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08-19 投稿


inferential 发音

英:[,?nf?'ren??l]  美:[,?nf?'r?n??l]

英:  美:

inferential 中文意思翻译



inferential 短语词组

1、ostensive-inferential communication ─── 明示-推理交际

2、inferential statistics definition ─── 推断统计定义

3、inferential engine ─── 推理引擎

4、inferential statistics ─── 推论统计

5、inferential analytics ─── 推理分析法

6、inferential control ─── [化] 推理控制

7、inferential distance ─── 推理距离

8、inferential statistic ─── 推理统计

9、Inferential Retrieval Indexing System ─── 推理检索索引系统

10、Inferential Retrieval Indexing Syst ─── 推理检索索引语法

11、inferential novel ─── 推理小说

12、inferential questions ─── 推断问题

13、inferential analysis ─── 推理分析

14、inferential measurement ─── [计] 推理估测

15、inferential comprehension ─── 推理理解

16、inferential crossword ─── 推理纵横字谜

17、inferential communication ─── 推理交际

18、inferential statistical method ─── 推断统计方法

19、inferential programming ─── 推理编程

inferential 词性/词形变化,inferential变形

副词: inferentially |

inferential 相似词语短语

1、differentials ─── n.差异;独特(differential的复数)

2、differential ─── adj.微分的;差别的;特异的;n.微分;差别

3、influential ─── adj.有影响的;有势力的;n.有影响力的人物

4、deferential ─── adj.恭敬的;惯于顺从的

5、differentiae ─── n.种差(differentia的复数形式)

6、conferential ─── adj.商量的

7、interferential ─── adj.干涉的,干扰的

8、inferentially ─── adv.推理地

9、referential ─── adj.有所指的;(与)所指事物(有关)的

inferential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In additional, it puts forward a new inferential strategy based on data mining, which can solve the problems of inference availably and quickly. ─── 文中提出的一种新型的借用数据挖掘思想的专家系统推理机制,能够快速有效地解决多故障诊断专家系统中的推理问题。

2、The cognitive context used by a translator in his inferential process includes previous assumptions and encyclopaedic entries of concepts, and both of them are extremely important to meaning realization. ─── 在推理过程中译者所使用的认知语境包括前推理假定和概念百科词条,它们都对语用意义的产生至关重要。

3、Then through a concreted example,this paper describes the method and the inferential process that how to apply the DFL to deal with informa... ─── 并通过具体的实例来讲述运用动态模糊逻辑解决电子商务信息处理问题的方法和推理过程。

4、The method of "reading on, between and beyond the lines" is a kind of reading from the surface to what lies behind, namely, through literal, inferential to critical comprehension. ─── 摘要“字面、字间、字外”阅读法是一种由表及里,即通过表层、深层至评价层的阅读方法。

5、Proof of Global Convergence of a Direct Adaptive Inferential Control ─── 一种直接自适应推理控制算法的全局收敛性的证明

6、Relevance theory understands communication as an ostensive-inferential process, involving the informative and communicative intention. ─── 关联理论认为交际是一个涉及信息意图和交际意图的明示——推理过程。

7、inferential control ─── [化] 推理控制

8、Generalized Inferential Control Strategy for Expert System and its Application in Inertial Navigation System ─── 专家系统的广义推理控制策略研究及其在惯导系统中的应用

9、From my experience, the American style of racial discrimination can be classified in three ways: hereditary, tactical and inferential. ─── 从我的经验而言,美国式的种族歧视可分为三种类型:遗传型、策略型和推断型。

10、inferential reasoning ─── 推理

11、ZHANG Yuanguo Inferential Control Method and Some Advertent Problems ─── 推断控制及其应注意的问题

12、inferential distance ─── 推论距离

13、Inferential activity is likely only when consumers are motivated and able to engage in effortful cognitive processes. ─── 只有当消费者被激励并能够经历费力的认知过程时,推理活动才可能发生。

14、We develop a model of inferential vicarious learning that explicates how firms can learn whether to adopt a practice whose value varies across organizations. ─── 我们开发出一种有关可推理的替代学习模型,它解释了企业如何能学习或者采纳一种在不同组织中具有不同价值的经验。

15、fan-type inferential meter ─── 叶片式独立测量仪

16、Abstract: According to Relevance Theory, reading comprehension is an ostensive- inferential and dynamic process. ─── 摘 要: 阅读理解是一个明示一推理的动态认知过程。

17、inferential procedure ─── 推论上的程序

18、A study on Chinese EFL learners'time course of on-line thematic inferential processing of narrative discourse ─── 中国学生英语叙事性语篇即时主题推理时间进程研究

19、Under the framework of RT, translation can be defined as a dynamic process and act of ostensive- inferential verbal (intralingual or interlingual) interpretation of language (Meng Jiangang, 2000:25). ─── 在关联理论的框架内,翻译是一个对原语进行阐释的动态明示--推理过程(孟建钢,2000:25)。

20、vertical helix type inferential meter ─── 垂直螺翼式流量表

21、inferential logic ─── 推论逻辑

22、The indubitable fact that our perception of material objects is fallible does not entail that it is inferential ─── 我们对于物质事物的知觉难免有错这一不容置疑的事实并不导出我们的知觉是推论出来的。

23、inferential process ─── 推理过程

24、inferential theory ─── 推理论

25、For the process with measurable output and non-measurable disturbance, a design method of self-tuning inferential controller (STIC) with input constraints was proposed. ─── 摘 要 针对输出可测而扰动不可测的过程,提出了一种过程输入量受到幅值约束的自校正推理控制器设计方案。

26、The artificial neural network and the fuzzy inferential method provided a supplement for the intelligent system of the safety assessment of pressure vessels. ─── 人工神经网络和模糊推理方法为压力容器安全评定智能化系统的建立做了一个补充。

27、Inferential discrimination can be gradually overcome through education.A better-informed population will make fewer shallow judgements. ─── 推论式的歧视可通过教育而逐步克服,一个知识较多的人群将不会做出很肤浅的判断。

28、inferential capability ─── 推理能力

29、people like to stereotype.This is an inferential process based on limited data. ─── 最后,人们喜欢刻板地给人“穿靴戴帽”,这是基于有限的资料所做的推理。

30、inferential aspect ─── 推论体

31、From the influence of the father came modern inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability. ─── 从父亲的影响力被提出现代的推理统计学,在可能性的理论上被方形地建立了。

32、Knowledge of such clothing remains inferential, since clothing materials deteriorate quickly compared to stone, bone, shell and metal artifacts. ─── 冬天小孩衣服穿得多,家长不易发现孩子身体异常,来看性早熟的病人相对少一些。

33、inferential knowledge ─── 推理知识

34、inferential units ─── 推论的单位

35、In the ostensive -inferential cognitive process, Relevance Theory provides pragmatic studies with a new unified theoretical framework. ─── 在这一明示———推理的认知过程中,关联理论为语用研究提供了一个新的统一的理论框架。

36、The author tries to work out the cognitive inferential mechanisms of indirect anaphora in the light of Accessibility Theory put forth by Ariel (1990) and Givenness Hierarchy proposed by Gundel et al(1993). ─── 作者根据 Ariel (1990 )的可及性 (accessibility)理论和 Gundel et al. (1993)提出的已知信息等级结构(Givenness Hierarchy) ,探讨了间接照应的认知推理机制。

37、inferential programming ─── 推动程序设计

38、Inferential fact shifts only the burden of producing evidence. ─── 事实推定只转移提供证据责任。

39、inferential heuristics ─── 推理探试

40、questioning of inferential method ─── 推理法提问

41、The goal of inferential pragmatics is to explain how the hearer infers the speaker's meaning on the basis of the evidence provided. ─── 推理语用学的目的就是解释听者如何根据证据推断说话者要表达的意思。

42、inferential strategy ─── 推理策略

43、3-value truth degree inferential rule ─── 三值真度推理规则

44、inferential engine ─── 推理发动机

45、Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population. ─── 因此,推理统计学的目的就是通过了解一个群体中一些样本的特性,从而对整个群体的特性进行推测和估算。

46、The author points out that the inferential mechanism of non-monotonic logic may perfect pragmatic inference of conversational implicature and the application of non-monotonic logic will be enli... ─── 作者认为非单调逻辑的运用可完善会话含义的语用推理机制,为会话含义的进一步研究提供了不同的语用推理途径。

47、inferential hierachial structure ─── 推理层次结构

48、The inferential model is suggested with deepening of people's insight into meaning and the birth of pragmatics. ─── 推理模式是随着人们对意义认识的加深和语用学的诞生而提出来的,其重心是对暗含的推导。

49、But there are few changes in study methods, and the inferential and qualified studies are still on the ruling positions. ─── 但是在研究上并没有什么明显的变化,推论性的东西、质化研究的东西仍然处于主导地位。

50、inferential meter ─── 推测式水表

51、The goal of inferential pragmatics is to explain how the hearer infers the speaker's meaning on the basis of the evidence provided. ─── 推理语用学的目的就是解释听者如何根据证据推断说话者要表达的意思。

52、Failure Data and Inferential Statistics Preferentially Based Mission Reliability Evaluation Methods ─── 基于失效数据和统计推断优先的任务可靠性评估方法

53、There might be a market for inferential power like that, especially if it could be yoked to some of the autonomous semi-intelligent agents that are already buzzing around on the Internet. ─── 如果像那样的话,推论力也可能有市场,尤其是如果它能跟一些在互联网上已经流传开的、自发的半智能力量结合在一起时更可能有市场。

54、inferential statistic ─── 推理统计

55、inferential mechanism ─── 推理机制

56、inferential helical rotor vertical pattern flowmeter ─── 垂直式螺旋转子推导流量计

57、inferential comprehension ─── 推断性理解

58、The Inferential Evolution of the Concept of "Peaceful Rise" ─── "和平崛起"理念的推演

59、The inferential Junggar old land often situated below sea level in the period of cracking and spreading of the old land. ─── 在区域性古陆裂解和伸展的背景下,推测准噶尔古陆经常位于海平面以下。

60、Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. ─── 推理统计学是一套已定形了的方法体系,它解决的是光凭人脑极难解决的另一类问题。

61、In the case of an inferential PDS, the collector executes and measures the underlying action. ─── 对于推断PDS,收集器用于执行和测定底层操作。

62、inferential compensation ─── 推定赔偿

63、Stress Balance Equation Multiple Integral Inferential Reasoning ─── 应力平衡方程的重积分推导

64、Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class ofproblems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. ─── 推论统计学是一种目前对于独立的人脑来说程序化地解决另外一系列的问题是很大的困难。

65、To forget pressure, enter dummy world, then inferential novel fire. ─── 为了忘却压力,进入虚构的世界,于是推理小说火了。

66、inferential estimator ─── 推断估计器

67、Inferential Measurement Technique Application in Urban Drain Pump Station Control Systems ─── 推断测量技术在城市排水泵站控制系统中的应用

68、Are the inferential statistical tests appropriate? Are the assumptions for their use met? Are there any errors in the calculation or presentation of statistical results? ─── 推断性统计是否合适?在进行推断时,数据是否满足了所有的统计前提?

69、We study 17 Cause-result connectives of indicating in total , they are classified as illustrative connectives and inferential connectives. ─── 我们研究的“结果”义关联词语一共有17个,分为说明性结果关联词语和推断性结果关联词语两大类。

70、A new cascade nonlinear inferential control strategy for a nonadiabatic fixed bed reactor based on improved hybrid model is proposed. ─── 提出了非绝热式固定床反应器基于改进混合模型的串级非线性推断控制策略。

71、According to Relevance Theory, translation can be regarded as a cognitively inferential communication process. ─── 摘要根据关联理论,翻译是一个认知推理的交际过程。

72、inferential accuracy ─── 推理精确度

73、an illative conclusion; inferential reasoning. ─── 推论性的结论;推论性的推理。

74、inferential semantics ─── 推理语义学

75、inferential water meter ─── 推量式水表

76、Inferential Retrieval Indexing System ─── 推论检索索引系统

77、Relevance Translation Theory is based on Relevance Theory, involving translation as an ostensive -inferential process as well. ─── 关联翻译理论是在关联理论的基础上建立的,把翻译看成是对原语进行阐释的明示-推理过程。

78、clinical inferential process ─── 临床推论过程

79、The inferential reasoning based on the mathematical model of straight bevel gear mating surface in project application. ─── 推导基于工程应用的直齿圆锥齿轮啮合面的数学模型。

80、ostensive - inferential ─── 明示-推理

81、Finally, people like to stereotype. This is an inferential process based on limited data. ─── 最后,人们喜欢刻板地给人“穿靴戴帽”,这是基于有限的资料所做的推理。

82、Even if inferential activity is likely, there is no guarantee that consumers will follow the path provided by the advertiser. ─── 即使有可能进行推理活动,也不能保证消费者会遵循广告商提供的路径。

83、inferential rule ─── 推理规则

84、The indubitance fact that our perception of material objects is falliable does not entail that it is inferential. ─── 我们对于物质事物难免有错这一不容置疑的事实并不导出我们的知觉是推论的。

85、Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics ─── 描述性统计与推断性统计

86、Inferential activity is likely only when consumers are motivated and able to engage in effortful cognitive processes. ─── 文章第一句就是主题句,就是讲两种策略,各自的优缺点比较。

87、Keywords Reactor;Inferential Control;Estimator; ─── 反应器;推断控制;估算器;

88、inferential thinking process ─── 推理思维过程

89、inferential form ─── 推理形式








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