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08-19 投稿


speculation 发音

英:[,spekj?'le??n]  美:[,sp?kju'le??n]

英:  美:

speculation 中文意思翻译



speculation 词性/词形变化,speculation变形

动词现在分词: speculating |动词过去分词: speculated |动词第三人称单数: speculates |动词过去式: speculated |

speculation 短语词组

1、speculation market ─── [经] 投机市场

2、inviting speculation ─── 吸引人的猜测

3、speculation trading ─── 投机交易

4、speculation enterprise speculation ─── 企业

5、speculation fever ─── 投机热

6、bull speculation ─── 多头投机

7、commercial speculation ─── 商业炒作

8、speculation arbitrage ─── 投机套利

9、heavy speculation ─── [法] 严重投机

10、cosmic speculation ─── 宇宙推测

11、crack down on speculation ─── 打击非法投机活动; ─── 打黑

12、lid on speculation ─── 掩盖猜测

13、armchair speculation ─── 扶手椅投机

14、hoarding and speculation ─── 囤积居奇

15、counter speculation ─── 反投机

16、speculation-ridden sector ─── 充满投机的部门

17、speculation-plagued market ─── 投机-陷入困境的市场

18、speculation buying ─── 投机买卖

19、speculation purchasing ─── [财]投机采购

speculation 特殊用法

1、dabble speculation ─── 小试投机

2、business [commercial] speculation ─── 商业上投机

3、wildcat stock speculation ─── 非法经营的股票投机

4、destabilization speculation ─── 使市场不稳定的投机

5、heavy speculation ─── 大规模投机

6、monetary speculation ─── 金融投机

7、refrain speculation ─── 抑制投机

8、foreign exchange speculation ─── 外汇投机

9、exchange speculation ─── 汇兑[外汇]投机, 交易所投机

10、bull speculation ─── 多头投机

11、intellectual speculation ─── 知识的思索

12、joint speculation ─── 合伙投机买卖

13、bear speculation ─── 空头投机

speculation 相似词语短语

1、speculations ─── n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖

2、peculation ─── n.侵吞公款;挪用公款;贪污

3、speculating ─── vt.投机;猜测(speculate的现在分词)

4、speculatist ─── 投机者,

5、speculative ─── adj.投机的;推测的;思索性的

6、speculator ─── n.投机者;思索者

7、spiculation ─── n.针状体;骨针;小穗状花序(spicule的变形)

8、sacculation ─── n.[生物]成囊

9、speciation ─── n.[进化]物种形成

speculation 习惯用语

1、buy sth. as a speculation ─── 投机购买某物

2、much given to speculation ─── 想入非非

3、spread the speculation that ─── 散播空气说

4、engage in speculation ─── 从事投机, 做投机生意

5、lead to the speculation ─── 引起猜测

6、Much speculation is rife concerning [as to about]... ─── 关于...有许多猜测。

7、on speculation ─── 投机, 碰运气地

speculation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What you say is pure speculation. ─── 你说的纯粹是推测而已。

2、There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign. ─── 人们纷纷推测她将辞职。

3、He was chiseled out of one thousand dollars in business speculation. ─── 他搞商业投机被人骗去1000美元。

4、Which route it will take is the subject of feverish speculation. ─── 关于它将何去何从已经成为当下热议的话题。

5、Do not know whether this speculation will come true? ─── 不知道这一猜测是否会成真呢?

6、Indeed it is akin to ‘stabilising speculation’ by central banks. ─── 但确实,在央行稳定投机交易的过程中它们的作用是相似的。

7、He may sometimes have missed the target in his speculation. ─── 他在设想中有时可能会失去目标。

8、The above assertion is not idle speculation. ─── 以上的推断并非毫无根据。

9、His private life is the subject of much speculation. ─── 他的私生活引起诸多猜测。

10、As a matter of fact, this was purely newspaper gossip and speculation. ─── 事实上,这纯粹是报纸上的闲谈和推测。

11、He cast aside his steady job and engaged in speculation. ─── 他撇下稳定的工作不干,却偏要去做那投机生意。

12、Prior to the announcement, some economists had cautioned against speculation. ─── 不过在宣布北京申办成功之前,有些经济学家已对一些投机行为发出了警告。

13、His speculation reduced him to beggary. ─── 他的投机使他陷于赤贫。

14、One time, "food was" all the media scramble to become the target of speculation. ─── 一时间,“食尚”成为各个媒体争相炒作的对象。

15、Clarke's future has also been the subject of speculation. ─── 克拉克的未来也一直是众人猜测的焦点。

16、He boasts of his ability to pull off a speculation. ─── 他得意地说他善于搞投机。

17、The country buzzed with heated speculation about whether he would survive as President. ─── 全国都在风传着他是否能继续担任总统的猜测。

18、Japan's Mori dismisses speculation he may quit. ─── 倒阁声浪四起森喜朗传将辞职。

19、Klopper said he was unaware of details, but past speculation has included sonar buoys able to identify sharks and transmit a warning signal. ─── 发言人克劳普说他不知道具体细节,但是之前传闻内容涉及声纳浮标,它能够识别鲨鱼并传出警告信号。

20、Speculation concerning the books author was rife. ─── 关于这些书作者的好奇心是很普遍的。

21、The best way to turn off the speculation, he said, was to tell the truth. ─── 他说,停止那些臆测的最好办法就是说明真相。

22、But let us pursue this ghostly speculation further. ─── 但是让我们再进一步继续这样梦幻似地设想。

23、Speculation is rife that he will be fired. ─── 他将被解雇的猜测盛行。

24、Of course, for the moment all this muttering about gold is simply wild speculation. ─── 当然在现阶段,所有这些关于黄金的低声议论还只是胡乱猜想。

25、Cristian Chivu admits he's fed-up with speculation over his Roma future. ─── 克里斯蒂安·齐沃承认,他已经厌倦了别人对他在罗马将来的种种推测。

26、But that very tangibility can lead to reckless speculation. ─── 但这种资产有形性导致过度投机。

27、Speculation has swirled for months about the future of Mr. ─── 几个月以来,人们就一直在猜测切宁未来的去留问题。

28、Therefore, Sichuan University outwit more inclined to short-term speculation. ─── 因此,对川大智胜的炒作更具短线倾向。

29、He was chiseled out of one thousand dollars in business speculation . ─── 他在商业投机中,被人骗去1,000美元。

30、His speculation was later proved to be correct. ─── 他的猜断后来被证明是对的。

31、Their speculation borrows from evolutionary theory. ─── 他们的猜测有进化理论的依据。

32、Musharraf's sinking popularity has spurred speculation that he might declare a state of emergency to smother vocal opposition. ─── 穆沙拉夫声望的下降促使他想发表一份紧急声明来遏制那些反对的声音。

33、He ventured his fortune in a speculation. ─── 他拿他的大宗财产做投机生意。

34、And this time, Wong Kwong Yu detained, has been a lot of speculation. ─── 中英文对照:而此时,就黄光裕被拘查一事,已有很多猜测。

35、The boom in land speculation came to an end in 1981. ─── 土地投机的浪潮到1981年结束。

36、Do not engage in any gimmicks, so we will only questioned speculation. ─── 别搞什么噱头,这样只会让大家质疑、猜测。”

37、Your experience of speculation makes you have aleatory thought. ─── 你投机成功的经验,让你经常存有侥幸的心理。

38、Out of the money collected is not attracting developers who purchase the "eyeball" and speculation on the project Sau ? ─── 抛出重金征集案名,是不是开发商吸引购房人“眼球”、炒作项目的征名秀?

39、Tuesday came, and with it appropriate indecision and speculation. ─── 到了星期二,她仍是左思右想举起不定。

40、He has sunk the greater part of his property in speculation. ─── 他在投机买卖中亏损了大部分财产。

41、His grandfather failed in speculation, and went under. ─── 他祖父投机失败并破了产。

42、The news of their marriage ended weeks of speculation. ─── 他们结婚的消息使好几个星期的猜测告一段落。

43、He continued further, in a tone of sympathetic speculation. ─── 他继续说,语调中充满了热情的猜测。

44、You may bid goodbye to all your dreams of getting rich by speculation in stock exchange. ─── 你想靠搞证券投机买卖发财的美梦可以休矣。

45、He made his money in property speculation. ─── 他靠房地产投机发了财。

46、Based on theory and speculation rather than practice. ─── 不实际的建于理论和推测之上而非实践的

47、"It is time now to proceed to the last part of the speculation. ─── “现在该讲讲这项交易的最后一部分了。

48、Political blogs buzzed for weeks with speculation. ─── 几周之内,政治博客里充满了各种各样的猜测。

49、Speculation about his future had reached fever pitch. ─── 关于他的前途的猜测达到了狂想的地步。

50、He thrown away all his property in speculation. ─── 他因投机倒把而倾家荡产。

51、He makes some unprofitable speculation. ─── 他在做些无利可图的投资。

52、Economic conditions fostering speculation in land have driven land values to a lofty level. ─── 助长土地投机的经济状况把土地价格推向极高的水平。

53、Then have no control of speculation he scalper. ─── 于是专门有票贩子把持倒卖他的号。

54、The latter way refers to speculation. ─── 后一种方法指的是投机。

55、He was ruined by speculation. ─── 他因做投机生意而破产。

56、They have much speculation over the cause of the air crash. ─── 他们对飞机坠毁原因有多方推测。

57、Professor Thurman offers his own speculation. ─── 图曼教授提出了自己的推测。

58、"Prior to the rise of biological Rhine is speculation based on the theme. ─── “莱茵生物此前的上涨是基于题材炒作。

59、To avoid speculation or remorse about her, he turned his attention to the evening paper. ─── 为了避免对她的推测和懊悔,他将注意力转到了晚报上。

60、"Oh, speculation fever, speculation fever! ─── “投机的热狂哟!投机的热狂哟!

61、He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation. ─── 他在股市投机买卖中倾家荡产。

62、To answer this we must indulge in some plausible speculation. ─── 为了回答这个,我们必须沉溺于一些似是而非的猜测之中。

63、By Saturday night the town was alive with speculation and anticipation. ─── 到星期六夜间,全城充满了推测和预料。

64、Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded. ─── 有关离婚的猜测证实纯属无稽之谈。

65、Today's announcement ends months of speculation about the company's future. ─── 今天的声明使得几个月来关于公司未来的种种猜测就此烟消云散。

66、I am tired of all the speculation. ─── 我厌烦了所有这些猜测。

67、Because financial speculation plays such an important role in generating growth, this cycle is all about inflation. ─── 因为金融投机在制造增长中起了重要的作用,上述循环的关键是通胀。

68、Expert view : Wenzhou "speculation Mission" really "a scourge"? ─── 专家观点:温州“炒楼团”真是“洪水猛兽”吗?

69、However, that is merely speculation. ─── 不过这只是猜测。

70、This is all speculation, but hopefully you can begin to see the opportunity for small business in this space. ─── 这些都是我的猜测,但小企业在这个市场上也许有望把握机遇。

71、People who know Mr Reinemund well dismiss such speculation. ─── 了解雷蒙德的人都不懈于此种推测。

72、What may have been the relative length of these ethnical periods is also a fair subject of speculation. ─── 人类文化上的这些阶段的相对长度究竟是多少?这也是一个值得推敲的问题。

73、Human exposure to various chemicals has been the subject of much speculation. ─── 人类所置身其中的各种化学物质已成为思考的对象。

74、Is Li Xiang's job-hopping to the Travel Channel true or speculation? ─── 关于李湘转嫁旅游卫视事件,大家觉得是蓄意炒作还是真有其事?

75、Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose. ─── 买空卖空是破坏性很大的投机勾当,总要导致损人利己的结果。

76、He bought the company as a speculation. ─── 他冒险(投机)购买了这家公司。

77、The speculation about me leaving is not true. ─── 关于我要离开的传闻是不正确的。

78、His words gave rise to a considerable amount of speculation. ─── 他的话引起不少的揣测。

79、Speculation is a dangerous way of trying to make fortune. ─── 做投机买卖是一种很危险的谋财之道。

80、They did press for freedom of speculation, thought, and inquiry. ─── 他们确实要求自由研究、自由思想和自由探索。

81、He brought about his company's collapse by reckless speculation. ─── 他的公司被他做冒险的投机倒把生意搞垮了。

82、Perhaps the two are not, in the wrong consumers too easy credulity speculation. ─── 也许,两方面都没有问题,错在消费者太容易轻信炒作了。

83、Will you go shares with me in the speculation in this railroad stock? ─── 你愿与我平均分担作铁路股票的投机吗?

84、But there has been recent speculation Fiat might drop the option in return for cash from GM towards a recapitalization. ─── 但是最近有猜测说,菲亚特集团可能放弃期权,以换取通用汽车公司的现金,调整资本结构。

85、He lived in the ivory tower of speculation. ─── 他进行了一种与世隔绝的思考。

86、His actions have done little to quell the speculation. ─── 他的行动无助平息传言。

87、His healthis the subject of intense if uninformed speculation. ─── 一直以来,各方对他的健康状况的猜测不断,却始终无法得到证实。

88、He ventured on a rash speculation. ─── 他进行鲁莽的投机。

89、He was dropped from the team amid speculation that he was seriously ill. ─── 在一片以为他得了重病的猜测中,他被队里除名了。

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