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08-19 投稿


congested 发音

英:[k?n?d?est?d]  美:[k?n?d?est?d]

英:  美:

congested 中文意思翻译




congested 网络释义

adj. 堵塞的,拥挤的v. 挤满;超负荷(congest的过去分词)

congested 短语词组

1、congested ears ─── 耳朵充血

2、congested roads ─── 拥挤的道路

3、congested nose ─── 鼻塞

4、congested system ─── 拥挤的系统

5、congested airspace ─── 拥挤的空域

6、congested traffic ─── 拥挤的交通

7、congested throat ─── 咽喉充血

8、congested use ─── 拥挤的使用

9、congested skin ─── 皮肤充血

10、congested road ─── 拥挤的道路

11、congested kidney ─── [医]充血肾

12、congested city ─── 拥挤的城市

13、congested area ─── 人口稠密区

14、congested noun ─── 拥挤名词

15、congested waters ─── 拥挤水域

congested 词性/词形变化,congested变形

动词过去式: congested |动词第三人称单数: congests |形容词: congestive |动词现在分词: congesting |名词: congestion |动词过去分词: congested |

congested 相似词语短语

1、congreeted ─── 恭喜

2、decongested ─── v.缓解……的阻塞

3、consisted ─── vi.由…组成;在于;符合

4、ingested ─── vt.摄取;咽下;吸收;接待

5、congests ─── vt.使充血;充塞;vi.充血;拥挤

6、congest ─── vt.使充血;充塞;vi.充血;拥挤

7、contested ─── n.比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执;v.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳

8、congeed ─── n.(中国烹饪中的)粥;凹圆形线脚;辞行;解雇;v.告别;行鞠躬礼

9、congealed ─── adj.凝结的,凝固的

congested 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ATM networks use the preventive congestion control mechanisms such as Usage Parameter Control (UPC) and Connection Admission Control (CAC) to avoid congested conditions. ─── ATM网络一般采用预防性的阻塞控制机制,如用法参数控制(UPC),连接允许控制(CAC)来避免阻塞状况的发生。

2、With billions of neurons, each with thousands of connections, one's noggin is a complex, and yes congested, mental freeway. ─── 一个人的脑袋是一个复杂且拥挤的精神“高速公路”,拥有数以十亿计的神经元,并且每个神经元都和数千的神经元相互联系。

3、But, discover alertly a bit, what go applying for shoe look forward to in congested applicant is very few however. ─── 可是,稍一留意便发现,在拥挤的应聘者中去应聘鞋企的却寥寥无几。

4、In Beijing, it seems to take forever to get anywhere as you weave your way through congested streets. ─── 在北京,你得在拥挤的街道穿梭,好像根本就没有法子到达目的地。

5、The main streets in the centre of the city are always very congested. ─── 城市中心的街道总是很拥挤。

6、Explicitly routed LSPs allow traffic to be engineered to travel through the net and avoid congested areas,according to QoS requirement,security need or other criteria. ─── 外显路由的LSP根据QoS的要求、安全的需要或其他准则,管理流量在网上的传输,避免拥挤区域。

7、If I feel congested or sinus problem coming on, I take until symtons clear up, which usually takes only a few application. ─── 如果偶尔有鼻塞或是鼻窦的问题,我就吃这个直到症状消除,通常只用服几次就好了。

8、Furthermore, in a congested city these green spaces offer a breath of fresh air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day. ─── 此外,在一个拥挤的城市,这些绿色空间能让我们呼吸一下新鲜的空气和有一个地方放松一天的紧张。

9、The downtown district is very congested. ─── 商业区非常拥挤。

10、Kohn notes that the reasons for building lofty towers haven't changed: high land costs in congested cities, demanding economic needs (especially in fast-growing Asia) and the developers' egos. ─── 孔恩评论道,建筑摩天大楼的诱因并未改变:拥挤的都市内寸土寸金,加上苛刻的经济需求(特别是在成长快速的亚洲),还有业主的雄心。

11、If that next hop is congested, the packet can be delayed inside the router. ─── 如果下一站不能接受新的包,则他们就一直停留在这个路由器上。

12、It may have plenty of troubles: a congested city center, topsy-turvy real-estate prices. ─── 他们可能也有一大堆问题:拥挤的市中心,糟糕的房地产市场。

13、Buses and cars congested every street in the center of London. ─── 伦敦市中心区的每条街道拥塞公车和汽车。

14、Second, British companies operate with lower capital stocks than many of their competitors, and their lorries have to drive on heavily congested roads. ─── 另外,英国公司开设时的资本比竞争对手低,而且要以此和别人进行激烈的竞争。

15、He had a cold and was very congested. ─── 他患了感冒,鼻子不通。

16、"It's the same as in congested places for humans that there's then greater risk of passing on colds or influenza. ─── "这种情形犹如人群拥挤的地方传染感冒或流感的危险性更大一样。

17、To become congested. ─── 变得拥挤

18、Further, we find various industries differently influence the initial returns of stocks. Meantime, the excessively high turnover on the initial-day indicate that flippers congest the stock market. ─── 同时 ,首日换手率过高表明我国IPO市场上充斥着短期寻利者 ,存在过度投机行为。

19、In a congested cell, the HSCSD load can be adjusted by BSC parameterisation. ─── 在一个繁忙的细胞, hscsd负荷可作调整,由BSC的参数。

20、If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd. ─── 假若你成功受景仰,那么我的祝福就是穿越拥挤的人群给你温暖鼓历的注视;

21、Many of Europe's airports are heavily congested. ─── 欧洲许多机场都十分拥挤。

22、Cities can be great levelers: congested streets and immobile trains hit rich and poor alike. ─── 城市给每个人提供的服务都一样:不管是穷人还是富人,都得面对拥挤的街道和不便的铁路。

23、Leaf blade thickly papery, linear-lanceolate, often strongly rugose adaxially, apex tapering to acuminate; female spikes of congested glomerules, simple, nodding; achene long stipitate. ─── 厚纸质的叶片,线状披针形,正面经常强烈具皱纹,先端渐狭到渐尖;密集的团伞花序的雌性穗状花序,单,有节;瘦果具长柄。(15

24、He had a cold and was very congested ─── 他患了感冒, 鼻子不通.

25、They will patrol and serve throughout the New York City area, both in larger, more open precincts and in some of the most congested urban precincts in the country. ─── 他们将巡逻和服务在整个纽约市地区,无论是在规模更大,更加开放区和在一些最拥挤的城市选区的国家。

26、No doubt it will be able to tell you that it will be rather pricey for you to take a certain road because it is already congested, and suggest an alternative. ─── 它会告诉您驶入一条特别拥挤的道路将是十分昂贵的,并为您选择一条替代线路。

27、All kinds of idea congest in our pursuit,thus it constitute art. ─── 各种念头充斥在我们对于艺术的追求中,从而构成艺术。

28、These green spaces provide people in a congested city with a breath of fresh air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day. ─── 这些绿色空间为拥挤城市里的人们提供了呼吸新鲜空气和在紧张日子里放松的地方。

29、And Egypt's giant statue of Pharaoh Ramses second was moved from a congested downtown square in Cairo on Friday to it's new home near the more peaceful Great Pyramids. ─── 埃及法老Ramses二世巨大雕像周五从拥挤的开罗市中心广场移到它的新家较为平静的大金字塔附近。

30、Traffic was very congested. ─── 交通很拥挤。

31、As we drive through the leafy Parc de Montjuic, just south of the city centre, the roads grow less congested and the driver maxes out at 85 kph. ─── 在穿过秋叶纷飞的蒙锥克公园(市中心以南)的时候,道路豁然空旷起来,司机就开始飚了,最高时速达到85每小时公里。

32、And Egypt's giant statues of Pharaoh Rames II was moved from congested downtown square in Cairo on Friday, to its new home near the more peaceful Great Pyramids. ─── 周五,埃及法老拉美西斯二世的巨大雕像被从熙熙攘攘的开罗广场迁往位于更僻静的大金字塔附近的新家。

33、For example, ICMP will send a source quench message when traffic becomes congested at a router. ─── 例如,当某一路由器发生通信拥塞时,ICMP会发出一个源抑制信息。

34、Don't congest your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie. ─── 别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想充斥你的头脑。

35、Still, on Monday, the first working day since the end of the limits, officials said there were 36 congested intersections, fewer than before the Games because many commuters still rode public transit. ─── 不过,本周一是限行结束后的第一个工作日,相关官员称全市共有36处拥堵路段,比奥运会之前要少,因为许多上班族仍然乘坐公共交通工具。

36、The Leibstandarte was thrown into the battle piecemeal because of delays in moving the division from the Caen Front along congested roads and under incessant Allied air attack. ─── “警卫旗队”师分散的进入战斗,因为他们从卡昂前线到这里的路一直拥堵,并且一直遭到盟军不间断的攻击。

37、Through the methods congested collateral will have been dredged.(2)Support just avoid evil is basic principle that preventfroms the chronic waist muscle lassitude . ─── (2)扶正避邪是预防慢性腰肌劳损的根本原则。

38、AHS proliferated obviously for quite a long period, and scars were hard and congested along with obvious itch during this period. ─── AHS增生明显,增生期长,增生期瘢痕色红质硬,伴有明显瘙痒。

39、In fact, with its solid platform and composed suspension, we found it was a downright hoot to drive in congested urban areas where extra power is wasted. ─── 事实上,其坚实的平台和组成暂停后,我们发现这是一个彻头彻尾的叫声推动在拥挤的城市地区,额外的电力浪费。

40、Traffic police have opened nine designatedbus lanes on some of the city's most notoriously congested roads. ─── 交管部门已在北京市交通堵塞最严重的路段新开设了九条指定的公交专用车道。

41、It could be that ignorance is bliss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways. ─── 或许无知是一种福气,对那些拥挤区域不知道的人而言,只是拥堵在外面的公路上,或许更好。

42、This is to ensure that no subscriber can congest the bandwidth at all times. ─── 他们有权利拒绝提供格外的流量给你。

43、For large or congested areas, SMARTNET's simulcast option enhances coverage and provides excellent voice quality. ─── 在大型或阻塞区域,SMARTNET具备的同播性能扩大了有效覆盖区域,并提供了优异的语音质量。

44、The bus is much congested. ─── 公共汽车非常拥挤。

45、The cold congested his sinuses . ─── 他因受凉堵了鼻子。

46、In America alone, congested roads cost billions of dollars a year in lost work hours and wasted fuel. ─── 仅在美国,每年因道路拥挤造成的工时损失与燃料浪费,就达数十亿美元。

47、He knew how the traffic congested at the junction of Seventh Avenue and Forty-second Street. ─── 他知道在第7街和第42街交叉处交通是多么拥挤。

48、Like Hizbullah, it will probably prefer to keep on firing no matter how hard it is hit, daring Israel to send its ground forces into a messy street fight in Gaza's congested cities and refugee camps. ─── 哈马斯的态度像黎巴嫩真主党一样:只要以色列敢于向加沙地区拥挤的城镇和难民营派出地面部队,发动棘手的巷战,该组织应该会不计后果坚持战斗。

49、The doctor said his lungs were congested. ─── 医生说他的肺充血。

50、His throat congested with phlegm. ─── 他的喉咙被痰堵住了。

51、However, in case the connection is source bottlenecked or the service is burst, ABR congest control plus open loop control can do a better job than close loop control. ─── 但在拥塞发生在信源处或对突发性业务进行控制的情况下 ,添加开环控制的 ABR拥塞控制可以获得比闭环控制更佳的作用。

52、Once the monitored network links are congested, the attack detection algorithm identifies the type of network flows/connections that contribute to the congestion. ─── 一旦受监控的网络连接被拥塞,攻击检测算法鉴别导致拥塞的网络流/连接的类型。

53、More rounded presentation is less congested with better delineation during complex dynamic passages. ─── 在播放大动态录音时,现场感更强,不会显得拥挤。

54、If it looked congested, you'd say "reroute" and the computer would offer several alternatives. ─── 如果它看起来拥挤,你会说“创”和电脑提供了几种方案,.

55、The central nervous system is congested ─── 中枢神经系统已经充血。

56、His lungs seem to be congested. ─── 他的两肺似乎有充血现象。

57、The Q7 is also being put through its paces on lonely, winding country roads, on autobahns and in the midst of heavy city traffic in congested urban areas. ─── Q7还在偏僻蜿蜒的乡间小道上、在德国的高速公路和拥挤的交通堵塞的市区进行了测试。

58、In congested city life, pure and fresh, natural sunshine becomes the enjoyment of urbanite luxury, become unusually precious. ─── 在拥挤的城市生活中,清新、自然的阳光成为都市人奢侈的享受,变得异常珍贵。

59、Lili: Oh, I see. Beijing's roads are very congested in the mornings. ─── 丽丽:原来如此。北京通常早上道路很拥堵。

60、Taxi drivers zig-zag through congested main strips and zoom along back roads to get you there on time. ─── 出租车司机来回超越拥堵的主要大街上、窜小巷,为的是让你准时到达目的地。他们应得什么样的小费?典型的小费数目:打车钱的15%;

61、The traffic will get less congested soon. ─── 交通阻塞会迅速疏通。

62、The drawback is that FHSS is relatively slow, and in congested cities with a lot of radio traffic, range can be reduced. ─── 其缺点是较慢,在有大量无线电流量的拥挤城市中,传输距离有限。

63、Its totally congested with a bunch of crazy fans from Johor especially for final day to watch how great the world top players act in this competition. ─── 多数人比较关心的是我在这儿的工作情况,因为它总给人感觉那么的遥远,不可被靠近。

64、The baby couldn't breathe because its nose was congested. ─── 婴儿鼻子塞住,透不过气来。

65、Transportation Congested Network ─── 交通拥挤网络

66、His lungs seem to be congested, doctor. ─── 医生,他的肺似乎是充血的。

67、And Egypt's giant statue of Pharaoh Ramses II was moved from a congested downtown square in Cairo on Friday to its new home near the more peaceful Great Pyramids. ─── 再来关注在星期五,埃及法老拉美西斯二世的巨型雕象被从一个拥挤的乡村广场搬运到开罗的新家,它的新家靠近环境更加和谐的金字塔群。

68、If you get congested when you lay down, you will notice a positive difference with magnetic therapy. ─── 如果你得挤当你放下,你会发现一个积极差别磁疗法。

69、During this delay a call set up is queuing for a TCH in the congested cell if queuing feature is in use. ─── 在这个延迟的期间,那个堵塞的传感器如果正在使用队列功能,(那么)话务信道(就要)设立一个排队等待的命令。

70、Since parking space facilities are rather limited near the cemeteries and traffic will also be more congested than usual, grave sweepers are strongly recommended to use public transports. ─── 坟场附近的停车位设施相当有限,交通亦会较平日挤塞,扫墓人士请尽量使用公共交通工具。

71、The traffic is congested and the air is polluted. How can we improve the situation? ─── 交通拥挤,空气又污浊,有甚办法改善呢?

72、Rather, they see the machine as a handy way to get around congested urban areas where driving a car is inconvenient or impossible, or as a practical "people-mover" in developing nations such as China. ─── 但他们认为,在汽车行驶不便或不能行驶的拥挤的城市闹区,它是出入便捷的交通工具,或对于中国那样的发展中国家是一种实用的载人工具。

73、If you know that a certain road is usually congested at various times of the day, plan your route to avoid it. ─── 如果你知道某条路在不同的时间通常是拥挤的一天,计划好你的路线来避免它。

74、Sundry advertisement, sales promotion, dozen fold be full of each to sell greatly, but see congested crowd is mixed expatiatory shopping sheet, are you some scalp pins and needles? ─── 各式各样的广告、促销、打折充斥着各大卖场,但看到拥挤的人群和冗长的购物单,你是不是有些头皮发麻?

75、When kidneys are congested, this is going to affect your blood pressure. ─── 假如肝脏不能以最佳的状态发挥功能,就会影响肾脏。

76、Leaves all petiolate. Inflorescence and/or partial inflorescences congested; branches relatively long, curved-ascending. Petal laminar glands all black or absent. ─── 叶全部具叶柄。花序和/或部分花序密集;枝比较长,弯曲上升。花瓣片状腺体全部黑色的或无。

77、be clogged up; be jammed; be congested ─── 壅塞

78、Because the airport is often congested, aircraft are frequently directed to circle over the capital, increasing the misery. ─── 因为机场往往“机”满为患,飞机频繁地被告知必须在首都上空盘旋打转,这徒增噪音之大给人们带来的痛苦。

79、Due to lacking of playground the children of this colony play in the congested balcony of the building. ─── 因为没有操场,所以,“工寮”里的孩子们只能在拥挤的阳台上玩耍。

80、He continues to sell the popular fried snack, tempe, made out of fermented soybeans, on a noisy, congested street in Jakarta. He still makes a small profit. ─── 他继续在雅加达一条喧闹和拥挤的街道上出售很受欢迎的油炸小吃--以发酵的大豆做成的豆豉糕。他仍然能够赚到一点钱。

81、Yes, your throat is congested. ─── 哦,是的,你的喉咙充血。

82、Is your nose congested? ─── 医:鼻子有塞吗?

83、Hyperaemia and the mucous membrane that do not congest interweave present piebald shape or strip, strip hyperaemia is common be in at knitting apophysis foldsing in a garment. ─── 充血与不充血的粘膜交织呈现花斑状或条状,条状充血常见于皱襞隆起处。

84、His eyeballs are congested. ─── 他的眼球充血。

85、Department stores are often congested before Christmas. ─── 圣诞节前百货商店里常常很拥挤。

86、His face was congested with anger as the argument grew more heated. ─── 争辩得更加热烈时,他的脸上充满怒意。

87、The highway was congested with cars. ─── 公路被车辆堵塞。

88、Blizzard Entertainment does not tolerate bots spamming chat channels or the use of bots to congest channels, which disrupts the normal flow of dialogue. ─── 大风雪娱乐不宽容人造人罐头火腿肉闲谈频道或人造人的使用使充满频道,打乱对话的正常流程。

89、Trying to wriggle free in a congested penalty area, Rooney appeared to stumble and lose possession to Matt Jackson but as he regained his balance he stole the ball off the defender's toe. ─── 在拥挤的禁区里鲁尼曲折盘带,他在马特.杰克逊面前失去平衡,但鲁尼很快站起来又把球偷走。

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