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damnification 发音

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damnification 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 损伤


damnification 短语词组

1、damnification agreement ─── 损害赔偿协议

2、damnification definition ─── 损伤定义

damnification 相似词语短语

1、magnification ─── n.放大;放大率;放大的复制品

2、dandification ─── 皮屑

3、carnification ─── n.肉质化

4、ramification ─── n.衍生物;分枝,分叉;支流;(衍生的)结果、影响

5、ammonification ─── n.[无化]氨化;加氨

6、panification ─── n.做面包

7、indemnification ─── n.赔偿;保护;赦免;补偿金

8、dignification ─── 尊严

9、gamification ─── n.游戏化

damnification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Character and treatment of 58 cases of damnification of infant's palatine ─── 58例婴幼儿腭部损伤的特点及治疗

2、Objective To study the clinical curative effect of "Jiedu Shuluo Decoction" on preventing the lung radioactive damnification. ─── 摘要目的观察解毒疏络法预防放射性肺损伤的临床疗效。

3、damnification identification ─── 损伤识别

4、Though the traditional dressing can keep moisture and protect wound, it s easy to conglutinate the wound during the process of concrescence which can result in the second damnification. ─── 传统的敷料虽有一定的吸湿和保护作用,但在愈合过程中易粘连伤口,造成二次损伤。

5、rock damnification ─── 岩石损伤

6、Smooth blasting of slope excavation would inevitably bring on damnification of slope remaining rock mass. ─── 边坡开挖爆破必然造成边坡保留岩体的损伤。

7、Methods The clinical data of 12 cases of damnification on adjacent organs were retrospectively analyzed in 4520 cases of mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of upper urinary calculi. ─── 方法:回顾分析应用微创经皮肾穿刺取石术治疗上尿路结石4520例中出现临近脏器损伤12例的临床资料。结果:出现胸膜损伤的9例患者中,8例治愈1例死亡;

8、Because parts of structure of ocean terraces are under the sea level,finding out the structural damnification is not easy ; ─── 由于海洋平台的部分结构位于海平面以下,结构的损伤不容易被发现;

9、Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of lacrymal-nasolacrimal intubatton treated the serious lacrimal passages damnification . ─── 目的探讨严重泪道损伤行泪湖鼻泪管插管术的手术疗效。

10、The fatigue life and the fatigue damnification for the parts of the high pressure pump are calculated, both of which are loaded by the pulsatile-circulated load and the random load. ─── 用疲劳分析工具对注水泵零件做了疲劳寿命和疲劳损伤分析工作,得出了注水泵零件在脉动循环载荷和随机载荷作用下的疲劳寿命和基于定制设计寿命的疲劳损伤结果。

11、Keywords vertical storage tank;corrosion;damnification;acoustic emission; ─── 立式储罐;腐蚀;损伤;声发射;

12、Conclusion This thesis approved that TVH operation is secure and advantageous,about prevention and cure in the operation syndrome,prevent the damnification and bleeding is the most focus. ─── 结论本文证实TVH安全便利,并发症的防治主要集中于对膀胱直肠损伤、出血等常见并发症的预防处理。

13、Cause and countermeasure to damnification of urinary system about surgery of gynecology and obstetric ─── 妇产科手术泌尿系统损伤原因与对策

14、Analyzing the rule of stress and strain about the geomembrane with damnification in factual engineering with Three-Dimension non-liner FEM. ─── 4、应用三维非线性有限元分析了土工膜损伤后在实际运行中的应力应变变化规律及影响大小。

15、Free radical damnification might be one of the liver injury mechanism of peppermint oil. ─── 自由基损伤可能是其肝毒性机制之一。

16、the damnification of cerebellum ─── 小脑毒性

17、and restrain agglutination of white blood cell and blood platelet, reduce endodermis cell damnification; ─── 也可以抑制白细胞和血小板在血管内的聚集,减少内皮细胞的损伤;

18、Inducible nitric oxide synthase may be one of the signs at degree of hypoxia and damnification of lung tissue. ─── 诱导型一氧化氮合酶可以作为缺氧程度和肺组织损伤程度的标志之一。

19、Objective To improve the patient s function with the damnification of cervical vertebra.To reduce the complication of the function of brea th . ─── 目的:改善颈椎损伤病人的呼吸功能,减少呼吸系统并发症。

20、damnification control ─── 损伤控制

21、Objective To investigate the experience in the treatment of the damnification on adjacent organs after mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy. ─── 目的:探讨微创经皮肾穿刺取石术并发临近脏器损伤的治疗体会。

22、local damnification ─── 局部损伤

23、The present invention can conveniently realize the procedures of cooling and warming the probe head, and the health tissue along the path can not suffer the cold and hot damnification. ─── 本发明可方便地实现针头的降温和升温程序,且沿程健康组织不受冷热损伤。

24、Objective To evaluate the therpeutic effects of lacrymal-nasolacrimal intubatton treated the serious lacrimal passages damnification. ─── 摘要目的探讨严重泪道损伤行泪湖鼻泪管插管术的手术疗效。

25、Nursing for patients with parenchyma damnification treated by WEIKENI negative pressure occlude drainage ─── 威克伤负压封闭引流术治疗软组织损伤的护理

26、Keywords GuoJiao1573;Rats;Liver;Damnification; ─── 关键词国窖1573;大鼠;肝损伤;

27、Keywords Freshwater crab, S. henanense;Damnification on mitochondrion;Activity of mitochondria enzyme;Mitochondrial DNA damnification;Cadmium;Lead; ─── 河南华溪蟹;线粒体损伤;线粒体酶活力;线粒体DNA损伤;镉;铅;

28、fatigue damnification ─── 疲劳损坏

29、Objective To discuss the relationship between F-wave change of patients with neck and waist marrow damnification and prognosis. ─── 目的探讨颈腰髓损伤患者F-波变化及其与预后的关系。

30、Results Depend on a clinical performance and lumbar puncture, the 56 case of the different kinds damnification of sufferer were diagnosed as THIS. ─── 结果56例不同损伤类型患者依靠临床表现和腰穿确诊为低颅压综合症。

31、Analysis of feature and cause on 516 cases of unforeseen damnification children in pingdingshan area ─── 平顶山地区儿童意外损伤516例

32、Surface of die occurs four damnification such as brittleness break, machine crack, machine wear and plastic distortion under machine load. ─── 型腔表面在机械负荷的作用下主要发生脆性破裂、机械裂纹、机械磨损和塑性变形四种损伤。

33、Keywords fibre cystoscope;treatment;urethra damnification; ─── 纤维膀胱镜;治疗;尿道损伤;

34、Conclusion: The hyperthyroidism can aggravated the hepatic damnification, and the treatment of hyperthyroidism do benefit in recovery of liver function with secure and efficient. ─── 结论:甲亢能加重病毒性肝炎肝功能损害,抗甲亢治疗对甲充合并病毒性肝炎患者肝功能的恢复是安全有效的。

35、Conclusion F-wave examination has a certain value to evaluate the prognosis of patients with neck and waist marrow damnification. ─── 结论F-波检查对颈腰髓损伤患者的预后评价有一定的价值。

36、Objective: To observe whether GuoJiao 1573 (GJ) should aggravate hepatic damnification when the liver were injured. ─── 目的:了解国窖1573在急慢性肝损伤时是否会加重肝损伤。

37、The clinical curative effect, assessment and classification of radioactive lung damnification, negative effects and life quality were observed. ─── 以肿瘤客观疗效、放射性肺损伤的评定及分级、毒副反应情况、生活质量状况为指标进行临床疗效观察。

38、Aim: To observe the organ morphologic changes of rabbits' electric shock damnification by electro-railway contact net, and to provide basis for the authentication. ─── 摘要目的:观察电气化铁路接触网电击损伤的机体组织形态学变化,为铁路接触网电击损伤的鉴定提供依据。

39、Thyrotoxic Hepatic Damnification on Patients with Hyperthyroidism and Its Correlative Factors ─── 甲亢性肝功能损害及其相关因素

40、After using Oxymartrine and Sophoridine, neuron tumefaction and organelle damnification could be improved, conclusion Oxymartrine and low dosage Sophoridine have certain of protection to brain damage. ─── 结论氧化苦参碱和小剂量槐定碱对脑组织损伤有一定的保护作用。

41、Keywords fatigue damnification;taking-force machine;case control;chain organization;automatic closedown;lockup device; ─── 疲劳损坏;取力器;箱体控制;连锁机构;自动闭锁;锁止装置;

42、So it can build AE wave characteristics storehouse which was used to forecast development trend and regularity in the course of rock distortion, damnification and fracture. ─── 据此,可建立声发射波形特征库,用于预测预报岩体受损变形过程的发展趋势和规律。

43、shock damnification ─── 冲击损伤

44、damnification and leakage ─── 筒体泄漏

45、The spiritual damage, a kind of non-material damage, is the psychological damnification that results from the infringer trespasses the victim's personal right and personality right. ─── 精神损害是一种非财产上的损害,是侵权人侵害受害人人身、人格权利而致其心理上的损害。

46、The study of infra-red thermal image inspection test for damnification of concrete structure by fire ─── 混凝土结构火灾损伤红外热像检测试验研究

47、The structure of bridge evaluation expert system and four model : bridges manager, structure damnification degree evaluation ,bear evaluation , literature help is introduced . ─── 然后介绍桥梁评估专家系统的组成,它包括四个模块:桥梁管理,结构损伤度评估法,承载力评估法,文献帮助。

48、Objective To explore the relationship between endothelial cell injury and disease activity and renal damnification in systemic lupus erythematosuss( SLE) patients. ─── 目的探讨血管内皮细胞损伤与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)疾病活动、脏损伤的关系。

49、Analysis and treatment of the pulling damnification between servomotor tank and piston rod ─── 接力器缸体及活塞杆拉伤原因分析和处理策略

50、hepatic damnification by CCL4 ─── CCl4肝损伤

51、Damnification and trauma of human hearing due to noise, as well as the issues of deaf that caused by highly intense noise are discussed. ─── 摘要探讨了噪声对人类听觉造成的损失和损伤,以及高强度噪声导致耳聋等相关问题;

52、In addition, we test the rejection ratio of very sample and get the result of the rubber sponge ball no damnification to the membrane. ─── 并且通过测定各个样品对卵清蛋白的截留率表明海绵橡胶球清洗并没有造成管式膜的破损。

53、subjects damnification ─── 学科损伤

54、Exploration of some problems during the course of male urethra damnification management ─── 男性尿道损伤初期处理中某些问题的探讨

55、The damnification and eliminating methods of surge for semiconductor lasers[J]. ─── 引用该论文 孙梅生,卢威,徐小鹏.

56、Objective To discuss the relationship between F-wave change of patients with neck and waist marrow damnification and prognosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨颈腰髓损伤患者F-波变化及其与预后的关系。

57、joint damnification ─── 急性损伤

58、Damnification of rock mass ─── 岩体损伤

59、Conclusions With the serious lacrimal passages damnification, the surgery of lacrymal-nasolacrimal intubatton is an alternative method for the treatment of them under no effective methods. ─── 结论对于严重泪道的损伤,在无法行泪道手术或激光有效方法治疗情况下,泪湖鼻泪管插管术为可行的治疗方法。

60、Keywords noise pollution;damnification of noise;control of noise; ─── 噪声污染;噪声损伤;噪声防治;

61、And the paper picks out the best kind of combinability collocation imposing the research of the distill rate, damnification rate, contain shag and contain mixed of turnoff cashmere. ─── 同时对羊绒分梳机的设计和羊绒分梳中应注意的问题提出了建议。

62、Conclusion s It is pivotal measure of improving t he pa-tient ' s prognostic to have a good nursing of respiratory tract in patients with t he damnification of cervical verteb ra. ─── 结论:做好颈椎损伤病人的气道护理,是改善病人预后的关键措施。

63、It has certain significance in promoting the country's technology of detecting damnification with magnetic powder. ─── 对进一步提高我国磁粉探伤设备的技术水平具有一定的促进意义。

64、Besides, urethral block, BPH or the damnification at perineum and urethra all also induce the chronic prostatitis. ─── 下尿路梗阻和炎症,前列腺增生,会阴部及尿道损伤也可诱发前列腺炎。

65、It has ceratin significance in promoting the country's technology of detecting damnification with magnetic powder. ─── 对进一步提高我国磁粉探伤设备的技术水平具有一定的促进意义。

66、Study Of Damnification Identification Method Based On Bridge Dynamic Characteristic ─── 基于桥梁结构动力特性损伤识别方法的研究

67、Damnification tolerance ─── 损伤容限

68、Objective To explore a simple method with little damnification to meliorate or restore the aging estate around the eyes and eyebrow. ─── 目的探索一种简单、损伤小且一次性去除或善改眉眼周围老化状态的手术方法。

69、Keywords laser sintering;metallic powder;diamond grits;technological research;damnification of diamond grits; ─── 激光烧结;金属粉末;金刚石颗粒;工艺研究;金刚石损伤;

70、Study on the radiation characteristics of a shaped beam reflector antenna under the multi-hole damnification ─── 多孔毁伤时赋形反射面天线辐射特性的研究

71、evaluates the damnification of plant by formaldehyde employing the the Stat. of the leaf scar. ─── 统计实验用植物叶片伤斑来分析甲醛对植物的损伤情况。

72、After epilepsy induced successfully by penicillin, we could observe neuron tumefaction, organelle damnification and other changes. ─── 光镜、电镜观察使用氧化苦参碱和小剂量槐定碱后致痫大鼠海马组织神经细胞肿胀、细胞器损伤等改变得到改善。

73、Nonlinear Finite Element Dynamic Analysis on Reinforced Concrete Frame Strengthened with Steel Plate in Case of Damnification ─── 粘钢加固受损砼框架非线性有限元动力分析

74、KEY WORDS: Arthroscope, Damnification of Semilunar Valve, Coordinated Attendance to Anthroscopic Operation; ─── 关键词:关节镜、半月瓣损伤、手术配合;

75、rock original damnification ─── 岩石初始损伤

76、The result indicates that MS is much better than LTS in sterilizing effect with less fleshy damnification, and during storage, microorganisms grow slowly and results in a longer sheiflife. ─── 实验结果表明,微波杀菌效果要明显优于低温长时杀菌,对肉质的损伤较小,杀菌时间短,并且在贮藏过程中微生物生长缓慢,货架期较长;

77、Radioactive lung damnification ─── 放射性肺损伤

78、The analysis of rock acoustic emission characteristic under biaxial compressing using damnification mechanics ─── 双向压缩下岩石声发射特性损伤力学分析

79、Methods To collect 63 cases with neck and waist marrow damnification, analyze their F-wave results and compare abnormity degree of F-wave examination with patients comeback circs. ─── 方法收集63例颈腰髓损伤患者,对其F-波检查结果进行分析,并对F-波检查异常程度与患者恢复随访情况进行比较。

80、original damnification ─── 初始损伤

81、Objective: To study damnification action and action mechanism of toxicity of p-Nonylphenol. ─── 目的:研究壬基酚毒性对膜脂质的损伤作用及作用机理。

82、Keywords layered steel fiber reinforced concrete(LSFRC);layered hybrid fiber reinforced concrete(LHFRC);flexural experiment;fatigue experiment;fatigue damnification; ─── 层布式钢纤维混凝土;层布式混杂纤维混凝土;弯拉试验;疲劳试验;疲劳损伤;

83、Liver damnification ─── 肝毒性

84、Compared with other methods,19F-NMR can detect contemporarily and quantificationally without damnification. ─── 在体内核磁共振技术中,19F-NMR与其他方法相比,在不损伤样品的条件下,就可进行实时定量监测。

85、Conclusion While adjustment the serum lipids, Xuezhikang can mitigate the inflammation damnification in treatment of the patients with hyperlipoidemia and acute ischemic stroke. ─── 结论血脂康能治疗急性缺血性脑卒中患者,在调脂同时,可减轻炎性损伤。

86、An rule of mixed failure suggested is based on the rule of density and the statistical description of tiny damnification. ─── 基于密度准则及微损伤的统计描述,建议了一个混合破坏准则。

87、The analytical results can be used for the qualitative evaluation of the shear capability of the reinforced concrete beam after damnification. ─── 便于在工程实际中应用,为损伤后的钢筋混凝土梁斜截面承载力的评估提供了依据。

88、Collaterals damnification ─── 络损

89、damnification location ─── 损伤定位

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