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08-19 投稿


dozer 发音

英:[?d??z?]  美:[?do?z?r]

英:  美:

dozer 中文意思翻译



dozer 短语词组

1、angle dozer ─── 侧铲推土机,斜板推土机,斜铲式推土机

2、dozer shovel ─── 推土机铲子

3、bucket dozer ─── 斗式推土机

4、dozer kit ─── 推土机工具包

5、dozer boss ─── 推土机老板

6、caterpiller dozer ─── 履带式推土机

7、dozer a ─── 推土机a

8、crawler dozer ─── [化] 履带推土机; 履带式推土机

9、scraper dozer ─── 推土机

10、dozer mapper ─── 推土机文件

11、rake dozer ─── 刮板推土机

12、side dozer ─── 斜角推土机,万能推土机,侧铲推土机

13、dozer company ─── 推土机公司

14、dozer java ─── 推土机java

15、scraper-dozer ─── 推土铲运机

16、loader-dozer ─── 装载机-推土机

17、dozer blade n. ─── 推土铲

18、tyre dozer ─── 泰尔·多泽尔

19、cleaning dozer ─── 清洁推土机

dozer 相似词语短语

1、dozier ─── adj.更困倦的;(非正式)更愚笨的;n.(Dozier)(美、法、英)多齐尔(人名)

2、doser ─── n.剂量仪;定量给料器;n.(Doser)人名;(法)多塞

3、doper ─── n.油枪;加油者;滑润油注射剂

4、doozer ─── n.非常显眼的东西;非常出色的人

5、doer ─── n.实干家;行为者

6、doner ─── n.提供者,捐助者

7、dozers ─── n.推土机(dozer的复数);打盹儿者

8、dazer ─── n.致眩器(一种美陆军武器)

9、doter ─── n.老耄者;过分喜爱者

dozer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This also applies when a scorpion tank takes a direct hit from a SE.It will survive one hit with dozer blades, but without them, would die in the one hit. ─── 对于音波塔这个好处更明显,本来蝎子坦克会被音波塔一炮解决,但是现在死不了了(指的是1.08及之前,到1.09都是2炮了)。

2、He likes (to have) a doze after dinner. ─── 他喜欢饭后小睡片刻。

3、His father would always doze off after smoking opium, but no matter how long his father slept, he would faithfully wait by the bedside until his father woke up before he went off to rest. ─── 不但如此,王孝子的父亲抽了鸦片就昏睡,或久或暂,王孝子都躬身侍候一边,毫不倦怠,直侍候到父亲醒来,才敢离开去睡觉。

4、No one will thank you for a doze in such a den! ─── 凡是在这么一个洞里睡过觉的人是不会感谢你的!

5、NEC says it has designed the robot to be “cute”, It can doze off and talks in its sleep, and will start dancing and playing music if it is petted. ─── 作者把树比作人,赋予它思想。这是有生命的事物间的比拟。无生命的事物亦可拟人化。例如:

6、The paper introduced the characteristics in various environment,and discussed the influence of dozer construction and relative protective technology. ─── 介绍了低温、高温、高原、沙漠干旱地区各种环境下的特点及对推土机作业的影响和应采用的防护技术。

7、We couldn't help but doze off during his lecture. ─── 他演讲时我们不得不打瞌睡。

8、No one will thank you for a doze in such a den!' ─── 凡是在这么一个洞里睡过觉的人是不会感谢你的

9、He was so tried that he fell into a doze ─── 他疲倦得打起瞌睡来。

10、There's nothing like a little doze after lunch. ─── 午饭后打一会儿盹是最适意不过了。

11、He likes (to have) a doze after lunch. ─── 他喜欢午饭后打个盹。

12、“Do you mean the dozer operator decide to drive back himself? ─── (那么,是推土机手自己开回来的?)”赵春江进一步追问。

13、He fell into a doze, ie began to doze. ─── 他打起瞌睡来了.

14、While the adults doze, the young play. ─── 大人们在打瞌睡, 而孩子们在玩耍。

15、Only index-level bet possible is in Thailand, at current prices. It is a "buy and doze" market now. ─── 以目前价格来看,唯一的指数水平参考市场是在泰国。现在这是一个”买了就睡”的市场.

16、Don't bother dropping the mines as a counter to Dozer Blade-upgraded Scorpion Tanks, though, or if your enemy has stealth detection nearby. ─── 如果对方是升级了除雷铲的蝎子坦克,或者有探隐单位的话,就不要浪费雷了。

17、But armed grou are still believed to be holding doze of foreigners captive in Iraq as bargaining chi . ─── 但一般相信武装分子仍在伊拉克挟持着数十名外国人质,作为谈判筹码。

18、JYL161-3 is our designed new model, high-performance wheeled hydraulic excavator, which is equipped with dozer blade and its appearance is beautiful and the operation is comfortable. ─── JYL161-3是我公司研制的高性能配置推土板的反铲全回转轮胎式液压挖掘机,该机可靠性高、安全、维修方便、适应范围广。

19、We company sell used excavator, used dozer , used crawler crane, used truck crane, used wheel loader. ─── 专业从事二手履带吊,二手进口挖掘机,越野起重机,进口推土机,进口装载机经营。

20、This also applies when a scorpion tank takes a direct hitfrom a SE.It will survive one hit with dozer blades, but without them,would die in the one hit. ─── 对于音波塔这个好处更明显,本来蝎子坦克会被音波塔一炮解决,但是现在死不了了(指的是1.08及之前,到1.09都是2炮了)。

21、On the front lawn, parents and relatives listen halfheartedly, stare at the ground, doze in their chairs. ─── 前面的草地上,父母亲友似听非听,低头看草,椅上犯困。

22、The paper was so straight in his hands, however, and the items he had been reading so directly before him, that he rid himself of the doze idea. ─── 可是,报纸还是笔直地在他手里竖着,刚才看的新闻就在他眼前,于是他打消了认为自己刚才是在打瞌睡的想法。

23、He was a banker;when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break,the cobbler awoke him with his song. ─── 他偶尔在黎明时分迷迷糊糊刚入睡,皮匠的歌声便于工作把他吵醒了。

24、But if you put a rock music lover into an opera house, you'd be lucky if he doesn't doze off. ─── 但是如果你让一个摇滚爱好者去听京剧,那么他不打瞌睡就是你好运了.

25、One article carried in the People’s Daily points out, “Some children and teenagers watch TV for too long, so they doze off in class. ─── 人民日报又篇文章指出:“有些少年儿童看电视的时间太长,因此再上课时打瞌睡。

26、kid's DOZER is a superb preference for kids. ─── 孩子的推土机是一个极好偏爱的孩子。

27、You hear better, you have more interaction with the professors and there is no possible way to doze if you are in the front row. ─── 坐在前排听课会十分清楚,可以使你将注意力集中在教授那里,而且坐前排还能克制自己不去打瞌睡。

28、Bad and irregular eating was weakening every function of his body. The one recourse left him was to doze when a place offered and he could get the money to occupy it. ─── 吃得又差又没有规律,使他身体的每一个官能都在衰退。他唯一的指望就是能讨到钱去要一个铺位,好在上面打打瞌睡。

29、To equip elastic suspension on a crawler dozer can effectively dampen vibration and shock in its travel mechanism. ─── 在履带式推土机中安装弹性悬架,可对其行走机构中的振动冲击进行有效的缓冲。

30、To sleep for a brief period, often during the day; doze. ─── 小睡,打瞌睡短暂小睡,通常在白天打盹; 打瞌睡

31、He likes to have a doze after dinner. ─── 他喜欢在饭后打个盹儿。

32、to doze the afternoon away(to doze away the afternoon) ─── 在瞌睡中度过一个下午

33、Woof!"cries Dozer Doggie. ─── 嘟嘟大声喊。

34、The company has forecast that future chi will eventually contain doze or even hundreds of cores. ─── 公司预测未来的芯片将会逐步包含几十个甚至几百个内核。

35、Do not doze in class . ─── 上课时别打瞌睡。

36、SD8 dozer utilizes elastic-mounted undercarriage.The track is triangle shape.The sprocket is elevated. ─── SD8高驱动履带推土机的行走系统采用了弹性安装的新型行走系统,履带呈三角型布置,驱动链轮高置。

37、He closed his eyes and seemed to doze. ─── 他闭上眼睛,好像在打瞌睡。

38、Second bonus, is that dozer blades give more health and frontal armor to your scorpion tanks, basically making them more effective in combat since they are already quite weak as far as armor goes. ─── 另一个好处就是,除雷铲增强了蝎子坦克生命值和前部装甲,使他们战斗更有效率。

39、"But it's cumulative, so someone who falls asleep about 50% of the time during all three situations" would also be a significant dozer, she says. ─── 但是,她表示,这是累计的,当某人在上述三种情况下有约50%的时间睡著时,也许就是严重打瞌睡的人。

40、To equip elastic suspension on a crawler dozer can effectively dampen vibration and shock in its travel mechanism. ─── 在履带式推土机中安装弹性悬架,可对其行走机构中的振动冲击进行有效的缓冲。

41、Through a field test of TQ160 fully hydraulic dozer, traction and travel system pressure of a fully hydraulic dozer are practically tested. ─── 通过TQ160型全液压推土机的现场试验,对全液压推土机牵引力、行走系统压力进行实际测量。

42、After over a half-hour of work, I managed to get him to move only a couple of inches and now it looked as if he might doze off again. ─── 在超过半个小时的激战后,我只让牠移动区区几吋之多,而现在牠又开始呈现昏迷状态。

43、We company sell used excavator,used dozer,used crawler crane,used truck crane,used wheel loader. ─── 专业从事二手履带吊,二手进口挖掘机,越野起重机,进口推土机,进口装载机经营.

44、Results:1.effects on enterobacterium of experimental mice:Compared with the contrast group,neither enterococcus nor enterobacillus in any doze group increased significantly(P>0.05). ─── 低剂量、高剂量组乳酸杆菌数量明显增加,有显著性差异(P0.01);

45、There" s plenty of the green stuff in the city centre, with a couple of large parks and gardens in which to doze or ramble. ─── 在市中心,有许许多多的绿色植物,有两个大的公园,在那儿你可以打瞌睡或者随意漫步。

46、Application of CAN bus technology to control system of intellectual dozer ─── CAN总线技术在智能推土机控制系统中的应用

47、Crane, Wheel Loader, Dozer,Excavator, Grader. ─── 主营业务:Construction Machinery.

48、She wasn't made to carry heavy loads. She did not know how to carry them. And then she fell into an uneasy doze. ─── 她是挑不起重担的,她从来不晓得这样的重担应该怎么个挑法。想到这里,她就进入一种不安宁的小睡中了。

49、He might start a game of chess, but would probably doze off until the conversation returned to maths. ─── 他可能会跟别人下棋,但是也许会打起瞌睡直到谈话又回到数学上来。

50、When I half awoke from this uncomfortable doze, I found Peggotty and my mother both in tears, and both talking. ─── 一会儿,我就又从这样睡思不定的昏沉中,朦朦胧胧地醒过来了,只见我母亲和坡勾提两个人都在那儿又哭又说。

51、full hydraulic crawler type dozer ─── 全液压履带式推土机

52、Mrs. Chang closed her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. She seemed to doze. ─── 她说了这些话,便闭上眼睛,两手交叉地放在胸前,好像就要睡去似的。

53、Method to conduct traction test for a fully hydraulic dozer is expatiated and procedure to process and analyze test data is described. ─── 介绍了全液压推土机进行牵引试验的方法,论述了试验数据的处理与分析过程。

54、But there is no chance to doze off, because pitiless eyes are watching all you do. ─── 但是野兽一般的“拿摩温(工头)和“荡管” (巡回管理的上级女工)监视着你。

55、Giving Alpatitch his instructions occupied over two hours.The prince still would not let him go.He sat down, sank into thought, and closing his eyes, dropped into a doze. ─── 对阿尔帕特奇作的指示延续了两个多小时,公爵仍然没有把他放走。

56、Whenever you have a doze, your boss will appear behind. ─── 你的老板总会在你打瞌睡时出现。

57、In the early hours of the morning, he managed to doze off a couple of times, but it was an uneasy half-sleep as if he were floating up and down on waves. ─── 到后半夜,他忍了几个盹儿,迷迷糊糊的,似睡不睡的,像浮在水上那样忽起忽落,心中不安。

58、Then he began to doze off. ─── 于是看戏的观众近来减少了。

59、Obama, the .The president began his remarks by acknowleging acknowledging the storm of counterversy controversy his visit cause caused with the doze a dose of self-depricating self-deprecating humor. ─── 但是他的演讲多次被反堕胎人士打断,而多数学生们用更大的声音盖过了这些人来支持奥巴马先生。

60、The one recourse left him was to doze when a place offered and he could get the money to occupy it. ─── 他唯一的指望就是能讨到钱去要一个铺位,好在上面打打瞌睡。

61、They're not as sturdy as the Mini Dozer. ─── 但它们都不如“袖珍推土机”那么结实。

62、Doze of world leaders, including 20 European heads of state, joined the official celebratio in central Budapest. ─── 包括20名欧洲国家元首在内的数十名世界领导人星期一参加了在布达佩斯市中心举行的官方庆祝活动。

63、Really, it's just an excuse to drive a Dozer. ─── 其实,这只是个为了能够开推土机的借口。

64、Do not doze off in the middle of the meeting . ─── 不要在开会中打盹儿。

65、While waiting at the construction site, Jack begins to doze off. Lauren tries to leave when he wakes up and catches her. ─── 在建筑工地等候的时候,杰克开始打瞌睡。萝伦试图逃离,这时杰克醒来了,发现了她的举动。

66、They all talk in whispers.They walk on tippy toes.They sing lullabies.Then the bear starts to doze. ─── 他们耳语说话,用脚尖走路,唱着摇篮曲。这时,熊开始打瞌睡。

67、We want to buy Used Construction Equipment - Crane, Wheel Loader, Dozer Used Machinery. ─── 我们要采购建筑设备-起重机,轮式装载机,推土机,二手机械。

68、Induced quenching crack of big dozer gear ─── 大功率推土机齿轮感应淬火裂纹的探讨

69、he began to doze, in spite of himself; ─── 他不由自主地打起盹来,

70、The kids' Dozer is the perfect blend of form and function. ─── 孩子们的推土机是完美的形式和功能。

71、He fall into a doze. ─── 他打起盹儿来了。

72、Method to conduct traction test for a fully hydraulic dozer is expatiated and procedure to process and analyze test data is described. ─── 介绍了全液压推土机进行牵引试验的方法,论述了试验数据的处理与分析过程。

73、"In the shade of their tent, members of a Tuareg family doze through midday heat near Timbuktu in drought-stricken Mali. ─── 在遭受干旱袭击的马里,汀巴克图附近,一个图瓦雷克家庭的成员们,在他们帐篷的阴凉处打盹,以度过炎热的正午。

74、It was Gullit's arrival that opened the floodgates to doze of high-profile and highly-skilled foreign imports. ─── 古列治赴英发展,吸引大批高质素外援随之而来。

75、So just what makes someone a significant dozer? ─── 因此,什么会让一个人变成严重的打盹者?

76、I bought a Mini Dozer ice scraper for 99 cents 19 years ago in a Michigan car wash. ─── 19年前,我在密歇根州的一家洗车行里花99美分买了一个“袖珍推土机”(MiniDozer)牌冰雪铲。

77、Why did you doze off again when you're at work? ─── 你怎么又在上班时间打瞌睡?

78、One idea that worked was to bring to the front the specially equipped dozer tanks (tanks with a blade mounted on the front similar to those on commercial bulldozers) used on the beaches on D-Day. ─── 一个可以操作的想法是,把D日用于海滩的特别装备的坦克推土机(坦克前面安装铲刀,功用类似商用推土机)拿到战线。

79、MDT Based Parametric Design of a Steering Clutch on Dozer ─── 基于MDT的推土机转向离合器参数化设计

80、Keywords expenditure;distance;dump;dozer; ─── 关键词成本;距离;排弃;推土机;

81、I feel more comfortable either doze reducing and try to continue the 48 weeks, or stopping therapy in certain situation at 24 weeks. ─── 对于我来说,可以减少药物的治疗剂量然后尽量维持治疗至48周,或者在某些情况下,在24周时就停止治疗。

82、Differential Steering Technique of Heave-duty Crawler Dozer ─── 大功率履带推土机的差速转向技术

83、But there is no chance to doze off , because pitiless eyes are watching all you do. ─── 但是野兽一般的“拿摩温(工头)和“荡管”(巡回管理的上级女工)监视着你。

84、A genetic neural network control method for variable displacement pump of hydraulic dozer with the energy saving purpose is suggested. ─── 提出了一种液压推土机节能用变量泵遗传神经网络控制方法。

85、Hundreds and thousands of books and magazines doze in the library. ─── 上千上万册图书杂志在图书馆里“睡大觉”。

86、Up the pavement ahead of me, dogs doze in the sun as children run back and forth across the otherwise empty road's chipped asphalt. ─── 在我前方的路面上,狗在阳光下打盹,孩子们则在柏油已经碎裂的空旷道路上跑来跑去,除了他们之外四下无人。

87、She was so tired that she fell into a doze in the armchair. ─── 她十分疲劳,以致于在扶手椅里睡着了。

88、Students should be jealous. Not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they've also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep. ─── 学生们应该感到嫉妒。婴儿们不仅整天睡觉,而且他们还能在睡眠中掌握学习的艺术。

89、I wanted to have a doze before I started my night shift. ─── 在上夜班前,我想打个盹。

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