形


hollands 相似词语短语

1、boglands ─── 沼泽地

2、Hollands ─── n.荷兰制杜松子酒

3、Lolland ─── n.洛兰岛(丹麦一岛屿)

4、folklands ─── n.国有地;国民有地

5、homelands ─── n.祖国;故乡

6、Hollande ─── 奥朗德(人名)

7、Rolland ─── n.罗兰(姓氏)

8、holland ─── n.荷兰

9、Lowlands ─── n.苏格兰东南部的低地

hollands 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Good Old Arsenal! Forza Milan! Forca Barca! Hup Holland! ─── 反正除了荷兰,阿森纳,巴萨,米兰外,就没用过一次其他的。。

2、Babel's Holland take on Japan at 10am BST. ─── 巴贝尔所在的荷兰将在BST时间上午10点迎战日本。

3、How long will you stay in Haarlem? 11. How long will you stay in Holland? ─── 您会在哈勒姆停留多久?您会在荷兰停留多久?

4、RWE, a Germany utility, swooped on Holland's Essent. ─── 德国莱茵集团,突然收购了荷兰埃森特公司。

5、In Holland,the entire year's activities will be focused on Rembrandt. ─── 在荷兰,2006年整年的许多活动将是以这位、艺术大师为焦点.

6、Juan Pablo Carrizo is going to make his debut in Holland(Amsterdam Tournament). ─── 卡里佐将会在荷兰(阿姆斯特丹邀请赛)上初次登场。

7、In Holland,thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture. ─── 在荷兰,成千上万公顷的海面被改造成可耕地和牧场。

8、And then we have to go. Oh, I already miss Holland! ─── 凯西:那我们一定要参加。哦,我已经开始想念荷兰了!

9、You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup? ─── 你知道在荷兰他们把什么代替调味番茄酱放进薯条里吗?

10、Only Hitler was prepared to violate the neutrality of Belgium and Holland. ─── 只有希特勒才处心积虑地要破坏比利时和荷兰的中立。

11、He agreed to transfer to PSV Eindhoven of Holland for &4m! ─── 他同意转到荷兰的PSV爱德荷温球队,年薪四百万英镑!

12、"Holland is full" became one of his catch-phrases. ─── “荷兰人满为患”成为他的一个政治口号

13、Jason Hollands, deputy managing director of financial adviser Bestinvest, says investors should not try to second gues stock market movemets. ─── “最佳投资”金融顾问公司的代理执行主任詹森坦言,投资者不应该只凭感觉在股市中闯荡。

14、I am glad to make friends with you I like Holland so much because I like tulip very muc. ─── 我很愿意和你成为朋友。

15、Holland baby formula in China is a hot commodity, due to the black market in Xinglong, even Hollands shelves are out of stock. ─── 荷兰婴儿配方奶粉在中国是炙手可热的商品,由于黑市兴隆,连荷兰的货架都缺货。

16、In general European courts and certainly the courts in Holland, work very efficiently and speedily. ─── 一般来说,欧洲的法庭,当然也包括荷兰法庭,工作效率很高,速度也很快。

17、EINDHOVEN - The squad arrived in Holland after an hour and a half flight. ─── 埃因霍温-在一个半小时的飞行之后,球队到达了荷兰。

18、It seems everyone grows flowers in Holland. ─── 在荷兰似乎每个人都种植花卉。

19、Holland will be taking on Argentina next week. ─── 下周,荷兰将对战阿根廷。

20、Our trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end of this year. ─── 我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。

21、Common interests allied Holland with the Protestant German states . ─── 共同的利益使荷兰和新教的德国各邦联合了起来。

22、She has had customers in England, Sweden, Japan, Ireland, Holland, and Canada. ─── 她的客户远在英国、瑞典、日本、爱尔兰、荷兰和加拿大。

23、Of Holland, has been retrofited lack of core technical message. ─── 剖析了仪器构造,控制机理,保留原有良好的四圆测角仪及高压发生器,彻底更换了主机控制和数据处理软件和硬件,使这台已运行十多年的故障频繁的旧仪器又恢复正常工作。

24、He was met by a representative of the King of Holland. ─── 他受到荷兰王的代表的迎接。

25、From one of the provinces of Holland came Menno Simons. ─── 从荷兰的一个省份中出了一位孟诺西门。

26、The dike has been a great protection to Holland. ─── 堤防一直对荷兰有莫大的保护作用。

27、Go where you will in holland, you will see windmill. ─── 在荷兰去你想去的地方,会看到风车。

28、He started his career in Holland with RKC Waalwijk and he moved to Hamburg two years ago. ─── 他的职业生涯起步于荷兰的RKC队,二年前转会至汉堡。

29、Our products have passed the test of KEMA Company of Holland in 1990. ─── 于1990年通过荷兰KEMA公司试验。

30、Because they were persecuted in England, the Puritans migrated to Holland. ─── 因为清教徒在英国遭受迫害,他们便称居荷兰。

31、Russia, Holland, and Britain followed in the wake of America. ─── 俄国、荷兰以及英国紧紧跟随美国。

32、While we're in Europe we ought to visit Holland. ─── 在欧洲逗留期间,我们应该去荷兰游览。

33、In Germany, he was called Sankt Nikolaus and in Holland, Sinter Klaas. ─── 在德国,他被称为“圣科特·古劳斯”,在荷兰称为“辛特·拉司”。

34、Dr. Adrianne Holland is a coy calculating neurologist. She tends to seek non-surgical solutions for her patients. ─── 何安翠是出色的神经病学家,喜欢循非手术的方向为病人寻找病源及解决方法。

35、He even ventured, when no eye was fixed upon him, to taste the beverages which he found had much of the flavour of excellent Hollands. ─── 他甚至还敢在没人盯着他的时候,偷偷地尝了一口酒,他觉得这酒很有点上等荷兰酒的味道。

36、Vredenburg Music Center, Utrecht, Holland, 1979. ─── 弗雷登伯格音乐中心,乌得勒支,荷兰

37、I have been lucky enough to travel to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Holland and Czech Republic. ─── 我相当幸运地去过德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、摩洛哥、荷兰以及捷克共和国。

38、At Holland Colours, we think of our customers as partners. ─── 在荷兰色彩公司,客户就是我们的合作夥伴。

39、If her inde-pendence goes,the independence of Holland willfollow. ─── 如果比利时失去独立,荷兰的独立就会跟着丧失。

40、They also played in Holland, Germany and on the French Riviera. ─── 同时还带着即兴创作,大概他身上从来不乏前卫的气息。

41、The Chagalls spent much of the next few years on the move, traveling to Holland, Spain, Poland and Italy. ─── 夏加尔一家人的尔后几年大部分时间是在四处周游中度过的,他们先后游历了荷兰、西班牙、波兰和意大利。

42、They want for a bike holiday in Holland. ─── 他们去荷兰做自行车度假旅行。

43、Put Holland into the game, they are a good side. ─── 将荷兰国家队放进游戏,他们是个不错的球队。

44、I was driving along Holland Park Avenue when I was flagged down by three women. ─── 我正沿着荷兰公园大道行驶时,有三个妇女招呼我停车。

45、Provincial Electric Company, North Holland, Nether lands. ─── 北荷兰省电力公司总部,荷兰

46、Go where you will in holland,you will see windmill. ─── 在荷兰去你想去的地方,会看到风车。

47、After the World Cup 94, Ronaldo moved to Holland. ─── 94年世界杯结束后,罗纳尔移居荷兰。

48、My daughter,Jane,never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. ─── 我女儿 Jane 从来没想到她会收到一封从荷兰来的信,这是一个和她同龄的女孩寄给她的。

49、How have your heard of Haarlem? 8. How have your heard of Holland? ─── 您是如何听说哈勒姆的?您是如何听说荷兰的?

50、About 125 people left England for Holland. ─── 大约有125人离开英国来到荷兰,

51、In 1886 Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris,and to major changes in artistic style. ─── 1886年凡高永远地离开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。

52、We are a full line New Holland, CaseIH and Kubota dealer. ─── 可用性和价格受更改和/或先前销售的影响。

53、Shanghai New Holland Agricultural Machinery Corp. Ltd. ─── 上海纽荷兰农业机械有限公司。

54、As "Oom Henk" ("Uncle Hank") he broadcast anti-Nazi speeches to Holland during the Second World War. ─── 二战期间,他以“亨克叔叔”为名向荷兰广播反纳粹言论。

55、He even ventured, when no eye was fixed upon him, to taste the beverages which he found had much of the flavour of excellent Hollands. ─── 他甚至还敢在没人盯着他的时候,偷偷地尝了一口酒,他觉得这酒很有点上等荷兰酒的味道。

56、In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimedfrom the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture. ─── 在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。

57、My cute and cunning Holland lop, Kona, is now almost two years old. ─── 我的荷兰垂耳兔 "Kona" 现在已经快两岁了, 牠很奸诈很可爱。

58、Panther at the Dutch War and Resistance Museum at Overloon in Holland. ─── 在荷兰奥斯陆的荷兰战争和抗争博物馆的黑豹坦克。

59、He come from holland, but she come from Sweden. ─── 他是荷兰来的,但她是瑞典来的。

60、In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture. ─── 在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。

61、Laura Fygi: Maybe it's a different culture in Holland. ─── 可能是荷兰的文化不一样。

62、The IOC approved China to take part in the ninth Olympic Games in Amsterdam in Holland in 1928. ─── 1928年,国际奥委会批准我国派团参加在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行的第九届奥运会。

63、Lighting: Hollands Licht [Amsterdam, Netherlands] ─── 照明:HollandsLicht[荷兰阿姆斯特丹]

64、They beat Ecuador, beat Turkey away, beat Estonia away and drew with Holland twice in the World Cup campaign. ─── 他们在世界杯预选赛中曾经击败过安道尔,战平土耳其和爱沙尼亚,并且两负荷兰。

65、On May 4 the German High Command surrendered to Montgomery all German forces in northwest Germany, Denmark and Holland. ─── 5月4日,德军最高统帅部命令所有在德国西北部、丹麦和荷兰的德军向蒙哥马利元帅投降。

66、Other colonies had arisen in France, Germany, Holland and England, and these also recieved some of the expelled. ─── 其他殖民地出现在法国,德国,荷兰和英国,而这些也收到一些被驱逐。

67、If the sea level rises, Holland may be the first country at risk. ─── 如果海平面上升,荷兰会成为第一个处于危险中的国家。

68、While vacationing with her mother in Holland, Hitler's army suddenly took over the town. ─── 在她与母亲在荷兰度假的时候,希特勒的军队突然接管了城市。

69、The fashion of the gable end with attic window towards the street,came from Holland. ─── 山形墙及朝街的阁楼窗,是从荷兰传来的流行样式。

70、Countries such as West Germany and Holland revalued their currencies. ─── 一些国家,象联邦德国和荷兰,曾将货币升值。

71、Patisse is market leader in their home market, Holland. ─── 帕蒂斯公司在其本土荷兰是市场的领导者。

72、Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the reward of unselfish service. ─── 很多年前,在荷兰的一个小渔村里,一个年轻人教给世人一个无私奉献换得丰盛酬报的道理。

73、In 1886,Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris,and to major changes in artistic style. ─── 1886年,凡高永远地离开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。

74、The Low Countries are Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg . ─── “低地国家”是荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。

75、I've only played one game for England and that was in Holland. ─── 我只在荷兰为英格兰比赛了一场。

76、I cry for you the church in Holland because you has brought the gospel to my country. ─── 他番译就再番荷兰文了。当大家很注意听的时候,一个小姐,我想大概。

77、Olympic champion Cuba team dominated throughout the game over rival Holland for a complete 3-0. ─── 奥运冠军古马队在和荷兰队的比赛中一直占据主动,最后以3:0大获全胜。

78、In Holland, and in some other places, this liberty was extended even to the coin of the country. ─── 在荷兰以及其他一些地方,这种自由甚至扩展到本国铸币上。

79、Little Siam is the first hotel in Holland with a real Thai ambiance. ─── 小暹罗是第一个酒店在荷兰与一个真正的泰国风情。

80、In Holland, Khalid Boulahrouz marries his girlfriend. ─── 在荷兰,博拉鲁斯和他的女友举行了婚礼。

81、He parachuted into Holland Sept. 17, 1944. ─── 他在1944年9月17日跳伞进入荷兰。

82、Jean hollands same game different rules ─── 同样的游戏不同的规则

83、Ice-skating as a sport, however,originated in Holland. ─── 不过滑冰作为一项运动则起源于荷兰。


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