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08-18 投稿


graver 发音


英:  美:

graver 中文意思翻译




graver 网络释义

n. 雕刻刀,雕刻师n. (Graver)人名;(英)格雷弗;(挪)格拉弗

graver 词性/词形变化,graver变形

原型:grave 名词复数形式:gravers

graver 短语词组

1、graver ca ─── 刻录此内容

2、graver cd ─── 雕刻机cd

3、graver inc ─── 格雷弗公司

4、graver ios ─── 雕刻师ios

5、graver io ─── 记录一

6、stipple-graver n. ─── 点刻工具

7、graver technologies graver ─── 技术公司

8、graver hvv ─── 埋葬vv

graver 相似词语短语

1、graven ─── adj.不可磨灭的,铭记在心的;雕刻的;v.雕刻;铭刻;清理(船底)(grave的过去分词);n.(Graven)(美)格拉旺(人名)

2、grayer ─── adj.苍白的;灰色的

3、grave ─── n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;沉音符;(废旧机器等的)堆积处;adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;有沉音符的;(乐)缓慢的;v.雕刻;铭记;拷铲油漆(船底);adv.(乐)缓慢地,庄严地;n.(Grave)(德、英)格拉维(人名)

4、braver ─── adj.勇敢的(brave的比较级);n.(Braver)人名;(匈)布劳韦尔;(西)布拉韦尔

5、graves ─── n.坟墓,(废旧机器等)堆积处(grave的复数);n.(Graves)格拉夫葡萄酒;n.(Graves)(美、加、英)格拉费斯(人名)

6、graved ─── n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;沉音符;(废旧机器等的)堆积处;adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;有沉音符的;(乐)缓慢的;v.雕刻;铭记;拷铲油漆(船底);adv.(乐)缓慢地,庄严地;n.(Grave)(德、英)格拉维(人名)

7、gravel ─── n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑;n.(Gravel)人名;(英、法、西)格拉韦尔

8、gravers ─── n.雕刻刀;雕刻师;adj.更重大的,更严峻的;更庄重的;更阴沉的(grave的比较级);n.(Graver)(美)格拉弗(人名)

9、craver ─── 爬行动物

graver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The body was found in a shallow grave. ─── 在一个浅墓穴里发现了尸体。

2、The grave was marked by a simple headstone. ─── 坟墓用了一块简陋的墓碑来标记。

3、The character of Adeimantus is deeper and graver, and the profounder objections are commonly put into his mouth. ─── 阿德曼托斯更为深沉、严肃,常常将更加深远的目标挂在嘴上。

4、To dig up or remove from a grave or tomb; exhume. ─── 从坟墓中掘出;掘墓。

5、Nor a grave worm recount thy loving-kindness. ─── 一只尸虫也不能例举你的慈爱。

6、A grave, on which to rest from singing?. Choose. ─── 唱倦了,你来这里躺下?请挑吧。

7、Accordingly, the crowd was sombre and grave. ─── 因之,人群也显出相应的阴郁和庄重。

8、Both rich and poor are equal in the grave. ─── 一堆黄土掩贫富。

9、There were flowers on the grave. ─── 坟上有些花。

10、Heaven lent you a soul.Earth will lend a grave. ─── 上天借你一颗灵魂,尘世借你一块坟墓。

11、But the case could take years, and the three may never get to answer the graver charges. ─── 但该案件可能要延续好几年,如此一来这三人有可能永远都无法等到接受其他情节更为严重的指控。

12、He gave the news out in grave voice. ─── 他用庄重的声音宣布这一消息。

13、Others give warning that such a move would simply alienate potential buyers of GM cars, making the situation graver still. ─── 有的警告说这样做只会让通用汽车的潜在购买者心存疑虑,而使形势变得更严峻。

14、Faced a grave decision in a time of crisis. ─── 在决定性时刻面临着重大的决定。

15、His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave. ─── 他的灵柩安放在深深的墓穴中。

16、They filed slowly past the grave of their leader. ─── 他们排成纵队慢慢走过他们领袖的墓前。

17、They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute. ─── 他们在墓旁脱帽默哀.

18、He thought of Hugh Barton's grave foxy face. ─── 他想到许·巴吞那张严肃、狡黠的脸。

19、A grave or other place of burial. ─── 坟墓坟冢或其它葬人之地

20、They stood in silent homage round her grave. ─── 他们站立在她的墓的周围向她默哀。

21、To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee. ─── 你和坟墓,将吞食世界所应得的报酬。

22、And life everlasting beyond the grave. ─── 关于死亡的解脱和生命的永恒。

23、In the grave the rich and poor lie equal. ─── 一朝入暮穴,贫富皆一律。

24、This issue is graver in parts of Africa and Asia, where job creation is imperative to lift millions out of crushing poverty. ─── 在非洲和亚洲的一些地区,这个问题更加严峻,急需创造更多的就业是数百万人摆脱贫困。

25、Who's a prince or beggar in the grave? ─── 坟墓里王子、贫儿知是谁?

26、They filed past the grave of the national hero. ─── 他们排成纵队走过那位民族英雄的坟墓。

27、He rescued her from a watery grave. ─── 他把她从水中救起。

28、You dig your grave with your teeth. ─── 人们用牙齿为自己挖掘坟墓(贪嘴伤身)。

29、His grave has become a place of pilgrimage. ─── 他的陵墓成了参拜之地。

30、I need hardly say, a very grave offence. ─── 不用说,这是大不敬的事。

31、Is there life beyond the grave(= life after death)? ─── 人死后有来生吗?

32、He took quite a grave view of the case. ─── 他对这件事很慎重。

33、You're driving yourself into the grave. ─── 你在把自己赶进坟墓。

34、His grave is marked By a fine stone. ─── 他的墓有一块精致的石碑。

35、The burial procession accompanying a body to the grave. ─── 出殡的行列伴随死者到墓地去的出殡行列

36、Analysis of 65 Cases With chronic grave hepatitis. ─── 65例慢性重型肝炎病原学分析。

37、Come out of the grave today and experience life. ─── 今天就从坟墓里出来,经历生命。

38、The signalman left his cabin before attending to his signals and so committed a grave breach of duty. ─── 信号员没有发完信号就离开了他的小木房,因此犯了严重的玩忽职守的错误。

39、Is there life beyond the grave? ─── 人死后有来生吗?

40、He had heard a voice from the grave. ─── 他仿佛听见了从坟墓里传来话语。

41、He preserved his grave and dignified bearing. ─── 他保持庄重威严的仪态。

42、Can a man rise from the grave? ─── 人能从坟墓中死而复生吗?

43、He has dug his own grave by stealing a car. ─── 他偷车的行为害了自己。

44、They stood by the grave together. ─── 他们一起站在墓旁。

45、His illness assumed a very grave character. ─── 他的病显得非常的严重。

46、They filled the grave quickly and we left. ─── 他们很利索地把墓穴填平,接着我们就离开了。

47、Year after year he visits the grave. ─── 他每年都去扫墓。

48、Sue and Judy had gone side by side to the grave. ─── 休和朱迪,原先是并肩往坟地里去的。

49、Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave? ─── 啊,是你在我坟上动土?

50、They stood in silent homage around the grave. ─── 他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。

51、To dig up or remove from a grave or tomb;exhume. ─── 从坟墓中掘出;掘墓

52、In this country the government looks after you from the cradle to the grave. ─── 在这个国家中每个人从生到死都得到政府的关心。

53、You've made Mahan turn over in his grave. ─── 你的话惊动了马汉在天之灵。

54、They are facing a grave economic crisis. ─── 他们面临严重的经济危机。

55、An ancient grave mound;a barrow. ─── 冢古代的坟墓;古冢

56、They were as silent as the grave. ─── 他们静默著,一言不发。

57、He wished to be interred in the family grave. ─── 他希望被葬在祖坟墓地。

58、Don't treat me as though I had one foot in the grave! ─── 别把我看成好像是个一脚已踏进坟墓的人。

59、He looked very grave as he entered the room. ─── 他进屋时表情非常严肃。

60、Outside America, the consequences could be even graver. ─── 美国之外,后果可能会更严重。

61、Vous lui donnez votre visage grave. ─── 你们给他以严肃的脸色.

62、You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily. ─── 你继续这样过度吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。

63、Sagman, Jane Graver Sandler. ─── 作者声明: Stephen W.

64、If it were to fall, the debt crisis would become far graver. ─── 如果西班牙也倒下,债务危机将远为沉重。

65、They sorrowed for his death at his grave. ─── 他们在他的墓前为他哀悼。

66、The grave problem of public hygiene is connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city. ─── 公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。

67、And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be. ─── 便是凄坟亦馨甜。

68、He began with grave looks and short questions. ─── 他开始带着严肃的面孔,只简短地寒暄了几句。

69、To place in a grave or tomb; bury. ─── 埋葬放在墓或坟里;埋

70、They are grave or impertinent all the day long. ─── 他们这一天里不是庄严肃穆就是嬉皮笑脸。

71、His grave is marked by a fine stela. ─── 他的墓前有一块精致的石碑。

72、Anthropologist is still trying to decipher the rune find in the grave. ─── 人类学家们仍然在尽力破译在这个坟墓里发现的神秘记号。

73、As the lark poured out her melody clearer and stronger, he fell into a graver and profounder silence. ─── 云雀的歌声越来越清脆,越来越有力,而他则越发变得庄重,越发变得沉默。

74、Sonnet -- Ye Hasten To The Grave! ─── 十四行诗:你匆匆进了坟墓!

75、Then he looked a good deal graver, and said, "Have you been walking much on your chin lately?" ─── 接着他看起来严肃至极地说:“难道你用下巴走路吗?”

76、His grave is snowed down with flowers. ─── 他的墓上撤满鲜花。

77、He was buried in an unmarked grave. ─── 他埋在一处无名冢下。

78、"What is it but a grave!" said the sexton. ─── “那不过是一座坟墓罢了,”教堂管事说。

79、The flight of time brings together the cradle and grave. ─── 光阴荏苒使生死相接。

80、Life is a battle from cradle to grave . ─── 人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗。

81、He looks as though he has one foot in the grave. ─── 他看来已经风烛残年了。

82、He's much too old to go skiing; he's got one foot in the grave! ─── 他年纪太大了,不能去滑雪,他已是风烛残年了。

83、They take off their hat by the grave in silent salute. ─── 他们在墓旁脱帽默哀。

84、His grave is unmarked. But it does not matter. ─── 他的坟墓已经找不到了,但是这并不重要。

85、As jade is of hard texture, carving is not done with a steel graver, but with emery by way of grinding. ─── 由于玉质地很硬,不能用钢质雕刻刀雕刻,用磨光的金刚砂来雕刻。

86、Otherwise, we will encounter grave difficulties. ─── 否则便将遇到极大的困难。

87、He was a splendid, awe-inspiring, grave old man. ─── 他是个严肃的老人,卓而不群,令人敬畏。

88、He is austere and grave in deportment. ─── 他举止庄重严肃。

89、That kinda lovin'sends a man right to his grave. ─── 亲爱的!怎么能让一个男人自掘坟墓?

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