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extravagance 发音

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extravagance 中文意思翻译



extravagance 网络释义

n. 奢侈,浪费;过度;放肆的言行

extravagance 短语词组

1、extravagance is out ─── 奢侈已经过时

2、extravagance noun ─── 奢侈名词

3、extravagance de plumes ─── 奢华的羽毛

4、extravagance 1930 ─── 奢侈1930

5、flouncing extravagance ─── 摒弃奢侈

6、extravagance autographs ─── 奢侈签名

7、extravagance means ─── 奢侈意味着

8、extravagance meaning ─── 奢侈之意

9、with extravagance ─── 奢侈地

10、extravagance and waste ─── [法] 挥霍浪费, 铺张浪费

11、extravagance defined ─── 奢侈定义

12、extravagance definition ─── 奢侈定义

13、extravagance define ─── 奢侈的定义

14、extravagance syn ─── 奢侈syn

extravagance 词性/词形变化,extravagance变形


extravagance 相似词语短语

1、extravagancy ─── n.浪费(等于extravagance,复数extravagancies)

2、Extravagantes ─── n.编外卷,流传律例集

3、extravagate ─── vi.越轨;漂泊

4、extravagantly ─── adv.挥霍无度地

5、extravagancies ─── n.浪费(等于extravagance,复数extravagancies)

6、extravaganzas ─── n.狂妄的言行;内容狂妄的作品;铺张华丽的表演

7、extravaganza ─── n.狂妄的言行;内容狂妄的作品;铺张华丽的表演

8、extravagances ─── n.奢侈,浪费;过度;放肆的言行

9、extravagant ─── adj.奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的

extravagance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To see all the nation and family of past, The extravagance causes failure and success comes from thrift. ─── 历览前贤家与国,成由勤俭败由奢。

2、Sponging and taking more than one's share and extravagance and waste on the part of cadres must be banned. ─── 干部多吃多占和铺张浪费。

3、By and large, they live a frugal and simple life and are not given to extravagance. ─── 一般上生活都十分俭朴,粗茶淡饭过日子,奢侈浪费不是他们的长处。

4、Her extravagance ate into her husband's inheritances. ─── 她挥霍无度,使她丈夫所得的遗产日益减少。

5、His main extravagance is smoking. ─── 他的主要嗜好是吸烟。

6、Your grandfather urged repeated forgiveness ingratitude, riot, and extravagance and all that. ─── 你的外祖父总是一再说什么饶恕过多次了,忘恩负义,好惹事,奢侈浪费等等闲话。

7、LEO &TAURUS: This is an ill-fated connection, your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull. ─── 前途不甚乐观,你的夸张和对宴会的爱好会引起小心谨慎的金牛的反抗。

8、Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance the rich man's pitfall. ─── 俭省是穷人的铸币场;挥霍是富人的陷人坑。

9、With all his conceit and extravagance he is not so rich, I fancy, as he affects to be. ─── 他尽管很神气,爱讲排场,但我觉得他并不象他装的那么有钱。

10、File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML... slave's life from extravagance to destitution, slavery class from ... ─── 上面斜竖着两撇墨黑的娥眉,在她那木兰花一般白的皮肤上,划出两条异常惹眼的斜线。...

11、Going to the theatre is our only extravagance. ─── 去剧院看戏是我们唯一的奢侈享受。

12、Extravagance and wastage are generally results of people's appetites for enjoyment and indulgence. ─── 各种奢侈浪费现象大多是人们追求享受、放纵欲望造成的。

13、Extravagance ate up his inheritance. ─── 奢侈耗尽了他所得之遗产。

14、No more conversation; the toil of the trail will not permit such extravagance. ─── 不再谈话,艰苦的路程不容许他们浪费精力。

15、Late in life he married a second time, a Stockholm woman who goaded him into every sort of extravagance . ─── 在他的晚年,和一个斯德哥尔摩的女人第二次结了婚。这个女人唆使他过着一种奢侈放荡的生活。

16、Mr. Pearson's income allows of no extravagance in his way of living. ─── 皮尔逊先生的收入不允许他生活奢侈。

17、Resolutely combating extravagance and waste. ─── 坚决反对奢侈浪费。

18、Can you distinguish generosity from extravagance? ─── 你能分出慷慨与奢侈的区别吗?

19、With all his conceit and extravagance he is not so rich, I fancy, as he affects to be. ─── 他尽管很神气,爱讲排场,但我觉得他并不象他装的那么有钱。

20、His family's extravagance is breaking his back. ─── 他家人的挥霍无度正使他破产。

21、Such extravagance did not last. ─── 但这样的放纵言行并未持续很久。

22、And for our own convenience, one-off stuffs are used everywhere, with extravagance and making astronomical rubbish. ─── 人为了方便,常常使用一次性用品,大量的浪费,并制造天数的垃圾。

23、He grumbled sometimes at her extravagance. ─── 他有时抱怨她铺张浪费。

24、What is your greatest extravagance? ─── 你最奢侈的是什么?

25、Fourth, there is a certain degree of extravagance. ─── 四是有点奢。

26、She imputed the whole to the extravagance or rather ebullient of his passion. ─── 她把这一切全归咎于他情感的丰富,不能自持。

27、His extravagance drained all his fortune. ─── 他挥霍无度, 过着金迷纸醉的生活, 耗尽了他的财产。

28、As for extravagance, I am sure every comrade knows of examples in the army, so I need say no more on this point. ─── 关于奢的例子,我想哪一位同志的脑子里都装了一大堆,我就不多讲了。

29、They do not know extravagance is a bad thing. ─── 他们不知道奢侈是一件坏事。

30、His wild extravagance is running his family into the red . ─── 他那种失去控制的铺张浪费使他的家庭陷入债务之中。

31、I rather my people laugh at my meanness but I don't want them to cry for my extravagance. ─── 1我宁愿让我的人民嘲笑我的小气也不愿让他们为我的挥霍而哭泣。

32、To such straits was he reduced by his extravagance that he took to begging. ─── 他因为挥霍浪费而弄到这般境地,竟然开始要起饭来。

33、In an era of extravagance and wastefulness, I hope to be able to show the world, human things that really need very modest. ─── 在一个奢华浪费的年代,我希望能向世界表明,人类真正需要的东西使非常之微少的。

34、Extravagance was a vice to which Lisette was strange. ─── 奢侈挥霍这种恶习与莉莎特无缘。

35、In some places, rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance. ─── 在一些地方,有钱人请人代为哭丧,是为了讲排场,摆阔气。

36、Nor was this the only form of lawless extravagance which owed its origin to the plague. ─── 在其他方面,由于瘟疫的原故,雅典开始有了空前违法乱纪的情况。

37、When the company went under, tales of his extravagance surged through the industry. ─── 这家公司破产时,有关他的奢靡的传言传遍了整个业界。

38、His income allows of no extravagance in his way of living. ─── 他的收入不允许他生活奢侈。

39、In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are. ─── 在物欲横流的年代,但愿我能向世人表明:人类的真正需求少得有多么可怜。

40、Just as extravagance makes one arro-gant, frugality makes one humble. I'd rather to be humble than to be arrogant. ─── 一个人奢侈豪华,就会显得傲慢,艰苦朴素就会显得寒酸。对我来说,与其傲慢,宁可寒酸。

41、Again, this extravagance was partly responsible for the collapse: trees were used for making plaster with which to decorate their temples. ─── 此外,这个无比壮观的建筑物也要为玛雅的失落负部分责任:树木被用来制造装饰庙宇的灰泥。

42、He's always railing against his wife about her extravagance. ─── 他总是责怪妻子奢侈浪费。

43、He launched out into extravagance . ─── 他开始挥霍了。

44、During the orderly voting, the mission did indeed look like an extravagance. ─── 在有秩序的投选过程中,非洲考察这项任务的确看起来是多此一举。

45、Something in her responded to his extravagance and his exuberant manner. ─── 她的内心有什么东西为他的豪放热忱的风度所感染。

46、His extravagance has drained his fortune. ─── 他挥霍无度,已耗尽财产。

47、Extravagance and overindulgence are not a cure if you're feeling sorry for yourself. ─── 如果自己感觉不爽那么纵容自己并不是个好办法。

48、The expansiveness, so typical of the Fire signs can also result in extravagance when two of them get together. ─── 同时,火相星座的人所具有的这种豪爽和开朗有时也会导致严重的挥霍和奢侈。

49、She had shopped hard and bought well; but now charges of extravagance crept into the papers. ─── 她费尽心力进行购买,务求物美价廉;可是逐渐有人在报上指责她挥霍浪费。

50、Do you mean the love of luxury of extravagance? ─── 你这是指爱好奢华,善于挥霍吗?

51、He has been used to extravagance. ─── 他是大手大脚过惯了的。

52、In any case, all his works deal with the extravagance and excessiveness of the artist in search of his image. ─── 在任何情况下,他所做的一切与艺术家这一形象联系在一起,那是一个为了追寻自己的影像而过度奢侈的艺术家。

53、You should spend your money carefully and avoid extravagance. ─── 你用钱要慎重,避免浪费。

54、His extravagance kept him always in debt. ─── 他的挥霍无度使他常常负债。

55、He assumed a mock extravagance. ─── 他摆出一副大言不惭的样子。

56、His father's indifference gave Jia Zhen a free hand to indulge his extravagance. ─── "贾珍见父亲不管,亦发恣意奢华."

57、He had bold flights. He had humour. He had extravagance. ─── 他谈笑风生,诙谐有趣,口若悬河。

58、They destroy game with an extravagance that cannot be justified by economic need. ─── 他们的灭绝性的狩猎是不能以经济需要来辩护的。

59、It was the dressing-room, laid out with all the articles of toilet, in which the dead woman's extravagance seemed to be seen at its height. ─── 那是间化妆室,放着所有梳妆用品,从这点看来这已死女人的奢侈已经到了极顶。

60、What is a beautiful, luxury, extravagance, debauchery and art locomotive. ─── 什么是精美、豪华、奢侈、放荡及机车艺术。

61、Extravagance has eaten up his inheritance. ─── 他挥霍无度,耗尽了他所继承的财产。

62、Therefore, man should be confident, or it will be the extravagance for mankind. ─── 因此人活着就必须自信,不自信是人消费不起的奢侈品。

63、Her feeling of opposition to Sir Willoughby pushed her to this extravagance . ─── 她反对威洛比爵士的情感催促她说出了这种夸大其词的话。

64、He hinted at my extravagance . ─── 他间接提到我的奢侈。

65、I prefer to let people laugh at my stinginess rather than let them cry for my extravagance. ─── 1我宁愿让我的人民嘲笑我的的小气也不愿让他们为我的挥霍而哭泣。

66、To such straits was he reduced by his extravagance that he took to begging. ─── 他因为挥霍浪费而弄到这般境地,竟然开始要起饭来。

67、His extravagance lead him to poverty. ─── 他的奢侈让他走向穷困。

68、Your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull. ─── 你过于奢侈铺张,这与谨慎小心的金牛格格不入。

69、She resumed all the fantastic extravagance of deportment after some transient touch of melancholy had banished for an instant. ─── 刚才的一丝凄凉之感立即消散,她恢复了毫无节制的疯狂举动。

70、Going to the theatre is our only extravagance. ─── 去剧院看戏是我们唯一的奢侈享受。

71、We must practice strict economycombat extravagance. ─── 厉行勤俭,反对奢侈浪费。

72、They even adopted the form of legal constraints that extravagance and waste, and stresses the bad acts of ostentation . ─── 他们甚至通过法律的形式来制约那些奢侈浪费、好讲排场的恶劣行径。

73、Try to shop carefully and avoid extravagance. ─── 买东西要审慎小心,避免浪费。

74、The truth is that there are few well-off Singaporean artists. By and large, they live a frugal and simple life and are not given to extravagance . ─── 但我要说新加坡的艺术家没几个是大富大贵的,一般上生活都十分俭朴,粗茶淡饭过日子,奢侈浪费不是他们的长处。

75、He discusses the human nature, that is willing to be enslaved by money, not extravagance and waste that is insatiable. ─── 他大谈人的天性,就是心甘情愿被金钱所奴役,不是奢侈浪费就是贪得无厌。

76、English: Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance the rich man's pitfall. ─── 中文:俭省是穷人的铸币场;挥霍是富人的陷人坑。

77、With all his conceit and extravagance he is not so rich. I fancy, as he affects to be. ─── 他尽管很神气,爱讲排场,但我觉得他并不象他装的那么有钱。

78、His temper is bad enough, let alone his extravagance. ─── 他脾气够坏的了,更不要说他挥霍无度。

79、It got to the point where I got bored with fire works and got tired of the expense of such extravagance . ─── 渐渐地,我开始讨厌烟花,并且厌恶那种奢侈的开销。

80、His extravagance makes me feel anxious about him. ─── 他的挥霍奢侈使我为他担扰。

81、She never came with out reporting some fresh instance of Wickham's extravagance or irregularity. ─── 她每一次来的时候,都会讲些有关威克瀚姆豪华奢侈生活的新鲜事。

82、Diligence makes a family wealthy. Laziness makes a family decline. Frugality makes a family prosper. Extravagance makes a family poor. ─── 勤则家兴懒则家倾俭则家富奢则家贫。

83、Catherine might suffer as much by your economy as by your extravagance. ─── 不管你是分文计较地节省还是大手大脚地滥花,都会使凯瑟琳同样不舒服。

84、He reproached me with extravagance. ─── 他怪我太浪费。

85、His extravagance drained me dry. ─── 他的挥霍无度使我耗尽钱财。

86、His wife's extravagance soon bankrupted him. ─── 他妻子的奢侈生活很快就使他破产了。

87、His extravagance explains why he is always in debt. ─── 他挥霍无度,难怪总欠债。

88、On the other hand, desire leads to all kinds of excess, extravagance, luxuriance, and abuse of power. ─── 另一个方面来看,欲望导致各类的过度、浪费、豪奢,与权力滥用。

89、His latest extravagance is a hand-made silk shirt. ─── 他最近有的奢侈品是一件手工缝制的丝绸衬衫。

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