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08-18 投稿


restrains 发音

英:[r??stre?nz]  美:[r??stre?nz]

英:  美:

restrains 中文意思翻译



restrains 反义词


restrains 同义词

constrain | bridle | inhibit |check | rein | tie | encumber | pin down | damp | imprison | hold | down | chasten | confine | arrest | localize | stop | appease | keep back | guard | restrict | chain | delay | stifle | smother | conciliate | throttle | refrain | impede | intimidate | keep down | assuage | back | hamper | circumscribe | scotch | stem | contain | regulate | block | lock up | limit | govern | under | keep | hold down | muzzle | repress | detain | chastise | bind | cumber | hold back | suppress | silence | cage | fetter | hinder | curb | bound | gag | retard | trammel | keep under control | jail | control | moderate

restrains 短语词组

1、restrains crossword ─── 抑制填字游戏

2、restrains as sound crossword ─── 约束作为声音纵横字谜

3、restrains crossword clue ─── 限制纵横字谜线索

4、restrains on ─── 限制

5、restrains as sounds crossword clue ─── 约束听起来像填字游戏线索

restrains 词性/词形变化,restrains变形

动词过去式: restrained |副词: restrainedly |名词: restrainer |形容词: restrainable |动词过去分词: restrained |动词现在分词: restraining |动词第三人称单数: restrains |

restrains 相似词语短语

1、distrains ─── n.为抵债而扣押

2、restrainers ─── n.[摄]抑制剂(尤指摄影中用的溴化钾等);限制器;控制者

3、restrain ─── vt.抑制,控制;约束;制止

4、restraints ─── n.限制,禁止(restraint的复数)

5、detrains ─── v.(使)下火车;帮助(某人)下火车

6、restrained ─── adj.克制的,受限制的;拘谨的;v.抑制;约束(restrain的过去分词)

7、restrainer ─── n.[摄]抑制剂(尤指摄影中用的溴化钾等);限制器;控制者

8、restraint ─── n.抑制,克制;约束

9、retrains ─── vt.重新教育;再教育;vi.再训练;再教育;n.(Retrain)人名;(法)雷特兰

restrains 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You must restrain your surprise from being visible. ─── 你必须尽量不让自己的惊奇表露出来。

2、To restrain a child from mischief. ─── 制止小孩胡闹

3、No longer restrain one's feelings, desires, etc. ─── 尽情发泄感情、放纵欲望等。

4、In software design,the system successfully restrains the interference by means of unique software strain. ─── 在软件设计方面,系统采用独特的软件滤波,有效地抑制了干扰;

5、He couldn't restrain his curiosity. ─── 他抑制不住自己的好奇心。

6、He could not restrain himself from peeping. ─── 他忍不住窥视。

7、If you can't restrain your dog you must lock it up. ─── 如果你无法管住你的狗, 就必须把它关起来。

8、She could hardly restrain herself from laughing loudly. Had Lola seen it? ─── 她都忍不住想放声大笑一常不知萝拉看见了没有?

9、For this and other reasons English escaped the artificial restrains and the strong influence of an academy. ─── 因为这个和其它的原因,英语逃出了学院的不自然的限制和严重影响。

10、I can not restrain my excitement about the news. ─── 听到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。

11、He was so angry that he could hardly restrain himself. ─── 他非常生气,难以克制。

12、Why did they restrain themselves in this way? ─── 为什麽要这样约束呢?

13、Anything that curbs or restrains. ─── 任何限制或约束。

14、If you break the chains of her doubt and restrain. ─── 如果你打碎她怀疑和牵绊的链条

15、The author thinks a lack of vocabulary ability is the major factor that restrains reading proficiency. ─── 因此,笔者认为,词汇能力是影响阅读水平的最主要因素之一。

16、It somewhat restrains architects' productive thinking. ─── 这在一定程度上限制了建筑师的创造性思维。

17、If you can't restrain your dog from biting the milkman,you must lock him up. ─── 如果你不能阻止你的狗咬送奶员,你该把它锁起来。

18、How can ability restrain his mood? ─── 怎么才能抑制自己的情绪?

19、She managed to restrain him from taking such a foolish step. ─── 她设法阻止了他走这么愚蠢的一步。

20、6 And now you know that which restrains, so that he might be revealed in his own time. ─── 帖后二6现在你们也知道,那抑制他,使他到了自己的时候,才可以显露出来的是什么。

21、She can hardly restrain herself. ─── 她几乎克制不住自己。

22、He could not restrain his temper. ─── 他无法抑制愤怒。

23、I had nothing; I couldn't restrain my tears. ─── 什么也没有了,我不能不哭。

24、Restrain the inflamed phenomenon and resist acne, balance greasy secrete. ─── 快速改善暗疮红肿发炎现象,抑制粉刺暗疮滋长,平衡油脂分泌,清爽而不油腻。

25、If you can't restrain your dog form biting the milkman you must lock him up. ─── 如果你不能使你的狗不咬送牛奶的人,你就必须把它关起来。

26、Unable to restrain himself, Tu Wei-yueh burst out laughing. ─── 屠维岳忍不住哈哈笑了,就说道:

27、How to restrain oneself actuation mood? ─── 怎么克制自己冲动的情绪?

28、Accelerate bowel's motivity ,restrain costive caused by nerve system. ─── 增加肠胃动力,改善神经及肌体状况引起的便秘。

29、Prudent attitude is the basis and restrains the principles and methods of adopting techniques. ─── “审慎”态度是基础,制约教师采取“技艺”的原则和方式;

30、She tried with all her might to restrain her resentment. ─── 她努力抑制住自己。

31、They couldn't restrain their excitement. ─── 他们无法抑制自己的激动。

32、Mrs. Zhang couldn't restrain a smile of joy. ─── 张太太不由得笑逐颜开。

33、If the government restrains its spending, the likely result is continued unemployment. ─── 如果政府抑制开销,其结果可能还是持续的失业状况。

34、The child may be quite active andd difficult to restrain. ─── 孩子可能相当活跃,难以约束。

35、He could not restrain his temper [mirth]. ─── 他无法抑制愤怒 [欢笑] 。

36、He could not restrain an exclamation of approval. ─── 他禁不住喝一声采。

37、You must not restrain them of their liberty. ─── 你不可约束他们的自由。

38、She sobbed aloud, not caring to restrain her grief. ─── 她大声地啜泣,不打算遏止悲哀。

39、The monopolistic circulation system also restrains the development of the publishing industry. ─── 同时,流通渠道的垄断也长期困扰日本出版产业的发展。

40、He could not restrain himself. ─── 他无法克制自己的感情。

41、For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. ─── 因为那不法的隐意已经发动,只是现在有一个拦阻的,等到那拦阻的被除去,

42、Wealthy countries restrain the export of scrap iron and steel. ─── 富裕国家限制出口废钢铁。

43、No leg - irons could restrain him. ─── 任何脚也不能拴住他。

44、She had to restrain herself and swallow hard in her position as a housemaid. ─── 她身为女仆,不得不克制自己,忍气吞声。

45、They tried to restrain him from doing such a thing. ─── 他们设法阻止他做这样的事。

46、She shouldn't restrain her anger at their insensible attitude. ─── 对他们这种无动于衷的态度,她抑制不住心头的怒火。

47、She tried to restrain her sobs. ─── 她设法抑制住自己的悲泣。

48、I should not restrain myself, not at all! ─── 你以为我有什么事做不出的!

49、He could hardly restrain himself from shouting alound. ─── 他难以控制自己大声喊了出来。

50、She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself. ─── 她气得几乎控制不了自己。

51、I restrain YY by walking him on a leash. ─── 带丫丫散步时,我牵着他来限制他。

52、They could not restrain their feelings any longer. ─── 他们再也忍耐不下去了。

53、She could not restrain her curiosity. ─── 她无法约束她的好奇心。

54、He tried to restrain his sobs. ─── 他竭力抑制哭泣声。

55、She could not restrain her curiosity to see what was in the box. ─── 她无法抑制她的好奇心,总想看看盒子里装着什么东西。

56、He's been hard at it for several months now,and nothing we do can restrain him. ─── 他酗酒已好几个月,我们怎么也制止不了他。

57、Only has can restrain corruptlike this. ─── 只有这样才能扼制腐败。

58、He could not restrain his curiosity to what was in the box. ─── 他抑制不住他的好奇想去看看盒子里装的是什么。

59、I wish you had sincerity enough to tell me whether Catherine would suffer greatly from his loss: the fear that she would restrains me. ─── 我希望你诚诚恳恳告诉我,若是失去了他,凯瑟琳会不会很难过:就是怕她会难过,这才使我忍住。

60、If you can't restrain your dog from biting people you must lock him up. ─── 如果你管不住你的狗使它不咬人,你就必须把它锁起来。

61、To restrain oneself; draw back. ─── 克制自己;退缩

62、He could not restrain his intense wish to speak to her. ─── 他抑制不住想和她说话的强烈愿望。

63、Refrain To restrain or hold back; curb. ─── 克制,抑制:克制或抑制;约束。

64、Meanwhile, the LORD has a muzzle and a chain for bears. He restrains the more furious wrath of the enemy. ─── 同时,上帝也用口罩、铁链拴紧那些凶恶的犬类,禁止敌人的怒气。

65、As he neared home , he could not restrain his excitement . ─── 他快到家时,抑制不住心头的激动情绪。

66、"Restrain him", cried Mr. Shodgrass. ─── “阻止他”,史拿格拉斯先生叫道。

67、You'd better restrain yourself a little or you'll come to grief. ─── 你还是忍耐一点吧,否则要吃亏的。

68、Get rid of scurf, restrain loose of hair and be good for acnes. ─── 去头屑,抑制落发。改善粉刺和痘痘肌肤。

69、They are hard to restrain themselves from laughter. ─── 他们很难忍住不笑出声来。

70、She restrains her dog by walking him on a leash. ─── 溜狗时,她牵着狗来限制它的活动。

71、However it is the bottleneck that restrains medical image application in clinical practice. ─── 医学图像分割则是图像分割的一个重要应用领域。

72、Higher concentration of 2,4-D (over 4mg/L) restrain callus growth. ─── 低浓度的2,4-D对丹参愈伤组织的诱导有促进作用,但2,4-D浓度过高时对愈伤组织的生长有抑制作用。

73、He couldn't restrain the tears. ─── 他禁不住掉眼泪。

74、I can't restrain my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals. ─── 当我听到人们残酷地对待动物时,我抑制不住愤怒。

75、She had to restrain herself from crying out in pain. ─── 她只得忍住疼痛,不哭出来。

76、Tax competition among countries should be a win-win policy, as it restrains governments and helps spur global economic growth. ─── 国家间的税收竞争将是一个双赢政策,因为它限制了政府的权利并且有助于刺激全球经济的增长。

77、When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent. ─── 多言多语难免有过,禁止嘴唇是有智慧。

78、Does it wait to bank and post office have why to restrain? ─── 它对银行和邮局等有何约束?

79、Improve bowel's motivity, restrain costive caused by nerve system. ─── 增加肠胃动力,改善神经及肌体状况引起的便秘。

80、I can not restrain my excitement about the news . ─── 听到这消息我的克无法控制我的兴奋之情。

81、To comport yourself well in society;restrain loose tongue's impropriety. ─── 处世戒多言,言多必失。

82、He could not restrain himself from shouting aloud. ─── 他克制不住自己要大声喊叫。

83、The elasticity of this system restrains the response to chaos to a certain extent in comparison with the system supported rigidly. ─── 与刚性支承的情况加以比较,发现系统的弹性对混沌响应有一定的抑制作用。

84、It is not just fear of ridicule that restrains my packing, but a sense of self-preservation. ─── 我控制自己的行李量,并不是害怕被人嘲笑,而是一种自我保护。

85、She couldn't restrain her anger at this insensible attitude of theirs. ─── 对他们这种无动于衷的态度,她抑制不住心头的怒火。

86、She couldn't restrain her annoyance at the attitude of the applicant. ─── 对于申请人的态度,她控制不住要生气。

87、She couldn't restrain the tears. ─── 她禁不住掉眼泪。

88、To become unfastened, loosened, or freed from something that restrains. ─── 使轻装被从某一个压抑的事物上解下,松开或释放

89、"Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up; And He sends them out, and they inundate the earth. ─── 他把水留住、水便枯乾.他再发出水来、水就翻地。

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