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08-19 投稿


flavorous 发音

英:[?flev?r?s]  美:[?fle?v(?)r?s]

英:  美:

flavorous 中文意思翻译



flavorous 词性/词形变化,flavorous变形

副词: flavorfully |

flavorous 短语词组

1、flavorous flavorful ─── 香喷喷的

flavorous 相似词语短语

1、glamorous ─── adj.迷人的,富有魅力的

2、fervorous ─── 凶猛的

3、savorous ─── 美味的

4、clangorous ─── adj.叮当响的;嘹亮的

5、flavorful ─── adj.可口的(等于flavourful);充满…味道的;有香味的

6、folivorous ─── 毛囊的

7、flavors ─── n.风味调料(flavor复数);v.添加味道(flavor的三单形式)

8、flavonols ─── n.[有化]黄酮醇;黄硷醇(flavonol的复数)

9、clamorous ─── adj.吵闹的;大声要求的

flavorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lacking flavor or zest;not tasty. ─── 乏味的缺少味道或滋味;无味的

2、Elite Flavor Bioengineering Co., Ltd. ─── 味研生物工程科技有限公司

3、Are there any local flavor dishes here? ─── 您这儿有什么地方风味吗?

4、Tossed salad retains its original taste and flavor. ─── 凉拌生菜,原汁原味。

5、Few other tea can compare with ours either in flavor or in color. ─── 在香味和色泽方面,很少有其他品种的茶可与我们的相比。

6、The dishes from Chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorous. ─── 当审查法律被放松时,招摇撞骗之徒就会趁机打着艺术的幌子炮制各种乌七八糟的货色。

7、Can you recommend me some that have a Chinese cultural flavor? ─── 你能否给我推荐几种具有中国文化特色的?

8、Why? - It brings out the flavor in the champagne. ─── 为什么?-能引发出香槟的香味。

9、Your cook creates color, flavor and taste all at the same time. ─── 你们的厨师同时注意到菜的色、香、味。

10、At that time, felling everything have no flavor all and pretty of! ─── 一时间,感觉一切都挺没味道的!

11、You have your choice of three flavor of ice cream. ─── 你可以选择3种风味的冰淇淋。

12、The local Tuijia flavor stresses hot-and-prickly sauce. ─── 当地土家风味当推麻辣酱汁。

13、Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country. ─── 光临万韵之境!万宝路世界!

14、You're right. So what flavor should we buy? ─── 您说得对。那我们到底要买什么口味的?

15、Objective: To analyse the nutritional components and flavorous substance of the white yak, s milk. ─── 她接待友人香馥馥的炖肉。

16、She served a flavorous stew to her friends. ─── 她接待友人香馥馥的炖肉。

17、She hears the flavor of thing combustion. ─── 她闻到东西燃烧的气味。

18、Transit breeze, the wind mixed with the flavor of love, sweet inconceivable. ─── 微风过境,风中夹杂着恋爱的味道,甜蜜得不可思议。

19、Strong flavor takes a few sips to get used to. ─── 强烈风味需要品尝几小口去适应。

20、Shanghai food has a thick stock,a sweet taste and a natural flavor. ─── 上海菜味浓而甜且自然。

21、Any flavor can be given to your food. ─── 任何滋味都能添到你的食物里。

22、A flavoring simulating the flavor of many fruits. ─── 什锦果味含有多种水果味的味道

23、Flavor or interest; piquancy. ─── 兴趣爱好或兴趣; 刺激

24、Even so, it was the memorable flavor of childhood. ─── 即使那样,还是值得追忆的童年的味道。

25、The application of IMPERTAL JADE in flavor Da qu Liquor production. ─── 和氏壁复合酶在浓香型白酒生产中的应用。

26、What kind of flavor do you want? ─── 你要什么口味的?

27、For aroma and flavor, I think you can't beat Ceylon teas. ─── 就香气和味道来说,我想什么也比不过锡兰茶。

28、His fable essay was rich in poetic flavor. ─── 他的寓言小品简约深厚,呈现浓郁的诗意。

29、It gives our little meals an eastern flavor. ─── 它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。

30、Experience: A thick milky flavor, soft and creamy. ─── 感受:奶香浓郁,松软绵密。

31、It was only a matter of flesh changing its flavor over time. ─── 只能算日子久了,肉会变味。

32、Original taste and flavor provides good nutrition. ─── 原汁原味,营养丰富。

33、An unpleasant, metallic flavor. ─── 一种令人皱眉的刺鼻气味

34、I love the light, minty flavor of this one. ─── 尝尝看。

35、Which flavor would you prefer,strawberry or vanilla? ─── 您喜欢哪一种口味的,草莓味还是香草味?

36、His songs have a strong hip hop flavor. ─── 他的歌带有浓烈的嘻哈色彩。

37、One mentholated cough drop, any flavor. ─── 一片薄荷醇咳嗽糖,气味不拘。

38、If mixture of tastes, by order of the corresponding flavor in. ─── 如果需要混和口味的,按顺序把相应口味倒入容器就行了。

39、Cardamom has an intense, pungent, sweet flavor. ─── 小豆蔻具有刺激性的气味,香甜的口感.

40、A sweet, sassy sauce: Savor the flavor. ─── 一种香甜,诱人的酱:尽情享受吧!

41、Our special canning process seals the flavor in. ─── 我们的特殊装罐方法可以把味道密封起来。

42、She served a flavorous stew to her friends. ─── 她用香喷喷的炖肉招待朋友。

43、What flavor lcee you got today? ─── 你们今天有什么风味特餐?

44、Any of several types of smooth, hard cheese varying in flavor from mild to extra sharp. ─── 切德奶酪几种平滑、质硬的有从温和至极刺激的不同口味的干酪

45、What flavor would you like? White or wheat? ─── 你想要什么口味的?白面包还是全麦面包?

46、Which flavor would, walnut or vanilla? ─── 你喜欢哪一种口味的,核桃还是香草?

47、Shanghai Oasis Flavor & Fragrance Co., Ltd. ─── 上海绿洲源香料有限公司

48、It masks bitter tastes and heightens flavor. ─── 它掩没苦涩口味和升高味道。

49、B: What flavor would you like? Strawberry or marmalade? ─── 您要什么口味呢?草莓还是橘子的?

50、Gas Chromatography Studies of the Flavorous Substance and Free Fatty Acids in Beer ─── 啤酒风味物质及游离脂肪酸的气相色谱研究

51、She served a flavorous stew to her friends. ─── 她招待朋友香喷喷的炖肉。

52、Strong and offensive in odor or flavor. ─── 刺鼻的;难闻的气味或味道强烈或使人不舒服的

53、A: What flavor would you like? Chocolate or vanilla? ─── 你要哪种味道的?巧克力还是香草?

54、Mix Soya-bean powder and Seasoning 2 into juice with fish flavor. ─── 取一个碗,放酱油、白糖、醋、味精、清汤、水豆粉、兑成鱼香汁。

55、Dalian is a coastal city full of the flavor of modernity. ─── 大连是一座充满现代气息的滨海城市。

56、When world tasteless,I have the lemon flavor. ─── 当世界乏味时,莪有柠檬味道.

57、Production technology of flavorous oil and hot mashed garlic can ─── 风味油辣蒜酱罐头的生产工艺

58、They're good in color , flavor, and taste. ─── 它们是色、香、味俱全。

59、Shanghai Peacock Flavor & Fragrance Co., Ltd. ─── 上海孔雀香精香料有限公司

60、Click an ice cream flavor in one of the lists on the actions pane. ─── 在操作窗格上的一个列表中单击一种口味的冰激凌。

61、The flavor of the Great is no inheritance. ─── 伟人的一大优点是不留任何遗产。

62、A DIY up a moon and see how the flavor? ─── 一起来DIY一个月饼吧,看看味道如何?

63、Sichuan cuisine is noted for its tingling,pungent and spicy flavor. ─── 四川菜以麻、辣、五香味而著称。

64、It can be used for example to add flavor to soups. ─── 例如,可以添加到汤中增加味道。

65、Your flavor is the sweetest thing in life. ─── 你的气味是我生命中最香甜的。

66、Why does vodka have a neutral flavor? ─── 伏特加为什么会有中性的味道?

67、The flavor of a beer or ale is dependent on a number of factors. ─── 啤酒或淡色啤酒的风味取决于几个因素。

68、Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country. ─── 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

69、If you're craving more flavor, add some herbs or salsa. ─── 如果你想要更多的口味,可以加一些蔬菜或沙拉。

70、Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty. ─── 乏味的缺少味道或滋味; 无味的

71、"I want one pile popcorn, be butyric flavor. ─── “我要一大堆爆米花,是奶油味的。”

72、Our special canning process seals the flavor in . ─── 我们的特殊装罐方法能保存味道。

73、Yep. That flavor is really in demand . ─── 对呀。那个口味真的很受欢迎。

74、I don't like the flavor of onion. ─── 我不喜欢洋葱的味道。

75、Chinese cuisine takes care of color, flavor and taste. ─── 中国烹饪色、香、味俱全。

76、What flavor of icecream do you like? ─── 你喜欢哪一种味道的冰淇淋?

77、What flavor would you like?Chocolate or vanilla? ─── 你要哪种味道的?巧克力还是香草?

78、Which flavor would you prefer, walnut or vanilla? ─── 您喜欢哪一种口味的,核桃还是香草?

79、Fours Seasons Flavor Food Ltd. ─── 四季香食品有限公司。

80、What flavor of ice-cream do you like? ─── 你喜欢什么口味的冰淇淋。

81、It can quickly be processed special flavorous and genuine mutton's chafing dish supplemented season wrap. ─── 配以调味料包,即可迅速加工出风味地道的羊肉火锅。

82、The addition of cinnamon improved the flavor. ─── 加入桂皮后,气味更好了。

83、What flavor would you like? Chocolate or vanilla? ─── 你要什么口味?巧克力还是香草?

84、They tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass. ─── 它们吃起来脆爽带浓浓的草香.

85、Fry quickly to seal in the flavor of the meat. ─── 快速把肉油煎一下,以保住其美味。

86、Old news.Declan's her new flavor of this month. ─── 已经是过去式了。戴克伦才是她这个月的新欢。

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