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08-18 投稿


frangipani 发音

英:[,fr?n(d)??'pɑ?n?]  美:[,fr?nd??'p?ni]

英:  美:

frangipani 中文意思翻译



frangipani 网络释义

n. 赤素馨花所制的香水;赤素馨花n. (Frangipani)人名;(意)弗兰吉帕尼

frangipani 短语词组

1、frangipani flower cologne ─── 法国桂花古龙水

2、frangipani candle ─── 弗兰吉帕尼蜡烛

3、frangipani tree ─── 鸡蛋花树

4、frangipani plant food ─── 弗兰吉帕尼植物食品

5、frangipani food ─── 弗兰吉帕尼食品

6、frangipani trade services ─── 弗兰吉帕尼贸易服务

7、frangipani monoi ─── 鸡蛋花

8、frangipani yarn ─── 弗兰吉帕尼纱

9、frangipani flower ─── 鸡蛋花

10、frangipani family frangipani ─── 家族

frangipani 词性/词形变化,frangipani变形

名词复数: frangipanis |

frangipani 相似词语短语

1、Varangians ─── 瓦兰吉卫士

2、fragging ─── v.(用爆炸装置)蓄意杀伤;n.碎片弹;手榴弹;n.(Frag)(美、英、俄、埃、希、波、墨)弗拉格(人名)

3、frangipane ─── n.赤素馨;杏仁奶油饼;n.(Frangipane)人名;(法、意)弗兰吉帕内

4、Varangian ─── n.瓦兰吉人;adj.瓦兰吉人的

5、francomania ─── 法语

6、-ranging ─── v.(在一定的范围内)变化,变动;(数量、种类等变化的)范围,幅度;排列,排序;徘徊,漫步;使作对;绵延,延伸;(射击后校准或用雷达)测距(range的现在分词)

7、Trapani ─── n.特拉帕尼(意大利城市)

8、frangipanis ─── n.鸡蛋花树(或灌木)(产于美洲热带);鸡蛋花香水,鸡蛋花香料;鸡蛋花,素馨花;n.(Frangipani)(美、马)弗兰吉帕尼(人名)

9、frangipanes ─── n.赤素馨;杏仁奶油饼;n.(Frangipane)人名;(法、意)弗兰吉帕内

frangipani 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Century Frangipani is a native tree that has been associated with Buddhist and Hindu cultures. ─── 内庭院里的铝金属和鸡蛋花花池创造出一种富有启发性的空间体验。

2、I pretend I am walking over to a frangipani tree but I slow down. ─── 我假装正在穿过人群走向一株赤素馨花,但是我逐渐慢了下来。

3、Some species of plants such as bougainvillea and frangipani, this can have a smell can shade the United States. ─── 种一些植物,例如九重葛和素馨,这样既可以遮阳又可以产生香味美。

4、frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form; grown in temple gardens. ─── 印度鸡蛋花,有竖直的习性和圆锥形的形状;在寺庙花园里种植。

5、An oriental vanilla fragrance for women Sparkling, passionate &sensual Top notes are blood orange, mandarin orange Middle notes are Indian jasmine, frangipani Base notes are sandalwood, amber, vanilla ─── 瑟琳热潮香水喷雾东方香草味女士香水,散发热情感性香调。前调为柑橘,基调为印度茉莉,赤素馨花,基调为檀香木,琥珀,香根草。

6、Visitors to his beach house in the Comoros might find him, surrounded by his children from seven different pretty women, sipping tea under a frangipani tree. ─── 拜访德纳尔在科摩罗海边小屋的游客可能会发现上校,七位美丽夫人为他所生的孩子们会围着他打转,他也在一棵素馨花下悠闲自得地品尝着茶点。

7、Frangipani mosaic tobaccovirus ─── 鸡蛋花烟草花叶病毒

8、The main section of the house is separated by the out door pool and frangipani garden. ─── 房子的主要剖面被室外的水池和鸡蛋花树的花池分开。

9、Frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form,grown in temple gardens. ─── 印度鸡蛋花,有竖直的习性和圆锥形的形状,在寺庙花园里种植。

10、But did he just lie back and smell the frangipani? ─── 难道他只会成天躺在那里闻岛上的鸡蛋花香吗?

11、Wearing Frangipani for good luck, sitting and dazing in the Wei Jin Dynasty-flavor pavilion quietly, you can leave all your thoughts behind and just let the time go by. ─── 戴着能给自己带来好运的鸡蛋花,在颇具魏晋古风的发呆亭坐坐,什么也不想,任时间静静流逝;

12、Our hotel room was decorated with flowers. Frangipani were changed daily, but what I really like is the little garden outside. ─── 旅馆每天都会在床头、梳妆台等放上自家产的缅栀(别名:鸡蛋花、鹿角树、番仔花),但我还是喜欢阳台前绿意盎然的小院子。

13、The score was kept on a scrap of cardboard by a young woman with a frangipani flower in her hair. ─── 外围接球手在酒吧附近抽着方头雪茄。一位年轻的妇女头带素馨花,把得分记在一块纸板上。

14、With flower milks of calming lotus, heady frangipani and organic Community Traded honey to help condition the skin. ─── 含有白莲花及鸡蛋花精华,散发出浓郁香气,加上来自社群贸易的蜂蜜,有助滋润皮肤。

15、A balance between the aluminum and the frangipani garden in the internal courtyard has developed a stimulating spatial experience. ─── 房子的后半段是厨房、卫生间、佣人房和一个屋顶露台。一个金属的旋转楼梯将这些功能连接在一起。

16、At the Marriott, for example, guests ramble amid breadfruit and frangipani trees and photograph one another by an enormous, amoeba-shaped swimming pool. ─── 比如,在万豪酒店,客人们可以在面包果树和鸡蛋花树之间徜徉,在硕大的不规则形状游泳池边相互拍照。

17、Abstract: Frangipani ( Plumeria rubra L. ─── 文章摘要: 鸡蛋花是夹竹桃科。

18、Top-down shot of frangipani flower. ─── 鸡蛋花花图片 Frangipani Blossom.

19、7. frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form; ─── 印度鸡蛋花,有竖直的习性和圆锥形的形状;

20、Here is a picture of a mature plumeria tree. Oh! For those who have visited Australia, it is called frangipani. ─── 这是一张长大的鸡蛋花照片.啊,对已去过澳洲的人来说,它叫赤素馨花.

21、Frangipani Candy played chess with me yesterday.I failed finally. ─── She talked splendid words: 妈妈,你还不回你的房间思想思想。

22、These mantids can be found on orchids, papaya trees or frangipani trees with flowers. ─── 这些螳螂可以在兰花,有花的木瓜树或赤素馨树上找到。

23、Our kingdom once held a smell that is not unlike frangipani in present time. ─── 我们王国曾经持有一种很像当代的素馨花的气味。

24、The exterior facade of aluminium screens depicting frangipani leaves provides a breezeway and shade at the rear of the building. ─── 建筑后的铝网外立面带有鸡蛋花叶子的图案,既通风又阴凉。

25、A balance between the aluminum and the frangipani garden in the internal courtyard has developed a stimulating spatial experience. ─── 内庭院里的铝金属和鸡蛋花花池创造出一种富有启发性的空间体验。

26、In this outdoor area is the out door pool and frangipani garden. ─── 在这个露天的领域是室外游泳池和鸡蛋花的花园。

27、Mexican frangipani flower ─── 鸡蛋花

28、Hotel Features.The FDR Pebbles Resort is fragranced with the scent of the frangipani, jasmine and bougainvillea. ─── 法尔茅斯 -配有 游泳池 的酒店: The FDR Pebbles Resort is located in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

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