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08-19 投稿


horseflesh 发音

英:[?h??sfle?]  美:[?h??rsfle?]

英:  美:

horseflesh 中文意思翻译



horseflesh 短语词组

1、horseflesh time bandits ─── 马肉时代的强盗

2、horseflesh definition ─── 马肉定义

3、horseflesh mahogany lysiloma sabicu ─── 马肉

4、horseflesh tree ─── 马肉树

5、horseflesh mahogany ─── 马肉桃花心木

6、horseflesh define ─── 马肉定义

7、horseflesh sausages ─── 马肉香肠

horseflesh 相似词语短语

1、horseleech ─── n.马蝗;贪心汉;兽医

2、horseflies ─── n.马蝇;虻

3、goose flesh ─── 鸡皮;鸡皮疙瘩

4、gooseflesh ─── n.(寒冷、恐惧或激动引起的)鸡皮疙瘩

5、horsefish ─── n.绒蛹

6、horse flies ─── 马蝇;牛虻

7、horseless ─── adj.无马的;不用马的;自行推进的

8、horsefly ─── n.马蝇;虻

9、horsecloth ─── n.马被

horseflesh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The soldiers were fain to eat horseflesh. ─── 士兵们只好吃马肉。

2、well , she ' s a lady with an eye for horseflesh , sir. ─── 嗯,她是个对马很有眼光的女人,先生。

3、Report, at present Europe makes multilateral home, wait to order horseflesh to Canadian company like Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Holand, Belgium. ─── 报道说,目前欧洲许多国家,如德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、瑞士、荷兰、比利时等都向加拿大公司订购马肉。

4、Take my word for it,” cried Kutuzov, growing warmer and slapping himself on the chest, “I'll make them eat horseflesh!” ─── 相信我的话,”库图佐夫拍着胸脯,非常兴奋地说,“我要让他们吃马肉!”

5、He was a large and corpulent individual, surfeited with good clothes and good eating, who judged women as another would horseflesh. ─── 他是个高大而肥胖的人,穿得好,吃得好,鉴别女人就像别人鉴别马匹一样。

6、(5) bright horseflesh mincing, pound, on booth white gauze, stick back of apply patient bosom, had wrapped up. ─── (5)鲜马肉切碎、捣烂,摊白纱布上,贴敷病人胸背部,包扎好。

7、"Can't."The landlord say:"Which come of does the horseflesh let him support dead? ─── “不会吧。”地主说:“哪来的马肉让他撑死呀?

8、" He was a large and corpulent individual, surfeited with good clothes and good eating, who judged women as another would horseflesh. ─── 他是个高大而肥胖的人,穿得好,吃得好,鉴别女人就像别人鉴别马匹一样。

9、He was a good judge of horseflesh! ─── 他是一位很好的马的鉴别者!

10、Differentiation Between Beef and Horseflesh by Sensing and Experiment ─── 牛马肉的感官及实验鉴别

11、He had bought a new horse and he wanted the widow's opinion of it, for the Widow Stimson was a competent judge of fine horseflesh. ─── 他买了一新的马,他希望寡妇它认为,对寡妇斯廷森是一个称职的法官罚款马肉。

12、"Horseflesh, it eat of excessive, the Sir be a horseflesh." ─── “马肉,它吃的过多了,先生,是马肉。”

13、Report, european choose to eat Canadian horseflesh, because the horse is not the feed that makes with pluck or the feed raise that contain hormone,be, use grass and commissariat feed however. ─── 报道说,欧洲人之所以选择吃加拿大马肉,是因为马不是用动物内脏制成的饲料或含有激素的饲料喂养,而是用草和粮食喂养的。

14、The social atmosphere is that of a besieged city, where the possession of a lump of horseflesh makes the difference between wealth and poverty ─── 整个社会的气氛就是一个围城的气氛,谁有一块马肉就显出了贫富的差异。

15、Pierre supped on soup made of rye flour and horseflesh , and talked a little with his companions. ─── 皮埃尔的晚餐是喝黑麦面汤和吃马肉,他边吃边和同伴们闲谈。

16、Horseflesh, it eat of excessive, the Sir be a horseflesh. ─── 马肉,它吃的过多了,先生,是马肉。

17、Bee products, mineral article, flaxen fiber, horseflesh, biological iced and dry food, ect. ─── 蜂产品矿产品、亚麻纤维、马肉、生物冻干食品等。

18、Hot pot seems to have originated in Mongolia where the main ingredient was meat, usually beef, mutton or horseflesh. ─── 火锅似乎起源于蒙古,在那里主要配料是肉,通常是牛肉,羊肉或马肉。

19、In addition, japan also begins to import horseflesh from Canada. ─── 此外,日本也开始从加拿大进口马肉。

20、Tianjin style ingredient for cook donkey meat, horseflesh and mule meat ─── 天津酱驴、马、骡肉香

21、The soldiers were fain to eat horseflesh ─── 士兵们只好吃马肉。

22、He's a good judge of horseflesh. ─── 他是个相马能手。

23、“‘Do you understand , my love? We had horseflesh!’ ─── “‘你能体会到吗?小家伙,我们那时只能吃上马肉!’

24、Five fragrant dried horseflesh spicery ─── 五香马肉干香料

25、Pierre supped on soup made of rye flour and horseflesh, and talked a little with his companions. ─── 皮埃尔的晚餐是喝黑麦面汤和吃马肉,他边吃边和同伴们闲谈。

26、Flynn said, snuffling. That was a rare bit of horseflesh. ─── 弗林吸溜着鼻涕说,那可是一匹少见的名马。

27、and that he choked when he said ‘he would make them eat horseflesh!' ─── 的时候,他的声音颤抖了,当他说他逼得他们吃马肉的时候,他啜泣起来。”

28、bright horseflesh mincing, pound, on booth white gauze, stick back of apply patient bosom, had wrapped up. ─── 鲜马肉切碎、捣烂,摊白纱布上,贴敷病人胸背部,包扎好。


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