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08-19 投稿


reflective 发音

英:[r??flekt?v]  美:[r??flekt?v]

英:  美:

reflective 中文意思翻译



reflective 网络释义

adj. 反射的;反映的;沉思的

reflective 同义词

thinking | profound | deep | mental | abstracted | musing | sober | contemplative | broody | glassy |pensive | serious | brooding | wistful | thoughtful | studious | quiet | absorbed | ruminative | pondering | meditative

reflective 常用词组

reflective teaching ─── 反映性教学

reflective mirror ─── 反光镜

reflective glass ─── 反光玻璃;反射玻璃

reflective 词性/词形变化,reflective变形

名词: reflectiveness |副词: reflectively |

reflective 短语词组

1、reflective display ─── 反射显示

2、reflective transitive function ─── [计] 反射传递函数

3、reflective tape ─── 反光带

4、reflective sensor ─── [计] 反射传感器

5、reflective disk ─── [计] 反射盘

6、reflective mirror ─── 反光镜

7、Inflatable Radar-Reflective Optical Location Aid ─── 充气雷达-反射光学定位辅助

8、reflective jamming ─── [计] 反射干扰

9、reflective code ─── [计] 反射码

10、reflective scan ─── [计] 反射扫描

11、reflective liner ─── [化] 反射板

12、reflective color ─── 反光颜色

13、reflective liquid level gauge ─── [化] 反射式液面计

14、self-reflective a. ─── 反思的

15、reflective power ─── 反射能力

16、reflective glass ─── 反射玻璃

17、reflective surface ─── 反射面

18、reflective optics ─── [电] 反射光学

19、anti-reflective ─── 抗反射的

reflective 反义词


reflective 相似词语短语

1、refective ─── 反射的

2、irreflective ─── 不反射的

3、effective ─── adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象

4、elective ─── adj.选修的;选举的;选任的;n.选修课程

5、unreflective ─── adj.粗心大意的;草率的;不思考的

6、reflectively ─── adv.反映地;反照地

7、inflective ─── adj.屈折的;抑扬的

8、deflective ─── adj.偏斜的;偏倚的

9、defective ─── adj.有缺陷的;不完美的;n.有缺陷的人;不完全变化词


Light pollution is a new environmental pollution source after waste gas, waste water, waste residue and noise, mainly including white light pollution, artificial day pollution and color light pollution. Light pollution is threatening people's health.



The formation of light pollution

The so-called light pollution refers to the traffic light pollution that causes adverse effects or discomfort to the human body, which is harmful to human health. Therefore, we should try our best to reduce light pollution. Now there are various ways to reduce light pollution.

First of all, I will talk about several ways to reduce light pollution. In buildings, reflective glass can be used less because it will cause mirror reflection. If the driver has just reflected light, It will shake and increase the incidence of traffic accidents.

Although the use of ordinary glass can also produce specular reflection, the reflected light is not as strong as the reflective glass, so I try to use ordinary glass. We usually write white, although it is very beautiful, but one way is caused by light pollution. The light reflected by white paper will damage the iris and cornea Our Chinese books are yellow paper, just to avoid light pollution, other books had better change to yellow paper.



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