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08-18 投稿


drooled 发音

英:[dru?ld]  美:[dru?ld]

英:  美:

drooled 中文意思翻译




drooled 词性/词形变化,drooled变形

动词过去分词: drooled |动词第三人称单数: drools |动词现在分词: drooling |动词过去式: drooled |

drooled 短语词组

1、drooled anagram ─── 流口水字谜

2、drooled over ─── 流口水痴情地看垂涎于

3、drooled means ─── 流口水的手段

4、drooled synonym ─── 流口水的同义词

5、drooled definition ─── 流口水的定义

6、drooled meaning ─── 流口水的意思

drooled 相似词语短语

1、cooled ─── adj.冷却的;v.变凉;冷静下来(cool的过去分词)

2、crooled ─── vi.发咕咕声

3、droiled ─── 滑稽的

4、drooped ─── vi.下垂;萎靡;凋萎;vt.使…下垂;n.下垂;消沉;n.(Droop)人名;(英)德鲁普

5、booled ─── n.(苏格兰)弯曲件;保龄球;弹珠;vi.玩地滚球游戏;玩保龄球游戏;n.(Bool)(俄)博尔(人名)

6、dewooled ─── 脱水的

7、drooked ─── 下垂的

8、droolier ─── adj.非常可爱的;流口水的(drooly的变形)

9、drole ─── 正确的

drooled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To slobber; drool. ─── 淌口水;流鼻涕

2、Restaurant mentioned the Museum Restaurant head Wang, many people will be eaten outflow to drool. ─── 提到湘菜馆的湘菜鱼头王,不少吃过的人都会流出口水来。

3、They feel self-conscious sleeping in front of colleagues;maybe they are worried they are going to drool. ─── 他虽对律师楼很反感,但觉得没其他选择,因为被一个不喜欢的工作所捆绑,每天并不开心。

4、They were enchanted by the sound of my voice and began at once to coo and clap their chubby hands while long strings of drool ran down their chins. ─── 她们被我的嗓音迷住了,立即开始呀呀叫唤,拍着胖嘟嘟的手,口水长长地流出来,挂在下巴上。

5、* 9) I know you might drool over stats on another character. ─── 9)我知道你可能会对其他护甲的装备上的属性流口水。

6、They’re torturing, raping and bombing their way to our hearts.And since we’re dogs, we’d continue to drool to them for attention, for love.This is their utopian vision of us. ─── 他们认为,由于我们是他们的“狗”(被奴役),我们应该继续去乞求得到他们的注意和关爱,但这只是他们的一厢情愿。

7、What makes him a true professional is when you see him chasing down the back four in the 93rd minute,” he drooled. ─── 当你看到直到比赛93分钟他还努力回防的时候(虽然4:0领先),你就发现他是一个真正的顶级球员。

8、all but drooled over it. ─── 所有人都垂涎欲滴。

9、2.Wow, I almost drooled because of your description. ─── 哇.说得我都快流口水了呢.

10、slobber; slaver; drool ─── 流涎

11、It whimpers , and drool the color of pus drips from its lips and forms a puddle at her feet . ─── 它抽噎地哭泣,以及从嘴巴滴下浓汁般颜色的口水在她的脚边形成了一个水坑。

12、6. Magazines and Internet sites profiled male tech magnates in all their Palm-Pilot splendor, inviting women to drool over " Hunks of the Web." ─── 杂志和互联网描述男性技术显贵都是一副手持掌上电脑,神采奕奕的样子,引得女性对这些"网络猛男"倾慕不已。

13、I see one spot that any )settler would drool over! ─── 我见到一个斑点任何的)移民者会结束流口水!

14、“But if your professional skills are solid, it doesn't matter if you've had drool on your shoulder for the past five years. ─── 她说:"我知道有许多女性认为她们无法找工作,更别说一份自己充满激情的工作了。

15、New players are sometimes doomed to just stare and drool over those places that give decent exp points. ─── 统一人事党案管理规范化,包括统一格式,统一手续办理,更方便市民办事。

16、Backpacker editors write: "The backpacking universe is divided into two types: people who understand why we'd drool over a folding spork, and those who still cook with cast-iron camp skillets. ─── 在户外领域有两种划分:那些了解为什么我们对一个可折叠勺子流口水的人,还有是仍然用笨重长柄炊具的人。

17、to drool ─── 流口水

18、In terms of China itself, some executives of some companies still drool over the prospects of selling their goods or services to a single market of 1.3 billion people. ─── 对于中国本身,某些公司的高级官员还是满怀信心,希望可以把自己的商品或服务销售给一个拥有13亿消费者的市场。

19、You may well drool over this product's ingredient list, as it includes pure Blue Chamomile. ─── 为响应顾客的需求而研发的调理性产品。

20、"We‘re the looking for the bulldog that has that face, that drool, that personality that can charm you. ─── 我们就是要找有着汉纳那样的脸、那样流着口水、可以吸引你的狗。”

21、He drooled tobacco juice over his chin. ─── 他任由烟草水滴淌到他的下巴。

22、Carol: I have been in jail for six hours and a very large woman drooled on me. Prostitutes laughed at me! ─── 卡罗尔:我已经被关了整整六个小时,有一个胖女人一直想欺负我,所有的婊子都在笑话我。

23、"I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance."’’ ─── 我在测试键盘是否能防口水.

24、The kids giggled agreeably, and smiled and drooled. ─── 孩子们格格笑道,并微笑着。

25、Sounds you want to drool? ─── 听起来都想流口水吧?

26、Carol: Jee, maybe they can make a movie about you. Drool, and deliver. ─── 卡罗尔:你可以拍一部电影,名称是睡眠授课。

27、Nozzle drool ─── 喷嘴流液

28、Johnny Depp You're cool.You're the harbinger of drool. ─── 现在流着眼泪发泄着积抑了三年的哀伤和无奈你也永远不会知道。

29、A wet bedsheet under baby's head, a drool rash on the cheeks and chin, swollen and tender gums, and a slight fever are telltale clues that teething is the nighttime culprit. ─── 从枕下潮湿,脸颊下巴流口水,肿胀的牙龈,低烧等等都可以推断出长牙是夜奶频繁的罪魁祸首。

30、drool over: you really want something. ─── 不要老是缠着我,你没看到我很忙吗?

31、I had the Monster Burger to go, and it drooled out of the bag and onto my foot all the way back to the motel. ─── 我有怪物汉堡去,它流口水的袋子,并把我的脚一路回到汽车旅馆。

32、It’s impossible, because I don’t drool in my sleep. ─── 它们上面的灰尘一定很厚。你都不知道我喜欢过你吧。

33、Wear a bib. You may drool all over. ─── 戴上围兜,以防口水乱飙.

34、The baby drooled at the corners of his mouth. ─── 这婴儿嘴角边淌口水。

35、in every crevice of the old gnarled front there was the hollow chant of the nightwind and over the lacy rubble of cold stiff vestments there was a cloudy absinthe like drool of fog and frost. ─── 古老、粗糙的正面墙上的每一道缝里都回荡着夜风的沉重呼啸声,冰冷、僵硬、呈花边状的碎石上洒了一层朦朦胧胧的、苦艾酒般的雾和霜的涎水。

36、The Saint Bernard is a good watchdog. Even its size is a good deterrent. They drool after they drink or eat. ─── 圣伯纳是种看门狗。它的体形本身有强大的威慑作用。它们吃或喝后都会流口水。

37、His broad, warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance. Stacy nudged me, "You're staring, Michelle, and about to drool." ─── 他那坦率、温暖的笑容和自信的模样让我不由地发怔, 斯泰西轻轻地捅了我一下,说道:"嘿,米歇尔,你发什么呆,好像着魔了一样。

38、Twenty years later Marlon Brando came out with only a sweatshirt and the town drooled over him. ─── 如今穿着T恤衫的马龙.白兰度出道了,整个城镇的人都向他吐口水。

39、Carol: Mike, shut up! You don't see me making fun of your friends. Even the ones that drool. ─── 卡罗尔:迈克,你省着点去取笑你那些朋友吧,尤其是说话带吞音的。

40、Drool over ─── 垂涎于 ...

41、The kids giggled agreeably, and smiled and drooled. ─── 孩子们格格笑道,并微笑着。

42、The good wine makes one drool with envy,the true feelings let the person aftertaste for hundred years. ─── 呵呵诱惑说的对,你太帅了。刷战场的时候视频过,所以对你印象太深了,一想就想到你了,打个赤膊样子好酷,帅呆了.

43、The conversation has shifted from diapers and drool to teething and first words. ─── 交谈的内容已经从尿布、口水转移到长牙、嘴里蹦出第一个词这些事情上来。

44、After all, she does drool over CNBC at a tender age of 6 months. ─── 毕竟在小小的6个月时,佳佳就已经迷上了美国最流行的财经电视台CNBC。

45、”With the monkey’s persuading words, the cat literally drooled in anticipation, and he eventually agreed. ─── 经猴子花言巧语地一说,花猫馋得直流口水,最后它同意了。

46、Funny see beauty on the street, will shout loudly 1, then drink a mineral spring in the mouth, then let the mineral spring do the form of drool with envy from the quarrel run off. ─── 无厘头在街上看见美女,会大叫一声,然后喝一口矿泉水在嘴里,然后让矿泉水从口角流出,做垂涎三尺状。

47、He drooled as he paid the fisherman for the turtle, even though the price was high. ─── 尽管价格不菲,他还是买了。他一边付钱一边流口水。

48、Drool over the handy adventuring tools in Chapter 4, and imagine how cool your character will look when he's decked in one of the item sets in Chapter 5. ─── 你会对第4章中那些方便的冒险工具垂涎三尺,然后想想你的角色如果用第5章中的那些物品套装打扮起来将是多么的神气。

49、Earlier worker team General Manager Kevin - Pu the Charlie Germany always soberly knew: Does not let off the member who in the transaction they drool. ─── 开拓者队总经理凯文-普查理德始终清醒地知道:在交易中不放过他们垂涎的队员。

50、The saliva that you drool in your nap today, will be the tears of tomorrow. ─── 现在淌的哈喇子(北方方言,口水),将成为明天的眼泪。

51、to drool on the same old subject ─── 胡扯老话题

52、Fashion editors drooled over every item. ─── 时尚编辑们忘情地观看了每样东西。

53、Every movie pianist drooled out its saccharine phrases ─── 每一个为电影伴奏钢琴的人都过分感伤地演奏出它甜蜜的乐句。

54、He drooled tobacco juice over his chin. ─── 他任由烟草水滴淌到他的下巴。

55、Boy idol groups rely on girls to drool over them, and in America, that may not be the case. ─── 男子组合往往依赖女孩子的青睐而走红,但在美国却不一定是这样。

56、He must like chocolate, cause he sure drooled all over candy bar. ─── 牠一定是喜欢巧克力,因为牠的确到处在我的糖果棒上流了不少口水。

57、Says Rodgers: "This is the sort of data that historians of antiquity drool over. ─── 他说:“这类资料正是古代史研究学者梦寐以求的。”

58、one look at her fresh and natural complexion, which most girls would have had to spend time and money to imitate, was enough to make one drool and forget his thirst, as though her skin were a piece of delicious fruit. ─── 天生着一般女人要花钱费时、调脂和粉来仿造的好脸色,新鲜得使人见了忘掉口渴而又觉嘴馋,仿佛是好水果。

59、In no time at all Wu-k'ung reached the jade pool.Wu-k'ung drooled at the sight of so many kinds of delicious foods, including dragon's livers and phoenix marrows, and strong wines. ─── 不多时到了宝阁,见瑶池大厅上龙肝凤髓、珍馐百味俱陈,几个童子、力士正在制作琼浆玉液,一时酒香扑鼻。

60、Meanwhile, I was in a tracksuit with 'bedhead' and a little bit of drool that let everyone know we were still sleeping. ─── 我却穿着睡衣,头发乱糟糟的,还有一点糊里糊涂,所有人都知道我们还在睡。

61、Joyce He must like chocolate, cause he sure drooled all over candy bar. ─── 乔伊斯牠一定是喜欢巧克力,因为牠的确到处在我的糖果棒上流了不少口水。

62、He drooled as he paid the fisherman for the turtle, even though the price was high. ─── 尽管价格不菲,他还是买了。他一边付钱一边流口水。"

63、There's “Dog Drool,” where the goal is to get a dog named Otis to drool over a plate of curry by tapping on the screen. ─── 游戏是“流口水的狗”游戏的目的是让一只名叫Otis的狗在盘子上流口水通过屏幕上的熄灯系统。

64、Jason: What? You're not excited about seeing yourself in diapers with drool running down your chin? ─── 杰森:看看你自己包着尿布流着口水的样子不是挺有意思的吗?

65、Wow, I almost drooled because of your description. ─── 哇,说得我都流口水了呢。

66、The man who drew feet on the snake could only look at the empty bottle of wine and drool with longing. ─── 而原先那个替蛇添脚的人,只能懊悔不已地在一旁吞口水了。

67、Now shut up and drool . ─── 现在,闭上你们的鸟嘴流口水吧。

68、Carol: I have been in jail for six hours and a very large woman drooled on me. Prostitutes laughed at me! ─── 卡罗尔:我已经被关了整整六个小时,有一个胖女人一直想欺负我,所有的婊子都在笑话我。

69、Check out the close up shot, and drool!!!! ─── 来个特写,要流口水就尽管流吧!

70、Pets are animals.They lap, they drool. ─── 宠物是动物,它们会抢着进食,还会流口水。

71、maybe they are worried they are going to drool. ─── 或许他们担心自己会流口水。

72、With the monkey's persuading words, the cat literally drooled in anticipation, and he eventually agreed. ─── 经猴子花言巧语地一说,花猫馋得直流口水,最后它同意了。

73、I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance. ─── 我这是在测试键盘对口水的抵抗能力如何.

74、Your mouth is drooled with greed! ─── 在这里您会垂涎三尺!

75、I quickly picked up the dishes, my "work" fitted into the front of my grandmother, then tomato scrambled eggs dish the aroma is very enticing, and even I can not help but drool. ─── 我赶紧拿起碟子,把我的“作品”装上放到奶奶的面前,那碟番茄炒蛋的香味很诱人,连我也忍不住地流口水。

76、drool (all) over someone or something ─── vt. 对某人或某物垂涎三尺

77、A Chinese market over which foreign companies have long drool ─── 外国公司早就垂涎中国这个市场

78、circle4 Place a clean, flat cloth under the baby’s head during sleep to catch the drool. ─── 在婴儿入睡时,在其脑后放一块干净,平整的软布,注意及时更换被口水浸湿的布。

79、The first time Natalie came to visit you were asleep on your back, gurgling little spit bubbles, a thin strand of drool running down your chin. ─── 她第一次见你时,你正仰面而睡,嘴里吐着泡泡,一道口水自脸颊而下。

80、drool at the mouth ─── 口流涎水

81、I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance. ─── 我在测试键盘的‘防口水’性能。

82、His bladder had let loose and there was drool on his chin. ─── 他已经丧失了男人的底气,下巴沾满口水。

83、Just make sure you have a towel handy because these dogs drool a lot! ─── 只是最好确定你手边有毛巾,因为??呛芑崃骺谒?福

84、Joyce ?G He must like chocolate, cause he sure drooled all over candy bar. ─── 乔伊斯?G牠一定是喜欢巧克力,因为牠的确到处在我的糖果棒上流了不少口水。

85、Magazines and Internet sites profiled male tech magnates in all their Palm-Pilot splendor, inviting women to drool over " Hunks of the Web." ─── 杂志和互联网描述男性技术显贵都是一副手持掌上电脑,神采奕奕的样子,引得女性对这些“网络猛男”倾慕不已。

86、He says people only turn up to watch him to see if he needs a “drool cup”.He amusingly called a young voter who asked about his age a “little jerk”. ─── 他说人们来看他只是想瞧瞧他是否需要一只“口水杯’’.他将一位询问他年龄的青年选民戏称为“小傻瓜”。

87、He drooled as he paid the fisherman for the turtle, even though the price was high. ─── 尽管价格不菲,他还是买了。他一边付钱一边流口水。

88、You always drool whenever people are eating something. You really are useless! ─── 你真没出息,别人吃东西,你就流涎!

89、The president candidate drooled the reform measures. ─── 总统候选人过分动情地阐述改革措施。

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