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08-19 投稿


satirical 发音

英:[s??t?r?kl]  美:[s??t?r?kl]

英:  美:

satirical 中文意思翻译



satirical 词性/词形变化,satirical变形

异体字: satiric |副词: satirically |

satirical 短语词组

1、satirical device ─── 讽刺手段

2、satirical definition ─── 讽刺定义

3、satirical humor ─── 讽刺幽默

4、satirical comedy ─── 讽刺喜剧

5、Satirical art ─── 讽刺艺术

6、satirical define ─── 讽刺定义

7、satirical cartoon ─── 讽刺漫画

8、satirical poem ─── 讽刺诗

9、satirical poems ─── 讽刺诗

10、satirical ironic ─── 讽刺 ─── 讽刺

11、satirical verse ─── 讽刺诗

12、satirical literature research ─── 讽刺文学研究

13、satirical sideswipe at ─── 讽刺性的侧面抨击

14、satirical images ─── 讽刺意象

15、humorous or satirical mimicry ─── 幽默的或讽刺的模仿

satirical 相似词语短语

1、satanical ─── 撒旦的

2、satyrical ─── 萨特里克的

3、iatrical ─── adj.医疗的,医学的

4、sterical ─── adj.立体的,空间的,立体化学的

5、satirisable ─── 讽刺的

6、satirically ─── adv.讽刺地

7、satiric ─── adj.讽刺的;挖苦的

8、unsatirical ─── 不耐烦的

9、fatidical ─── adj.预言的;有预言能力的

satirical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MERLE HAZARD, an unusually satirical country and western crooner, has captured monetary confusion better than anyone else. ─── 一位知名的讽世西方歌手,比任何人都更好地捕捉到了货币混乱的场景。

2、Satir believed that humanity itself had the energy of growth and change,symptoms were the efforts to adapt to the misguided,rather than the inherent characteristics of the personality. ─── 她认为人类本身具有成长改变的能量,症状行为是对误入歧途的适应性努力,而不是人的固有的个性特征。

3、Satirical cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammed were published in Danish newspapers in 2006, sparking mass riots in Islamic nations worldwide. ─── 2006年,丹麦报纸刊登了讽刺伊斯兰先知穆罕默德的漫画,在世界各地的回教徒国家引发大规模的骚动。

4、His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn(Albert C.Baugh) ─── 他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味(艾伯特C.鲍)

5、Natalie, silent, regarded them both with a satirical motherly look ─── 娜塔丽默默地用讽刺,但是慈祥的目光望着他们两人。

6、His works do not pursue the old tradition of the enlightenment period to criticize.By using post-modern satirical and mimic means, he questions and criticizes the real life. ─── 他的创作并没有延续启蒙传统的老路上去展开批判,而是趋向于使用后现代主义的方式进行戏谑和戏拟,在轻松的戏仿过程中达到对现实生存的质疑与批判。

7、"on the surface a satirical look at commercial radio, but also a study of the misuse of telecommunications" (Richard Harrington). ─── “表面上这是一种对商业广播的讥刺,其实也是一种对滥用电信传播的研究” (理查德·哈林顿)。

8、Ancient Tradition of Putting Forward Advice, the Regulation of Presenting and Collecting Poetry, and the Thought of Satirical and Advisory Poetry ─── 上古谏诤传统,献诗、采诗制度与诗歌讽谏论

9、The Political Cause of the Humorous Satirical Talk and Essays in the Time of Three Kingdoms ─── 三国时期的嘲戏之风、诙谐文章与其政治原因

10、Exuberance over taste was her motto.Anepigram is a terse,witty expression,often paradoxical or satirical and neatly or brilliantly phrased ─── 丰富胜于得体是她的座右铭。单词Epigram是简短、智慧的表达,常常指似是而非的或讽刺的和精确完美地表达

11、A Spiritual and Satirical Guide. I wrote this as a joke one morning and now the whole world thinks it is some sort of Ten Commandments. Lighten up folks! ─── 一份抽像的、讽刺性的摄影指引,作者在某一天早上写下了这段文字本来是当成笑话用的,但现在全世界都将之当成好象是摄影的十戒。

12、He has a very satirical eye, and if I do not begin by being impertinent myself, I shall soon grow afraid of him. ─── 他挖苦人的本领特别高明,要是我不先给他点颜色看看,我马上就会见他怕啦。”

13、Of, relating to, or evocative of the works of George Orwell, especially the satirical novel1984, which depicts a futuristic totalitarian state. ─── 乔治 奥威尔的作品的属于或关于乔治 奥威尔的作品的或由乔治 奥威尔的作品联想到的,尤指其描绘未来极权主义国家的讽刺小说,如一九八四

14、THE HAUNTED SAMURAI deconstructs the samurai genre and image with a comedic bent, both satirical and silly. ─── 原本就不走运的彦四郎就此厄运连连。

15、Political Satirical Poems in Liu Yuxi's Relegation Life ─── 刘禹锡贬谪生涯中的政治讽刺诗新论

16、Among the artistic skills the poet has applied in the poem, elaborate structure, satirical digression and ironic revelation add particular charm to the poem. ─── 在诗人所运用的众多艺术手法中,独具匠心的结构,讽刺的夹议以及嘲讽的揭露都使这部史诗散发着智慧的光辉和独特的魅力。

17、Some of Lenin's articles can also be called short essays they are satirical and pungent, but without one-sidedness ─── 列宁有一部分文章也可以说是杂文,也有讽刺,写得也很尖锐,但是那里面就没有片面性。

18、It was satirical, fantastic, comedic, serious, suspenseful and realistic. ─── 这是一部集讽刺,荒诞,幽默,严肃,悬疑和现实于一体的电影。

19、"His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn" (Albert C. Baugh) ─── “他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味”(艾伯特C.鲍)

20、It was satirical that even though the war has made a great destroy , but the modern medical has got a great inprovment during the war . ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,虽然这场战争造成了很大的破坏,但现代医学却在“一战”期间有了飞跃发展。

21、Wikicandidate has kicked off proceedings with an imaginary candidate based on a real-life American satirical comedian, Stephen Colbert. ─── Wikicandidate网站上最初创建的条目是以美国讽刺喜剧演员斯蒂芬·科尔伯特为原型的一个虚拟候选人。

22、amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things; ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了;

23、His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn ─── 他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味

24、* The humor of cartoonists Gary Trudeau often is satirical; ─── *幽默的漫画家盖瑞特鲁多,常常是讽刺;

25、She laughed continually; her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip ─── 她不断地笑,她的笑是讥笑,而讥笑也是她那弯弯的,高傲的咀唇的习惯表情。

26、"This is still the period of the satirical essay, and Lu Hsun's style of writing is still needed." ─── “还是杂文时代,还要鲁迅笔法。”

27、the theme of satirical exhortation ─── 婉讽主题

28、Exuberance over taste was her motto.Anepigramis a terse, witty expression, often paradoxical or satirical and neatly or brilliantly phrased: ─── 丰富胜于得体是她的座右铭。单词Epigram是简短、智慧的表达,常常指似是而非的或讽刺的和精确完美地表达:

29、Meanwhile, Jane Austen's language is the temper after she dialogue about the art of humor, irony, often funny, satirical contrast to the language of the character figures. ─── 同时,奥斯丁的语言是经过锤炼的,她在对话艺术上讲究幽默、讽刺,常以风趣诙谐的语言来烘托人物的性格特征。

30、Satire was a favoured weapon in ancient Irish tribal societies where the satirical pen of the poet was feared even by the king and whose position was carefully protected by law. ─── 在古爱尔兰部落社会里,讽刺作品是受欢迎的武器讽刺诗人的笔即使遭到国王的恐吓,依然得到法律的密切保护。

31、Her satirical remarks reminds him of the way his sister used to taunt him. ─── 她挖苦的话语让他想起他妹妹曾经嘲笑他的方式。

32、Thereafter all satirical drawings were called cartoons. ─── 自那以后,所有的讽刺性图片都被称为漫画。

33、Later he expressed his increasing disillusionment with the government in a satirical pacifist poem,"Legend of the Dead Soldier",which caused him to be blacklisted by the Nazis. ─── 后来,他在一首带有讽刺意味的和平主义诗篇“亡兵的传说”中表达了他对政府日渐沉重的失望。这首诗也导致他被纳粹党列入黑名单中。

34、There were conventional essays "Fire Worship","Buds and Bird Voices" ; satirical excursions "The Celestial Railroad" . ─── 他的作品有传统的随笔(《拜火》,《蓓蕾与鸟声》);又有讽刺性的游记(《通天的铁路》)。

35、Secondly,the works has applied the skill of satirical humor ,metaphor and comment that is direct art skill which chance ugly into beauty . ─── 其次,作品中杰出的讽刺幽默、比喻、议论的运用,是化丑为美的直接艺术手段。

36、In many ways, this is a book about language, and how it is used to conceal and reveal (there is a wonderfuly satirical subplot about a commission examining English educational methods). ─── 与其说是一般的偶然,更应该说不是单纯的偶然,而是好几个偶然的因素,巧上加巧碰在一起,就促成了这么件令人匪夷所思的事情。

37、In 1998, Liverpool's match against Manchester United, Liverpool Ferguson satirical effect at the time of Fiennes: the poor first-class idiot (fucking big-time charlie). ─── 因斯和弗格森使徒交锋,两队面临的最大问题就是伤病因素。红魔已经确定的是、、将缺席比赛;

38、His profile has been lifted by a segment on CBS's “60 Minutes” and an appearance on “The Colbert Report”, a satirical TV show, which dubbed him the “Taxes Ranger”. ─── 其形象更是因在各大电视台露脸而大幅提升,其中包括一集CBS的“60分钟”和称其为税务巡逻兵的讽刺节目“TheColbertreport”。

39、Reference and Surpassing: Satirical Art of Lu Xun and Gogol ─── 借鉴和超越:鲁迅与果戈里的讽刺艺术

40、It is here that Twain's satirical vision darkens. ─── 吐温那带有讽刺意味的眼光变得更加深沉了。

41、A dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict. ─── 喜剧轻松的和常有幽默感的或在调子上是讽刺的戏剧作品,常包括主题冲突的愉快解决

42、Five-thousand Pakistani Muslims in the northwestern city of Peshawar burned effigies of the prime minister of Denmark, where the satirical cartoons first appeared. ─── 5千名巴基斯坦回教徒在西北部城市白沙瓦焚烧丹麦首相的模拟像。丹麦最先刊登了那些讽刺漫画。

43、London mayor Boris Johnson, on British satirical game show "Have I Got News for You" in 2003: "I could not fail to disagree with you less. " ─── 第十名,伦敦市长波里斯?强森,2003年他在英国的讽刺性智力竞赛节目《我带来的新闻》中说:“我不能给你更少的反对意见了。”

44、satirical allegory ─── 兴寄

45、Her words were so satirical that I lost my temper in spite of myself. ─── 她的话尖酸刻薄得令我忍不住发脾气。

46、Capping a week of fireworks and festivities in honor of Saint Joseph, a bonfire engulfs satirical sculptures in this city in eastern Spain. ─── 在这个位于西班牙东部的城市里有超过一个星期为纪念圣约瑟夫的烟火和庆祝活动,一团篝火吞噬了这些具讽刺意味的雕塑。

47、His small mouth with its upper lip out above the lower, his eyelids a little dropped over his watchful eyes, gave him a satirical and resolute expression. ─── 小小的嘴巴,上唇突出在下唇的上面;一双机警的眼睛,眼皮稍微搭拉着,使他具有一种爱挖苦的和百折不挠的表情。

48、Compared to Uncle Tommy, he was an intellectual of the highest order, and indeed his satirical pen belied his mild demeanor. ─── 汤米叔叔相比,他是一个最高级别的知识分子,他那讽刺的笔锋确实掩盖了他温和的举止。

49、There were conventional essays "Fire Worship", "Buds and Bird Voices" ; satirical excursions "The Celestial Railroad" ─── 他的作品有传统的随笔《拜火》,《蓓蕾与鸟声》;又有讽刺性的游记《通天的铁路》。

50、In the period of ten years after that, the historical mission of the comedilization of satirical plays was accomplished and its early aesthetic style took shape in the course of allegorization. ─── 在此后的十年间,它完成了讽刺喜剧化的历史任务,并在寓言化的过程中初步形成了自身的早期美学风格。

51、Meanwhile, a French satirical weekly has reprinted the political cartoons that infuriated the Prophet Muhammad, and added a new caricature on its front page Wednesday. ─── 与此同时,法国一家讽刺刊物星期三再次刊登让穆斯林感到愤怒的有关先知穆罕默德的政治漫画,并在封面增添一幅新漫画。

52、Rudder, who was the last cofounder to join, impressed the others with a packet of satirical essays he'd originally pitched to The Onion. ─── 鲁德尔是最后加入的合伙人,凭借一大摞投给《洋葱网》的讽刺文章,他给其他人留下了深刻印象。

53、his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent. ─── 他的布道前所未有的诙谐、讽刺而且雄辩。

54、He went to London's prestigious Westminster School where, aged 14, he earned his first fee for a satirical piece about Von Ribbentrop's son, a fellow pupil for the Evening Standard newspaper. ─── 他在伦敦有名的威斯敏斯特学校上过学。当时,他给《标准晚报》写过一篇文章,讽刺他的一位同学,即冯·里宾特洛甫的儿子,挣到了第一笔稿费,时年14岁。

55、He has a very satirical eye, and if I do not begin by being impertinent myself, I shall soon grow afraid of him. ─── 他的眼光刁钻,如果我一开始没有那么粗鲁的话,我肯定会怕他。

56、American writer best known for a series of satirical novels, including Jurgen(1919), set in a fictitious medieval French province called Poictesme. ─── 卡贝尔,詹姆斯·布朗奇1879-1958美国作家,以一系列讽刺小说而成名,包括朱根(1919年),讲述发生在中世纪时一个虚构的法国省份(叫做鲍克泰斯米)的故事

57、Paul Grimault was one of the most important French animators. He made many traditionally animated films that were delicate in style, satirical and lyrical in nature. ─── 保罗?古里莫是法国最著名的动画家之一。他制作了很多形式优美、寓意讽刺、风景秀丽的传统动画。

58、His style is at times droll, satirical, yet sympathetic. ─── 他的写作风格时而滑稽,时而讽刺,有时又饱含同情。

59、a persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine. ─── 半月刊的讽刺杂志持续的嘲笑。

60、Encircling the City is a humorous and satirical novel written by Qian Zhongshu, centering on the morbid and deformed life of the Chinese intellectuals in the1930 s and1940 s. ─── 围城》是一部以三、十年代知识分子病态畸形生活为主要描写对象的幽默而辛辣的讽刺小说。

61、In his satirical novel, “Candide”, published four years later, the eponymous hero arrives in Lisbon as the earthquake begins.He and his tutor, Dr Pangloss, are made scapegoats by the Inquisition. ─── 在他的四年后出版的讽刺小说中,主人公老实人刚抵达里斯本就遇到了大地震,他和他的导师邦葛罗斯博士无辜的被教会审判庭当作替罪羊。

62、Almost universally, those stories were humorous and/or satirical, written in a breezy, fast-reading style. ─── 几乎毫无例外,这些小说或诙谐或讽刺,写得通俗易懂。

63、Chinese Modern Satirical Poetry ─── 中国现代讽刺诗

64、It was always meant to be a satirical piece and I think it helped generate some excitement and a good atmosphere. ─── 这部片子本来就应该是一部讽刺搞怪剧,而且我觉得它能制造一些兴奋点,并能营造热闹的气氛。

65、Under his dark, pessimistic, satirical gorgeous intonation, in fact deeply comprehended of a positive meaning of safeguarding the culture heritage of Europa. ─── 在其灰暗、悲观、讽刺而华丽的语调之下,其实深含捍卫欧洲文化遗产的积极意义。

66、amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things; a rambling discursive book; his excursive remarks; a rambling speech about this and that. ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了;一本离题、枝蔓的书;他那离题的评论;这也说说那也说说的漫谈。

67、The satirical magazine Spy threw darts at all the puffery of the era, and was especially fast to disdain the gaudy arrivistes in favor of dandruff-flecked Old Money. ─── 一家叫《窥视》的讽刺杂志对那一时代的浮夸风大肆抨击,尤其鄙视那些爱炫耀的暴发户,认为那些老富翁更有品味,尽管他们的头发上有头屑。

68、Of,relating to,or evocative of the works of George Orwell,especially the satirical novel1984,which depicts a futuristic totalitarian state. ─── 乔治·奥威尔的作品的属于或关于乔治·奥威尔的作品的或由乔治·奥威尔的作品联想到的,尤指其描绘未来极权主义国家的讽刺小说,如一九八四

69、He was interested in humorous poems, joking commentaries on the news, and satirical observations of fellow townspeople ─── 他对幽默诗,诙谐的新闻评论以及讽刺当地市民的小品文感兴趣。

70、It doesn’t sound promising, but Trollope’s sparklingly satirical novels are among the best-loved books of all time. ─── 听起来不是那么吸引人的一本书,但特罗洛普才华横溢的讽刺小说一直都跻身最受人喜爱的书籍行列。

71、Rather than being merely satirical, the message of this advertisement blurs the boundaries between the sacred and the profane, and thus offends consumer sensibility. ─── 宁可 比是仅仅讽刺的,这个广告消息弄脏 界限在神圣和亵渎之间和因而触犯消费者 感觉。

72、Mr. Hua Wei, his representative work, is a long famed satirical piece in modern literary history of China. ─── 其代表作《华威先生》是中国现代文学史上颇负盛名的讽刺名篇。

73、Amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things. ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了。

74、One idea may actually have originated with Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who in his satirical book The Coming Race posited the existence of "nine unknown men" who secretly run things in the world. ─── 一种观念可能起源于爱德华·布尔沃·利顿,他在他的讽刺将要来临的人类书中放置了在世界里秘密运转事情的“九种未知人类”的存在。

75、A dramatic work that is often humorous or satirical in tone and usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict. ─── 轻松的和常有幽默感的或在调子上是讽刺的戏剧作品,常包括主题冲突的愉快解决

76、* Cartoonists - A cartoon is a drawing that makes a satirical, witty, or humorous point. ─── *漫画家-卡通是一种集绘画、讽刺、机智或幽默的艺术。

77、He drew on his experiences in government to write three satirical novels. ─── 他还被哈佛大学经济系聘任为“终身教授”。

78、What a wicked, satirical, pert young man you have become! ─── 啊!你变得多么坏,多么尖刻,多么淘气!

79、On the Inheritance and Change of the Satirical Tradition in the Ancient and Modern Chinese Novels ─── 古今小说讽刺传统的代承与新变

80、He has a very satirical eye. ─── 他挖苦人的本领特别高明。

81、Paul Grimault was one of the most important French animators. He made many traditionally animated films that were delicate in style satirical and lyrical in nature. ─── 保罗?古里莫是法国最著名的动画家之一。他制作了很多形式柔美、寓意讽刺、风景奇丽的传统动画。

82、In such circumstances, cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress. ─── 在这种环境下,基于阴森政治事件基础上的卡通和讽刺文学纠正了平衡。

83、She writes satirical sketches for a magazine. ─── 她为一家杂志撰写讽刺小品.

84、We were all amused by the satirical comparison of life at college and in the army. ─── 大学和军中生活的讽刺性对比使我们都感到好笑。

85、a satirical imitation or burlesque of the heroic manner or style ─── 对英雄行为或风格的讽刺的模仿或戏谑

86、Sometimes life is always very satirical. ─── 人的上半生:要不犹豫;

87、Secondly, he tends to describe facts due to his satirical sensation, while his writing is full of emotions because of his sympathy. ─── 其次,批判的理性使他倾向于写实,而悲悯的心态又使他的文字满含着情感。

88、A satirical imitation or burlesque of the heroic manner or style. ─── 嘲弄地模仿英雄风格的作品对英雄行为或风格的讽刺的模仿或戏谑

89、The Ghazal in Urdu represents the most popular form of subjective poetry, while the Nazm exemplifies the objective kind, often reserved for narrative, descriptive, didactic or satirical purposes. ─── Ghazal在Urdu代表主观诗歌的最普遍的形式,当Nazm举例证明客观种类,为叙事,描写,教诲或讽刺目的经常被预留。

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