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fiduciary 发音

英:[f??dju???ri?f??du??ieri]  美:[f??dju???ri]

英:  美:

fiduciary 中文意思翻译




fiduciary 网络释义

adj. 信托的;受信托的;基于信用的n. 受托人;被信托者

fiduciary 短语词组

1、fiduciary notes ─── [经] 无准备发行纸币

2、fiduciary loan ─── [经] 信用贷款(放款)

3、fiduciary guardian ─── [法] 受托监护人

4、fiduciary contract ─── [经] 信托契约, 信用契约

5、fiduciary currency ─── [经] 信用纸币

6、fiduciary institution ─── [经] 信用机关

7、fiduciary investment ─── [经] 信托投资

8、fiduciary estate ─── [经] 信托财产

9、fiduciary issue ─── [经] (纸币)信用发行

10、fiduciary capacity ─── [经] 受托人资格(身份), 信用范围, 委托代管权限

11、fiduciary accounting ─── [经] 财产信托会计, 遗产会计

12、fiduciary duty ─── 信托责任;诚 ─── 信义务

13、corporate fiduciary ─── [经] 委托公司

14、fiduciary contribution ─── [经] 信用投资

15、fiduciary bond ─── [经] 受托人保证保险

16、fiduciary obligation ─── [法] 信贷义务

17、fiduciary property ─── [经] 受托保管的财产

18、fiduciary money ─── [经] 信用货币

19、fiduciary position ─── [法] 受托人地位

fiduciary 常用词组

fiduciary duty ─── 信托责任;诚信义务

fiduciary relationship ─── 信托关系

fiduciary 词性/词形变化,fiduciary变形


fiduciary 相似词语短语

1、nonfiduciary ─── 非机密

2、fiducially ─── 基准地

3、fiducial ─── adj.[测]基准的;信托的;根据信仰的

4、fiduciary duty ─── 信托责任;诚信义务

5、judiciary ─── n.司法部;法官;司法制度;adj.司法的;法官的;法院的

6、fiduciaries ─── 被信托者,受托人(fiduciary的复数)

7、fiduciary bond ─── 信托保证书

8、fiduciarily ─── 基于信用的

9、fiduciary bonds ─── 信托保证书

fiduciary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fiduciary bond insurance ─── 信托保证保险

2、fiduciary overdraft ─── 信用透支

3、I had a fiduciary responsibility to my investors and that, more than anything else, prompted me to pick up the phone. ─── 我对基金投资者担负着资金的受托责任,这比任何事情都重要。

4、They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty. ─── 他们对董事们违反信托责任提出诉讼。

5、An Analysis of the Legal Nature of the Loan for the Fiduciary Export Rebate Account ─── 出口退税账户托管贷款的法律性质分析

6、Internal audit appears as the fiduciary duty appear, whose function is to enhance the economy, efficiency, effect of the management work by doing the whole enterprise's management system perfect. ─── 内部审计是随着受托责任的发展而发展,它通过完善整个企业的经营系统来提高经营工作的经济性、效率性和效果性。

7、journals used in fiduciary accounting ─── [经] 信托会计中用的分录簿(日记帐)

8、fiduciary fund ─── 信托金

9、A promoter has a fiduciary relationship with the company. ─── 发起人与公司有信用上的关系。

10、On the Fiduciary Duty of the Control Shareholder of Targeted Corporation ─── 公司收购中目标公司控股股东的诚信义务探析

11、A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company. ─── 公司董事对公司负有受托人责任。

12、"Fiduciary capitalism," the "political model of corporate governance," and the prospect of stakeholder capitalism in the United States; David M. Brennan ─── “信托资本主义”、“公司治理的政治模式”美国持股者资本主义的前景

13、Pertains to the relation between a fiduciary and his principal - a relationship of trust. ─── 关于受托人和他的当事人之间的联系-信任关系。

14、open fiduciary loan ─── 信用借款

15、fiduciary estate ─── 信托财产

16、fiduciary media ─── 信用媒介

17、Fiduciary Stock-preferred ( FSP ) ─── 信用优先股

18、fiduciary contributions ─── 信用投资

19、fiduciary duty ─── 受托人的义务,诚信责任

20、fiduciary debt ─── 信用贷款

21、a fiduciary institution ─── 信用机关

22、engaging in any trading prejudicial to the rights and interests of the customer when utilizing fiduciary investment assets to trade securities. ─── 二、运用委讬投资资产买卖有价证券时,从事足以损害客户权益之交易。

23、fiduciary's report to the court ─── [经] 受托人对法院的报告

24、A trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property ,to which the trustee holds the legal title for the benefit of one or more persons, who hold equitable title as beneficiaries. ─── 信托是一种与特定财产相关的信赖关系。在这种特殊的关系中,受托人为了一个人或更多人的利益而拥有财产的法定所有权,后者就是受益人,拥有财产的衡平法所有权。

25、To serve as an inspector, liquidator, bankruptcy administrator, or executor of a will, or in any other fiduciary capacity. ─── 充任检查人、清算人、破产管理人、遗嘱执行人或其他信讬人。

26、the legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary. ─── 体现受惠者最高利益的受托人的法律职责。

27、fiduciary currency ─── 信用纸币

28、fiduciary duty institution ─── 代建制

29、The characteristics of public politic finance demanding to establish a financial reporting system to remove the "fiduciary responsibility". ─── 公共财政的特点决定了建立政府财务报告制度、解除政府"公共受托责任"的必要性。

30、You are the fiduciary of the customer. You've got to give before you get. If you get something for a lower price, you pass on the savings. ─── 你是顾客的委托人。你要想得到就必须先付出。当你以低价购买一件东西,就要把省出来的还给顾客。

31、fiduciary:Of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another ─── "信用的,信托的:委托他人掌握某物的或与之有关的."

32、fiduciary obligation ─── [法] 信贷义务

33、fiduciary substitution ─── 信托替补

34、Fiduciary in doctor-patient relationship ─── 医患信托关系

35、Professional money mangers have a fiduciary duty to pick stocks they'd be happy to walk out in public with, those that have good prospects and are unlikely to disappoint in tough times. ─── 专业机构的信托责任需要他们选择出那些有较好前景,并且在经济不景气的时间不会让投资者失望的股票。

36、relating to or characteristic of a legal trust; fiduciary ─── 信用的,信托的与合法的委托有关的或有此特性的;信托的

37、Fiduciary Products: Who Will Crazy for You? ─── 信托产品:谁为卿狂?

38、"fiduciary:One, such as an agent of a principal or a company director, that stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others." ─── "受信托人:处于资本代理人或公司董事这一位置上的人,在某些合约上对其他人有某种特殊的信托、信任或责任的关系."

39、fiduciary reserve ─── 保证发行准备

40、company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company. ─── 公司董事应对公司负受托人的责任。

41、Don't they have the fiduciary duty of professional handler? ─── 他们没有职业经理人的信托责任吗?

42、public fiduciary duties ─── 公共受托责任

43、He is acting in a fiduciary capacity ─── 他以受托人身份行为。

44、To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent ─── 你声称要立案,请联络我们受托代理人

45、Goldman's report concludes that it should disclose conflicts of interest when it acts as an adviser or fiduciary to its clients. ─── 高盛的报告得出的结论是:当它作为客户的顾问或受托人时,它应该向客户披露利益冲突。

46、fiduciary system ─── [经] 信用保证制度

47、fiduciary rs report ─── 受托人报告

48、Trust A fiduciary relationship in which one person, a trustee, holds title to property or assets for the benefit of another person, the beneficiary ─── 一种委托关系,一名信托人代表受益人持有物业或资产的所有权

49、1.A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company. ─── 公司董事应对公司负责受托人责任。

50、Joanne Johnson, head of US fiduciary and wealth advisory for JPMorgan Private Bank, says incentive trusts have to be viewed in the wider context of estate planning. ─── jp摩根私人银行(jpMorgan Private Bank)美国信托和财富顾问业务主管乔安娜约翰森(Joanne Johnson)表示,必须在更广泛的遗产规划背景下考量激励型信托。

51、fiduciary contribution ─── 信托投资

52、small fiduciary loans to the farmers ─── 农户小额信用贷款

53、fiduciary responsibility ─── 信用责任

54、In this role, we do not act as an agent or fiduciary for you, and we may act on behalf of the insurance provider, as permitted by law. ─── 当行使这角色时,本行并非为阁下的代理人或受信人,及在法律容许的情况下,本行可代表该保险提供者。

55、The Fed should have the option to post or publish transcripts of these “fiduciary risk reviews” to give investors insight into how conversant their boardrooms were with risk. ─── 但就金融政策制定者希望保留治理作为可行的制度工具而言,有一种简单的、有利于股东的民主做法。

56、(a) fiduciary currency ─── 信用货币

57、fiduciary notes ─── [经] 无准备发行纸币

58、Company (Group) Company under the guarantee, the RMB has enough funds and fiduciary dollar amount of business for the company laid a good foundation. ─── 公司在(集团)总公司的担保下,有足够的人民币的资金和美圆的受信额度,为公司开展业务奠定了良好的基础。

59、A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another. ─── 信托是一种信赖关系,拥有财产权的人负有为他人利益而管理或处分该财产的衡平法义务。

60、Differentiation Between the System of Fiduciary and Agent ─── 信托与代理之辨析

61、fiduciary business ─── 信托业务

62、He was acting in a fiduciary capacity. ─── 他以受托人身份行为。

63、fiduciary institutio ─── 信托机关

64、II.A trustee shall, upon the entrustment of a fiduciary, apply for opening securities account for enterprise annuity fund as an agent. ─── 二、托管人要根据受托人委托,为企业年金基金申请代理开立证券账户。

65、It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain. ─── 受托人为了个人利益挪用金钱是不合法的。

66、To serve as an inspector, liquidator, bankruptcy administrator, or executor of a will, or in any other fiduciary capacity. ─── 三充任检查人、清算人、破产管理人、遗嘱执行人或其他信讬人。

67、Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive. ─── 此外,我们的企业文化已批准这一目标的编纂作为受托义务,任何企业执行。

68、topical studies including corporate governance, AIMR Soft Dollar Standards, fiduciary duty, insider trading, personal investing; ─── 专题讨论(含公司治理、AIMR软美元准则、信托责任、内部交易、个人投资);

69、fiduciary duties ─── 信托义务

70、fiduciary note ─── (信用发行的)纸币, 保证准备发行的纸币 field note(s)野外工作摘记, 记录本

71、fiduciary nature ─── 信托关系

72、fiduciary contract ─── [经] 信托契约, 信用契约

73、fiduciary bond ─── [经] 受托人保证保险

74、fiduciary service ─── 信托服务

75、the legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary ─── 体现受惠者最高利益的受托人的法律职责

76、A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company . ─── 公司的董事对公司负有信托责任。

77、fiduciary capacity ─── 信托职务信用范围受托人资格

78、fiduciary object ─── 参照物

79、A Study on Fiduciary Duties of Corporate Directors and Takeover Defenses ─── 公司反收购与董事受信义务研究

80、fiduciary issue ─── 信用发行保证准备发行

81、fiduciary return ─── 受托人代委托人准备的纳税申报书

82、fiduciary investment ─── [经] 信托投资

83、A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company ─── 公司董事对公司负有受托人责任

84、Fiduciary duty is one of the long-standing and well-established legal systems of Angle-American law, which has strong vitality. ─── 董事的信义义务是英美判例法中一项源远流长且极具生命力的法律制度。

85、Corporate governance principles and the board's fiduciary duties. ─── 企业管治功能及受信职责。

86、fiduciary position ─── [法] 受托人地位

87、Trust and Fiduciary Service Companies ─── 信托服务公司

88、"Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obligations. ─── “杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。”

89、corporate fiduciary ─── [经] 委托公司


根据你句子的意思on the board of意思为:董事会上的 he is the representative on the board of directors翻译为:他是董事会上的代表。例子:a token woman on the board of directors.董事会上象征性的女董事;董事会上充场面的女董事。

His resignation left a vacancy on the board of directors.他的引退给董事会留下了一个空缺。

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