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08-19 投稿


umbilical 发音

英:[?m?b?l?kl]  美:[?m?b?l?k(?)l]

英:  美:

umbilical 中文意思翻译



umbilical 词性/词形变化,umbilical变形

副词: umbilically |

umbilical 常用词组

umbilical cord ─── 脐带

umbilical vein ─── 脐静脉

umbilical artery ─── n. 脐动脉

umbilical 短语词组

1、median umbilical folds. ─── [医] 脐中襞

2、infra-umbilical ─── [医] 脐下的

3、umbilical circuIation ─── [医] 尿囊循环

4、torsion of umbilical cord ─── [医] 脐带扭转

5、lateral umbilical folds. ─── [医] 脐外侧襞

6、umbilical fuagi ─── [医] 脐海绵肿

7、umbilical anus ─── [医] 脐位肛门(畸形或人工)

8、umbilical cord ─── 脐带 [医] ─── 脐带

9、umbilical fissure ─── [医] 脐静脉索部

10、umbilical fistula ─── [医] 脐瘘

11、umbilical ducts ─── [医] 脐管, 卵黄管, 卵黄柄

12、supra-umbilical reflex ─── [医] 脐上 ─── [部]反射, 上腹反射

13、umbilical cicatrix ─── [医] 脐带瘢痕

14、umbilical dressing ─── [医] 脐敷裹

15、umbilical hernia ─── [医] 脐疝

16、umbilical diphtheria ─── [医] 脐带白喉

17、umbilical cyst ─── [医] 脐囊肿, 卵黄管囊肿

18、supra-umbilical ─── [医] 脐上的

19、umbilical areola ─── [医] 脐晕

umbilical 相似词语短语

1、umbilicated ─── 脐形的

2、umbilically ─── 脐带地;母系地

3、unbiblical ─── adj.不按照《圣经》的;非出自《圣经》的,《圣经》不准的

4、umbratical ─── 本影的

5、umbilicus ─── n.脐,种脐;中心

6、symbolical ─── adj.象征的;符号的

7、umbilicals ─── adj.脐带的;母系的;中央的

8、umbilicate ─── adj.脐状的;有肚脐的;中间凹的

9、umbilici ─── n.种脐;核心

umbilical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What is dry cell of umbilical blood hematopoiesis? ─── 什么是脐带血造血干细胞?

2、When we were small, in the womb of our mother, there was a link between us and our mother called the umbilical cord. ─── 当我们呆在母亲的子宫时,还很幼小,脐带将母亲和我们联系起来。

3、Cutting the umbilical cord is mildly painful to the newborn child. ─── 割断脐带会使新生儿有轻度的疼痛。

4、Huddled beside the dead deer was a fawn with the umbilical cord still attached. ─── 蜷缩在死鹿旁的是头脐带未断的初生幼鹿。

5、Dilated, thick-walled bladder, with two umbilical arteries in an unusually wide, convex aspect. ─── 膀胱扩张,壁增厚,两脐动脉显著的凸向两侧。

6、Objective: To study the improvement of neonatal umbilical sterilization. ─── 目的:观察改进新生儿脐部消毒方法的效果。

7、Methods (1)Cell cultures: ECs were obtained from human umbilical cord veins by an adaptation of the method of Maruyama. ─── 方法 (1)细胞培养:内皮细胞培养参照Maruyama的方法,从人胎盘脐带静脉获取。

8、Eight abdominal hernias (5 inguinal, 2 incisional and 1 umbilical) were found during CAPD treatment (18.18%). ─── 另一名因嵌塞性割口疝气合并肠坏死,在术后因败血症死亡。

9、The occurrence of umbilical abnormality was 18.20%,mostly umbilical twining(87.93%). ─── 脐带异常发生率为 18.2 0% ,其中以脐带缠绕发生率占脐带异常的绝大部分 (87.93% )。

10、BLOOD 杂志Biology of umbilical cord blood progenitors in bone marrow niches. ─── 郁闷,我的骨髓间充质干细胞怎么也养不好!

11、By leavingmy parents' home,I cut/broke the umbilical cord. ─── 我离开父母开始自立.

12、No, doctors say they can use the stem cells taken from the umbilical cord for that, too. ─── 不需要,医生们说他们也可以使用从那脐带中取得的干细胞来使骨髓细胞再生。

13、The death of a second parent is like severing an umbilical cord to our past. ─── 父母当中第二个人去世,就象斩断了把我们同过去联在一起的纽带。

14、Be urgent! How is umbilical hernia treated? ─── 急!脐疝怎么治疗?

15、The baby's head usually comes first; the umbilical cord comes out with the baby and is cut after the baby is delivered. ─── 通常是胎儿头部先出来,最后是脐带,婴儿产出后再将脐带剪掉。

16、It was safe, reliable and accurate to diagnose umbilical cord around the neck by CDFI. ─── 彩色多普勒超声诊断胎儿脐带绕颈安全、可靠、准确性高,具有很高的临床价值。

17、But to give birth to a baby they needed a crane. The umbilical cord was in the form of a chain. ─── 但当孩子出生,需要用起重机。孩子没长脐带,铁链连着肚脐。

18、Methods Dopper bloodflow was used to measure umbilical artery S/D value in 500 pregnant. ─── 方法:采用多普勒血流测定500 例孕妇脐动脉S/D值。

19、Right now that thing in the middle looks like she chewed off her umbilical cord and that's still covered by a little bit of afterbirth. ─── 现在,在中间的事情看起来像她把她的咀嚼和脐带仍然由胞一点保障。

20、At the birth of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Pitt was there to cut her umbilical cord. ─── 而当女儿希洛出生时,皮特一直守候在产房,亲自为女儿剪断脐带。

21、Umbilical vein, ductus venosus and venous ligament and ligamentum teres hepatis were anatomized, observed and measured. ─── 解剖观测脐静脉、静脉导管及肝圆韧带、静脉韧带等。

22、Objective To discuss and search the better method of umbilical cord ligation. ─── 目的探讨和寻找更好的结扎脐带的方法。

23、Animal experiment report on fetal umbilical cord blood treating corneal traumatic infection. ─── 胎儿脐带血治疗角膜外伤感染的实验研究。

24、The gut returns to the abdomen from the base of the umbilical cord. ─── 肠管从脐带底部回到腹腔。

25、The body of a newborn baby boy with his umbilical cord uncut was found dumped at a rubbish collection point at midnight on Sunday. ─── 新闻报导,一名清洁工人工作时,发现一具连有脐带的初生男婴尸体遭弃置在垃圾收集站。

26、I would prefer that the umbilical cord stop pulsating beforeit is cut. ─── 为什么要等脐带不搏动之后再剪?之前之后有关系吗?

27、Prospect for application of umbilical cord blood to clinical treatment of radiation sickness. ─── 脐血在放射病临床应用中的前景。

28、AIM: To study stress response in human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVEC) infected with Hantavirus (HTV). ─── 目的: 研究人脐静脉内皮细胞 (HUVEC)感染汉坦病毒(Hantavirus, HTV)后应激反应的规律及意义。

29、A nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket and a doctor cut the umbilical cord. ─── 护士用毯子把孩子包了起来,医生剪断了脐带。

30、When PUPU was born he cut his own umbilical cord. ─── 噗噗出生的时候自己剪断了脐带。

31、Objective To reduce the incidence of neonatal umbilical infection. ─── 目的降低新生儿脐部感染发生率。

32、Study on the chromosome stability in maternal and umbilical blood of PIH and its clinical significance. ─── 妊高征患者母血脐血染色体稳定性的研究及其临床意义。

33、At the birth of son, Tom was there to cut his umbilical cord. ─── 当儿子出生时,汤姆一直守候在产房,亲自为女儿剪断脐带。

34、This pain is visceral and is therefore felt centrally and usually in the umbilical area. ─── 这种疼痛是内脏性的,所以感觉腹部中央疼痛,通常在脐部位。

35、The patient had a natal cleft and umbilical ulceration and a perianal abscess. ─── 该患者患有臀沟和脐溃疡以及肛周脓肿。

36、Mesangial margin in the umbilical artery cable rear. ─── 系膜缘位于脐动脉索后方。

37、Cutting the umbilical cord is mildly painful to the mother. ─── 割断脐带会使产妇有轻度的疼痛。

38、I cut open the umbilicus area by two mm in front of the umbilical cord. ─── 我在脐带之前减低二毫米的公开脐区域。

39、Often remove parts of the abdomen for the infusion to avoid the belt down and around the waist and 4 ~ 5cm away from the umbilical region. ─── 常取下腹部为输注部位,避开沿着腰带周围和腰围处及距脐4~5cm区域内。

40、Umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells: The ideal seed cells for bone tissue engineering? ─── 脐血间充质干细胞:骨组织工程学的理想种子细胞?

41、Methods Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured in vitro. ─── 方法体外培养人脐静脉内皮细胞,通过传代形成细胞的衰老模型。

42、Currently, EPCs have been identified in adult peripheral blood, bone marrow, and human umbilical cord blood. ─── 目前,内皮祖细胞已被证实存在于成年人外周血,骨髓和人脐带血中。

43、She seizes the man with a similar umbilical cord. ─── 她用一根相似的脐带绳索捆住了他。

44、HSCs can be collected from peripheral blood (PB), bone marrow (BM), and umbilical cord blood (UCB). ─── 骨髓、外周血和脐带血是人类的主要造血干细胞源。

45、Experiences of clinical effectes of Chinese medicine for external application on umbilical region. ─── 脐部中药外敷临床应用心得。

46、Some types can be derived from umbilical cord blood, adult bone marrow, or possibly even adult skin. ─── 有一些干细胞可以从脐血,成人骨髓,甚至成人皮肤中提取。

47、Does umbilical cord circle a neck can be two weeks produced smoothly? ─── 脐带绕颈两周可以顺利生产吗?

48、Despite its umbilical links with America, Canada's economy suffered only a mild recession and is now well into a solid recovery. ─── 尽管加拿大和美国唇齿相依,但加拿大经济仅受轻微衰退影响,且现在正强劲复苏。

49、Clinical use of healthy neonate umbilical cord orbital implant. ─── 健康新生儿脐带义眼座的临床应用

50、Of, relating to, or resembling a navel or an umbilical cord. ─── 肚脐或脐带的肚脐或脐带的,与肚脐或脐带有关的,象肚脐或脐带的

51、Objective To diagnose the causes of umbilical exudation in infant. ─── 目的用超声诊断引起婴儿脐部渗液的病因。

52、ICP-AES Determination of trace Metals in Umbilical Cord and blood Yang Qunzhi. ─── 脐带和脐血中微量金属元素的ICP-AES测定

53、The mark on the surface of the abdomen of mammals where the umbilical cord was attached during gestation. ─── 脐哺乳动物腹表面的痕迹,在那儿怀孕期间脐带附着

54、Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) in umbilical cord around the neck. ─── 摘要目的探讨彩多普勒超声对胎儿脐带绕颈的价值。

55、Umbilical Cord Blood: Where does Regenerative Medicine go? ─── 脐带血在再生医学中起什么作用?

56、MSCs were easily obtained from Wharton's jelly of human umbilical cord. ─── 很容易从人脐带中的华通氏胶中获得间充质干细胞。

57、This article studies the application value of disposable umbilical cord clamp and amputator during gravida childbirth. ─── 探讨了一次性脐带夹紧切断器在孕妇分娩过程中的应用价值。

58、The psychological umbilical cord is more difficult to cut than the real one. ─── 心理断奶。心理上的脐带比生理上的脐带要难剪得多。

59、There's a lot of interests in obtaining stem cells from the blood of the umbilical cord on birth. ─── 人们对从出生时的脐带血液中获取干细胞很感兴趣。

60、The stem cells were taken out of an umbilical cord not from a dead baby!!!! ─── 干细胞是从脐带里取的,而不是从死掉的婴儿上面提取!!!

61、initial examinations at the scene confirmed that the baby , linked with an umbilical cord , was a girl and had died already. ─── 现场初步检验证实婴孩是一名女婴,连有脐带,并已经死去。

62、It is a true umbilical cord, transmitting information and energy between the physical and subtle bodies. ─── 它是一根真实的脐带,在物质躯体和微细身体之间传输信息和能量。

63、Bellyacke is located in umbilical week or right next abdomens. ─── 腹痛位于脐周或右下腹。

64、Everyone knows that the umbilical cord is our lifeline in the womb . ─── 大家都知道脐带是我们在母亲子宫里的生命线。

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