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09-15 投稿


fishskin 发音


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fishskin 中文意思翻译



fishskin 短语词组

1、fishskin gelatin ─── 鱼皮明胶

2、fishskin clothing ─── 鱼皮服装

3、fishskin peanut ─── 鱼皮花生

4、fishskin clothing is also not ─── 鱼皮衣也不是

5、fishskin upholstery ─── 鱼皮装饰

6、fishskin with pickle pepper ─── 泡椒鱼皮

fishskin 相似词语短语

1、fishtail ─── v.(车辆)摆尾行驶,(飞机)摆尾飞行;n.鱼尾;鱼尾状物;摆尾行驶;adj.鱼尾状的

2、fishline ─── n.钓丝

3、fish swim ─── 鱼在游泳

4、fish oil ─── [水产]鱼油,[油脂][药]鱼肝油

5、fish kill ─── 鱼类死亡

6、fishgig ─── 渔叉;鱼叉

7、fishing ─── n.渔业;捕鱼(术);试探;装配;adj.钓鱼的;钓鱼用的;v.捕鱼(fish的ing形式)

8、fish line ─── n.钓丝

9、fishkill ─── n.(水污染引起的)鱼殇;鱼难

fishskin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The main raw materials are peanut fishskin peanuts, flour, red sugar etc. ─── 鱼皮花生的主要原料有花生,面粉,赤砂糖等。

2、Why did you say it's of a general?Because of fishskin? ─── 为什么说是将军的?因为鱼皮?

3、Hoche people are the only people who own fishskin costume. ─── 赫哲族是现今世界上惟一拥有鱼皮服饰及鱼皮革制作工艺的民族。

4、Please comment whether it's cabrite's skin or fishskin?Good sword!I have one with slot at one side! ─── 请教是藏蜥蜴皮还是鱼皮?好刀!我有一把是单面开槽的!

5、Is that white fishskin tangled afterward? ─── 感觉白鱼皮那把皮是后缠的吧?

6、Studies of the Technology on Fishskin Glue Hydrolysis with Acid Method ─── 鱼皮胶酸法水解工艺的研究

7、The fishskin on scabbard I think is new. 4. ─── 鞘上包魔鬼鱼皮看新。

8、The fishskin on scabbard I think is new.4. ─── 3:鞘上包魔鬼鱼皮看新。

9、ichthyosis A congenital skin disease in humans where the epidermis becomes hard, rough and scaly. Also called fishskin. ─── 鱼鳞病表皮变成坚硬粗糙与有鳞的人类先天性皮肤疾病。也被称为鱼鳞癣。

10、Because when making use of cake, do shell in mixed with some fish powder, friend name fishskin peanuts. ─── 因制作时,做外壳用的糕粉里掺有鱼皮胶,故名鱼皮花生。

11、The work of almug on grip is rough,and doesn't match the parts of Dao.The grip of high-ranking Tibetan Dao is mostly wrapped by fishskin,cowskin or silver thread. ─── 4:柄上檀木做工较粗,与刀的各部分细作不协调,别是为了防滑手,所见上级别藏刀手柄多是包鱼皮,牛皮或缠银丝。

12、The Value and Spread of Fishskin Costume of Hoche People ─── 赫哲族鱼皮服饰的价值与传播

13、Brother Jianglong, just now I've asked brother Duxing for you about fishskin'Reasonable price'It seems you will cry! ─── 江龙兄。鱼皮刚帮您问啦独行大哥``价格很公道```你要哭啦看来!

14、this study mensurated the physical and chemical properties of gelatin from fishskin and fish scale. The items all reached the standard for Chinese edible gelatin GB 6783—94. ─── 本实验还分别测定了鱼皮胶和鱼鳞胶的理化性质,所测项目均达到国家食用明胶标准GB 6783—94。

15、fishskin disease linguae ─── 舌白斑病, 粘膜白斑病

16、Alaska Pollock fishskin ─── 狭鳕鱼皮

17、Keywords freshwater fishskin tanning technique; ─── 淡水鱼皮;制革工艺;

18、fishskin apparel and accessories ─── 鱼皮服饰

19、I've once luckily posted brother Taidao's Minguo great Jian.As a result,I kept the wrapped slurry on my mind,and the work of new and old fishskin scabbard is different. ─── 辨别中国刀鞘鱼皮也是看包浆,只要看过老鱼皮的包浆,新作的根本无法入眼,曾经有幸上手太刀兄的民国大剑,才对包浆自然牢记在心,而且新老鱼皮鞘的做法也不近相同。

20、I also doube about the fishskin. ─── 鱼皮也有疑问!!!

21、Fishskin peanuts skin is crisp fragile, sweet salty within measurable, crisp delicious, still unique nutritional value. ─── 鱼皮花生皮酥内脆,甜咸适度,香酥可口,还独具营养价值。

22、Scabbard is fishskin,and paint black. ─── 鞘是鱼皮,又刷大漆黑色。

23、Fishskin peanuts craft ingredients and production process, the production equipment is the same. ─── 鱼皮花生的工艺配料与生产工艺,生产设备不尽相同。

24、What kind of fishskin is it wrapping the scabbard? ─── 鞘是用什么鱼皮包的?

25、fishskin glue ─── 鱼皮胶

26、Therefore, much attention has to be paid to the inheriting and development of Hoche fishskin dress adornment and its fabrication technique. ─── 处于弱势地位的赫哲族传统渔猎文化受到巨大冲击,濒危态势日益加剧,鱼皮服饰及其制作工艺的传承与发展也备受社会关注。

27、The influence of liming time and tanning time about the quality of acipenseriformers fishskin leather was disccused. ─── 讨论了浸灰时间和鞣革时间对鲟鱼皮革质量的影响。

28、You have taken a serious look at the fishskin and pearl! ─── 您可把鱼皮和珍珠看仔细咯!

29、fishskin disease ─── [鱼]鳞癣

30、Research Progress of Fishskin Collagen ─── 鱼皮胶原蛋白研究进展

31、This quality wrapped slurry is fit for our taste and dating,and after some cleaning it can be played at once.Is the second piece covered with green fishskin? ─── 这种成色包降比较符合国人的审美断古眼光,稍作清洁整理即可把玩.第二把包的是绿鱼皮吗?

32、Yes.It's polished casually,and added a fishskin grip for lack of grip.Those who know what Dao it is? ─── 是啊,随便磨了一下,柄也没有了加了个鱼皮柄,大家知道这是什么刀吗?


杏仁糖 Almond confectionery

花生糖果 Peanut confectionery

甘草茎糖 Stick liquorice

食用糖果 Candy for food

食用糖果 Candy for food

果胶 Jellies

南糖 south sugar

米花糖 swelled candy rice

黑麻片 black sesame slice

糖粘 sugar adhibit

酥糖 crispy sugar

糖松子 candy pine nut

糖核桃 candy walhut

皮糖 tegument sugar

人参糖 ginseng sugar

羊羹 sheep soup

鱼皮花生 fishskin peanut

琥珀花生 amber peanut

麦丽素 wheat best element

奶片 milk slice

怪味豆 odd taste bean

果冻 Fruit jellies

圣诞树装饰用糖果 Confectionery for decorating Christmas trees

装饰圣诞树用糖果 Christmas trees (Confectionery for decorating –)

薄荷糖 Peppermint sweets

糖果 Sweetmeats

牛奶硬块糖 Caramels

非医用口香糖 Chewing gum, not for medical purposes

巧克力 Chocolate

蛋白杏仁糖果 Marzipan

甜食 Sugar confectionery

软糖 Fondants

麦芽糖 Maltose

糖果(锭剂) Lozenges

糖果锭剂 Pastilles

胡桃糖 Pralines

甘草 Liquorice

没一百个那么多 :(

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