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08-19 投稿


dorking 发音


英:  美:

dorking 中文意思翻译



dorking 词性/词形变化,dorking变形

名词复数: dories |

dorking 短语词组

1、dorking 10 ─── 多金10

2、dorking england map ─── 多金英格兰地图

3、dorking chicken ─── 杜金鸡

4、dorking fc ─── 多金足球俱乐部

5、dorking out ─── 偷懒

6、dorking hub ─── 多金枢纽

dorking 相似词语短语

1、darking ─── 暗化

2、borking ─── 诋毁;n.(Bork)人名;(英、德、葡、罗、瑞典)博克

3、douking ─── 浸水

4、Dorking ─── n.(英)杜金鸡;adj.(英)杜金鸡品种的

5、corking ─── adj.很好的;adv.非常地;v.用瓶塞塞住;克制(cork的现在分词)

6、dirking ─── n.短剑,匕首;vt.用短剑刺;n.(Dirk)人名;(德、荷、葡)迪尔克;(英)德克

7、working ─── adj.有工作的;从事普通工作的;工作上的;可行的;初步的;基本够用的;能运转的;(机器部件)操作的;n.(机器、系统等的)运作;工作,干活;矿,作业区;班次;操纵;计算过程;v.工作;影响;受雇于;使卖力干活;争取(work的现在分词);n.(Working)(美)沃金(人名)

8、forking ─── v.分岔;走岔路中的一条;叉运,叉掘;叉起(食物);(棋)用一个棋同时进攻两个棋(fork的现在分词);n.分岔路;分岔,分支

9、dooking ─── 涂鸦

dorking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I had to arrest Frau dorking and a man named springer. ─── 我不得不逮捕德林夫人以及一个名叫施普林格的男人。

2、You look like a dork with those funny glasses on! ─── 你戴这付可笑的眼镜看来真像个笨蛋!

3、Femi: Taylor, sometimes you are a real dork! ─── 费咪:泰勒,你有时候还真是个笨蛋。

4、Mike: When you put it that way, I guess it is silly. But I really look like a dork in glasses. ─── 迈克:要是真那样的话,我觉得真的很愚蠢。但是我真的觉得自己戴眼镜的时候看起来很像个笨蛋。

5、I always thought he was kind of a dork. ─── 我总认为他是个傻瓜(书呆子)。

6、If he hadn't lived in Dorking, he would have lived longer. ─── 如果他没在多金住房过,他会住得更久。

7、Do you want to be a dork all your life? ─── 你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗?

8、Who rolled a +9 dork spell and summoned the beast and his quadruped? ─── 谁在这家伙身上施加了9号魔咒,召唤出了这样的四足怪兽?

9、And why don't you resolve to stop being a dork? ─── 那你为什么不下决心再也不做笨蛋呢?

10、Jennifer: You don't sniff cold medicine out of a tube, dork! ─── 珍妮花:感冒药不是从管子吸的,笨蛋!

11、Schlomo is gonna look like a dork playing this on BART. ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。

12、Contain kinds of aa, it can enhance laying rate prominent and weighting of Dorking. ─── 由于富含各种氨基酸,少量添加即可显著提高产蛋率及肉鸡日增长量。

13、A crown is the tuft of leaves at the top of the pineapple, you dork. ─── “王冠就是菠萝顶部的一簇叶子,小傻子。”

14、Laurence Olivier was 7 years her elder, born in Dorking, England, of Anglo-Catholic parents. ─── 劳伦斯?奥利弗年长费雯7岁,出生于英国杜金,父母均为英国国教信徒。

15、Tip: Stay away from me, you dork! ─── 你这个笨蛋,离我远点!(在我看来,还是粗鲁了点啊!)

16、Need a great gift idea that isn't too dorky, doesn't make you look like a total dork, and is within your tight budget and time restrictions? ─── 想要在紧张的预算和繁忙的时间里挤出个送礼的点子,还不至于让自己看起来象个白痴?

17、B: He's kind of a dork. ─── 他有点驴驴的。

18、you can treat me Iike some dork in gym cIass? ─── 你就能像对待体育白痴那样对待我吗?

19、I'm the janitor,you dork! ─── 我是看门的,你这个笨蛋!

20、You can spend as much as 20% of your time at work dorking around on the internet and still end up 9% more productive than people who don't! ─── 你可以用20%的时间在网上闲逛,甚至你还可以把工作效率提高9%。

21、April: When you finally accept that you're a complete dork, your life gets easier. No sense in trying to be cool. ─── 假如你承认自己是个大笨蛋,人生会轻松得多。扮酷根本没有意思。

22、Depp means "idiot" in German. It also means schmo, plunker, oaf, moron, dork and fool. ─── 戴普这个字在德文里指的是笨蛋。等同于笨瓜、呆瓜、傻瓜、傻子、傻蛋和白痴,这一类的语辞。

23、- If she starts bragging about her new purse, say "You are such a dork. ─── - 要是她开始向你炫耀她的新手提包,就说:“你个花瓶。”

24、Stop, caught ya!!! I thought I told you to press down 2 times, this is 8 times already you dork, do you know how to count?! lol ─── 慢这!!!我还以为你厅的懂.我不是已经跟你说了吗?!按下两次.这样几经是八次了.难怪你数学不及格!!!哈哈

25、Mainly Dork on consulting about engineering cost,especially good at consulting about equipment,water,electricity beating and ventilation installemnt. ─── 本人主要从事工程造价咨询业务,尤其擅长设备、水、电、暖通安装工程咨询业务。

26、I show up with my mom I'll just look like a big dork. ─── 我要带个老妈去我可就成二愣子了。

27、10.Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork. ─── 和你跳舞,即使他感觉自己像个呆子。

28、The content of this page is from the DORKING port or DORKING customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自DORKING港口或DORKING海关的进出口公司目录;

29、Ben: Hey, nice sweater. I got one just like it, only I never wear it. It makes me look like a dork. ─── 本:嗨,毛衣不错,我也有件这样的,可从来不穿,穿上去像个傻瓜。

30、Mike: Come on dad, she is jealous over Dwight?? Duke of Dork? Who's gonna be around him? ─── 迈克:得了,爸爸,她会吃德怀特的醋?那个书呆子,谁会愿意要他?

31、You're such a dork, the song really has been copied, OK? ─── 18回复:请问,很狠爱翻唱的是哪首英文歌?

32、Unbelievable.she s so cool, but her brother s a real dork. ─── 真不敢相信。她那么酷,可她哥哥却是个十足的土老冒。

33、In fourth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck do-si-doing with the dork of the class. ─── 四年级时,好朋友的概念是那个乐意在体育馆与你互换集体舞舞伴,以免你在老是与班上的某个呆子一起跳的人。

34、Van Dork ─── 范多克

35、151. What a dork! ─── 你有多傻呀!

36、Screen door on a submarine ,you dork. ─── 笨蛋,是潜水艇装纱门。

37、Screen door on a submarine, you dork. ─── 笨蛋,是潜水艇装纱门。

38、I mean, I don't mean to sound judgmental but it makes you look like a pathetic dork. ─── 我倒不是爱说什么闲话,可你这样也太窝囊了。

39、dork layer ─── 木栓层

40、Book online the cheapest hotels in Dorking - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Dorking 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

41、Contain kinds of aa, it can enhance laying rate prominent and weighting of Dorking. ─── 由于富含各种氨基酸,少量添加即可显著提高产蛋率及肉鸡日增长量。

42、9. Spell check and have others proofread your resume to make sure it makes sense: Having several typo's on your resume makes you look like a dork。 ─── 拼写检查和校对会让你的简历清楚易懂:简历上的错别字让你看起来很菜。

43、What a dork!@ grumbled Ryan. ─── “真笨

44、dork off ─── vi. 浪费时间

45、Mary: What do you care, dork? ─── 玛丽:你会在乎吗?笨蛋!

46、It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork. ─── 你喜欢考虑和折腾一些冷门的东西,为之投入和奋斗吗?你是不是觉得跟周围大多数的人有那么一点点格格不入呀?

47、If he hadn't lived in Dorking, he might have lived longer. ─── 如果他没在多金住过,他可能会住久一些。

48、Duh, this is tape, you dork. ─── 废话,这是胶带耶,蠢蛋。

49、Well, most of them take me as a dork directly. ─── 当然,很多人直接就说我是个怪人来的了。

50、I can't believe you didn't show up for the big game this morning, you're such a dork for letting the team down. ─── 我真不能相信,今天上午的重大赛事你竟没有到场。你让小组的人失望了,真是个傻瓜。

51、You are such a dork. ─── 你真是的笨蛋。

52、Sarah : Star Trek is for dorks. Do you want to be a dork all your life? ─── 莎拉:《星舰迷航记》是给呆瓜看的。你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗?

53、At Dorking, Deepdene Roundabout, take the A24 towards Leatherhead. ─── 货币兑换信息的显示是受制于下列使用条款的。

54、Cheryl: You don't have to cover for him. It's me, isn't it? He thinks I'm a dork. ─── 谢瑞尔:你不必为他解释,因为我是么?他以为我是笨蛋。

55、Luke: Actually, this is your sweater. I mean, I didn't think you'd mind. Everybody says it makes you look like a dork. ─── 路克:其实这就是你的,我想你不介意吧。人人都说你穿着像傻瓜。

56、I can't believe she's going out with that dork. ─── 我不敢相信她和那个不入流的家伙约会。

57、There are lovers who lie unafraid in the dork ─── 有些情侣毫不畏惧的躺在黑暗中

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