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08-19 投稿


encroaching 发音


英:  美:

encroaching 中文意思翻译



encroaching 短语词组

1、encroaching define ─── 侵犯定义

2、encroaching civilization ─── 侵蚀文明

3、encroaching control reagan ─── 侵占控制权

4、encroaching gobelin ─── 侵占戈壁林

5、encroaching defined ─── 侵占定义

6、encroaching darkness wow ─── 入侵的黑暗哇

7、encroaching synonym ─── 侵犯同义词

8、encroaching gloom ─── 阴霾

9、encroaching definition ─── 侵犯定义

10、encroaching others clearance satisfactory ─── 侵占他人净空满意

11、bush encroaching ─── 布什入侵

12、encroaching desert ─── 侵蚀性沙漠

13、masterfully encroaching ─── 巧妙侵占

14、encroaching problem ─── 侵占问题

15、encroaching on ─── 侵犯;蚕食

encroaching 词性/词形变化,encroaching变形

动词过去式: encroached |动词过去分词: encroached |动词第三人称单数: encroaches |动词现在分词: encroaching |名词: encroacher |

encroaching 相似词语短语

1、approaching ─── v.接近(approach的ing形式);[航]进场;侵入

2、encroachingly ─── 侵犯

3、encroachment ─── n.侵入,侵犯;侵蚀

4、encashing ─── vt.(英)兑现;付现

5、crouching ─── vi.蹲伏,蜷缩(crouch的现在分词)

6、enclothing ─── v.覆盖;给……穿衣

7、encradling ─── 包壳

8、coaching ─── n.辅导;教练技术;v.指导(coach的ing形式)

9、broaching ─── v.提出,引入;(在酒桶上)钻孔汲取;开启(酒瓶等);(鱼)跃出水面;(船)突然横转(broach的现在分词)

encroaching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty. ─── 中国的领土和主权绝不允许任何人侵犯。

2、Nature constantly yields to man in New York: witness those fragile sidewalk trees gamely struggling against encroaching cement and petrol fumes. ─── 只须看看人行道上那些脆弱的树木迎着四面进逼的水泥路面和阵阵袭来的石油烟气拚命挣扎的样子,就足以说明问题了。

3、Because caption takes the one fraction of news only, according to relevant provision, the news without the problem does not maintain basic fact to counterpoise to encroach reputation. ─── 因为标题只占新闻的一小部分,按照相关规定,基本事实没有问题的新闻不认定为侵犯名誉权。

4、He never allows work to encroach upon his family life. ─── 他从不让工作扰乱他的家庭生活。

5、A hoot owl's mournful cry floated out of the encroaching darkness and Fannie tightened her grip on her mother's hand. ─── 一声猫头鹰的哀鸣从漫涌而来的黑暗中浮出,范妮抓紧了妈妈的手。

6、If pathogenic bacteria noxiousness is acuteness, did not wear outwards in purulent fluid before defeating, inflammation already diffused, encroach whole eyelid board and form palpebral abscess. ─── 如果致病菌毒性剧烈,则在脓液未向外穿破前,炎症已扩散,侵犯整个睑板而形成眼睑脓肿。

7、In the nighbour environment tort,Many factors affect the applicability of stopping encroaching. ─── 在相邻环境侵权中,停止侵害的适用受到多种因素的影响。

8、If cerebral doing suffers,encroach, can eye annulus circles flesh, mouth annulus circles flesh, masticatory flesh is paralytic with atrophy. ─── 如果脑干受侵犯,可有眼轮匝肌、口轮匝肌、咀嚼肌麻痹与萎缩。

9、His new farm buildings encroach on his neighbour's land. ─── 他新建的农场房子侵占了邻居的田地。

10、She tried to prevent her work from encroaching too far on her private life. ─── 她尽力避免工作过多地影响她的私生活。

11、However, today's news of a recent enactment gave her a bigger reason to scream. “Finally, they passed a law that penalizes private landowners who encroach on protected wildlife areas. ─── “最后,他们终于通过了法令,处罚那些侵占动物保护区的私人土地所有者。

12、A citizen's lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, detain, freeze or confiscate it. ─── 公民的合法财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。

13、Desertification is encroaching the valuable living space,and endangering the existence and development of humankind,which has been paid much attention by the world. ─── 土地沙化不断吞噬人类生存的空间,严重地威胁着人类的生存与发展,这已引起世界的广泛关注。

14、Lack of credit would not only greatly affect social and economic development, but also encroaching on the, validity of local government of China. ─── 地方政府信用缺失不仅影响我国经济社会的健康发展,而且还侵蚀着政府的合法性。

15、While dealing with contemporary English usage I have sought not to encroach on the province of the ordinary dictionary. ─── 在讨论现代英语惯用法的时候,我尽量不涉及普通词典所包含的范围。

16、In the process of national economic construction, the problem of tailings encroaching upon croplands and polluting environment is becoming serious nowadays. ─── 国民经济建设中,矿山选矿固体废物(尾矿)侵占耕地、污染环境问题日益突出。

17、She has become to me a web, a fatal emanation, an encroaching dream. ─── 对我说来,她是一张蜘蛛网,一团令人窒息的气体,一个叫我逃不出去的梦。

18、There was no way the tree could last, between the encroaching fungus and its chain belt strangling its trunk. ─── 在病菌侵犯和铁链把树干勒死的双重情形之下,这棵树已经没有办法继续活下去。

19、The conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization. ─── 也就是存在于个人与渐渐闯入的文明这两者的冲突之中。

20、Actually, such " encroach copyright issue desk " had happened again and again in our country. ─── 其实,这样的“侵犯著作权纠纷案”在我国已经频频发生。

21、They are behaved more wait to encroach other other of cranky, suspicion, passive or actively, cause huge trouble to bring damage even to other. ─── 他们多表现为偏执、怀疑他人、被动或主动地侵犯他人等,给他人造成极大的麻烦甚至带来祸害。

22、Did the elder sister that don't no matter be company manager or manager,you feel encroach your legal work rights and interests? ─── 你不觉得无论是公司老总还是老总的姐姐都侵犯了你的合法劳动权益吗?

23、He stole my patent, encroaching on my property rights, so I am going to sue him. ─── 他剽取了我的专利知识,侵犯了我的产权,我要起诉他!

24、On the eve of war in Bosnia, two boys go looking for treasure. Oblivious to the encroaching danger, what they discover change their lives forever. ─── 小男孩的纯真友谊因为无意中发现一把枪而面临决裂。大人们的战争,下一代是否注定延续下去?

25、Stopping encroaching is the traditional resuce method in civil tort. ─── 停止侵害是传统民事侵权的救济方式。

26、Some big shareholders maybe encroach on some Small-Middle shareholders’ behalf by making use of the prerogative they have. ─── 在很多时候大股东往往是企业的董事长或总经理,因而出现个人集权、专断现象非常普遍。

27、The army must never encroach upon the people's interests. ─── 军队绝不能损害人民的利益。

28、But its expansion has pushed cattle ranches further into the jungle, and started itself to encroach on the forest. ─── 但是它的扩张使养牛的农场向丛林中推进,而且其本身也开始侵蚀这片森林。

29、The camera's spotlight, when used in its burst mode, can temporarily blind encroaching individuals within a one-mile radius. ─── 当启动触发模式时,摄像机的聚光灯能使入侵者暂时看不到一英里内的物体。

30、Be like: Favus of the scalp, ringworm of the body, tinea, brothers tinea, tinea versicolor; It is to encroach subcutaneous tissue and splanchnic fungus, the disease that causes calls deep fungus disease. ─── 如:头癣、体癣、股癣、手足癣、花斑癣等;一是侵犯皮下组织及内脏的真菌,所引起的疾病称为深部真菌病。

31、And rather than allow the writing to be washed away by the ocean, the letters actually form waterways that absorb the encroaching tide. ─── 为了不让字迹被海水冲掉,字体本身就形成了一条条水道,可以吸收渗入的海水。

32、It is absolutely impermissible to encroach upon the sovereignty of a country. ─── 侵犯别国主权是绝不容许的。

33、His work and his workplace, in spite of encroaching population, are still there. ─── 他的工作和他工作的地方虽然人烟稀少,但是仍然存在。

34、Chinese and foreign scientists are concerned that the dam would encroach on the only rare-fish reserve on the Yangtze, China's longest river. ─── 中外科学家们担心大坝会侵占长江上唯一一个珍稀鱼类保护区。长江是中国最长的河流。

35、For example, Lotus Development becomes one vendor encroaching upon the network operating system territory by adding file and print services to its Notes and eSuite products. ─── 例如,莲花发展公司在其notes和esuite产品中增加了文件和打印服务,而成为一家打入网络操作系统领地的公司。

36、This is still so much neater and tidy and organised (well, to console U) and it is right outside his unit. so in a way, he is encroaching the common area right out his unit. ─── 在新加坡,有相当大一部分人居住在政府修建的组屋里面。组屋居住密度比较大,电梯数量较少,因而有相当一部分组屋的住户共用走廊。

37、Tending to intrude or encroach, as upon privacy. ─── 侵犯的就要侵入或侵犯,如隐私的

38、Ensure that no spectators were permitted to encroach onto the pitch area. ─── 保证不能有一个观众翻过护栏进到球场内。

39、With this wealth they were trying to encroach on the country fiefs of oldtime Mafia leaders whom they contemptuously labeled Moustache Petes. ─── 他们凭着手中的这笔钱,拼命想侵入老黑帮领袖的乡间封地。 他们把老黑帮领袖轻蔑地贬之为老朽。

40、When he turned to stare, it was only a clump of broken stone once more, half-shrouded in moss and encroaching earth. ─── 当他转身凝视的时候,他所看到的,只不过是一堆碎石,柱子的一半,裹着苔藓和泥土。

41、He can, in this case, both restore the capital and pay the interest without alienating or encroaching upon any other source or revenue. ─── 假如他使用它作为库存保留即期消费,他的行为的一个组成部分浪子,和消散在维护闲置,啥是注定的支持,勤劳。

42、Were it not for the high compressive strength of modern structural materials, the area of the columns would encroach on the usable floor area to the point where this might become nil. ─── 如果不是因为现代化结构材料具有很高的抗压强度,柱子的横截面积就会大到占去全部可用地板的面积。

43、It will not encroach on important structures. ─── 它不侵害重要组织。

44、Citizens and legal persons who through their fault encroach upon state or collective property or the property or person of other people shall bear civil liability. ─── 公民、法人由于过错侵害国家的、集体的财产,侵害他人财产、人身的,应当承担民事责任。

45、To encroach, infringe, or trespass. ─── 侵占,侵犯,冒犯

46、Any units and individual do not get lawbreaking provision, use international couplet net to encroach the communication freedom of the user and communication secret. ─── 任何单位和个人不得违反法律规定,利用国际联网侵犯用户的通信自由和通信秘密。

47、If unit of choose and employ persons did not press formulary pay cost, encroach social insurance rights and interests of the worker, the worker has authority to inform against, or submit to to be handled about the branch. ─── 假如用人单位未按规定缴费,侵犯职工的社会保险权益,职工有权举报,或提请有关部门处理。

48、Because in case of a long time, the virus will intrude into human body tissue, go along the nerves to encroach the nervous centralis and kill the person. ─── 因为时间一长病毒就进入人体组织,沿着神经侵犯中枢神经,置人于死地。

49、Criminal victims that criminal offence encroach on directly, to start factor one of criminal proceeding, direct target that too criminal proceeding protects. ─── 刑事被害人是受犯罪行为直接侵害的人,是刑事诉讼的启动因素之一,也是刑事诉讼保护的直接对象。

50、But so far, no deal has been reached to get the two men to fight, and age is encroaching on both. ─── 但是迄今为止,还没有任何两人对战的协议达成,而且年龄也是横亘于两人中间的障碍。

51、Simon Barritt, 28, from Chatham, Kent, who was also charged with encroaching onto the pitch at the match, received an identical ban and £300 fine in court today. ─── 同时在今天,来自查塔姆-肯特市的28岁男子西蒙-佩里托也因擅闯球场同样被判罚300磅罚款。

52、Through the bedroom window he could see the last streaks of grey being inked out of the sky by the encroaching night. ─── 透过卧室的窗户,他看到缕缕灰白色的余辉正被夜色侵吞。

53、Because blizzard think net of encroach on China swims the operation of the market, 9 cities darling and can contented its unjustifiable requirement? ─── 因为暴雪想染指中国网游市场的运营,九城只能乖乖满足其无理的要求?

54、She wanted to run, fleeing from the encroaching prairie, demanding the security of a great city. ─── 她想逃离这个咄咄逼人的大草原,到大城市找个栖身之地。

55、He said global warming and shifting weather patterns could worsen the problems of encroaching deserts, drought, and food security in places that are already dry, including parts of Africa. ─── 他说,全球变暖和气候变化可能进一步加重包括非洲部份地区在内的一些乾旱地区面临的日渐扩张的沙漠化、旱灾以及粮食安全等问题。

56、keep the grassland fertile and prevent woody plants from encroaching on the savanna. ─── 使草原肥沃起来,而且还能防止木本植物侵入草原。

57、They looked about, and now the thing was sinking, and Minnie heard the low sip of the encroaching water. ─── 嘉莉正站在这东西的顶端。她们四下张望,现在这东西开始往下沉,敏妮可以听到水漫上来的低低的声音。

58、Can encroach the skin, mucous membrane to reach any organizations. ─── 可侵犯皮肤、粘膜及任何组织。

59、At the same time they attempt to encroach on the iron resources of Taihang mountains in Henan province. ─── 为了增加煤炭产量,福公司投入巨额资金不断建立新矿井。

60、Residents clamoring into the hills along the Volga will thence increasingly find themselves on an island, as the lowlands of Siberia flood, encroaching inland until these hills themselves go under. ─── 人们大声叫嚷着进入到伏尔加河沿岸的山里,却发现他们处在一个面积日益缩小的岛上,洪水把西伯利亚的低地淹没后,正在向内陆侵蚀,直到这些小山也在水面下为止。

61、It usually shows limit pathological changes in right ventricle, but it can exacerbate and encroach on the left ventricle. ─── 亦可弥漫性进展,侵犯左室,最终导致左心功能不全。

62、All cases except of cachexia,encroaching big vessels and distant metastasis were randomly divided into standard chemotherapy group and improved chemotherapy group. ─── 因腹部肿块就诊43例,肉眼血尿就诊14例;肿瘤越过中线39例;排除化疗前即存在恶病质、肿瘤侵犯大血管及远处转移病例。

63、The encroach process includes conglutination, spore germination, penetration, growth and host death. ─── 它对寄主侵染过程包括粘附、子萌发、透虫体、内发育和致死。

64、Mountains to the north, northwest and west shield the city and northern China’s agricultural heartland from the encroaching desert steppes. ─── 北面、西北面和西面的群山将城市和华北农业中心地带环绕,阻止了沙漠草原对这些地方的侵蚀。

65、On and on, with shadows encroaching on the grass, Andy Roddick kept pace with Roger Federer on Centre Court as Federer attempted to close in on a record 15th Grand Slam singles title. ─── 不断向前,当阴影在草场上蔓延,罗迪克在中心球场紧跟费德勒的脚步,而费德勒努力接近创纪录的第15个大满贯单打头衔。

66、That, Turner theorizes, might have finally given humans the edge, allowing them to encroach further into land thick with hyenas. ─── Turner推理道,那也许会最终给人类以一种优势,使他们能进一步地占据鬣狗密集活动的土地。

67、One TV pro-gram is not permitted to encroach on time allotted to another. ─── 一档电视节目不得侵占另一档节目的时间。

68、NASA is in regular touch with the Space Surveillance Network, to keep the space station a safe distance from any encroaching objects, and shuttles, too, when they're flying. ─── NASA定期与太空监视网联系,使空间站与任何慢慢靠近的物体保持距离;航天飞机起飞时也得如此。

69、Any organization or individual shall have the right to dissuade or stop any act encroaching upon the lawful rights and interests of minors, or report to or complain before a department concerned thereagainst. ─── 对侵犯未成人合法权益的行为,任何组织和个人都有权予以劝阻、止或者向有关部门提出检举或者控告。

70、Encroaching property by using the electronic error is misdemeanor, convicted by offence of absorbing property helps the balance between the criminal, responsibility and the punishment. ─── 利用电子错误侵占财产的行为应属轻罪,以侵占罪定性有利于罪责刑的平衡。

71、But so far, computational place had not received any announcements that encroach MIPS intellectual property about Long Xin from MIPS company. ─── 但到今朝为止,计较所没有从MIPS公司收到过任何对于龙芯加害MIPS常识产权的通知。

72、Any action that oversteps the authority entitled by the Constitution and laws will give rise to the abusiveness of the right to prosecute and will encroach upon the rights of the accused. ─── 任何对宪法和法律的僭越,都会导致追诉权的滥用,都会对被追诉人的权利造成侵害。

73、Their purpose was twofold: Abbas hoped to gain allies for his struggles against the encroaching Ottoman Turks and also to build up Iran's silk trade. ─── 为了展示和提升自己的权力,他用极度奢华的时尚气质来扩建和妆点伊斯法罕。

74、When in the depths of the galaxy's backwater, Thrawn re-established contact with the Chiss, who in the interim had been besieged by all manner of encroaching threats. ─── 在深入银河系穷乡僻壤的同时,他与奇斯人重建建立了联系,当时奇斯人正被各种入侵威胁所包围。

75、They keep releasing exhaust gases and wastewater,encroaching on the habitats of other living things. ─── 他们不断地排放废气、废水,夺取其他生物的生存空间。

76、With such a stranglehold on the market, China is doing whatever it can to keep other nations from encroaching. ─── 凭借对市场的这种束缚,中国正在尽其所能阻止其它国家染指。

77、As human populations grow, the pressure to encroach on these fertile grasslands increases. ─── 人口增长增加了对肥沃草地的需求。

78、No units or individuals may encroach on land or illegally transfer it through buying, selling or other means. ─── 任何单位和个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。

79、Human development is encroaching on the habitat of many endangered species. ─── 人类的发展侵佔了许多濒临绝种族群的栖息地。

80、Therefore, the Shanghai populace move the physical distribution company to sue the baidu, sues the baidu to encroach upon its trademark rights and the unfair competition. ─── 于是,上海大众搬场物流公司起诉百度,状告百度侵犯其商标权和不正当竞争。

81、A good salesman will not encroach on his customer's time. ─── 好的推销员不会侵占顾客的时间。

82、His fellow countrymen will rush to copy his business model, poach his staff and encroach upon the ground he has broken. ─── 他本国的同行将会复制其商业模式,挖走其员工并蚕食其开拓的市场。

83、But he is also encroaching on states that have recently gone dependably Republican, including Nevada, Virginia and Colorado. ─── 奥巴马还正在积极拉拢其他州份,包括内华达州,弗吉尼亚州和科罗拉多州。最近,这些州正全力支持共和党。

84、It is to encroach additionally choroid, enter eye socket through blood-vessel, or by blood, lymphatic move arrives systemic organ. ─── 另外是侵犯脉络膜,经过血管进入眼窝,或者经由血液、淋巴转移到全身的器官。

85、Citizens and legal persons who through their fault encroach upon state or collective property, or the property or person of other people shall bear civil liability. ─── 公民、法人由于过错侵害国家的、集体的财产,侵害他人财产、人身的应当承担民事责任。

86、She has no right to encroach on my time. ─── 她没有权利占用我的时间。

87、On this surface the encroaching Muskeg Sea developed a carbonate bank fringed by coastal sabkhas in which gypsiferous deposits were formed. ─── 在这个地表上,侵入的马斯恺格海发育了一个碳酸盐滩,其边缘有海岸萨勃哈石膏质沉积形成。

88、Beijing is a 65-square-mile expanse of flatland surrounded by a desert that is fast encroaching because of massive deforestation. ─── 北京是一大片占地65平方哩的平地,周遭被沙漠包围,并因大量滥伐正快速侵蚀。

89、In the center of model prominence still can encroach putamen bursa and horsetail nerve, cause lumbago or be obstacle of saddle area feeling. ─── 中央型的突出物还可以侵犯硬膜囊及马尾神经,引起腰痛或是鞍区感觉障碍。

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